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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 728x424, shutterstock-1100763989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12176457 No.12176457 [Reply] [Original]

>according to a broad poll, Filipino cuisine was acknowledged to be the best in Asia

All other cuisines are just bland and sour compared with the Filipino's.

>> No.12176536
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>> No.12176542

Filipino spaghetti is made with banana ketchup instead of tomatoes. It is dyed red. This spaghetti sauce is served atop of overcooked spaghetti, and topped with cheddar cheese.

>> No.12176552 [DELETED] 

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12176581
File: 57 KB, 780x520, Pinoy pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, you squeaky-voiced call centre drone.
Is it possible that you're a five-foot tall manlet whose mother dances for dollars in a G.I. bar?

Fun fact: as late as the 1970's, the Philippines were so poor that soap was often included as part of people's wages.

>> No.12176616

That's the Czech flag

>> No.12176635

shut up fatso even a syphilis-laden whore in Angeles stays away from you

>> No.12176661

It's the literally the single most disgusting "cuisine" in existence

>> No.12176674
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>> No.12176702


>keep finding evidence that proto-human species interbred
>precursor species unique to Phillipines recently found
>4 ft tall, lived in caves, ate mud and shit

They're literally not even human and they haven't changed in hundreds of thousands of years.

>> No.12176709
File: 45 KB, 450x338, balut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History of the Philippines:
>400,000BC- 1520AD: nothing of note or importance. Pinoys squat in filth in their grass huts, eating pork and plantains.
>1521-1565, the entire country surrenders to Spanish rule. Pork and plantains are supplemented by rice.
>1565-1897: servants of the Spanish, sugar cane is introduced but the local plantain goblins aren't allowed to have any. Sweet potato is introduced and the locals discover it can be used for more than pig food.
>1898 Philippines declares independence. Nobody notices or cares and the US buys the whole country for $20 Million. Filipinos meekly accept this and go about licking their new master's boots. Main foods now rice, pork, plantain, sweet potato and spam.
>1942, the Japanese invade and the Filipinos promptly switch to licking Japanese boots instead of American ones. Main foods now starvation and rape, supplemented with whimpering and cowering.
>1945, America liberates the Philippines because their boots are dirty and could do with a good Pinoy tongue-bath. Filipinos everywhere rejoice because the US military actually pays Pinays for sex instead of just raping them at will. Main food goes back to pre-invasion status.
>1945-1995: boot licking continues, internet is invented. Large portions of the Philippines are ceded to Muslim terrorists in the hope of pacifying radical Islam, making the Philippines the first country in the world to lick Chad's boots AND Muhammad's sandals at the same time. Jollibee is invented and grass huts are upgraded to tin shacks. Balut becomes popular as it helps locals forget how boots taste.
>1995-2005: Philippines slowly gets internet access and starts bringing money into the country by exporting their women to be prostitutes, maids and wives for the men of much more developed countries.
>2005-2019: OP is born, develops rudimentary language skills, is unfortunately given internet access, and starts shitposting and shilling Jollibee on /ck/.
Is that about right?

>> No.12176722
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>tfw my Filipino GF sends me snaps saying "JOLLI AFTERNOOOON, ANON!!" and then shows me her tits

>> No.12176730

>Filipino GF
They can't cook worth a damn but they fuck well and are cheaper than an onahole.

>> No.12176758

In all seriousness, leaving aside memeshit like Jollibee, what's your favourite Filipino food, OP?

>> No.12176793
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>> No.12176807

I'm Australian, you stupid flip.
Your kind has been enslaved to the US so long you literally cannot conceive of white people other than Americans. Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.12176810

I'm Dutch you stupid inmate

>> No.12176813

post the poll

im born n raised central los angeles and i still havent stepped foot into one of the restaruants in filipinotown

honest to god i am intimidated by you asian/mexican hybrid looking ass niggas

>> No.12176814
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>> No.12176842
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Gawdang It Course' you Australian sun dried penal colony fear the God Blessed American Race , gawdang sunnufabitch

>> No.12176845

>Dutch shilling for Filipinos
Doesn't get stupider than that.

INB4 moved to /int/

>> No.12176877
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not him and not filipino, but
my country's history does not define my character and personality, which is all that matters to be saved.

also i love Filipino food, it tastes good and is healthy compared to american cattle swine feed.

>> No.12176882

Shut the fuck up samefagging Pinoy scum

>> No.12176904

Did a flip steal your job as a housemaid in the UAE?

>> No.12177046

>still more liveable than Manila.jpg

>> No.12177070
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>> No.12177083

>Fun fact: as late as the 1970's, the Philippines were so poor that soap was often included as part of people's wages.
Funny coming from someone who's country was literally a piece of shit dirt in the ocean for us to throw our unwanted people on.

>> No.12177100

Lmao, someone got totally assblasted! Clean your panties and jump right back in, ok?

>> No.12177110

>piece of shit dirt in the ocean for us to throw our unwanted people on
Nigga have you not seen how much trouble we're having keeping people out of Australia?
Here's a phrase that has never been uttered in the history of the world:
>As a refugee, I hope that I get resettled in the Philippines

>> No.12177164

>heres some shit I made up

how about some facts?
post ww1: white russians
1930's: european (mostly german) jews
late 1930's spanish
Also chinese.. all gratefully going there

I'm not implying the philippines is anything of a superpower or on the economic level of western civilisation but you should just go back to /pol/ you upside down brainlet

>> No.12177181

Philipines is a shithole country where the cops can shoot you dead in broad daylight if they feel like it. Then they’ll just say you had just smoked a little weed before they shot you and they’ll get a medal for it. Even worse than that, they created Jollibee. The USA should have saved a third nuke for the Philipines on the way back.

>> No.12177199
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>> No.12177209

As opposed to America where the police would never do that right? Lol

>> No.12177228

At least in America it only happens to blacks.

>> No.12177259
File: 149 KB, 944x539, filipino jerky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12177294

eww dilawan

>> No.12177295

Learn English.
Nah I just hate savage jungle scum

>> No.12177333

>Oh, look, I posted an unsourced scribbled didgeridoo!
Thx /pol/!

>> No.12177362

Of course it's unsourced, it's an attempt at edgy humour. We call it a 'meme'. Stick around, you're bound to see more in your second week on 4chan!

>> No.12178037

>and that's a good thing

>> No.12178147


>> No.12178169
File: 2.60 MB, 640x360, 1547617152639.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this really what happens in Filipino restaurants?

>> No.12178175

Made it to about 1:15. For some reason filipinos are the only race on earth that sound worse when autotuned.

>> No.12178185

Filipinos don't have real restaurants in the US. They have take-out places. You can dine in, but you'd be sitting on plastic chairs and eating with plastic utensils and styrofoam plates.

The food looks and tastes like diarrhea.

>> No.12178191

>The food contains diarrhea
Fixed that for you. And because they spent 400 years under Spanish Catholic rule they don't like condoms, so if you're into anal, you can get dysentery, hepatitis, herpes and syphilis all at once!

>> No.12178361

Only if you use enough skin whitener

>> No.12178383

I know some fairly light-skinned Filipinas who've never used skin whiteners as far as I know.

>> No.12178388

t. flippant asian

You guys need therapy. Ranting about the philippines is a redflag for being asian, probably chinese that upset someone is in their "territorial water".

>> No.12178445

Wrong, I’m the Aussie that’s been creating fresh dank memes all thread
>fat white bald and old
>still beats being a squeaky voiced four foot ten brown skinned nigger of asia

>> No.12178482

Still need more. FIlipinos will never be white enough for each other.

>> No.12178487


Funny you mention that, my European country has one of the biggest Filipino communities in the entire world yet I've never heard of such a thing as a Filipino restaurant. I guess nobody wants to eat overcooked pasta with banana ketchup, balut, chicken entrails and God knows what else they are famous for. We do have a recently opened Jollybee, though I've never seen a white person in it.

>> No.12178489
File: 47 KB, 404x238, Moot Australia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12178554
File: 2.98 MB, 3120x4160, 20181004_194958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from Jellibee Chiken (best in the world)
the only thing i liked in the Philippines is pic related

And it's just a grilled squid with veggies at the end of the day

>> No.12178561

I like kwek kwek and shanghai lumpia

>> No.12178564

>some fairly light-skinned Filipinas
those are mestizas or castizas
They could also be half han chines, there's alot of chinese expats in Luzon

>> No.12178568
File: 195 KB, 1080x1350, 1513290945065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least in America it only happens to blacks
you're less likely to be shot by popo in the philippines than the US as a caucasion so your argument is flawed

>> No.12178572
File: 137 KB, 352x512, 1553911613518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my European country has one of the biggest Filipino communities in the entire world
>We do have a recently opened Jollybee
you just outed yourself as a pastanigger
the Jollibee is the one in central Milan

>> No.12178597
File: 23 KB, 359x480, Stogie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that like in the UK, because they cannot afford enough guns for the entire firearms team?

>> No.12178605

overcooked by your standard I've always preferred soft noodles

>> No.12178622


Plz don't send the Filipino master race death squads at me

I'll put some banana ketchup and toilet water in my ragu

>> No.12178629

>what is composition fallacy

>> No.12178658

fun fact: whites are all ugly trannies

>> No.12178661

in your inbred dreams

>> No.12178843
File: 58 KB, 960x960, I stare at you while you sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't have a flip cuisine thread without the master of flip cuisine himself, JOLLIBEE®.

>> No.12178854

I love Jollibee®

>> No.12178880

atleast they use soap, unlike you mutts with shitty assholes

>> No.12178900
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While that is getting less common in Manila considering poverty is dropping fast, pic related is California, and it's getting worse

>> No.12178909
File: 7 KB, 200x196, 1429815194594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there one poster on /ck/ who has Filipinos live rent-free in his mind?
Literally every thread mentioning Filipino here has one mutt bickering about how shit the food it is, how bad Filipinos are, and how Philippines is a shithole. It's a massive amount of obsessive butthurt

>> No.12178915
File: 3.94 MB, 4160x3120, 20181003_190221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While that is getting less common in Manila considering poverty is dropping fast, pic related is California, and it's getting worse

Cali is gonna resemble more and more the Philippines as it becomes browner and browner

When the white/asian/hapa pop will reach 5 or so % then they will be indistinguishable

>> No.12178930
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Because Filipinos don't settle in these countries. They work abroad and live there on visas. Thus they cannot open their own businesses. And those that do settle there are usually monkey mail order brides with no entrepreneurial intelligence whatsoever.
Compare this to chinks diaspora 100 years ago and jungle gooks fleeing from their monkey war. Thai and Japanese food on the other hand is popular because the former became the premiere tourist destination in the East and the latter had huge cultural influence in the 80's-90's.
Korea is following suit of Japan. You could literally not find a Korean restaurant in most Western countries until recently

Only countries that seem to have plenty of Filipino restaurants are the US and Canada, and they honestly seem to have good ratings from whites. I have yet to meet anyone who openly dislikes a majority of the dishes.

>> No.12178935
File: 57 KB, 500x750, 1447454970920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Philippines is heading to become like Thailand in 10 years while Cali will resemble Manila 20 years ago. You are too young to remember how bad things really were in the 90's, zoomer.

>> No.12178941

definitely the best in Asia, but severely underrated. Has some meals that has an interesting blend between Spanish and Chinese cuisines

>> No.12178943

>definitely not* the best in Asia

>> No.12178959
File: 3.71 MB, 4160x3120, 20181008_112023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Philippines is heading to become like Thailand in 10 years
you're delusional chipmunk person
90% of Manila is basically still inhabitable
Pilipinoys don't have the IQ unlike Thais
Everything is run by the 5% castizo and chinese elite
>how bad things really were in the 90's, zoomer.
I'm older than you faggot

>> No.12178965
File: 2.18 MB, 350x273, 1541341562201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok 15-year old zoomer

>> No.12178976

>I'll put some banana ketchup and toilet water in my ragu


>> No.12178992
File: 57 KB, 600x600, 1512210673669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is actually retarded enough to think there's an IQ difference between Southeast Asians
>he is literally too retarded to comprehend the concept of sampling and margin of error in statistics
>he unironically uses made up percentages to seem smart


>> No.12179006
File: 34 KB, 720x715, 1505472662603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Romanians sub 90 IQ

>> No.12179024
File: 13 KB, 598x89, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1)Thais and Philipinos have completely different genetic ancestry little monkeyman
2)your own data by semi-rigorous statistical standards is pretty useless, just look at the sample
3)I did study statistics and demography at college level
4)it's a quick estimation, what is your personal estimation about the castizo-chinese upper middle class in the PH, let's hear it

i don't even know what your on about, are u another angry pinoy or..?

>> No.12179056
File: 21 KB, 300x426, 3242354325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2)your own data by semi-rigorous statistical standards is pretty useless, just look at the sample
no shit, but there's tremendous Malay influence in Thailand, and huge Chinese influence in Philippines. Not seeing where you are going here
>2)your own data by semi-rigorous statistical standards is pretty useless, just look at the sample
>"muh stats doesn't matter if I don't agree with them!!! :'( "
It literally says that there's a more recent survey with a sample rate almost 12 times bigger than the one that people have used to bully Filipinos for ages. It should weigh more on the actual figure than the one done in the 70's where there was arguably much more stunting among children.
Also look at Thai surveys. It basically give you an idea of the situation of intelligence in Southeast Asia. If you still really think there is any huge IQ differences between Southeast Asians, you are literally dumber than a malnourished Somali.

>3)I did study statistics and demography at college level
Irrelevant remark

>4)it's a quick estimation, what is your personal estimation about the castizo-chinese upper middle class in the PH, let's hear it
There are no significant "castizo-chinese" upper middle class. You're probably thinking of the billionaires, and of course they are übermensch, just like most billionaires in Thailand are Chinese too(with Thai names) and billionaires in Russia are Jews. Doesn't necessarily mean the common population is completely retarded.
Btw, the richest man in Philippines right now is Manuel Villar, who's a brown man who grew up in Tondo

>> No.12179065

If you haven't figured out yet, the sample that states an average of 86 with sample size of 203 is literally the one that has been used in the "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" 2002 by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen, and this book has been used by almost every single website ranking countries by IQ. They just didn't have any other big samples to use at that time so they used that.

>> No.12179090

he got scowled by a 500 peso Angeles City go-go girl

>> No.12179121

Can we get away from trying to work out exactly how retarded the average Filipino is and get back to discussing that their food is basically a crime against humanity?

>> No.12179122

you sound very mad
>no shit, but there's tremendous Malay influence in Thailand, and huge Chinese influence in Philippines. Not seeing where you are going here
did you mean to quote my number 1) about genetic ancestry?
How "huge" is the chinese genetic contribution to Pinoy dna? Not to mention this is one of my points.. castizos, chinks, and hapas being considerably more IQ than natives

>It literally says that there's a more recent survey with a sample rate almost 12 times bigger than the one that people have used to bully Filipinos for ages. It should weigh more on the actual figure than the one done in the 70's where there was arguably much more stunting among children.
Also look at Thai surveys. It basically give you an idea of the situation of intelligence in Southeast Asia. If you still really think there is any huge IQ differences between Southeast Asians, you are literally dumber than a malnourished Somali.
It's just one study so by your own token, biased and inconclusive, versus 10s of Thai studies

>> No.12179128

Yes I figured it out
>If you still really think there is any huge IQ differences between Southeast Asians, you are literally dumber than a malnourished Somali.
Why wouldn't there be, if the genetic composition is entirely different and the only factor in common is the peoples inhabiting an arbitrary geographical region called by us "South East Asia"
>Irrelevant remark
you started off your angry sperg by citing "sampling and margin of error" afterwards dropping that line of arguing when it went nowhere
>There are no significant "castizo-chinese" upper middle class.
>You're probably thinking of the billionaires, and of course they are übermensch
So you contradict yourself immediately ok
>just like most billionaires in Thailand are Chinese too(with Thai names) and billionaires in Russia are Jews.
Because of higher IQ among other factors (foreign capitals, nepotism)
And you have to factor in the tech and financial sectors completely run by chinese too
>Doesn't necessarily mean the common population is completely retarded.
84IQ is not "completely retarded" but yes the
The average philipino cannot use arithmetics or use a conditional/conjunctive in their speech dude

Are you a second gen pinoy expat in Canada?
Why don't you visit the old country
>Btw, the richest man in Philippines right now is Manuel Villar, who's a brown man who grew up in Tondo
One person and just a real estate magnate

>> No.12179180

im half flip and half ausfag. I was raised on western food in australia (born here) and can honestly say that philipino "food" is by the worst shit i have ever swallowed
>at my friends birthday party (he was in the filthy-pines)
>all his annoying friends and relatives trying to get me to eat their nasty food
>constantly barraging me with "are you hungry anon?" and why "why dont you eat?"
>oh no thanks im not hungry
>"why not"?
>umm cause i ate before i came here
>the music is to loud for any more than just the person i am speaking with to be able to hear me
>over the course of about half an hour i have to individually explain to almost every single person there (every one of them brought food of some sort) that Im not hungry and its because i ate dinner a while ago
>an hour passes im helping myself to the emu bitter
>flipfag comes up to me
>hey anon you hungry yet?
>fucken leave me alone.png
>at first i pretend not to hear him
>then I realize that as long as i refrain from eating some of this shit they arent gonna leave me alone
>my lift wont be here for ages so im stuck trying to put it off for at least another hour
>come up with a plan to grab some of the "food" stand around semi-nibbling on it for show and then sneak off and dump it in the toilet when no one is looking

>> No.12179186

>about 3 dozen flip fags have already been grabbing literally hand fulls (with their bare hands) of the shit
>i grab a meager amount and chuck it on my paper plate
>all goes according to plan until i get to the toilet
>no one saw me and im inside the bathroom with my plate
>i tip it all in and press flush
>nothing happens
>the fucking flush button doesnt work
>after all the refusals to eat throughout the night if anyone sees this in here they will be sure i put it here and its gonna be embarrassing as fuck (and probably make them feel bad which i didnt really want)
>decide to change up the plan
>i scoop up the shi-i mean food and chuck it back on my plate
>plan is to hide in there until the coast is clear and chuck it into the bin just outside the toilet and drop toilet paper on top of it to hide it
>it takes fucking ages (one cunt was waiting right outside to use the fucking toilet)
>but eventually i wonder out to dump it in there
>but the dude that was waiting to use it had previously wondered off and ended up shitting outside in the vacant block next door
>tells me he almost shat himself blah blah
>i cant hardly here a word hes saying cause of the annoyingly loud karaoke
>he puts his hand on my shoulder and sort of pushes me outside
>grabs my plate of toilet water infused food and sets it on the bench near the back door
>keeps yelling into my ear some shit like oi cunt i almost shat myself trying to find a place to shit where people couldn't see me
>understandably hes rather pissed about it
>apologize to him tell him "its faggots birthday lets not ruin the night with fighting"
cont again sorry anon

>> No.12179192
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>he grins and says chill dude i wasnt gonna fight ya but wtf took you so long in there?
>tell him i took a shit and was to embarresed to just leave my shit floating (since the flush button didnt work) and i was grabbing handfuls of water from the tap and throwing into the toilet to slow wash my poo down (i acutally tried that with the food but as well but it didnt work)
>i think he understood just enough of what i said to get the message
>he cheerfully pats me on the back and says come back inside and another drink
>turns around and walks back inside "ayyy anon you got the last springroll
>on the way past he grabs it off of my plate and chomps it down
>he seems totally oblivious to where its been
tl;dr filipino food is so bad that an actual flip fag couldn't tell the difference between regular flip food and food that had been floating in a toilet

>> No.12179211

>did you mean to quote my number 1) about genetic ancestry?
>How "huge" is the chinese genetic contribution to Pinoy dna? Not to mention this is one of my points.. castizos, chinks, and hapas being considerably more IQ than natives
A substantial amount is assumed. There's no figure but it's assumed to be between 1/4th to 1/3rds.

>It's just one study so by your own token, biased and inconclusive, versus 10s of Thai studies
False, it's 24 studies. Also I have a few other studies available
Those above range from 85.9(Full scale where Verbal pulls down the mean) to 98.

Then there are a few of Filipinos in the US which range from 87 to 96, where the largest sampling rate had a result of 93(Q.I des asiatiques du sud-est en Hollande et aux Etats-Unis)

It also shows that so-called "überintelligent" Vietnamese aren't really that more intelligent than other Southeast Asians under the right conditions.

>> No.12179228

>Why wouldn't there be, if the genetic composition is entirely different and the only factor in common is the peoples inhabiting an arbitrary geographical region called by us "South East Asia"
Because the difference isn't that significant. There's a bigger difference between East Asians and Southeast Asians, than Thais and Filipinos, because some theories assume Kra-Dais and Austronesians were once the same tribe before splitting.

>you started off your angry sperg by citing "sampling and margin of error" afterwards dropping that line of arguing when it went nowhere
Because you literally said that Thais are more intelligent, presumably because you referred to their score of 91(from a single sample) that was featured in the first iteration of IQ and the Wealth of Nations while Philippines was stuck with their 86 figure. As shown in that document

>So you contradict yourself immediately ok
>upper middle class.
Billionaires are not upper middle class. Why would it be called upper "middle" class then? Billionaires are the top class. Upper middle class are those with high income but not always necessarily top managers in their job.

>Because of higher IQ among other factors (foreign capitals, nepotism)
>And you have to factor in the tech and financial sectors completely run by chinese too
Then the situtation in Philippines is no different from Thailand except the former have a bunch of draconian restrictive laws that contributed to poverty by making the agriculture sector unproductive and industry sector uncompetitive meaning a lack of FDI which Thailand got heaps of in the 90s

>> No.12179232

Ho lee fuk. Imagine having such strong opinions on flips that you have a folder full of saved links that you think everyone is going to read. Are you that mentally ill anti-vegan poster?

>> No.12179233

>84IQ is not "completely retarded" but yes the
That's not the average either.
>The average philipino cannot use arithmetics or use a conditional/conjunctive in their speech dude
if you say the same about Thais and most Vietnamese then you're right

>Are you a second gen pinoy expat in Canada?
>Why don't you visit the old country
I'm actually wh*te but fond of the Filipinos and can't understand why anyone would speak shit about them.

>One person and just a real estate magnate
not an argument. Still the richest and expanding his business

>> No.12179253
File: 112 KB, 759x1092, 4235234523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cannot handle social situations well
>doesn't like loud noises
>unsympathetic for others
>unacceptable behavior
Prime example of hapa autism

>> No.12179260
File: 27 KB, 488x463, qc7s7078kdj21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won le argument. Doubt I even managed to change your opinion that all Southeast Asians are either retarded or slav-tier intelligent but atleast I don't have flips living rent free in my mind

>> No.12179273

I'm a flip though. I'm not the person you were trying to "refute". I just can't believe there are people who think about flips THIS much. Were your parents kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf or some shit? No? You just had some dinuguan and you couldn't handle it?

You're no different than the freak you're arguing with.

>> No.12179278

vietnamese>all other asian cuisines

>> No.12179279


>> No.12179287
File: 82 KB, 800x800, 3534534634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, Nguyen, Viet belong in the gutter trash that is Southeast Asian cuisine. The best asian cuisine is objectively Chinese(not talking about Chinese American)

>> No.12179295

if you dont mindme asking anon (fellow part flip here) have you seen a certain webm of flips that floats around /k/ and elsewhere? Its of (supposedly) a bunch of flips in the back of a truck with guns and they roll up to what looks like some buildings with sandbags near them, start blasting away at someone/something and then in turn get shot up pretty badly? I keep asking the faggots over at /k/ but it seems they not enough of a fuck to ever reply with more than just "flips chimping out" etc etc. So i'm asking if you know where it took place, what they where doing and who they were?

>> No.12179299

I have no idea what you mean, but I don't go to /k/ because I'm not a psychotic future mosque shooter.

>> No.12179305

it's NPA commies, aka malnourished half-chimps who had their so-called "surprise attack" thwarted

I am the wh*te guy who called you assburger btw.

>> No.12179315

Hmm thanks anon.
>that wasnt me though

>> No.12179320

oh allright. Good :)

>> No.12179350

>white guy censoring the word white
the faggits in that video may have been retarded but at least they arent complete cucks (or alive for that matter)

>> No.12179353

it's a meme, fag

>> No.12179382

What do flips think of brentan tarrant?

>> No.12179406

around where i live filipinos and chinese kids all flock to boba shops

chubby ass niggas

>> No.12179450

they are taller than him

>> No.12179455


>> No.12179479
File: 2.13 MB, 406x720, Brenton Tarrant arrested.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12179512

No way, how tall is the guy?

>> No.12179513
File: 71 KB, 603x336, 2041277_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, imperialism

Take a southeast asian backing then throw in some Chinese early(soy sauce, fish sauce, stir-frying), India(all those spices), rewrite a lot with heavy Spanish(tomato sauce and olive oil) influence for about 300 years, and then mix again with American influences.

Some of IMO best influenced dishes:
Lumpia, Pancit
Bibingka, Kurmah
afritada, morcon, embutidos
pretty much anything involving canned food(spam) - America

Filipino cuisine is like a walk through history with a pretty great outcome.

>> No.12179564

hes literally a manlet. but hes /our/ manlet

>> No.12179585

Absolutely patrician

>> No.12179601
File: 19 KB, 480x250, brenton-tarrant-1603_247276_20190316085036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even joking
He is like 5'4. Average flip is 5'5

>> No.12180125

Short runts always have an inferiority complex chip on their shoulder.

>> No.12180437
File: 363 KB, 930x1200, zf46acv6nrl21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um sweetie

>> No.12180458

>that huge discrepancy between Chinese and Taiwanese and HK
>Australian food actually considered better than flip

That survey is complete BS

>> No.12180483

>no one notices this prime autism because of the even more autistic argument happening ITT

>> No.12181141
File: 689 KB, 1000x767, 1492453593864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only educated reply in this whole thread

>> No.12181351

At least it exists, unlike OP's poll

>> No.12181371

no really, why the fuck is Australian that high. What the fuck do they even eat? Vegemite and fairy bread? And why are Chinese the second best while Taiwanese and HK is ranked mid? Why tf are Peruvian ranked dead last?
Why does Malaysian score that low?
This poll reeks of BS and there's no way sampling 25.000 for 34 cuisines world wide could yield any meaningful results. This poll rather represents popularity, not "who likes what"

>> No.12181380

Because tastelets

>> No.12181560

>This poll rather represents popularity, not "who likes what"
I know you’re a butt hurt pinoy who barely understands English, but you may just want to re-read that and see if it still makes sense.

>> No.12181758

Adobo and lumpia

>> No.12182886

ITT: Full retard and autism

>> No.12182929

>tastelet prefers overcooked pasta

>> No.12183134

palabok, lechon kawali, and turon comes to mind.

>> No.12183137

I always though of The Philippines as about as much a part of Asia as Hawaii is a part of Asia.

>> No.12183198

Well that's dumb

>> No.12183290

wrong, indian is the best food nowadays. forgot chinese high oil oil food. not good for gigistive system, hard too take shit.

>> No.12183298

at least they don't have shit in it, not like indian "food"

>> No.12183305

you spell spice wrong, you oil oink pig chinese.

>> No.12183306

Dodged a bullet. She has a penor

>> No.12183313

indian BTFO!!!

>> No.12183327

still no refute that high oil in your food is no good. look into mirror and recite that 10 times.

>> No.12183343

>still no refute that high oil in your food is no good
because shit in food is good, right?
i don't pay attention to small time

>> No.12183349

thanks for all the (You) given to me as a small time

>> No.12183356

you're welcome shit eater

>> No.12183456
File: 103 KB, 1080x1794, 4BB92B1F-CC32-42D8-B29B-2426E6DAA3EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google ”Pepsi Rice”

>> No.12183519

if you can't understand his context, you are literally retarded

>> No.12183522
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>> No.12183528

>life expectancy Taiwan: 79.26
>life expectancy HK: 82.07
>life expectancy Macau: 80.30
>life expectancy China: 75.43

>life expectancy India: 67.47

>> No.12183535

>shit literally nobody eats

>> No.12183548

come back for more (You) huh retard. high oil food is no good, you oily chinese.

>> No.12183656

>pinoys wish they were this wh*te
lol you guys are literally the mexicans of asia


>> No.12183996

how come Chinese live longer than my so-called first world country, faggot?
>implying not all Asians want to look as caucasian as possible
why do you think asians bleach their skin and have jaw surgery to have a more Caucasian skull shape?

>> No.12184651

t. seething Pajeet pretend-to-be

>> No.12185147 [DELETED] 


>> No.12185152


>> No.12185187 [DELETED] 


>> No.12185215

>76 years
>high life expectancy
lemme guess, your "first world country" is a latin american or eastern european shithole?

>> No.12185276


>> No.12185536

/pol/, the cooking thread.

>> No.12185951
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>> No.12185956
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>> No.12185966
File: 67 KB, 640x480, Calamares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12185973
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>> No.12185981
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>> No.12186157
File: 71 KB, 727x473, Lumpiang-Sariwa-with-Fresh-Lumpia-Wrapper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's also exotic stuff you've never heard of

>> No.12186172
File: 62 KB, 800x526, satti_de_zamboanga_1874-reg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, meant to restructure that:
there's more to the Pinoy cuisine than just adobo, lumpiang shanghai and lechon

>> No.12186188

to be fair, age expectancy for third world countries rather reflects the quality and affordability of the healthcare available than the diet.

>> No.12186223

All of these are just other cultures’ dishes reimagined by a retarded pinoy midget though.

>> No.12186228
File: 63 KB, 680x540, dinuguan2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Dinuguan and Lechon Kawali. I'm guessing that probably isn't entry level food for squeamish types trying Filipino cuisine for the first time - stick to adobo and lumpia

>> No.12186313

I've tried a few mom and pop Filipino restaurants in Korea Town in Las Vegas, and they were disgusting in my opinion. I don't know anything about Filipino food, so I'm not willing to write it off altogether. But it was just nasty at the few places I tried. You'd think we'd have way more Filipino places here since there are so many Flips in Vegas, but maybe their food sucks so much that no one, even Flips, will eat it.

>> No.12186629

It is because Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world and that is a FACT

>> No.12187001


>> No.12187120

First time I come to this board and this is the first thread I see

Is this just /int/ or /bant/ with food? LMeo

>> No.12187333

cope third world shitholer

>> No.12187772

very funny lad

>> No.12187858


>> No.12187872

Have sex, virgin.

>> No.12187920
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1514372183783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all other Asian dishes except Filipino are not just derivations of Chinese or Indian dishes

>> No.12187923

what did you even eat? How was it prepared?
Otherwise, larp

>> No.12187953
File: 88 KB, 630x420, EROMmZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: flips try to defend their pood. Im not even kidding all the flips i have met at work cant pronounce the letter F so everytime they say food they say poo'd lmao
>its break time
>flip goes to grab his lunch
>"anon, i will go eat my poo'd now"
>later after lunch
>driving back to work from the shop
>he starts getting angry at another driver
>"wat da puck are doing mane"?
>get back to work supervisor ask why we are late
>"blah blah i went to eat my poo'd and when i drobe back some asshole keep cutting me opp in da trappick"
>(supervisor is also a flipfag) "well how par did you dribe? you said you will only go to dee shop"
>"i went to my nepoos (nephews) capay (cafe) for my poo'd, here i brought you some pried rice"

>> No.12187968

t. flip

seriously only peenoise like you are insecure about how we pronounce things. foreigners don't mind accents

>> No.12187981

i aint no goddamn niggerpino. i didn't say "minded" their accents anyway i just thought it kind of funny.
>what does however bother people is you faggots talking in your gibberish banana monkey language when you should be speaking english
>they wont say it to your face but it gets fucking annoying hence why we have an "english only" policy at work

>> No.12187996

>be in the navy
>we have a filipeno mafia
>have an english only policy on the ship they ignore
>hay hay, dont start speaking that baka-baka-baka in here ok?
>never see your laundry again

>> No.12187998
File: 76 KB, 720x480, 15-Perfect-Toys-For-Children-With-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being so autistic you actually obsess over other people's accent as if it's the worst thing ever

>> No.12188004

all i did was laugh it lol niggapines cope harder

>> No.12188007

>>what does however bother people is you faggots talking in your gibberish banana monkey language when you should be speaking english
this doesn't apply to only flips. Fuck the chinks at my IT job always discuss with each other in Mandarin which can be challenging as overhearing convos related to work always helps

>> No.12188013
File: 1.49 MB, 2100x1400, 32432423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finding accents funny is extremely autistic, and actually falls under symptoms actually. Sorry to say, pal. Maybe you are a neurotypical hired by Filipinos

>> No.12188014

>tfw manlet white chads end up raising the fire while tall white betas dont lift a finger because they are too worried about what stacy would think
Hitler was 5'8" the allies were actually trying to figure out how he was so alpha

>> No.12188015

manlet cope
manlet rage is no different from muslim rage which leads to savage amateurish massacres of irrelevant people

>> No.12188023

>u laughed at my accent u must hav autism
lmao cope. also my boss isnt a filthapino thats why we have an english only policy

>> No.12188032
File: 1.05 MB, 800x474, 534543543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok autist. Seems like you have a unprovoked rent-free issue with Filipinos btw. A very autistic characteristic. Like CWC and pickles

>> No.12188038

lmao seething hand gobbler.

>> No.12188041
File: 106 KB, 684x651, 1465585762607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coping butthurt
Enjoy autism for the rest of your life until you eventually kys

>> No.12188047


You must be over 18 to post here

>> No.12188064
File: 89 KB, 492x237, 5324324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12188073

stfu faggot

>> No.12188092

>a dead chicken still in its egg

>> No.12188093

>that non white cope
also, all the people bitching about flips are pathetic. flips are usually total bros

>> No.12188100

>irrevelant people
terrorism gets results. is it ok to show muhammed in the media? why? because normalfags are afraid. they fear muslims all the time.

>> No.12188110

I am white and 6'1. I am so happy I am not a literally 5'4 white
>terrorism gets results
Maybe 2 days after the incident but after that, people return to their regular lives

>> No.12188545

banana niggers eat with their hands like dirty savages!

>> No.12189005
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>> No.12189672
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Everyone in Southeast Asia traditionally eats rice meals with their hands maybe except for the chink larpers. Stop talking piss about Filipinos as if they ever stole your bike or beat up your sister. Fucking whiny autist

>> No.12189697

>according to a broad poll
Why would you only want to poll women?

>> No.12189731
File: 41 KB, 1033x679, 6F5EFF53-1BE1-48A9-AD1E-4AD18DAC515B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has there ever been a more devastating instance of somebody getting utterly BTFO in the history of man?

Im super impressed and you should be getting paid for this somehow.

>> No.12189747
File: 60 KB, 660x748, 64534353454353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually congratulating someone who wasted 15min of their lives writing that

>> No.12189757
File: 1.14 MB, 2208x2714, 070199F4-FF9A-4486-B206-E433C6341951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


assblasted flip detected

>> No.12189768
File: 31 KB, 230x345, 6543534543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white actually. While you might be 30 but never matured past 12

>> No.12189783
File: 28 KB, 800x450, 64216448-C2D8-4C5C-A661-3DE3852E8557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>but im white
>im mature but participate in the same interactive scrimshaw webinar

Looks like my man really struck a nerve, huh?

>> No.12189802
File: 16 KB, 249x249, 9e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come back when you are 18, zoomer

>> No.12189822
File: 2.56 MB, 336x335, 6D505C5D-1290-4636-B7A2-F1BCA81C3A90.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No u

>its another “destitute colored person LARPs as whitey” episode.

how predictable

>> No.12189841
File: 113 KB, 1980x1036, 1555442135335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hilarious coming from an American manbabby

>> No.12189844

That was great anon

>> No.12189854


Does growing up in a third world country automatically make people stupid, or is it just your inferior genes?

>> No.12189869
File: 40 KB, 680x429, 128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know you should know, Mutt
butthurt samefag

>> No.12189893


Fine, ill bite. Youre really committed to this and if youre not a flip i must know why. Why do you care?

That wasnt me btw

>> No.12189911
File: 180 KB, 1400x1400, 643654645767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao really hit a nerve there of an ameriblob

>> No.12190054

How did you find one with all the layers of blubber?

>> No.12190059

It isn't the accent per se. It's that the accent produces mispronunciations that mean inappropriate things in English. For example: "My wipe likes piss" = "my wife likes fish". :Foot the shit on dee bed" = "put the sheet on the bed". See? Kinds funny, right?

>> No.12190081

"Are you penis?" = "Are you finished?"

I've heard conversations about the health benefits of daily "piss oil" (fish oil).

Come on, you don't have to be an autist to see the humor.

>> No.12190138

flips can say sh though so not fully correct. It's a common sound in their language

>> No.12190165

pic related is one street in California where homeless people gather because they're pushed out of the surrounding areas

>> No.12190191

Depends on where they're from in PI. There are many different flip accents. "Shit of pepper" = "sheet of paper".

BTW, white American here, and I like Filipino food. Most of their restaurant food is gross, but homemade is really good. Just like most American restaurant food isn't as good as homemade.

>> No.12190251

aussies in this thread are abbos and eat people thats what they consider cuisines
the flips are obviously little whores and eat semen
that being said white cuisine is the best

>> No.12190370
File: 89 KB, 624x468, jailbee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is terribly white.

>> No.12190392

i've never had any flip food, but a friend of mine lived in manila for 1 year and told me everything tasted overly sweet and shitty and americanized.

>> No.12190634

now i know where flip shitposter from /asean/ went

>> No.12190637

>pushed out of the surrounding areas
isn't california supposed to be progressive and woke lol

>> No.12191853

15 minutes for me and a lifetime of rectal pain for you, you ugly brown midget.

>> No.12192420
File: 2.88 MB, 1536x1152, 1513017870323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I am white, which means I am pure white and not 56% white, and I cringe evert time when I look at that post and reflect over that someone actually thought this was funny and worth their time talking piss about island people

>> No.12192431


>> No.12192465


Where I live Filipinos are mostly doing cheap labour. A lot are cleaners/janitors/maids, fast food workers, etc. A bunch of squabbling morons. Mostly they are very unpleasant to be around. They like to gossip, most are ugly, selfish, only concerned with money and their own well being. Incredibly materialistic. They are also often rude and racist. I have met some nice ones but they tend to be "Westernized" as in second or third generation. But the one's who immigrate are the worst. I don't know why they are such shitty people. I have never met immigrants like them. For the most part all the immigrants here I get along with very well. Japanese, Chinese, Iranians, Turks, French, Polish, other Eastern Europeans, Mexicans...overwhelmingly nice people and I can call many of them my friends. But Filipino immigrants? None. Just the worst people truly. The other day I saw this middle aged Filipino manlet wearing aviator glasses, dirty jeans, a worn out jacket and his t-shirt underneath had a picture and world "DUERTE." Made me giggle. Bunch of uneducated useless retards. Truly the niggers of Asia.

>> No.12192476
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nice pasta, samefag

>> No.12192495


Um, no it's not pasta and I have not posted in this thread before. Stop being butthurt because not everyone wants to bow down to faggot Pinoy Pride. God damn I hate nationalists. Every retard who talks about "pinoy pride" has been some ugly, skinny, poor faggot. I think those sorts of Filipinos just have an inferiority complex. The only normal ones are those who are Westernized. Go make some pasta carbonara with Kraft singles and dog meat dick head.

>> No.12192497


>> No.12192503
File: 463 KB, 300x188, 1452793784905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing faggot. Like I am going to believe that a race that is universally liked all over the world and by most 4channers is somehow going to have over a dozen post shitting on them in a single thread.
Have sex

>> No.12192504

imagine actually believing this

>> No.12192510
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, 1542775224971.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>universally liked all over the world
Not by any first world Asian nation

>> No.12192512


>Universally liked all over the world

Uh no, not even close. Most in Europe and North America don't like you. Basically everyone in the Middle East hates you guys too yet you still go to Saudi Arabia and the UAE to work, but they are fucking crazy over there and rape and murder Filipino cleaners and maids. I'm not even joking, Gulf Arabs are mentally deranged (I am half Arab trust me stay away from there and if you value your countrymen tell them to stay the fuck away from those psychopaths). No one on 4chan likes you either.

I had sex with my most recent ex girlfriend and it was great. Stop getting so defensive because someone does not like you. You're just validating what I say about Filipinos being a bunch of ignorant, blindly patriotic, insecure manlets.

>> No.12192529
File: 18 KB, 660x371, _88577039_88577038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butthurt samefag
>Most in Europe and North America don't like you
>No one on 4chan likes you either.
>I am half arab
Now it makes sense.
If you consider Europe and North America arabic, then sure. Arabs like literally nobody, not even themselves. But nobody likes Ar*bs either so this sounds like cope
I am actually white>>12192420

>> No.12192536
File: 71 KB, 1036x221, Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 3.51.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, yes very samefag!

>I am actually white

That makes it even worse because now you're just a complete spineless cuck defending pinoy niggers who hate you. Mind if I fuck your girlfriend with my half sandnigger cock?

>> No.12192546 [DELETED] 

how typical of a sandnigger. You can only think about fucking like a filthy stray dog, which is basically what you are. All sandniggers I've met only talked about fucking. That was the only topic their barely-functional brains could process.

>> No.12192550
File: 165 KB, 964x783, 38AB955C-8728-40A2-AF7D-22D04657BD64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pure fucking gold

>> No.12192552
File: 474 KB, 1246x1558, 3c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All East Asian nations like basically nobody in their region, m8

>> No.12192554


>Tells someone to "Have sex"
>Reeeee so typical of sandniggers to only talk about only fucking you're such a savage!

If this is not proof that Anglos are retards then I don't know what is lol

>> No.12192557

stop replying to yourself

>> No.12192558
File: 18 KB, 400x365, 353242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

struck a nerve there, worthless sandnigger. Had there been no oil, you would be struggling to even clean your ass

>> No.12192560

KEK, love the autism was between nips and gooks

>> No.12192562


>How typical of a sandnigger

Well I am only half sandnigger so I only hate myself 50%

>You can only think about fucking like a filthy stray dog

Excuse me honey but you told me to "have sex" I am not the one who started sexualizing this conversation. It's not my fault Arabs have come to the UK to breed all your women and show what Anglo "men" are like lmao.

>Like a filthy stray dog

I love dogs, I especially love stray dogs. They are so nice to pet and I wish I could give them all a home. The Filipinos you're defending eat them instead.

>All sandniggers I've met only talked about fucking

I would not count going on /int/ as a good sample size you NEET assblasted cuck lel

>> No.12192564


>you would be struggling to even clean your ass

Haha maybe but there is oil there and I'm rich, you're poor, your women belong to us and your national is getting KEBABED

>> No.12192566


anon this is getting embarassing just stop. Nobody likes Filipinos here get over it.

>> No.12192583 [DELETED] 

butthurt dumb sandnigger. Only causes rape and destruction
must cope by claiming the world hates flips, despite the fact that the entire world actually hates them

>> No.12192590
File: 747 KB, 990x592, Cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hahahahaha holy shit he's going all out. Ok just admit it, you're Filipino aren't you? Are you taller than 5'5?

>> No.12192595


>Overseas Filipino Worker stabbed, strangled to death by fellow Pinoy in Riyadh


You guys hate each other so much you even kill each other in another country lol

>> No.12192604
File: 262 KB, 1260x646, 5PHviJu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am white and 6'1, unlike you inbred sandniggers who has to compensate your height by fucking 3/10 girls
>one anectdotal case of a peenoy kill other peenoy vs. sandniggers having killed millions of each other over the centuries over retarded islamic wars

>> No.12192605


Haha sure thing buddy, please go prep the Filipino bull

>> No.12192609
File: 86 KB, 600x600, 1496419398017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intellectual capitulation, because sandniggers are actually less intelligent than even Filipinos lmao

>> No.12192629


My IQ was tested as a teenager and is 115 so I'm not too worried about it. But I attribute that to my half superior Austrian genetics. My dad just loves Arabic women although I look more white. I hate gulf Arabs myself bunch of camel fuckers. Stop being so mad, Filipino cum lover.

>> No.12192639 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 720x912, 1552686505645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My dad just loves Arabic women
Your dad is a confirmed niggerlover

>> No.12192649
File: 157 KB, 1500x1000, favorite daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao literally falls within the NPC threshold
>But I attribute that to my half superior Austrian genetics
>Austrian genetics
>My dad

>> No.12192653
File: 46 KB, 353x588, Mahlagha Jaberi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In his defense Middle Eastern women can be beautiful. Pic related.

I mean if you had a choice to go out with some high pitched, self absorbed pinoy cleaner who only wants you money vs pic related, who would you choose?

>> No.12192664


110-120 is classified as being "above average" so I'm not concerned. Before I went into medical school I did a graduate degree in experimental psych and psychometrics so this sort of stuff is pretty familiar to me. IQ has some shortcomings and is often misused. Having high IQ does not automatically translate to being successful academically or financially. There are many other factors that come into play especially personality factors.

>> No.12192677
File: 85 KB, 1080x1350, nsw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a top sandnigger model
kek, trying very hard. Most sandnigger women have ugly kike noses and are fat as fuck. They age about as bad as Southeast Asians and slavs
you need to have IQ above 130 to actually be relevant, which is the Mensa threshold

>> No.12192690


>Post 13 year old girl

Call down, pedo.

>You need to have IQ above 130 to actually be relevant, which is the Mensa threshold

Ok, shitposting stops here. Let's actually have a fun little discussion. Mensa is full of circle jerkers. Using Mensa as some sort of intelligence standard is probably the dumbest thing you could do. Having an above average IQ (i.e. 110-120) + being highly conscientious and creative will get you further in life than having a 130 IQ but being a lazy fuck who larps on 4chan all day. You would be surprised by how many high IQ (130+) people are actually pretty useless.

>> No.12192696
File: 125 KB, 256x256, 1439938949913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call down, pedo.
I'm not from a race who has a bloodline full of underage marriages

>Ok, shitposting stops here. Let's actually have a fun little discussion. Mensa is full of circle jerkers. Using Mensa as some sort of intelligence standard is probably the dumbest thing you could do. Having an above average IQ (i.e. 110-120) + being highly conscientious and creative will get you further in life than having a 130 IQ but being a lazy fuck who larps on 4chan all day. You would be surprised by how many high IQ (130+) people are actually pretty useless.
brainlet rage KEK. You will never enjoy the benefit of having over 130 IQ and earning money as if it grew on trees, sandnigger

>> No.12192701


Yes, continue to larp as a white man on 4chan you Filipino jollibee worker lmao. Enjoy minimum wage. But hey if you ever break your back wageslaving and need your spine fixed, there will be a spot in the operating room for me to tend to you in about 2 years.

>> No.12192707


Filipino food is shit. It's all meat and rice. I was friends with a Filipino guy for 5 years I never once saw him eat vegetables. Flips are also a bunch of ugly dumb gooks. Their women are good for sucking white cock and cleaning my house that's about it

>> No.12192710



>> No.12192713

He’s not me, you fuckwit.

>> No.12192740

Lmao pinoy baboons cant use forks and spoons to eat they must use their hands like monkeys
>jokes aside that shit is so fucking gross
>they don't even wash their hands before they eat
>plus they have long ass nails

>> No.12192746


>Work in food industry
>Filipino cooks don't wash their hands

True story.

>> No.12192754

yuck no wonder they r called the FILTHY-APE-PENIS

>> No.12192756


They eat dogs ffs.

>> No.12192757

To be fair I used to work as a sous-chef and one of my underlings was pinoy, he was a good guy.
But then again he was Australian born and raised so he wasn’t full of cringey nervous energy like a chihuahua dog, and had a normal speaking voice, not a Mickey Mouse squeak.

>> No.12192768


>Australian born and raised

Based. I can say the same thing. I'm Canadian. Canadian born and raised Filipinos are pretty bro tier. It's just their squeaky squabbling manlet cousins who make me cringe.

>> No.12192953

Toasting in epic bread

>> No.12193011

lmao, are you still trying to recover filipino nigga?

>> No.12193869

Lugaw topped with fried garlic, calamansi, fish sauce and chilioil is pretty comfy

>> No.12193971
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>> No.12194593

>he’s still samefagging about how much he hates flips
Delicious butthurt. Rent free 24/7


>> No.12194725
File: 270 KB, 1636x1193, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k faggot

>> No.12194740 [DELETED] 

Toasting in epic bread

>> No.12194759


you must be so assblasted to continue this dialogue. the three posts you quoted are, in fact, from three different people.

>> No.12194774
File: 49 KB, 380x268, 084040D5-D8C8-4C9B-A66F-FD847C3D1592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. We eat about as much vegetables as Western Euros and above average of Southeast Asia. Only Laos and Vietnam(Sinosphere) eat significantly more

Also false. Almost everyone eat with spoon and fork. Usually hands are only eaten during boodle fights, and unless you are very poor, you usually wash hands beforehand
Eating with hands is not an unusual practice in the Hindusphere, although it has significantly fallen out of use.
Nowadays it’s mostly elders or the very poor who still eat with hands

>> No.12194983

I know this is bait or some severe autistic negative obsession but I'll bait
>>400,000BC- 1520AD: nothing of note or importance. Pinoys squat in filth in their grass huts, eating pork and plantains.
There were numerous notable kingdoms of pre-colonial Philippines, most specifically the Kingdom of Tondo that was founded somewhere in 600-700AD. It was a very well-structured state with military, education system, science, and local currency. It also had notable ties with the Ming dynasty, Khmer Empire, Champa, Ayutthaya, Ryuku Islands and even some of the Japanese dynasties at the time. Not to forget Kingdom of Butuan, Madja-as and Sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao
Rice, soy sauce, shrimp paste, and vinegar had been in common use in Philippines long before the Spaniards even arrived.
>>1521-1565, the entire country surrenders to Spanish rule. Pork and plantains are supplemented by rice.
>>1565-1897: servants of the Spanish, sugar cane is introduced but the local plantain goblins aren't allowed to have any. Sweet potato is introduced and the locals discover it can be used for more than pig food.
I wouldn't consider dozens of revolts every half century as being servants of Spain. And both Sultanate of Sulu and Magunidanao was unconquered up until the last decade of Spanish colonialism, a time where basically all Southeast Asian countries were under colonialism either way. Also sugar canes were literally initially cultivated by Austronesians so you're wrong here.

>> No.12195007

>1898 Philippines declares independence. Nobody notices or cares and the US buys the whole country for $20 Million. Filipinos meekly accept this and go about licking their new master's boots. Main foods now rice, pork, plantain, sweet potato and spam.
This is all wrong. There were numerous simultaneous revolts going on which made the Spainards consider Philippines a lost cause and sold it off to the US.
Although the generals were aware that it was impossible to defeat the tactically superior US, they did have plans of a "Vietnam-effect" where they retreated to the mountains of Cordilleras to prolong the war until the number of US causalities reached home and public outrage would happen, questioning the reasoning for colonizing Philippines. Sadly this never realized because the main general was backstabbed.

>1942, the Japanese invade and the Filipinos promptly switch to licking Japanese boots instead of American ones. Main foods now starvation and rape, supplemented with whimpering and cowering.
This is completely wrong. The only bootlickers where treacherous turncoat politicians who. This is like saying that Norway, Poland, France etc. licked German boots. Almost everyone saw the Japanese as an enemy, and Filipino insurgents, together with special US forces, conducted sabotage missions on Japanese camps regularly

>1945, America liberates the Philippines because their boots are dirty and could do with a good Pinoy tongue-bath. Filipinos everywhere rejoice because the US military actually pays Pinays for sex instead of just raping them at will. Main food goes back to pre-invasion status.
You could say the same about almost every single European country at the time. The US(together with UK and Canada) liberated basically every Western nation and were lauded by everyone, making them the preferred ally post WWII.

>> No.12195077
File: 27 KB, 220x324, 220px-The_Fighting_Filipinos_-_NARA_-_534127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1945-1995: boot licking continues, internet is invented. Large portions of the Philippines are ceded to Muslim terrorists in the hope of pacifying radical Islam, making the Philippines the first country in the world to lick Chad's boots AND Muhammad's sandals at the same time. Jollibee is invented and grass huts are upgraded to tin shacks. Balut becomes popular as it helps locals forget how boots taste.
Balut has actually been in Asia for millenniums. It is originally a Chinese dish, and is found in China and Vietnam too.
Claiming that creating ARMM is licking boots is actually pretty ignorant, considering the background for its creation and the situation at the time. It's like saying Russia licks muslim sandals for giving Chechnya autonomy. It's pretty much a good solution to not cede a territory that is significantly cultural different from you and avoid conflict
>1995-2005: Philippines slowly gets internet access and starts bringing money into the country by exporting their women to be prostitutes, maids and wives for the men of much more developed countries.
a significant part of the "OFWs" are actually IT workers, engineers, Doctors and sailors. These are the ones who bring the most earnings back from overseas. Also Philippines are far from the only ones sending their population abroad. Plenty of Indonesians and Vietnamese also work abroad due to the bigger earnings.
I would however say this is a wrong economic approach is very insufficient and the best approach would be to attract foreign investments to create enough sufficiently paid jobs domestically. But Philippines has had overly restrictive rules on foreign ownership which hasn't been significantly eased until recently, so the amount of foreign investments has lagged behind neighbors for ages. This has fortunately changed, in combination with shrinking oversea deployment so the "pinay maid" meme might be history in a few years.

>> No.12195176


Not even samefag you fuckin squabbling pinoy faggot

>> No.12195228
File: 622 KB, 2048x1592, semon demons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plenty of countries that has been severally screwed over, however plenty of them had prehistory that hadn't been lost, eg Greeks getting hammered by Romans, Turks and Germans for almost a millenium, Chinese being conquered by steppe-riders once every 200th year, Poland being in trouble all the time.
Maybe the most similar one in Asia would be Vietnam. They were under Chinese rule for a millennium, and a few more times after getting short independence around the first millennium. The Chinese colonialism was so severe that today over 2/3rds of Vietnamese vocabulary is actually Chinese and they have almost no pre-colonial culture. Then they enjoyed 400 years of autonomy before being colonized by French for almost another century and taking lots of influence from them.
Then after the embarrassing stint at Dien Bien Phu comes the US which completely destroyed their country but had no plans of actually winning the war but rather keeping NVA out of of South Vietnam, which is was indeed a pretty worthless war. Eventually the US had to pull out due to increasing opposition by the hippie movement which gave NVA free pass into Southern Territory.
Ironically enough, lot's of Vietnamese are almost as pro-American as Filipinos, because they deem that the US protected them from China even during the war.
And before one mentions that they defeated the mongols, first of all the first invasion was a blunder due to the unusual climate and poor logistics, the second was mostly quelled by Champa, and the third was a naval attempt at invading, which we all know Mongols sucked at.

Do I despise them? No, I generally appreciate all cultures of Asia and find none inferior. I despise those who make fun of other cultures for no reason

>> No.12195439

Why are you wasting your time? Gees just fucking ignore these posts. It’s most likely just 2 mutts who must shitpost to cope with the fact that a melting pot has more interesting culture and cuisine than theirs
If they offend you that much, just report it as racism outside /b
Flips are bros and I’ve learned to just ignore posts shitting on other nations which are clearly not just friendly banters because it’s most likely the poster is
Ergo a huge failure in life and I can laugh it off

>> No.12195445
File: 18 KB, 361x333, bruce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it was bait. Took me ten minutes to write and has triggered hours of butthurt and gallons of salty tears, so it was a pretty wise investment in cutting edge comedy IMHO.

>> No.12195508

>niggers of asia
>universally liked
nice bait

>> No.12195539

According to a broad poll, OP is a faggot.

>> No.12195560
File: 247 KB, 1600x1200, 1545137628616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an American, I'd try the chicken burger.

>> No.12195591

Fuck no

>no sisig or lechon kawali

>> No.12195602

Kek, you're autistic as fuck, but that ending is fantastic.

>> No.12195622

Burger here. I stopped eating Indian food for the most part after it made me puke multiple times.
Wash your damn hands, Pajeet. It's not hard; even beans figured out how to lava los manos, or whatever.

>> No.12195662

My hapa flip friend is pretty attractive. It helps his dad was a giant so he's pretty tall.
He still spills his spaghetti with the best of us, though.

>> No.12195707

Just fucking savage man. Is this rape?

>> No.12195772
File: 259 KB, 1077x1572, d2bf2ea3a22925f32f7680d842cb1669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is "Sinigang", a fishhead soup, one of the national dishes and the favorite soup of pinoy makakos. Even if it looks gross with the head in there you would think it may taste good, sort of like a fish stock with added spices and vegetables but nope, they even fucked up the taste of soup completely by literally cooking it in lemon juice. It's so sour it makes your lips curl inwards.

>> No.12195777

Sinigang uses tamarind you dumb GI

>> No.12195790

It's the closest I could get to raping a pinay without physically going to the philippines.
Not that white men can rape Pinays, rape only happens without consent.

>> No.12195883

Filipino here. Having eaten Filipino food a lot, it's really mediocre. They always want their meat cooked to fuck. Still, there are 3 dishs that I always go for if given the chance (and if they're even cooked right):

-caldereta, a solid meat stew

-dinuguan, pork and tripe in a pig blood sauce.

-And finally my favourite, bopis. It's this delicious spicy food made from beef/pork heart and lungs. The texture is smooth and chewy, with a nice tang of heat. I hear its a pain to prep though.

>> No.12195918

Can I just say that I'm the Aussie shitposter that has probably generated the most heat in this thread, and that I appreciate your post?
>Pinoy best food most powerful race jollibee will will come to dominate the world
Get fucked.
>We have some decent dishes you should really try if you get the chance
All right, sounds good.

I spent a few years living in PNG on an island with a copper mine and I always appreciated filipino satay and that dance with the bamboo being smacked together.

>> No.12195953

I remember having to learn that dance. Anyways, I'm kind of biased in my selection of Filipino cuisine since I'm actually allergic to seafood and nuts. And considering Phillipines is an island nation, and neither my parents had these allergies, idk how I got the shit end of the stick.

Hope you find something you like.

>> No.12195985

Fucking hell haven't had a good laugh like that in a second.

>> No.12196907 [DELETED] 

Cringe desu senpai

>> No.12196921

Allrigth then, if you are a good boy and continue with making leaves your primary target I have nothing further to say

>> No.12196938
File: 116 KB, 800x600, 90891A52-2B5A-4802-80AB-B673FA53517A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...considering there are some people on here who actually and unironically hate Flips(along with Indians, chinks and other SEAsians) genuinely as if the memes actually causes violence, robbery and drugs to enter their neighborhood

It uses tamarind and the most commonly used meat is actually prawns or pork

>> No.12197029
File: 19 KB, 480x360, ck and filipino food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poll shows Filipino food is most popular in Asia
>Other food sucks compared to mine. :3
>"fucking Filipino people:.jpeg racists show up enmasse.
>No real arguments against the food just rage that the Philippines exists

After reading the "Korea vs Japanese" school schedule greentext this is just cringe. Also,
>2019, Pinoy food polled as most popular among Asian cuisine.
>Anon is beyond pissed, for some reason.

>> No.12197061


>that dance with the bamboo being smacked together


>> No.12197131
File: 149 KB, 960x960, 53283575_113943129755823_1802775272244641792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

base'd and REDPILLED

>> No.12197161

>posting the hispanized abomination and not the real thing


>> No.12197170


It was just friendly banter

>> No.12197181

Why do based Flips send you faggots into a blistering seethe every time? This happens in every board.

>> No.12197195


>> No.12197226

/SEA/ was a mistake.

>> No.12197542

Post link to the poll, you diminutive brown rice nigger.

>> No.12197618

Very, very nice

>> No.12198125

ur life was a mistake

>> No.12198728

>2019, Pinoy food polled as most popular among Asian cuisine

only true if polled in phillipines

>> No.12199308
File: 90 KB, 500x501, 317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sample populace polled resides entirely in the philippines


>> No.12200554
