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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 740x486, bloapr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12167754 No.12167754 [Reply] [Original]

What desserts. Sweet. Treats. and Confectioneries have you been enjoying lately?z


Lately I have been trying to discover Asian confectioneries but I noticed they don't really have a lot of desserts, why is that?

>> No.12167813

Asians have tons of desserts, you probably have limited your search based on preconceived notions of what a dessert has to be.

>> No.12167824

could you point me in the right direction?

>> No.12167827

Yeah, Asia. Are you asking me to tell you what Asian desserts are? Because I'll point you to Google, 4chan isn't a search engine.

>> No.12167829

and you're right I guess i never thought outside the box enough.

>> No.12167837

i'm just trying to start a conversation with people that might have had them before...yeah I could google it but what's the point of a board like this?

>> No.12167845

>I could google it but what's the point of a board like this?
The point is finding information.

>> No.12167867

you don't have to be a jerk man.

>> No.12167873
File: 46 KB, 500x500, wackywally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What desserts. Sweet. Treats. and Confectioneries have you been enjoying lately?
I've been making regular boxed brownies adding butterscotch chips and pecans
I even warmed it up a couple times and topped it with rocky road ice cream
OP tell me about the pic. looks nice

>> No.12167875

How often do you do things because you have to do them?

>> No.12167880

>3 uniques in 9 posts
let this be a lesson to you faggot
no one comes to an imageboard for back to back dialog. you aren't meant to reply to every single post in the thread to force conversation. if you want to feel good by imitating friendships, go to reddit where people can upvote you and replies are nested

>> No.12167924
File: 241 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-04-09-14-07-02_compress_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some butter cookies recently flavored with star anise extract and rolled in turbinado. Works great with coffee and tea, and not too many calories.

Moon cakes are coming up in August. otherwise most of what I can think of id stuff like mochi, anything matcha flavored, and things with red bean paste.

>> No.12168039

reddit is fake though, it's just a bunch of people trying to befriend you or dox you or judge you on your post history. Here it's just pure dialogue, same with aol chats or youtube video chat rooms nobody really knows eachother it's just banter. But nvm I just wanted to start a thread about desserts not talk to some fucking jerks who have reddit living rent free in their heads. and would rather post honk honk memes than actually talk about something.

>> No.12168055


>> No.12168212

wew the autism in this thread
anyways op, I've been trying to get into baking and have made various things like cakes/lemon bars etc... from scratch and giving them to my friends to judge
plan on starting to make traditional persian desserts like halva and shole zard (probably not what you think of when you think of asian, but yeah) sometime soon

cookies look good anon, thanks for the reminder to pick up some star anise next time I go shopping
>things with red bean paste.
red bean paste is goat

>> No.12170054


>> No.12170058

>reddit living rent free in their heads
kek, room temperature IQs

>> No.12170698

> discover Asian confectioneries
There is nothing to discover. No tradition in leavened dough, butter and eggs applications, fruits and preserves. And don't even get me started on chocolate or the awesome applications of distilled fruit liquors. It's a wasteland. Middle East, Levant and Persia have some nice stuff but that's about it.