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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12176738 No.12176738 [Reply] [Original]

Camping/hiking food, prepack MRE's

I'm making up some 24hr ration packs for my new conservation job innawoods hiking mon-fri.
I'm just copying some military 24hr packs I've had before with supermarket stuff, the calories are there, but it's all shit tier

Anything I bring I have to carry and I won't have time to hunt moving constantly so no camp.
What does /ck/ take hiking?

>> No.12176775
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Each pack has;
>2pk Apple Sultana Cinnamon Porridge
>2 muesli bars
>2 crackers with cheese
>1 instant noodles
>1 cup of soup
>2 energy drink powders
>2 instant coffee with milk powder
>1 canned meal
>2 cans Chicken or 1 can Corned Beef

The packs with Chicken are 2225 calories and 1.18kg (2.6lb)
The packs with Corned Beef are 2693 calories and 1.35kg (3lb)

Each week would be 12295 calories and 6.325kg (14lb)

I'll have a small thermos so I'll put the noodles in there with hot water at breakfast ready for a hot lunch + extra water for coffee

>> No.12177078

bump because this stuff is useful and i feel bad you got no responses

>> No.12177108

>What does /ck/ take hiking?
a small container of seasoning blend
magnesium firestarter and tinder
a rifle or shotgun, depending on exactly when and where I am hiking.
If I'm near water I'll bring a spool of fishing line and some hooks too. no need to bring bait, the local bugs work great. that's what the fish are used to eating anyway.

>> No.12177200
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Thanks frend
You bring NO food even if you're gone for days with no return?

>> No.12177293

monitoring this thread

I don't do a lot of hiking, but I like to keep an emergency backpack with food, change of clothes, entertainment, etc.

Some things in my pack you might like:

>propel singles
>crush singles (surprisingly good and faithful to the flavor) comes in three flavors
>tiny bottles of hot sauce*
>a mint or piece of hard candy to clean the palate after a meal
>100 calorie packs of nuts (Emerald is a popular brand)
>tiny packet of salt and pepper that you get when you buy takeout
>compressed towel capsules
>tuna pouch


>> No.12177375
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Yea those are all good ideas, pretty much the same as the military
Some other things in the MRE packs;

>2x salt
>2x pepper
>chilli sauce
>4x antibacterial towelette
>nuts and raisins
>boiled sweets
>2x dental chewing gum
>2x chocolate bars
>2x main meals (in a pouch rather than a tin which is much better)
>2x ANZAC biscuits
>tin of cheese
>Dehydrated fruit
>Instant Oats
>Instant Soup
>2minute Noodles
>Onion Flakes
>tiny kitchen scourer
>2x coffee
>2x teabags
>tube of condensed milk

It's mostly easy stuff to get, I guess I can just use more smaller sandwich bags for smaller quantities but those full packs are about 4,000calories for Afghan patrols
I'm thinking Potato Flakes would go well too with most of those canned meals I have...

>> No.12177387

Tortillas. Peanut butter. Trail mix. Instant potatoes. Spam. Oats. Instant coffee packets.

>> No.12177835


>> No.12177912

i subsist entirely on copious amounts of hardtack

>> No.12177916

knife and handgun and if in a bind take with might from your fellow man. why prep when others will do it for you?

>> No.12177923

Any reason you didn't just shop at aldi and save half of your bill?
Or don't they have aldi in NZ yet?

>> No.12178095

There is one Aldi in my city and it is almost 100% more expensive than every other supermarket
Nobody goes there and it's going to liquidate

>> No.12178099
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I just tried to check up on it and it's already collapsed

>> No.12178113

Instant grits, black tea, instant coffee, trail mix, dried sausages of various types, pita bread, a cucumber or two, pouch salmon, peanut butter, pocket butane stove for quickly boiling water, marijuana, Wild Turkey 101 in a steel flask.

Funny. In America Aldi is significantly cheaper than almost every other store. Like, absurdly cheap.

>> No.12178170

same here, solid deals

>> No.12178239
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>Instant grits
Doesn't exist
>dried sausages
What does this mean? Jerky?

>> No.12178241

that shit's gonna be so heavy dude

>> No.12178264
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Yea but it's that slow burning energy you need for whole day hiking
I won't be hiking on a track either, I'll be bushwhacking through some dense as CYKA forest
I expect picrelated but dense for ~25km per day (16 miles)

>> No.12178804

you're going to be the first to die lol

>> No.12179070
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Freezed dried meals are Kino if you can afford around $8 per meal. Also the lightest choice of you’re on a tough hike with lots of gain in a short amount of time. For three nights I usually pack breakfast and dinner freeze dried meals, peanut butter, various bars and bagged tuna. I get those tiny hot sauce bottles, and bring some seasoning if we catch a fish. All though be wary of too much seasoning and other foods that give off a strong smell because you will have bears poking into your year camp at night

>> No.12179089

If you two are doing strenuous hikes you should really consider finding different alternatives besides canned products and thick packaging. They weigh significantly more than pouches or just putting them in Ziploc‘s yourself. I know when I hike as soon as I hit the 2 mile switchback, I curse every extra ounce I have.

>> No.12179243

replace instant noodles with variety nuts , way more nutrient dense and compact

>> No.12179264

>conservation job

when and where please god i graduate in a month and don't got anything lined up

>> No.12179862
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you working for doc?
good on you that's important work

my staple is muesli i make which changes a lot. I buy stuff bulk from the shop behind the ghandi centre on new north road and the shops in sandringham and puffed grains from the organic shop by wendys but its expensive for everything else

pic related is
>sesame seeds
>shaved coconut
>brazil nuts
>macadamia nuts
>puffed spelt
>coconut oil

I dry roast all the nuts, seeds and the coconut individually in trays, until they brown, then chop the fruit, and then make clusters with the oats
so, mix the oats with melted coconut oil, brown sugar, honey, little salt and a few spices (normally cinnamon and cardamom)
then spread it out trays and toast it and chip up the clusters. You can just do normal oil and sugar. There's no way to get that wrong really, you just get different things depending on ratios.

>> No.12179867
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don't have a pic of that batch with that stuff but here's another one.

The nuts are really the expensive thing, so are other dried fruit like cranberries that i like, but bulk peanuts and almonds are generally cheap, oats, fat and sugar are very cheap, sesame seeds are cheap and so are apricots and dates.

>> No.12179870
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here's a different batch

so if you're in a main city you'll have a big bulk indian store and this stuff can be very cost effective and tasty and healthy and calorie dense

>> No.12179931
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this one isn't exactly calorie dense but here's a hut meal i made

>peel and cut turmeric (this stuff is really good for your knees richie even shills it in pill form to old people on tv & i reckon it works) and garlic
>kumura, potato, brocolli - all last a long time and can get smashed around

>> No.12179935
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>fry garlic and turmeric in decent amount oil

>> No.12179941
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>add water

>> No.12179948
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>add small pieces kumura and potato and cook for 10 mins on lowest
this isn't exactly gas friendly either lol. I like doing rice in this pot too but that takes 12 mins of gas on lowest.

>> No.12179952
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salt and pepper
(i also had a piece of star anise in there from the start)
then brocolli goes in for another minute, and give it another couple with the lid on to finish

>> No.12179958
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wa la

>> No.12179966
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some bullion cube would be good too
not exactly pragmatic but i find soup and stuff like this comfy in the backcountry

>> No.12181536

Can echo instant mashed potatoes. filling, flavorful, and super light to pack.

Opinel... a man of taste I see.

>> No.12181554

Why are you staying in a shed?

>> No.12181810

comfy af

>> No.12181831

I’ve lived off MREs for weeks at a time and always appreciated the dehydrated cranberries and the First Strike bars. The constipation always catches up with me after a few days though. Also, fuck Pork sausage in cream as the entree.

>> No.12181858

for the first day some cooked meat is fine even without refrigeration
i wrnt on a 6 day hike and on my fisrt day I ate rotiserie chicken everyone was so fcking jealous

afterwards they sell tuna flavoured packs that make quick sandwhiches
powdered milk is a life saver

whatever dehydrated fruit or meat makes great snacks

if ypu have fire bring a light pot and make rice and some veggies

overall things dont spoil as fast as youd think and 1 or 2 onions and some garlic goes a long way as to improve the flavour of whatever youre eating

last tip bring some salt pepper and your favorite seasonings ... i had some in old pills containers

or you could raid a food court and take a bunch pf prepacked salt and pepper and ketchup and mustard ..etc

>> No.12182508
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it's an old farm hut

>> No.12182522
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pretty nice place to wake up

>> No.12182922

>you working for doc?
Nice hut, you must be a Westie. I'll be in and around the Southern Alps off track.
>They weigh significantly more than pouches
Yea I need to find a good local source of pouch meals.
I'll be carrying a lot of gear at the same time so both weight and space are issues
>when and where
Depends on your country, here in New Zealand we have University courses on becoming a Conservation Ranger
It's the best job, today I was running round a fortress (picrelated) giving it a sweep and a lick of paint, it's closed to the public
Took the work boat over there and tomorrow it's up to a hut in a helicopter to install a kitchen bench

>> No.12182926
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>> No.12182939
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>> No.12182940

Wish I can go hiking

>> No.12183022

Instant grits does indeed exist. Comes in paper packets, mix with a cup of boiling water and wait a minute and it’s good to eat. Dried sausages in this case means pepperoni, salami, summer saausage, jerky, and other preserved meats that don’t require cooking.

>> No.12183167
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For me it is Aokaparangi Hut, the best Tararua ranges hut.

>> No.12183168
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you have made good life choices anon