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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 355x355, 918YNa3bAaL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12182396 No.12182396 [Reply] [Original]

Hey grapefags, how you enjoying your shitty fruit? I'll be over here eating my delicious apple

>> No.12182410

Nah mate, cherries are the best fruit

>> No.12182413
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>> No.12182424

Green apple is best apple

>> No.12182437
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>> No.12182438
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You know you can eat more than one type of fruit yeah?

>> No.12182441

blueberries for life, fake tough guy fags.

>> No.12182497
File: 118 KB, 567x341, group-of-apples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God Tier
Red Delicious

>Good Tier
Pink Lady

>Average Tier
Golden Delicious

>Shit Tier
Granny Smith

>> No.12182502

I actually really like granny Smith apples, I've seen that people don't. Why is that?

>> No.12182503

Retard alert that's literally inverted

>> No.12182644

say that to my fucking face you bitch

>> No.12182673

I don't understand how you can love honeycrisp AND red delicious but hate granny smith.
Honeycrisp are sweet and tart, really juicy. Granny smith are really tart and juicy. Red delicious are mild and mealy/dry with bitter skin.
Also, separating fuji and gala apples is retarded because they're essentially the same exact thing.
I think you're just posting names of apples you know in a random order and memeing honeycrisp into first and smiths into last.

>> No.12182700

What in the unholy hell

>> No.12182702

agree with everything except granny smith placement

>> No.12182709

They think apples should only be sweet

>> No.12182710

what is that dark one?

>> No.12182717

Are these things filled with annoying malware?

>> No.12182756

jazz > all that shit

>> No.12182805


>> No.12182821
File: 46 KB, 489x450, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red Delicious
>God tier

>> No.12182959

You forgot
>ascended tier

>> No.12182975

Golden Delicious > Gala > Macintosh > Fuji > Granny Smith > Red """"""""Delicious""""""""

>> No.12183047

God has forsaken us

>> No.12183366

ITT: Doctors get mad over an apple

>> No.12183370
File: 94 KB, 870x580, passion-fruit-jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best fruit.

>> No.12183487
File: 85 KB, 480x600, son_i_am_disappoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredibly low effort shoop

>> No.12183489

Fence sitters get splinters in their ass.

>> No.12183509
File: 24 KB, 400x533, 1551046185945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red """Delicious"""
>God Tier
Imagine having the worst taste

>> No.12184620
File: 585 KB, 750x721, 1552202250469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of these applefags that couldnt reach the graps

>> No.12184884

Variety is the spice of life.

>> No.12184891

this but inverted

>> No.12184915

Strawberry and Pineapple chad here
enjoy being low taste plebians ya entire lives

>> No.12184960

that's the point
why would I spend more than 2 minutes of my life humiliating a faggot that doesn't even like shrimp

>> No.12185075

my fucking nigga

>> No.12185081

All modern fruit is candy, and terrible for you, might as well have a shot of tequila, equal liver damage.

>> No.12185114
File: 16 KB, 180x246, more likely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't enjoy a nice grapple in the morning

>> No.12185280 [DELETED] 

post feet my dear

>> No.12185298

pears > apples

as long as u stay away from bartletts and boscs anyway

>> No.12185324

I love good apples but it's just not the season for them here in the northeast USA, we get tons of different ones here when in season which pretty much starts in August and runs for about four months.
Here's a place local to me:

They also run a nice weather station, KNYCENDIC35

>> No.12185332

I used to like them as a kid but these days the waxy skin squeaks against my teeth and I fucking hate it.
I still use them for baking though, the taste is the best, they're the best for pies or crumbles or anything like that
For straight eating I'd rather eat Gala or Pink Lady though

>> No.12185336
File: 42 KB, 600x400, stabbing desert fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favorite underrated fruits

>> No.12185341
File: 117 KB, 992x661, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Appel is pretty hot.
Angeline Appel, Babysitter's Black Book

>> No.12185342

Brush your teeth more you savage animal!

>> No.12185348
File: 13 KB, 480x360, Blue_Berry_Muffins-Berry_Distribution-Casino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blueberrys, they don't get the credit that they deserve.

>> No.12185362


>> No.12185365
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>> No.12185389
File: 108 KB, 648x700, 4C8D0726-11E0-448B-B643-0DAE58565F7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot...

>> No.12185513

Your soles need to be imageified, my lass

>> No.12185542

Envy and Granny Smith are the King and Queen of apples.

>> No.12185550

>pink lady
No bully plz

>> No.12185580
File: 18 KB, 360x450, 770B8EAB-A8ED-4B00-A7EB-C069BF8BD117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No can do.

...lost ‘em in the war against the machines. Picrel

>> No.12185808
File: 65 KB, 960x588, B5-Shadow_Vessel_Over_London.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shadow vessel would slice that up faster than you can say, wtf just happened.

>> No.12185839

You haven't had a Rubyfrost also
>God Tier
>Red Delicious

>> No.12185864
File: 163 KB, 800x533, Apples-Grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have both apples and grapes

>> No.12185869

Sounds more like faggyfrost and gaytier.

>> No.12185879

A slight bit, a little pinch of salt brings out the flavor in that. I learned that from here with watermelon then tried it out and hot dang that's good,

>> No.12185906

Pineapple and coconut master race

>> No.12185916

Babylon 5 video - Narn Shadow attack

Sometimes people fight back vs shadows.

>> No.12185938

>not eating a mandarin instead
This is why you have hard time in the bathroom op

>> No.12186007

Fuji apples are literally the cheapest trash-tier garbage fruit on earth

>> No.12186020

you forgot crabapples

also red delicious are shit

>> No.12186032

>Red Delicious
what the fuck
every single aspect of red delicious apples is unpleasant

>> No.12186047

I love grapes and I love apples too :)

>> No.12186163

Your ranking is shit.
>God tier
Granny Smith
Pink Lady
>Good tier
>Average tier
Golden Delicious
>Shit tier
Red Delicious

>> No.12186422

based and red berry pilled

>> No.12187841

There were crabapple trees at my grandparent's place on the beach in Florida and friends and used to chuck them at people. We got chased once and luckily were pretty quick so always avoided getting caught. We'd throw the crabapples close to couples on the beach, not hit people but for the fun of getting them close, all of us had good targeting so we wanted to do hits we would have.
That fucker chased us through a parking garage too, I had a security key so went around and my friend and I went in and guy from the beach couldn't get in. It was hilarious, even moreso when I remember that he left his girlfriend standing on the beach all alone.

>> No.12188473
File: 16 KB, 220x243, 220px-PerfectStrawberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm sorry... that you actually bite into those tasteless, mealyworm-filled things.

>> No.12188766
File: 19 KB, 678x452, images - 2019-04-17T025821.296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats a feijoa

>> No.12189279

Cherry is officially best fruit but why is it that berry
artificial flavouring is trash?

>> No.12190950

Dunno, cherry candy just tastes like a slightly sour strawberry. Wish they could more accurately replicate it.

>> No.12190997

honeycrisp for #1 upvote. all others are usurping imitators.

>> No.12191064

woah wait what the fuck
i never knew u could eat those
i have 1 of those trees
brb gonna eat some

>> No.12191135

20 years ago I would have laughed but apples are legitimately god tier now

God bless Fuji for getting the ball rolling

>> No.12191149

Bartlett pears are pretty good, friend

>> No.12192286

Lmao dis nigga got Ebola in his fruit.

>> No.12193188

All fruits are good

>> No.12193209
File: 78 KB, 499x460, 1509420050423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. We killed God and have taken his place.

>> No.12193246

Fucking love strawberries. Plus they are only 7 calories for one of those big fuckers. 10 of those? Shit you are full and for 1/3rd of the calories of a snickers. God tier fruit.