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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12184662 No.12184662 [Reply] [Original]

This is an editorial on my part so take it with a grain of salt if you want.
I find nothing more disgusting than a pot luck lunch/dinner at an office, church, or meeting. well why you ask? frankly because people are disgusting and i dont trust anyone to maintain the extremely high cleanliness and sanitization levels that are necessary to prepare food, levels that i personally adhere to at all times.
Working in restaurants, you get to see firsthand how fuckt things can get and restaurants are legally required to maintain a certain level of cleanliness. imagine peg from accounting, the 300lb woman with pics of her cats on the wall who brings in her favorite casserole. do you think her kitchen is clean and sanitized?
what about rick and his family of 9 kids who brings in his "award winning texas chili" in a crockpot that looks like it should be on antiques roadshow?
To me, every bite of some strangers food is teeming with filth—from human or pet hair, skin cells and dust floating in the air, bugs/animals crawling on their counters, making food with their unwashed hands, licking their fingers and putting it in the food, or little snot nosed brats touching the ingredients—every dish i see is an unappetizing tepid petri dish of toxic nastiness.
I also feel that the people who eat potluck are as nasty as the dishes themselves. its just free food, but people lose their god forsaken minds over a free meal. people are touching the serving utensils, touching plates, touching the food, and youre supposed to wait in line for your helping of this bacterial cesspool? no thanks.
Before you call me hypocrite, i rarely go out to eat for these reasons exactly. when i do go out to eat, its only to certain places that i have inspected and found to be clean. im perfectly content with, and enjoy making my own food.
So, question is, do you care about people's preparation of food or are you content with eating anything thats put in front of your face as long as you didnt pay for it?

>> No.12184674 [DELETED] 

Oh also Im gay, not sure if it matters.

>> No.12184680

You sounds like a whiny nigger

>> No.12184687
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thanks for the filter update.
thanks for adding something positive to the discussion, obviously i know on which side of the coin youre on.

>> No.12184689

I think you're just a pussy

>> No.12184706
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I'm sorry you have no integrity.
If youve been around a while and seen what I've seen, you would have a differing opinion. keep those blinders on buddy.
there are people whose food i will gladly eat, because i know them personally. conversely, unless the food just looks too good to pass up (which it never is), theres a 99.999% chance ill never eat it.
if calling me names helps your cope levels, well good for you.

>> No.12184715

If your immune system can't take care of somebodies unhygienic cooking then yes sir, you are a pussy. Also you're an autist who uses a filter lol

>> No.12184731
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my immune system can handle getting e-coli and pneumonia so i shouldnt care if i get it? what kind of mental gymnastics have you been training for?
come over anon, let me make some food for you, if you cant handle me wiping my ass and sticking my hands in your food, a lil saliva sprinked on top, or a fly mixed in with your food, youre a pussy.
>filters are for autismos
again, your logic is ponderous.
look at that vagina salad in the middle, no one has touched it. wonder why......

>> No.12184797


>> No.12184847

i bet your personal hygiene is even worse than peg's

>when i do go out to eat, its only to certain places that i have inspected and found to be clean
cool story bro

>> No.12185212

>cool story bro
even better story

>> No.12185368

is this copypasta

>> No.12185379 [DELETED] 

Based huhposter

>> No.12185398
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no it looks like lo mein or something

>> No.12185402

The level of sanitary standards in home kitchens is not the issue I have with potlucks. For me it's the dishes themselves - a potluck for some reason inspires people to cook nothing but 20th Century foodgore. I don't ever want to eat that.

>> No.12185432

OP reminds me of the anon who was angry about foods he couldn’t pronounce. Even though the contents of the posts were different... There’s just something about the way they talk and their attitude.

Are you the same person? Or is this just how those quiet awkward weirdos with autism generally act on the internet?

>> No.12185560

Pot luck is being unlucky enough to read your run on bullshit. Do really think that anyone is going to read that?

>> No.12185590 [DELETED] 

OP here, I'm gay btw, if it matters

>> No.12185594

you are a bitch bro

>> No.12185617 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12185647

no you are
dont know, dont care
>being this autistic
>thinking you solved some fucking mystery

>> No.12185738

The ones who are too digusting/lazy to maintain proper sanitization while preparing food are also the ones who are too lazy to prepare anything in the first place so they go the cheap route with grabbing a bag of chips + salsa from the grocery store and call it a day. Wouldn't worry too much.
t. Lazy gross shit who does this for every potluck

>> No.12185779

thanks for doing the right thing you lazy filthy self aware guy

>> No.12185842

I always bring in a fajita tray and people lose their shit.

>How did you do this anon?
>This is so good
>Where'd you find the time?

Literally make it that morning every time. I don't think people understand that fajitas are just sauteed meat, peppers, and onions. I just buy carne picada for it and I'm golden.

Try it next time and watch people lose their shit over ten minutes of work.

>> No.12185853
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>someone brought KFC or Domino's
>the first 10 people take it all

Every time. Potlucks suck.

>> No.12185858

>Try it next time
Thankfully I'm in a situation where potlucks aren't a thing in my life anymore.

>> No.12185873

because all the fat nasty fucks are stalking the food waiting to be first in line for a handout.
>try it
I'll pass.
potlucks are a step below cafeteria food.

>> No.12185886

Don't trust them. Guaranteed some pervert blew his load in one of those dishes.

>> No.12185907

I live in Wisconsin. Potlucks are a complete shitshow. Sugar in deviled eggs, the only vegetables are an untouched supermarket crudite platter, overcooked everything, oven fries that somehow managed to be chewy, 14 different casseroles with mystery ingredients...

Worst part is everyone is proud of their creations

>> No.12185920
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try the brownies anon :^)

>> No.12185935

hey, it's the anon who's afraid of cat shit.

>> No.12185947

i live in texas. most people here have at least one decent thing they make for pot lucks because it's what grandma made or they own a bbq grill and it's pretty hard to fuck up bbq if you don't undercook it.

>> No.12185965
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always a gamble

>> No.12186124

I took home two store bought apple pies, and a pizza pie. people don't always cook food. Usually they buy it.

>> No.12186128

i like potlucks but only with close friends

>> No.12186147

based and cleanpilled

only niggers dont like this thread

>> No.12186156

Humans are objectively disgusting, no matter what you do you can not escape that. You have almost certainly consumed body fluids, fecal matter even finger nail crud if you have ever eaten something prepared by others. Stop being a bitch and get over it.

>> No.12186162

why do coping catfuckers all act identical to each other, its like some NPC program loop is triggered at the mention of someone disliking cats.
>afraid of cat shit
so that implies you have no issues with cat shit or the consumption thereof. thats all i need to know.
you cope with your fecal consumption however you want.

>> No.12186169

I have an unwavering faith in humanity. If I get salmonella so be it. Like, I’m not snooty about food especially if someone wants to share something they love.

Like, I wanna try Carol’s casserole even if it squirts out my ass-a-hole.

>> No.12186202

This. I just buy a deli platter since there's no way for me to opt out of this shit without looking like a pariah.
It'll probably stop altogether when the diversity police need to inspect every dish so the muzzles won't bomb them for letting pepperoni enter the office.

>> No.12186316

opt out of what shit? the office pot luck? last one i went to i brought one box of cookies from dollar tree.

>> No.12186344

This is stale pasta. Stop replying to it.

>> No.12186412

not pasta

>> No.12186537

You...are a punk-bitch.

You fail to realize you have mixed your germs with those from your office a thousand times over, by being around this group of people day in, and day out, you pretentious cuck! In your shitty attempt to be snotty and condescending, you just look dumb.

>> No.12186614

High quality autism like this is definitely pasta. If it wasn't before it is now.

>> No.12186622

not even close. no one touched my shit, and i sure as hell didnt touch anyone else's. this thread just proves howo utterly nasty most of you fucks actually are.
ya know, most people have issues with filth, germs and the consumption of animal feces in their food.
then awesome, have at it fren, while you sit nosh your tepid filth, im here creating masterpieces.

>> No.12186703

I remember some anon posted about how he would make a bundt cake for his work and everyone loved it. He revealed to use he had one of those CD cases and he would store his semen in it and save it for the pot luck cake.

>> No.12186750

And also I'm gay, if that matters I'm not sure

>> No.12186759

This looks like a nice potluck, but whoever just threw that wooden serving spoon in those rice and veg so the handle touches the food needs to be castrated.

>> No.12186875

people in this thread are asinine hipster reddit morons who think everyone's cool, everything's all good, have 'muh faith in humanity' and just because they're so awesome and cool everyone's gonna be awesome and cool too. i doubt any of them have actually worked in an office before.
the cold bitter truth is that working in an office, you will 100% fucking resent just about everyone there over time. imagine the boss who motherfucks you and the employees over constantly. the asswipe who sits in the same room and clears his throat 300 times a day. the women who constantly talks to her bff bosslady while the rest of you are working. the cunts who get there 20 min early to take the best parking spots. the dude who shits up the bathroom every morning at 9:15. come up with any scenario you want, the point is you cant have that many people in one building without someone going ape shit in some way, at some point.
so how to get back at the boss and still keep your job?? hmmmm.....the office potluck seems like a great opportunity for some passive aggressive shitbag is alls im sayin.
replace office with any other event and youll still retain that microcosm of resentment. to deny this is a possibility is just plain stupid and illustrates the naivete of millennials. again, i dont eat at potlucks or bring food, ever. nor have i ever fucked with anyone's food.
based on the threads today, so are 3/4 of /ck/

>> No.12186969

I fucking hate potlucks, but not because I think they're dirty. Mainly it's because I can't understand the mongoloids who get so excited over a few dollars of free food, jerking off their coworkers over what amounts to mass-served leftovers.

It's never good, it's always an excuse to run back to your desk and work for free, and it's an excuse for coworkers to talk shit on someone for not contributing.

>> No.12186979

You sound like an autistic fag lol

Bet you're the life of the party, schizo

>> No.12186997

Most of my friends are chefs so Potlucks are good.

>> No.12186998

>office drone whines about the fate he put himself into before complaining about why millennials won't jump off the cliff he gladly cartwheeled off
mmm, smells like a life wasted looooool

>> No.12187000

>the extremely high cleanliness and sanitization levels that are necessary to prepare food
I take it you don't eat at restaurants then?

>> No.12187017

OP seems like a deeply bitter person who lacks friends of any kind, and tries to compensate for a lack of social skills or anything interesting to say by spewing bile instead.

>> No.12187079
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>>12186979 (reddit spacing)
why are these the reponses of every fucking redditor???
[ ] who hurt you
[X] you must have no friends
[ ] you must be the life of the party
[ ] you must live in your moms basement
no, not really, said that in the OP

>> No.12187085

Sucks for you. Not for me. So I don't care.

>> No.12187117
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so if you get invited to eat at someone's house do you take a blacklight and examine their kitchen?
do you ask to look in the kitchen of every restaurant you go to?
I don't care about potlucks because have faith that whoever cooked it didn't shit in it. yeah it's not certain, but I have yet to get sick from a potluck. every 1st sunday of the month when I went to church with my parents, and countless holiday dinners with other families.
I think you might just be autistic, no offense

>> No.12187132

>Or is this just how those quiet awkward weirdos with autism generally act on the internet?
You don't visit /r9k/ or /b/ very often, do you?

>> No.12187139

>Reminded of the /k/ommando meeting "weed" brownie incident

>> No.12187141

i dont eat anyones cooking, ask my inlaws how annoying it is, then ask me if i give a motherfuck what they think about it.
>I think you might just be autistic, no offense
you say that like its an insult or something.

>> No.12187162
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I don't mean it as an insult fren. We are all a little bit autistic, or else we wouldn't be talking about food safety on a mongolian basket weaving forum. if I got to cook for you I would be sure to show you my kitchen and make sure you felt comfortable.

>> No.12187206
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>> No.12187207
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If you keep your toothbrush in the same room you defecate in I guarantee you brush your teeth with at least a few hundred shit molecules every day.

>> No.12187208

i appreciate this based anon i didnt use to be like this.
worked 12 years in restaurants, so i know that deal (filth, laziness, incompetence) by heart. a few restaurants are ok and ill eat there knowing what lurks beneath anyway.
a stranger's food is out of the question at all times.
i barely will touch food at christmas and thanksgiving at my inlaws house. they used to have a newfoundland they kept inside, so the house stunk from dog slobber and dogsmell, there was a pug too i hated it as well, it stunk to high hell. they really werent the dirtiest of people, but i have a fucking super acute sense of smell for some reason, and smells can be off-putting to me a majority of the time. dogs smell after a few days of not having a bath, and no one is washing their dogs 3x a week.
one of the first times i went over to eat there, i saw the dog shake and slobber went on the walls and that was about it for me. i cant control how they live, but i can control what i do there.
the MIL is a fucking bitch anyway so fuck her idc what they think of me, even if their food didnt suck i still wouldnt eat it out of spite. she put my wife through 25 years of hell so i have my wifes blessing in all of this anyway before reeddit chimes in with 'who hurt you'

>> No.12187226
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ok myth buster.
did you also see where fecal chloroform bacteria are on everything in the world, regardless of proximity to toilet? so that point is moot. i get theres germs everywhere, and i cant avoid that. i can avoid how much of it and others i am around though.