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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 106 KB, 1024x683, Jacques_Lameloise,_escabèche_d'écrevisses_sur_gaspacho_d'asperge_et_cresson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12169804 No.12169804 [Reply] [Original]

>Take a look at the latest Michelin star list
>Virtually everything is Nouvelle "Cuisine"

Why is this trash so popular?

>> No.12169806
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about what a tire company says is the best food

>> No.12169824

It's new, pretty, probably tastes alright.

>> No.12169844

i doubt that a michelin star would put parsley on their dish.

>> No.12169848

What's wrong with parsley?

>> No.12170364

Genelets can't handle it becuase they're mutt DNA makes it taste like soap to their underdeveloped tiunges.

>> No.12170386

That's cilantro.

>> No.12170416


>> No.12170429

>doesn’t know the difference between parsley and cilantro
What a fucking retard!

>> No.12171008

The plate is dirty, the green goo is nasty and that fish is old.

>> No.12171011
File: 40 KB, 550x410, filename-skina-jpg-thumbnail0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That will be $250 goyi... er, sir

>> No.12171017

Why don't people understand there are multiple courses?

>> No.12171022
File: 93 KB, 560x420, 909d6decd8ff05fa8e51cf9f4d6bf28a5af2a034aafb2f1ad02e373ee3fe5a07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One course of 25 calories
>"But it has 10 courses!"
>10x25 = 250

>> No.12171088

>There are people who would rather eat this shit than delicious Cyprus Kebab, Peking Duck or Home cooked burger, and pay 20 times as much for it.

The absolute state of some people.

>> No.12171160

Everyone stopped putting this shit on as garnish about 30 years ago.

>> No.12171965
File: 167 KB, 1082x726, thumb_DSC_2560_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nouvelle cuisine is a funny term nowadays
when it was conceived, it was to designate the light, eclectic alternative to the heavy, classic, ornate cooking that was popular in France
nearly all fine dining restaurants today use dishes that are at least based on this style
I cook at a 3* joint
we use parsley tips for a garnish on a few dishes
imagine, for a moment - that the cost of a fine dining restaurant went into higher quality ingredients, staff who can cook to a higher standard than you, and guys who will do everything to make sure your meal is as good as possible

>> No.12172001

>that the cost of a fine dining restaurant went into higher quality ingredients, staff who can cook to a higher standard than you, and guys who will do everything to make sure your meal is as good as possible

Yes, I really appreciate paying premium for "presentation". It's definitely worth it.

Not. You fuckers ruined fine dining. You used to actually be able to go to an average French restaurant somewhere and get good, regional, hearty food. These days virtually every French restaurant has some cunt who fancies himself an "artist" running it, and charging $200 per head minimum. Most of the dishes you make aren't even that sophisticated. Again, it's just an over-emphasis on presentation.

You're the worst thing that ever happened to European cuisine in general, and eventually the bubble will burst and tastes will change.

>> No.12172006

It has been that way since the dominance of El Bulli in mid to late 90s, son. You're acting like molecular gastronomy is a new trend in fine dining.

Why? It's widely considered the most sophisticated way to make food, able to bring out the best qualities of the ingredients in addition to playing to emotional and artistic sensibilities.

>> No.12172009

Mate, people looking for a hearty Coq au Vin aren't the same audience going to fine dining restaurants.

>> No.12172139

That's really more of a commentary on the braindead customers who think being "seen" there somehow justifies their outlay.

>> No.12172160

WTF it's real. I had no clue it was the same Michelin. What's the big deal about people taking food advice from a tire company?

>> No.12172189

If I'm not mistaken it started ages ago as a guide for truckers looking for a decent place to stop and eat / spend the night, then took off from there

>> No.12172198

Who is actually going there? Is it J*ws?

>> No.12172254

Bag of chicken hearts?

>> No.12172283
File: 83 KB, 1024x688, QuatorzeRoom_zps6zwsufaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about, there are like 20 different "old timey hearty french food" restaurants in my zip code alone, from zincs to breton and provencal joints. Stop being such a flyover, cleetus. NYC never stopped loving french food.

>> No.12173177

Definitely confusing parsley and cilantro... come on man.

>> No.12174201

>people are only pretending to enjoy delicious food
This is your palate on sysco trucks

>> No.12174807

Tourists rather than truckers, but otherwise spot on.
The guide started back when middle class car ownership was becoming normal, so people started driving around, but they didn't know any good places to eat when away from home. Hence where the Michelin guide came in.