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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12189969 No.12189969 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12189986

> homemade white castle sliders

>> No.12190242

Don't watch that guy anon. Don't encourage him with views.

>> No.12190483

>California guy isn't making vegan garbage, hipster trash or saying dumb shit like fug drumpf
>makes wholesome American food and improves on American food
>make cooking great again
Of course somebody is going to ask why this guy is making fresh meals and not why other people are stuffing their face with McDonald's.

>> No.12190605

He did, but the actual attempts at variety and home cooking videos did badly in views, so he just stuck with cali stoner food.
Decent stoner food though.

>> No.12190668

His cooking channel shows ways for people without hundreds of dollars worth of equipment to cook.

>> No.12190789


>> No.12190861

i actually like him. he pays way to much attention to hate comments tho.

>> No.12191756

I made a single comment on one of his videos suggesting to people to watch Food Wishes for more technical knowledge and this douche replied to me angrily two separate times in one day. Very self absorbed guy

>> No.12191783

Anyone got the link of the vid where he's acting like an absolute mess in his kitchen cooking for this family that looks like they're there at gunpoint?

>> No.12192003

>post on someone's vid trying to get views to watch someone else's vid
I'd flat out delete your comment

>> No.12192030

>make cooking video
>take 30 minutes to say 5 minutes worth of shit
>1 million views

How do fucking faggots have the time and patience for this shit? Shut the fuck up and get to the point you fucking mongoloid. 99% of Youtubers are such fucking human garbage.

>> No.12192033


>> No.12192294

This guy just exudes the SoCal white douche middle-aged guy trying to be cool with my kids youth pastor vibe. "Oh look I swear I'm so edgy" yea works great with teens who's parents don't swear and who can't cook at all. that's why they can sit through his long-ass videos "oh wow an older person swearing he he none of my middle class authority figures do that in front of me wow" and his shitty obsession with the comments only further proves his typical boomer attitudes towards online interactions fuck that guy

>> No.12192555
File: 82 KB, 379x387, 1494490351143.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking away a single view from a youtuber.

>> No.12192651

Pretty sure his foul mouth is due to him being a vancouver kike

>> No.12192716

I just watched this vid, guy and his kid seem cool as fuck, would eat white castle sliders with.

>> No.12193063

Don't hate on this guy, look at his oldest videos. He's been grinding for many years and is getting some good recognition now, he earned it.

>> No.12193197
File: 52 KB, 746x626, BasedGodSpeaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a pretty cool guy.
t. san diegan who knows where he lives

>> No.12193203
File: 64 KB, 825x614, BasedGodSpeaks2Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong picture

>> No.12193315

he looks jewish

>> No.12193335

I sweat like a sailor and can cook. I wonder if there's a correlation.

>> No.12194360
File: 10 KB, 255x208, 1553464725031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>means one view
anon, sarcasm really only works if you're not an idiot.

>> No.12194485

he admitted he was a jew and lost 300 subs. I was one of them.

>> No.12194508

How Insecure are you

>> No.12194518

>Saw this swag boy wannabe made sardine toast
>entire video telling his son to back up

I don't want to be like him when I grow up

>> No.12194604

He makes a little error here and there (mayo instead of mustard on a slider, three pickle slices) but nobody is perfect. His enthusiasm for cooking makes all the difference.

>> No.12194622

Yeah you really nailed how I think he comes across too. Also wears such memey, stupid t shirts, some of which he shills himself. I think his big one right now is a shirt that says "Make America Cook Again". Give me a fucking break

>> No.12194630


Literally nothing wrong with that, as long as he doesn't try to push being kosher on you after a single "no thanks"

>> No.12194631

It's such an uncomfortable video to watch

>> No.12194643

he seems like the type of guy that doesn't let colored folk in his home.

>> No.12196749

he lets his wife fuck mexicans


>$3000 hotplate

>> No.12196846

You mean competitive. And very. If I wanted to be one of the best on the market I need to portray that exact image.

>> No.12196852

Who actually thinks any of this? He's just a guy cooking good looking good, why the fuck do you need to psychoanalyze him.

>> No.12196859

>being poor

>> No.12196861

Barbara Streisand effect, bro. This isn't 1980 anymore, being unable to take criticism (merited and bullshit) makes you look weak and spreads like wild-fire outside of spheres of influence you can control.

>> No.12196884

he did but people just go to Food Wishes for that so now he does meme calishit fusion dishes

>as long as he doesn't try to push being kosher on you
every third video of his has shrimp in it

>> No.12196886

>Food Wishes
The videos are so good but the fucking narration is so distracting.

>> No.12197189

This 100% why the fuck he getting so much hate? Even the vid where "looks like his family held hostage" is fine. I legit dont understand this