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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12187392 No.12187392 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12187410

why did you post this?

>> No.12187415 [DELETED] 

I'm gay by the way

>> No.12187424


>> No.12187485

>girls in 2019
pick only one

>> No.12187498
File: 445 KB, 474x379, 1527563129016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumbest fake I've seen in years.
OP, don't ever post anything again.

>> No.12187571
File: 191 KB, 960x849, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be lonely cunt
>have no bf to brag about
>put your pan in the dish washer
>pretend it's your bf doing it
These social media people sure are a funny bunch.

>> No.12187576

I don't get it. It sounds like it's a fake story written to be a situation where the guy did something wrong by making the pan not have grease on it anymore. Are you supposed to keep old grease on your pan to make food taste better? That sounds kind of dumb.

>> No.12187577


It is/was a seasoned cast iron pan

>> No.12187582

Believe it or not but these hybrids exist.

>> No.12187592

>seasoned cast iron pan
Thanks. I've never heard of that phrase before, google-ing it now.

>> No.12187601

And after reading about it now, holy shit, this is why I don't cook. Everything with cooking always has to be so complicated for some reason. How do people put up with all this insanity? I'm glad I came from a two working parent family where neither knew how to cook, getting a headache just thinking about all the work normies do to use their kitchen.

>> No.12187609

Normies just use non-stick pans instead of using that stupid outdated meme metal only hipsters use.

>> No.12187616

Cool, good to know you can do pan based cooking without that weird fifteen step "seasoning a piece of metal" process.

>> No.12187634

now you're doing it

>> No.12187640

it's funny because uneducated niggers cooking for white people 150 years ago knew how to use cast iron but even with the modern convenience of the internet your stupid fat ass STILL can't figure it out

>> No.12187643


If you by "normies" mean average people you're dead wrong, people can't cook for shit

>> No.12187710

Right fucking here.
You fucking retards have gone backwards and have lost basic survival skills because of your disgusting laziness.
Some pathetic garbage, useless to yourselves and everyone around you.

Good job to you and your parents as well.

>> No.12187718

You seem to be the crazy hobo screaming at the sky in the street kind of person.

>> No.12187725

>I'm glad I came from a two working parent family where neither knew how to cook
That's really not something to be glad of.

>> No.12187738

you're right, so much better to have come from a boomer family where mommy took care of everything for you so you don't know the first thing about how to take care of your own household once they kick you out the moment you turn 18
the only zoomers I know (TWO in total) who actually know to cook were raised by single parents
one zoomer I know literally did not know how to do fucking laundry. he would buy t-shirts in bulk on threadless until he had so many that he could wear a shirt, throw it on the floor, wear a new shirt the next day, and have literally THREE MONTHS worth of shirts in reserve. he had over 120 shirts. I had to fucking bag them up, drive them to the cleaners, have them take care of it, presented him with his clean laundry and the bill, which he cheerfully paid, and then three months later he asked me "hey could you do that thing you did with the laundry again?"
he literally did not understand what was wrong with having a six inch layer of dirty shirts covering the entire floor of your room for months on end

>> No.12187744

No woman would use a cast iron. They are the masculine ethos of cooking, evoking breakfast fries, steaks and other male foods not acai chia bowls, pumpkin spice lattes and milk substitutes.

>> No.12187745

Are you aware that everything doesn't have to be the extreme or the other

>> No.12187877

My grandma would have some harsh words for you.

>> No.12187925

Cast iron is mostly used by insecure Americans, mostly whites, who need to overcompensate for their small penis.Durrr take a look at my well done steak with A1 and burnt taters that I cooked in cast iron! Don't forget to look at my shitty low price bourbon and muh gunz I included in the picture! Literally no better than instagram whores.

>> No.12187936
File: 30 KB, 200x207, thumb_hello-officer-yes-niggas-wildin-anyone-know-the-weird-stripper-42214315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breakfast fries
shut up fattie, you're talking by yourself

>> No.12187977

Pan seasoning is a meme

>> No.12188225

>this is why I don't cook
Why the fuck are you browsing this board?!?

>> No.12189098

I'm not gonna read all that shit, just tell me why you're so mad about cooking

>> No.12189105


>> No.12189930
File: 111 KB, 650x859, 1433134508581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like most people roaming this place these days, he probably only spends his time posting about fast food and mcchicken memes.
It's bad enough these people actually exist. What's worse that there are so unbelievably many.

>> No.12189953

Do you even know what this image is supposed to represent?

It’s fucking Oulu.

>> No.12189968

>Why the fuck are you browsing this board?!?
Why can't cooking fags read?
>FOOD & Cooking

>> No.12189978

>Why are the kinds of food discussed exactly proportional to how much people consume them?
I will never understand what people like this don't understand about there being lots of fast food threads. Look at some food industry statistics, you'd be kidding yourself to expect anything else.

>> No.12190040
File: 92 KB, 600x337, 1458916038994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never understand
That's because you refuse to. Hardest part is admitting there's a problem.
By your """logic""" /g/ would just be talking about iphones.
Fast food fanatics don't care about food. They care about a quick fix. They don't belong on a food enthousiast board. They're junkies and need to be treated as such.

>> No.12190065

>By your """logic""" /g/ would just be talking about iphones.
They talk about iphones plenty. Also that doesn't follow regardless because an iphone is a medium for getting at things of interest for most people rather than a thing of interest in itself.
I'm not addicted to food. I have a hard time forcing myself to eat enough on a regular basis and almost certainly weigh less than you do. I like convenient food because it's convenient, not because I want large amounts of it.

>> No.12190077

Wiping a little bit of oil in the pan after you clean it is very difficult.

>> No.12190135

This is made up to be ""funny"", fucks sake. No actual person would ever think to share "I put some shit in the dishwasher" on social media. Imagine if a friend told you this, you'd ask why the fuck he'd mention something so inconsequential. This is laughable and pathetic

>> No.12190148

>Le phishy with hook me-me.

>> No.12190156

Because no one irl ever talks about fastfood. Sure people occasionally eat it when they're on the road or rushed for time, but it's never a conversation topic. The only conclusion is that the posts are marketing shills, nothing more, nothing less. And it obviously works because they keep doing it.

>> No.12190254

>Because no one irl ever talks about fastfood.
Get a job. I hear people talk about fast food all the time. Because they want to decide what to eat around noon each day like every other office on the planet. What I don't ever hear is people talking about cooking.

>> No.12190264

Sick bait

>> No.12190318

People overcomplicate things. Just use it as you would any other pan but you may want to go light on the soap. Or don't, the pan won't really care. The reason it's so convoluted is because people treat it like some kind of old-timey black magic. "It's all in the old oil, don't wash it off" "if you touch it too much the magic may break", as if a slab of iron would be worse off from some rough treatment. I've never seen a speck of rust having soaked it overnight more than once.

>> No.12190361

It's like going to a beer and wine hobbyist forum and getting uppity when something more interesting than coors light gets posted. "All wine taste the same and it's shit." "Why would anyone like beer? It's inherently disgusting and anyone drinking it is just forcing themselves to fit in." "Why would you put effort into brewing pisswater? Most people drink coors so that's what we're going to discuss ad nauseum."

>> No.12190480

that literally happens here

>> No.12190495

Reminder: it's not the soap that's the problem, it's leaving it in water that ruins the pan.

>> No.12190498

>getting uppity when something more interesting than coors light gets posted
What the fuck are you talking about? You have your analogy completely backwards. It's you cookfag snobs who are always whining about how other people are discussing fast food, not the other way around.

>> No.12190500


>> No.12190543

Because coors light is shit and so are you. There are very limited places dedicated to people interested in actual food and cooking. If it was a reasonable amount of fast food and junk threads it would be fine but seeing a majority of the board littered with mcchicken, joey, jack, sip threads and so on is tiring and pushes everything else off the board. Especially when you guys insist on having several threads about the same junk thing up at the same time.

>> No.12190864

Why are you here

>> No.12191005
File: 84 KB, 640x480, IMG_3093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A potato wicks away rust mightily. Nothing better than seasoned cast iron.

>> No.12191069

Glorious bait, or cringeworthy Normie. Either way thank you

>> No.12191117

Heat pan

Cook food


>> No.12191220

>Food & Cooking
Is the "Food" part of the board description not rendering on your screen?

>> No.12191227

None of what you wrote here is relevant to the fact you wrote:
>getting uppity when something more interesting than coors light gets posted
And made your analogy completely backwards to reality. You just admitted you're the ones complaining all the time about fast food discussion and not the other way around. So why would you make an analogy where the people who like Coors are somehow "getting uppity" about non-Coors discussion?

>> No.12191291

Unironically what's the point of a cast iron pan vs a non stick "normal" pan? Seems like extra work and seasoning sounds like a meme.

>> No.12191427

Cast iron is super simple to use. People used it for centuries and you can bet they didn't spend all fucking weekend seasoning their pans.

Honestly the rules are below.

1. Cook with it.
2. Don't leave it wet.

>> No.12191740
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non stick
cancers and illnesses wreaking havoc
>cast iron
Quintessential forefather heritage pioneer spirit essence simmering within the very iron that transfers flavor and keeps it locked in quite nicely.

>> No.12191747
File: 507 KB, 1536x1152, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12191757

Are you 12?

>> No.12191766

Versatility. Durability.

>> No.12191768

I know I'm supposed to rage, but this is so obviously fake and done for a reaction that it hurts. Only newfags won't see that it's an obvious troll.

>> No.12191802

I post about tbell

>> No.12191840
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x836, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nathaniel, kindly ingest your diethyl ether alcohol, dear.

>> No.12191859
File: 481 KB, 956x536, crunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I post about tbell
For me, it's the cheesy gordita crunch. With seasoned beef, real cheddar cheese, and spicy ranch packed into a delicious hard taco shell double-wrapped in warm, fluffy flatbread and Taco Bell's decadent three cheese blend tying it all together, you really can't go wrong.

>> No.12192140


>> No.12192776

Huh? That was def a man posting it you projecting virgin

>> No.12192804

Only complicated for brainlets.

>> No.12192821

Seriously, a person that puts a cast iron frying pan into a dish washer, deserves to be FUCKING SHOT and decapitated.
Certainly if the frying pan isn't his/hers.

>> No.12192873

>a person that puts a cast iron frying pan into a dish washer, deserves to be FUCKING SHOT and decapitated

I have seen pics of the pan of a guy who ran it through the dishwasher on purpose and it does zero "damage" to the pan. All the the seasoning and the crusty old gunk on the outside was stripped off of course and the whole pan was the naked grey metal, but other than that there were just a few wispy veils of surface rust that could have been 100%removed with 2-3tbsp of salt and some oil and elbow grease. Then the pan would have been ready for a new, fresh seasoning.

>> No.12192892

For me

>> No.12192916


>> No.12192940


>> No.12192993

Your definition of "no damage" in case of cast iron pans shows me that you have no clue why cast iron pans are so good they are.
The surface of the pan builds up a surface, a layer of residues of oil and burned stuff. if you put such an iron cast pan into a dish washer machine, all the surface will be gone and you have to "rebuild" this surface again in order to make this cast iron pan good again.
Makes no sense to remove this surface.

>> No.12193001

Only hipsters and fagtrons of /ck/ actually use cast iron in 2019

>> No.12193012

using cast-iron is tryhard
stainless steal and enamel are both much more convenient.

>> No.12193033

Explain this image

>> No.12193038


>> No.12193056
File: 16 KB, 480x360, unclepaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a woman in the 2000's would have a skillet
quality bait

>> No.12193065

This. I mean, the guy took a pic of the dishwasher that he was about to close, and just so happened to mention the pan in his comment. Oh how craaaaazy

>> No.12193088

nothin gets by you

>> No.12193216

This but unironically. Fuck taco Bell for hiking up the price and keeping it so high on their only good item

>> No.12193293

>Troll engages the BaitMeme3000

>> No.12193303

Stainless has its place, and enameled is garbage for skillets.

>> No.12193310

Potatos have a particular acid that breaks down rust, and scrubbing with one naturally wears away a fresh surface of potato, effectively giving you a scrubber that self-cleans. This, plus some salt for additional abrasive friction, heat, and oil for the seasoning, cleans away the rust and properly seasons the pan with minimal effort.