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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 500x226, D4F1E06B-D12E-4B53-84C9-2116EE42F309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12177044 No.12177044 [Reply] [Original]

Why would somebody make this?

>> No.12177051

The gimmick is the whole point. "lol Jessie got a triple bypass burger in Vegas!"

>> No.12177059

as a gimmick

>> No.12177061

The guy behind Heart Attack Grill is a doctor who intentionally makes it unhealthy as fuck to prove some sort of point that people are fat fucks and will literally eat themselves to death


>> No.12177063

>doctor spends years telling fatties they need to lose weight if they want to not be dead by 40
>they don't listen
>doctor says fuck it, if they aren't going to listen, I'll just kill them all
>opens a restaurant with the unhealthiest shit imaginable
>fatties come in in droves
>some of them have died in the restaurant
>doctor is happy

>> No.12177151

Doctor/owner himself died of a heart attack in a beautiful bit of irony. The christian god's justice is meted out in terms of irony only.

>> No.12177247

No he’s very much alive and in hot water over sexual harassment apparently.

>> No.12177269


for fat white people

>> No.12177277

why not

>> No.12177428

>don't finishes your food, you get spanked
Fuck. I was thinking just go there, buy some food, take home, and boom dinner done for a week.

>> No.12177432

>Doctor/owner himself died of a heart attack in a beautiful bit of irony.
No he didn't. Why would you just make stuff up like that?

>> No.12177441
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, Sopranos_Meadows_Roommate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy should be given an award. He is literally the most honest restauranteer in the world. He couldn't possibly make it any clearer that eating this shit everyday will kill you.

>> No.12177494
File: 71 KB, 620x387, JON-BASSO_2693225b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^This. John Basso is based.

>> No.12177500
File: 2.75 MB, 500x280, Heart Attack Grill Softcore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that bad, I'd probably go just to step on the scale and spite them when my 100lbs comes up on the screen

>> No.12177508

>The christian god's justice
Why choose a shitty god if you're gonna have one? Explain.

>> No.12177523

>no sauce leaking out of the sides like the precum of gods
I'm finding a better grill to go have a heart attack at, thanks.
>vertical-oriented bun instead of the superior, 'easier to eat yourself to death with' wide n flat

>> No.12177581


>> No.12177660

Could you bullshit the scale? Like hide dumbells in your clothes and shoes to hit 300 pounds?

>> No.12177667

>Trying to fake your weight just to get a free burger
Get a job, burgers aren't expensive.

>> No.12177670

Probably, but unless you look like a body builder, they probably won't buy it. You need to weight at least 300lbs for free food IIRC.

>> No.12177680

Didn't that big black lady die in a car accident?

>> No.12177688

Yes, she is dead.

>> No.12177689

But if you get a job and free food then it's a double win right?

>> No.12177692

Because they CAN. Don’t ask why, ask why not?

>> No.12177698

How fat are you ?

>> No.12177703

Some people play the system just to see if they can.

>> No.12177723

Why do need to lie on the internet?

>> No.12177842

I weigh almost 290lbs in my clothes, just a lttle more and I will qualify. Thanks you /ck/ for finally giving me a life goal.

>> No.12177859

Just watched the video, on second thought no thanks. Those burger patties look like shit, theyy might as well boil them in water for all the browning and flavour they will get on that barely warm flattop.

>> No.12177879

Imagine if you brapped when you got spanked haha
that would be weird haha lol

>> No.12177884

pretty much anything that can possibly make money has been tried and will be tried as long as people exist

simple as that

>> No.12178019

You're such a dumb fool you can't even get your shit straight. He had an overweight colleague used for PR who passed away.

>> No.12178146

He wasn't ever actually a doctor though, was he?

>> No.12178177

Every time you lie on the internet, Satan gets free ice cream.

>> No.12178184

What are you, a sissy faggot?
t. 6'4" 330lbs

>> No.12178199

Christ those burgers look shit
Wouldn't even bother

>> No.12178210

For me it's the double bypass burger

>> No.12178233

my new favorite doctor

>> No.12178272

you gotta be 350lbs you simp

>> No.12178573


I'd order the quadruple by pass but I probably won't get to eat it in one sitting, does anyone know how much meat that is?
In Argentina every 5th july there is an event at burger king where bk stackers with fries and soda are half the price so last 5th july I went and got me 3 quintuple pattie stackers with 3 big fries and 3 large sodas I managed to eat to burgers and 1 and a half packs of fries and soda before I couldn't eat anymore.

>> No.12178593
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>More is better

>> No.12178609
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>> No.12178626

I felt slightly hungry before watching this.
Now I never want to eat again.
That was absolutely fucking sickening watching that fat woman eat.

>> No.12178644


>400+ lbs
>Everyone cheers because they get to make themselves fatter for free

America is a joke where the punchline never comes

>> No.12178655


>Midget nurse

Fire up the grill, I'm on my way

>> No.12178671

I'm upset by the veggies honestly. If I order a triple cheeseburger I'm not in it for a half an onion and a whole shitty tomato. Triple cheese, triple burger, triple cheeseburger.

>> No.12179717

I wanna see joey's world tour eat here.

>> No.12180506

Using the meme wrong. Being a gluttonous meat eater is the opposite of soyboism.

>> No.12180561

That’s how I know you’re just a plain fatass. Throwing off the veggie to meat ratio ruins the flavor balance and mouthfeel. You’re just a gluttonous slob who wants grease and calories

>> No.12180575

>That’s how I know you’re just a plain fatass. Throwing off the veggie to meat ratio ruins the flavor balance and mouthfeel.
Nope, he's right and you're wrong. I'm 6'0 140lb and can confirm vegetables are a waste of space.

>> No.12180582

Those burgers look like shit. The cheese isn't even melted.
How come healthy fags can't even make bad food good?
He's looking a little turkey necked there himself.

>> No.12180585

>vegetables are a waste of space
How does it feel to not mature past 10 years of age?

>> No.12180598

You can't even digest cellulose. It's literally used to take up space as a carryover tradition from back when people couldn't afford lots of meat.

>> No.12180609
File: 923 KB, 290x163, 79E52F6F-174D-4917-80A5-EDB2AD9EF4A0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>veggies were only eaten when meat was expensive
How does it feel to be legitimately retarded? Eat a salad fatty

>> No.12180613

If you want actual vegetable based nutrition and not indigestible space wasting plant matter drink a V8.

>> No.12180626

>incels are so fat and retarded they think you dont digest vegetables
Fucking cringe

>> No.12180627

You probably weigh a lot more than I do. Are you under 140lb? Most I've ever weighed in my entire 32 years of living was almost 150lb while trying to gain weight with gainer shakes.

>> No.12180632

>Digesting cellulose
Are you a cow?

>> No.12180636

ikr? what kind of degenerate would ruin a perfectly fine hamburger by putting disgusting, watery tomatoes in it?

>> No.12180648

>just drink a V8
The state of burgerland

>I’m a skinny boomer what I say goes
Not my fault you have pleb taste buds and the eating habits and knowledge of a 12 year old.

You realize fiber is good for you, right? This is why you pigs get intestinal cancer

>> No.12180654

Not really/sort of. He was a nutritionist/dietician. Not an MD

>> No.12180657

How can one man be so based? Truly a man of chaotic good.

>> No.12180659
File: 158 KB, 990x735, 1554331958750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realize fiber is good for you, right?
>Falling for the Kellogg fiber meme

>> No.12180680

>he's fat

>> No.12180693

Anon is mixed up, the SPOKESMAN for the restaurant died.

Basso however, is legitimately a sociopath. He claims to be trying to stop people from eating his food, going as far to have the cremated remains of a customer who died there in his restaraunt. But he profits immensely from it, and then there's the sexual harassment allegations.

Which, admittedly, are pretty hilarious:

Some highlights:

>In a sexual harassment lawsuit filed Tuesday in Clark County District Court, the woman, Jaimee Lee, also claims Basso confided his desires in a note to her dog.

>The lawsuit alleges that Basso, who founded the company in Tempe, Arizona, in 2005, scribbled notes on napkins to Lee, sent her “harassing and inappropriate” text messages, and made comments to her at the restaurant.

>At one point, the complaint alleges, Basso sent Lee an image of a life-sized cardboard cut-out of her that he had tossed in a dumpster, along with the message: “Where it belongs.”

>He sent her a nude photo in which he was “turned away from the camera” and covering his genitals, according to the lawsuit, which was filed by Las Vegas attorneys Joey Mott and Scott Lundy.

>In May 2015, Basso had “dozens of roses delivered” to the woman’s home “on at least four separate occasions,” according to the lawsuit, which claims he showed up at her home a year and a half later.

>“As a further COURTESY, in case you are not thinking clearly,” Basso wrote, according to the lawsuit, “you are under contractual obligation not to make any adverse public or private statements against the company or myself.”

>The lawsuit claims she was fired a week later.

>> No.12180698
File: 128 KB, 1200x800, thots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did nothing wrong, he's a good boy.

>> No.12180709

Because it doesn't cost them any additional time or money to make, and people will buy it for novelty value, so you might as well sell it.

>> No.12180716

Why is he chubby tho? Is this what passes for fit in murrica?

>> No.12180717

This is wonderful. I want a burger now

>> No.12180724

What the fuck, I hate Corn Flakes now!

>> No.12180734

He didn't even invent them he stole the recipe from his brother who worked for him and they became estranged until their deaths

>> No.12180758

Basso is pretty much what happens when someone has a pyschotic break

>I was a fitness trainer at the time spent a lifetime involved in diet and exercise stemming from high school and college athletics. When you get out of college you figure I'll pursue my passion, help the world and all those good things. So I owned a chain of Jenny Craig weight loss centers, a chain of personal training studios. I was the owner, operator, janitor, personal trainer, the whole nine yards and for years and years I was playing doctor as a personal trainer pretending I knew much more about the body and so forth. The same thing as a Jenny Craig franchise, I was prescribing diets to people with typically one goal, which was to lose weight. In those positions you attempt to be be overly professional. You are not being very real with people and by the nature of the fitness industry, it's disgusting because you are promising people things that are outside genetic possibility. Give me money and I'll make you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and that's not going to happen.

>Year after year went by and I became more and more jaded and bitter. After a while I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror because I was a complete fraud who was supporting my family by lying.

>> No.12180761

>And then a very, very fateful thing happened. I got a letter in the mail from a very powerful intellectual property firm in Los Angeles that was suing me because the name of my work out studios was very, very similar to the name of their hamburger chain. I can't really discuss the name of the hamburger chain, but my studios were called the In and Out workout studios. So this unknown group decided to sue me. I couldn't fathom that this was happening because I was the do-gooder, the hero and this was the evil burger empire coming down on me for using common language, an old English expression, in and out, meaning a rapid rate, and I had no intention of selling burger or fries.

>And so I proceeded to defend myself in court pro se and a year and a half of back and forth, and finally one of the silver-haired partners of the big firm said, "Jon, I like you, you're interesting, you're funny and you seem to have half a brain. Let's see how smart you really are." He said, "You take out a dollar and I'll take a hundred and we'll take out some matches and we'll start burning and we'll start burning and we'll see who starts getting nervous first."

>And I realized this huge corporation that was suing me, there was no way I was going to win, even though I was totally in the right. I was selling health and fitness, and I wasn't trying to impede on their intellectual property. But after a year and half of battling with them, I realized that, OK, I'll sell my gyms, I'll get out of the business. I'll do what they're requesting, but I won't ever stop fighting. I'll enter their industry with a whole different angle, a whole different gimmick.

>Instead of being a slimy, crooked, dishonest peddler of health and fitness services, which I was, promising anybody who would pay me any type of miraculous results if they followed my advice and did physical exercise, I would actually launch a hamburger concept that would be absolutely honest.

>> No.12180776

And I didn't think I could like in n out even more

>> No.12180788

>What the fuck, I hate Corn Flakes now!
John Harvey Kellogg is unironically the real reason that a literal 90% of American males around today were circumcised. He also promoted fiber and made a point of insisting no sugar be added to his cereal because he believed it ought to be unpleasant rather than enjoyable to help deter sexual urges. And he never had sex with his own wife, such was his conviction that sexual activity was sinful and corrupting. His children were adopted.

>> No.12180805

>Why is he chubby tho?
Occupational Hazard.

>> No.12180807

Now I want a corruption doujin where hot women go back in time and force Kellogg into a sexual experience where he breaks down and cries

>> No.12180814

there are a lot of fat subhumans in the western world.

>> No.12180817

And they force him to eat Frosted Flakes.

>> No.12180862

>Do you want our milkshakes, Mr Kellog?
>*Autistic science man noises*

>> No.12181565


People literally bake carbohydrate loafs and such and cover them with sugar, in greater quantity than a few burgers.

Next time a greasy hamburger grosses you out, imagine how much sugar is in your average large soda from that same restaurant.

>> No.12181650

I went there last year, it was literally just five guys on steriods. Overpriced greasy food in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.12182625

Desu to go through all that schooling most people have to have an autistic obsession. It really helps..

Lots of shrinks are depressed

>> No.12184032

a nutricionist , in an interview he said he tried to help people for a long time but got mad seeing how the fat people just didn't respect the diet and keep getting fat as fuck.

So he said "fuck it" and helped kill fat people to prove a point.
As far as i remember one guy died there and the fucked did the a comercial showing the table where the fat boy died (575 lb or 260kg).

>> No.12184083

Macronutrient ratio REALLY doesn't matter when you're talking 300+lb fatties eating a literal 10,000 calorie burger. I don't care which macronutrients make up your 10,000 calories, if you eat 10,000 calories in a single meal you are killing yourself at exactly the same rate.

>> No.12184229

>Jon, I like you, you're interesting, you're funny and you seem to have half a brain. Let's see how smart you really are.
He was smart after all.

>> No.12184625

It's not like he was obese or telling people to be his weight. He's also pretty damn old.