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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12165440 No.12165440 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone getting their garden started? late snow has put a hold on getting my tunnels up. But my seedlings are doing fine.

>> No.12165449
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The weather isnt stopping the chickens.

>> No.12165454

How did you get your plants to stay on that wall?

>> No.12165458

it's a sideways pic

>> No.12165466
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I think he was joking guy...

>> No.12165485
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>> No.12165495
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Im doing outdoors this year. Hindu kush once my mother is big and healthy Ill be starting the clones.

>> No.12165504

I keep getting seeds from my buds in my medical stuff. Could you help me just get a basic germination and planting help?

>> No.12165514

Get ready to be squiting looking little flower dicks in the hopes you dont get a male. Also how shitty is your local weed if youre getting seeds in medical pot.

>> No.12165524

Well I should say I have a total of 4 seeds after buying my med for over 2 years. So might have given wrong impression.

>> No.12165526

I love that you have it labeled "marijuana" mine are all pineapple crack from clone. I have seeds for gorillagasm and some private label stuff called wonder years.

Indoors or outdoors? Such a simple answer but its an incredibly complex answer. Thats cause by hermaphrodite plants and those pop up for a number of reasons.

1. The plants are overstressed
2. They are genetically predisposed to self pollination

If the plant endures enough stress it will attempt to self pollinate in a last ditch attempt to reproduce. Some strains will do so without stress just because they haven't been pollinated and the flowering cycle is coming to an end. Again, its a last ditch effort to breed a new generation. The best thing you can do is regularly check for hermaphrodite seed pods and pluck them before they pollinate. As far as propagation the like warm and humid to begin with. Remember never to make wild adjustments to the plants environment. Its not a good idea to take plants you've grown indoors and suddenly plant them outside. They need time to acclimate to the new environmental conditions.

>> No.12165527

Cover in a wet paper towel in cool dark place for a few days then plant with root facing downward

>> No.12165535

Those seeds are from hermaphrodites plants and will likely be genetically predisposed to becoming hermaphrodites themselves. Best thing to do for seeds is buy them from a legitimate breeder.

>> No.12165539

Nah skip the paper towel method. Its truly worthless. Leave your seeds in a glass of water for 24 hours and then plant them. Nature will do the rest. I stopped using paper towel method a decade ago.

>> No.12165540
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Get real seeds from a seed bank I like super silver haze. Seeds from bags of weed are almost always herms. Plant your seeds directly into 1 gallon pots of Happy frog soil No need to germinate or any of that bullshit.

>> No.12165553

Meh hazes take to long to finish for a lot of climates. He should stick to basic 8 week strains.

>> No.12165564

Well I go to my dispensary and they're all sealed but yes I've seen them being harvested at the "manufacturer" for lack of a better term.

I might as well just try them anyway. I'm not going to invest in special soil for these though. If/when I hit up a seed bank I'll do my research.
(I was allll for this and researched it many years ago but then life happened)

I've never been there, but I live up the road, and a right turn away from a hydroponics store too.

>> No.12165568

I just put them right into dirt/those peet things. Delays thing a day or two but Im in no hurry

>> No.12165570

Hey I remember that the chicken coup and shed, good to see you're still alive.

>> No.12165574

I've got a variety of peppers going, 6 kinds of tomatoes, as well as tomatillos. some of the peppers are still seedlings, others are 2 feet high and already bearing fruit.

I will be planting pumpkins and watermelon later in the year.

Peach, Pear, and Fig trees in the yard. The pear has been there for years, I planted the peach 2 years ago and the fig this year. I also planted 2 types of blueberries and 4 types of blackberries.

I had a loquat I planted last year, but the deer destroyed it.

>> No.12165587

buy special soil its like 11$ a bag and worth it you will be wasting your time

>> No.12165591
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Im moving into the woods to homestead next spring. Havent had internet most of this year so I havent been getting on the site much.

>> No.12165594

Chances are your native soil is not ideal for cannabis cultivation. Its worth a few bucks to by a professional grade soil.

>> No.12165596

Paper towel method is great for sorting out seeds that germinate from those which don't.

>> No.12165599

Those are actually my favorite medium to sprout plants in. I buy a ton in the springtime so i have enough to last me through the winter when you can't find them anywhere.

>> No.12165605

Good soil is totally worth it. You can buy it (Fox Farms is great), or you can make it yourself. Either way it's totally worthwhile compared to using whatever random dirt you happen to have lying around.

It's worth it for veggies too. I switched to growing my tomatoes and peppers in Ocean Forest and I get more fruits and better flavor.

>> No.12165609

Waste of time. If they don't sprout, they don't sprout. Where is the time savings? The 10 seconds it takes to plant a seed. Even if they did crack their shell in the paper towel there's no guarentee the will successfully sprout. I've been doing this for a long time and I've learned where to save myself the trouble and when the extra step is worth it.

>> No.12165615

I prefer aurora 707 to ocean forest. Its blended with coco so you get better drainage and aeration out of the bag.

>> No.12165627

>Where is the time savings?
It's not about time savings. It's about not wasting space with pots that don't have any plants in them.

I'll have to check that out. Right now I'm cutting my ocean forest with a little extra pearlite and spaghnum moss. Only downside is that I don't think I can get it locally. There are no hydro shops in my area, only normal garden stores. They carry Fox Farms but I haven't seen Aurora there.

>> No.12165631

if they can get foxfarm they can get aurora your gonna have to order it from them

>> No.12165645

yeah, only question is what will they charge me?

I've special ordered various things from them in the past. Sometimes there's no charge, other times they hit me with extra freight, etc. I've also considered blending my own. They local garden stores are really well stocked when it comes to soil amendments, so mixing up my own on a tarp or in a kiddie pool is easily done. they just don't have "grow" supplies if you know what I mean.

>> No.12165653

>It's not about time savings. It's about not wasting space with pots that don't have any plants in them.

You dont put them under light until they sprout. And if they dont you can reuse it.

>> No.12165654

i work in a hydroshop we dont charge extra for custom orders if we get it with our normal shipment. The cost to ship a pallet of soil is only 40-90$

>> No.12165667

>You dont put them under light until they sprout
Sure. But I do put them on my heat mat. And I have limited room there. The "extra labor" is very minor and doesn't bother me one bit.

I'll check and see what they will charge me. My local places are all farm supply and feed stores, not hobbyist type places used to dealing with special orders.

>> No.12165712

Not necessarily. I'm pretty deep into the world of hydroponic product distribution. It's a complex web of loyalty, ideals and rivalries. I seriously doubt aurora would be willing to do business with a company like home depot.

>> No.12165716

Who are you ordering from that's charging by the pallet? Or are you averaging the cost of a freight truck across all pallets?

>> No.12165718

As long as they'll do business with a Farmer's co-op it works for me.

the only problems I forsee is if they have minimum order quantities. I'm not going to buy a pallet's worth just to check it out, and I doubt the co-op will buy a pallet just for me to take a couple bags and try it out. we'll see though.

>> No.12165758

I'll give you a more in depth understanding of how that works. Companies like aurora don't have the ability to distribute their own product. They hire a third party trucking company to make their deliveries for them. If you aren't ordering a truckload at a time the cost of having a truck bring you a single pallet or even two pallets is not monitarily feasible. That's where a distributor comes in. They purchase multiple truck loads at a time and then resell them to stores that can't afford to order a truckload themselves. If your farmer's co-op has an account with a local hydroponics distributor then they would likely be able to get it for you depending on their mandatory ordering minimums. If you can't get it then no big deal keep using foxfarm and just make sure to cut it with perlite to keep it light and airy.

>> No.12167046

>If your farmer's co-op has an account with a local hydroponics distributor
They almost certainly don't. I've never seen anything even remotely hydroponics related there, unless you count Fox Farms products, or incredibly generic shit like bales of coco or plastic pipe.

>> No.12167143

Well they’re getting their ocean forest from somewhere and it ain’t foxfarm direct.

>> No.12167155

What can I grow for maximun umami?

>> No.12167194

Started way too late. 95% of the seeds I sowed last week still haven't even sprouted.

Got the motherlode of seeds in the mail today though so on Saturday I can get to work with those.

>> No.12167201

Mushrooms the sell kits at big box stores. Plenty of just get them wet and walla mushrooms.

>> No.12167278

I didn't like broccoli until I had them homegrown. Little shits were good too because I didn't have to water them,

>> No.12167338

trying to grow okra in zone 6, so they've been sprouted for about a month and won't be able to get planted out for at least 6 more weeks... and they're moderately etoliated and already getting too big for my light shelves. going to see them through but seems like it's going to be dicey

>> No.12167461

I'm in zone 7 and I always plant okra seeds directly in the ground in May and they produce really well.

>> No.12167566

Couldnt you just cut them back?

>> No.12167698

right at the top of 6, what I was reading was saying it be too cold in spring to get a good season out of them if you start in the ground but maybe putting some domes over them in may would work.

yeah that's probably a good idea, I don't know why I didn't want to. there is a pretty big internodal distance on them, but cutting them back is probably smart

>> No.12167703


>> No.12167778

>growing your own food

I bet you use cast iron pans too.

>> No.12167783

what plant is that

>> No.12167822

Tomato dingus.

>> No.12167915

Weed is not /ck/ related. Fuck off to /b/ where you belong.

>> No.12167951

uhh wrong, one can eat and cook it. perhaps you ought to fuck off back to elementary school so you can catch up

>> No.12167963

I regularly cook with it. I have a special bottle of olive oil that comes out once a week when the crew comes over for thrones.

>> No.12167998

How about not being such a lowlife scumbag who has to take drugs to feel better, where'd you life go so fucking wrong? I'm sure your parents are so proud, though I bet they're just as scummy as you are.. the apple doesn't fall far and all that shit.

>> No.12168089

0/10 troll

>> No.12168094

Only worthless shit bags resort to drugs anon

>> No.12168108

-10/10 troll

>> No.12168138
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>> No.12168156

Hydro with cheap nutes will grow as good as soil will. Weighs much less too and doesn't make a mess. Dyna-gro is just fine for nutes.

>> No.12168175

Everyone is over here: >>>/out/1490256 and the next one after that: >>>/out/1493414 just no weed or mods will ban

>> No.12168228

whatever square

>> No.12168256

kek, I don't use drugs I just think it's funny that you don't know about edibles since they're really commonplace. looks like you just want to fight with people on the internet though, so... well, hey I'm sure your parents are proud of their little sped at least.

>> No.12168279
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4chan truly is dead. Even plebbit doesn’t ban for weed.

>> No.12168296

it is because /ck/ is shit or something. look at all the drug threads you allow here >>>/ck/alcohol

>> No.12168326
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What’s next? You going to call caffeine a drug too.

>> No.12168379

Weed is a legal business in the States now.

>> No.12169633

That and sugar of course. Don't delude yourself.

>> No.12169651
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>have a longstanding serious discussion thread about growing plants, composting methods, etc
>50% of posts would be retards trying to grow weed in their closet without moderation
Homegrowmen is pure, please dont shit up the place.

>> No.12169822
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>> No.12170878

Just past last frost here in the south. I've got carrots, scorzonera, kale and spinach already sown out side and i've got cardoons, that I started indoors back in early march, brandywine tomatos, basil, cilantro, and tronboncino squash, beauregaurd snow peas, cucumbers, heatless habeneros, and heatless jalepenos (all from row7seeds) growing indoors untill the soil temp rises a bit. Plus blueberry bushes that were planted last year.
Im thinking of buying a huge bag of birdseed sunflower seeds and just filling up all the left over spaces of my yard with sunflowers. And I wanted to get a few black berry canes to plant but i think its too late in the season. They arent being sold at my local garden centet anymore.

>> No.12171081
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It's too cold and nothing's growing