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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12160937 No.12160937 [Reply] [Original]

Do you agree?

>> No.12160948

No, only an autist cares what other people eat.

>> No.12160949

Actually, yes. I'll give you 1. Any more than that and you're literally a baby. Those are all extremely common foods and nothing exotic.

>> No.12160955

There's 21 things on there I won't eat unless I'm starving, and it never comes up, I used to be a real picky eater, but that's a list of shit a lot of people hate, no one likes everything.

I grew out of it, I can eat anything if I'm hungry enough.

>> No.12160959

Exhausting is a good word

It wouldn't be so bad if picky eaters just lied that they had allergies. No, they actually love making the topic of lunch or dinner a confrontation about themselves. Just eat the fucking food you literal child. It stems from a lack of attention I am sure.

Also I will cross off avocados just because they are slimy and taste like Jell-O made from lawn clippings

>> No.12160966


Holy shit get the fuck away from me

>> No.12160974
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>raw fish
6 points. Christine can go fuck herself.

>> No.12160978

Thots gonna thot

>> No.12160996

i got 0 points.
although i'd prefer not to eat eggplant, but i still eat it every now and then

>> No.12161005

theres so many options to replace mayo in basically every dish, i dont see why anyone would be exhausted by me not liking slimy egg oil

>> No.12161006

How can you dislike tomatoes?

>> No.12161016

social media was such a fucking mistake.

>> No.12161017

Fuck Mayo, ketchup, and mustard. Never eat em. Why would that be even considered a patrician's diet or whatever this dumb cunt's list is supposed to portray is beyond me.

>> No.12161020

I agree for the most part. picky eaters are a pain to go out with or prepare a meal for. But im surprised theres nothing spicy on the list. the thing that gets me is people that wont eat anything even remotely "spicy" and act like you were trying to kill them because there was pepper in something, or flat out refuse to eat seafood. maybe anti onion people are worse though.

>> No.12161029

Not him but I cant stand raw tomatoes. Cooked or made into a sauce, Im ok with it. The most I can deal with is in pico de gallo because all the other ingredients mask it.

>> No.12161032

Yeah, it depends on your behavior about it really. I don't care if you won't eat certain things, but for example, if you're going out to eat and everyone else wants to eat somewhere, don't expect the group to accommodate your pickiness, just go along or don't go.

>> No.12161038

Fuck raw celery
Fuck raw tomatoes
Fuck kombucha

Everything else is cool

>> No.12161039

Most of them, fine.
Kombucha? The fuck? You're never inconveniencing anyone else by not liking kombucha. Nobody serves you kombucha at random. Nobody's including kombucha in a dish you might order.

>> No.12161043

1 because oysters are gross. never had kombucha, but I'd try it.

>> No.12161045

Three points for me, but it seems unfair to include olives twice

>> No.12161047

why are you on this board

>> No.12161052

YES. picky eaters need to get waterboarded/raped

>> No.12161054

youre a faggot, and she said exhausting for a reason, because thats the feeling when everyone else is enjoying something and you have that one negative-nigger, being a grumpy asshole because someone handed you a hot dog with mustard on it at a ballgame.
and then you twirl your cape around and storm away.

>> No.12161055
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>why is a picky eater on a board dominated by fast food threads

>> No.12161057

It's more than just something that can inconvenience other people, it says something about one's character, and someone who says they "can't stand raw tomatoes" has a certain level of mental immaturity. They probably had a tomato when they were 5, decided it was yucky, and have been telling themselves for the past 20 something years that tomatoes are yucky. It's really not a matter of people having different tastes; it's about some people being literal fucking children and unwilling to give things a chance and get over their mental hangups. Fuck those people.

>> No.12161062

Didn't brussel sprouts stop tasting like ass a few years ago? They changed the line for the crops or something, can't remember but it wasn't GMO.
Anyway, brussell sprouts are good now and only boomers will remember wretching on them.

>> No.12161066

FUCK brussel sprouts. I really dont mind any other food, but that shit has no other taste than bitter.

>> No.12161067

Also, autistic people tend to be picky eaters due to their sensitivities to textures and I mean that in the actual autism spectrum disorder sense, not the buzzword insult 4chan meme sense.

>> No.12161088

I give raw tomatoes plenty of chances. Every once in a while I order a sandwich or burger I dont ask them to remove the tomato. Take a bite to see if Im ok with it, and to this day I still dont like it. Its not like im going to spit it out or vomit, I just dont eat it.

>> No.12161092

So what about people who have given things chances and just don't like a bunch of them?

>> No.12161099


Picky eating = autism

That's fine by me on this board.

>> No.12161101

Those people are wrong.
What's the point in not liking stuff?

>> No.12161107

In all seriousness you might be autistic

>> No.12161112

Mayonnaise was literally invented to disguise stale bread, like how perfume was invented to mask BO on people who don't bathe.
Have fresh bread, you don't need mayo.

>> No.12161119

That’s funny because I make ‘booch at my house and offer it too anyone that comes over. Never offended if they decline tho.

>> No.12161120

>raw fish
I don't care if it tastes good; I don't wanna be a host for parasites you fucking cretin.

>> No.12161122

That's fine for things like durian or bittermelon, but everything on the OP list (other than maybe kombucha) is pretty much ubiquitous and generally considered normal, unoffensive, and beloved. There's something wrong with you if there's any of those things which you simply refuse to eat.

>> No.12161130

You're full of shit

>> No.12161132

Blue cheese
Black olives

Just suck dick:

>> No.12161141

Protip: heat up the avocados and they taste much better

>> No.12161146

One of those things is not like the others

>> No.12161148

I would try everything on the list except raw fish.

>> No.12161154

Shrimp and mushrooms are both absolutely god tier

>> No.12161162

God mustard and mayo suck so fucking hard though. I don't even know how they do it. They take good ingredients and make them taste foul. I like olive oil, eggs, and mustard seeds. But they somehow make olive oil and eggs taste like sharp piss and mustard taste like ass. Both RUIN a sandwitch.

>> No.12161170

Brussel sprouts smell like an old lady fart and taste like a shitty broccoli. They are just shitty broccoli and I don't see the point.

>> No.12161176

I just cannot care for pickles.

>> No.12161177

buy better mustard
i still cant stand yellow mustard but some spicy mustards are tasty

>> No.12161182

My girlfriend likes sushi and it's just not good. Like I'll eat it but fucking cream cheese and cucumbers with rice and a tiny sliver of fish is kind of stupid.

Also I consider cold food to be rations not a meal. A meal must be hot. Cold sandwiches are a last resort food not a proper meal.

>> No.12161187

I got 0 points.

>> No.12161191
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Imagine being upset because someone else didn't like a food you like.

>> No.12161192

Sweet pickles > spicy pickles >>>>> dill pickles

>> No.12161196

I've eaten properly cooked brussel sprouts and they're completely different to how I remember them as a kid. Farmers cross-bred out most of the bitter-tasting stuff in it. The tradeoff is that way more pests can get at them.

>> No.12161197

Kombucha is amazing for a hangover
Black olives RUIN pizza

>> No.12161200

>I'll eat it but fucking cream cheese and cucumbers with rice and a tiny sliver of fish is kind of stupid.
That's also not sushi. It's American """"""sushi"""""

>> No.12161201

I will not not, nor will I ever again eat raw meat, or oysters or shrimp. While I can still eat at a general Japanese or seafood restaurant, I guess that means I can't eat at a sushi restaurant. Not that it matters, there's like one sushi restaurant in my entire city and there are plenty of other options if I ever go to Japan again.

>> No.12161203

It's not about people having different preferences. If you wont eat one of the items on that list you are a picky eater, and picky eaters are terrible people.

>> No.12161205

I had the sashimi too and it was dumb. Had eel and octopus. Nice and rubbery and cold.

>> No.12161206

I only got 1. I just really don't like black olives. Like I'll eat them, but I prefer to not have them. It's to the point that I will pick them off of pizza.

>> No.12161215

Most people got 0 points. These threads are just for people to throw out easy bait by saying that mayo is gross or sushi is dumb or avocados taste like grass. Obviously nobody believes any of those things.

>> No.12161264

For clarity, I enjoy everything on the list. I just think it's autistic to get mad because someone else doesn't.

>> No.12161278

Nobody is getting mad. Just judging picky eaters as lesser human beings.

>> No.12161281

It is a moral imperative to shame people who are fucking awful to encourage them to participate in society

>> No.12161288

>green olives
>black olives

>> No.12161290

>a bunch of very common ingredients
>and then kombucha

fuck off bitch

>> No.12161294

>0 points
Saying you love food while hating an entire food group is like saying you love animals but being afraid of anything that isnt a mammal

>> No.12161300
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Yeah, although very real, this list is really embarrassing. Very relevant to us Burgervillians.

Let’s talk about nato.
Japanese fermented beans.

Anyone have any experience with this? My gf’s senpai always has it on new year’s and they never expect me to eat it so I eat it once a year out of spite. Now I kinna dig it.

>> No.12161307

I pick ketchup, but if it's already there I don't fuss about it.

>> No.12161333

How can you not like kombucha? It's basically guilt free soda.

>> No.12161336

Alright, but consider this: In the real world, outside of this board and Stacy Teigen's Twitter, nobody really cares. So what's the point?

>> No.12161342

I like it but Im Asian. I don't expect anybody else to stand the shit. It's pretty fucking rank

One cat food container of natto with the condiments on a bowl of rice, and add more of your own soy sauce because boy it needs it, and a half fried egg. Adding a raw egg turns it into a bowl of slime. Unless you're Japanese, do not do it, because I doubt you will ever see eggs or rice the same again.

It's pretty good tho ngl just a fortified bowl of rice

>> No.12161348

1) it disgusts me on a purely intellectual level. you're drinking liquid that a living clot of bacteria and living yeast shit in.
2) the health benefits are a myth and the health issues it causes are very real

>> No.12161358

You have a bunch of living bacteria inside yiu right now. You also have a spooky skeleton inside you.

>> No.12161365

yeah but i don't drink from its growth vat

>> No.12161370

>blue cheese

It's fucking moldy old cheese. Get fucked, sickos.

>> No.12161372


>> No.12161377
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>> No.12161378

So do you also not like mushrooms

>> No.12161385

Foods that if you can't/the cook can't prepare correctly can taste worse than average
>Brussel sprouts
>Blue Cheese
>Raw Fish

Foods with strong taste that shouldn't be a key ingredient in a meal
>Onions (raw)
>Blue Cheese

Not only that but lots of items of the lists + foods like grapefruit, spinach, eggplant and zucchini can leave bad impressions on people when they are children. The reason why people are picky eaters, generally speaking, is that the people cooking for them growing up were shit cooks and they never learned to cook that well themselves.

>> No.12161405

So basically those picky eaters get a free pass to act like diaper shitting babies until a fellow adult cooks something correctly for them, so they can go googoogaga and slap their hands together?

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.12161425
File: 80 KB, 870x643, p10-itoh-yam-a-20160716-870x643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes fine, a bit like slightly salty coffee (with a hint of mustard if you use the mustard pack). It goes really nicely with plain rice.

The only reason I can see people not liking it is the sliminess, but that just goes to weed out the weebs and genuine Japanese food aficionados because the national food texture of Japan is slimy. TKG, natto, shiokara, grated mountain yam in and on everything, lotus roots, monja, raw okra, raw eggs to dip sukiyaki, etc. etc.

>> No.12161432

They don't get a free pass, but if your mum kept cooking something that had some of these ingredients and they tasted bad, it would give you a bad impression of the food. Tell the kid to cook for themselves, it's how I stopped being an annoying picky eater.

>> No.12161455

blue cheese and beets because they're both disgusting, everything else is fine..

>> No.12161456

Oh no... it tastes like old cum on old beans mixed with like... a really funky gorgonzola.

But you’re right. It’s good with rice and condiments.

Raw egg? Gotta try that. I’m into funky stuff. I am not Asian but imma try it anyways.

>> No.12161477
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Why you gotta be so autistic and annoying?

>> No.12161483

A few things I don't really like, but the ones I absolutely won't eat would be:

>> No.12161484

Leave her alone fucker. If you know what's best for you.

>> No.12161493

I fully agree with this. I can eat 'em cooked pretty much any way imaginable, but raw, they basically have to be diced up on a taco or other spanish food. If there's a big slice of tomato on a sandwich, said sandwich is officially fucked up, and won't be consumed by me. No thanks in salads as well.

It's more of a consistency thing, rather than the taste. I don't like the slimy-ness of the seeds. Hence, even if they fuck a sandwich up and lay tomato slices on it, and then take it off, I will still taste the one part of tomatoes that I hate left clinging behind to the bread or lettuce

>> No.12161497

1. Brussel sprouts suck ass, even when cooked properly and drowned with spices.
Tofu is on the fence. It's alright in soup.

>> No.12161505

You disgust me. I like advocados, and the idea of a hot one makes me want to gag.

>> No.12161506

The texture really is pretty bad. I don't mind raw eggs, but natto is straight up liking eating snot

>> No.12161510

I cut the seeds out when I use tomatoes. Bitter and shit texture.

>> No.12161518
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You'd probably hate delicious refreshing mountain yam soba then.

>> No.12161520
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>being picky about other peoples' pickiness

>> No.12161527

Onion used poorly does taste like ass. No one wants tuna salad that tastes like sulfur.

>> No.12161532

What does your first clause have to do with your second?

>> No.12161533

>seems unfair to include olives twice
this guy gets it

>> No.12161535

I don't like olives at all but I will eat them it's just unpleasant.

>> No.12161536

Oh shit, missed kambucha. Fuck that, keep your sour bacterial slime smegma tea to yourself.
So 2.

>> No.12161545

this >>12161493 is me, and I promise you, I will and have eaten crazier and more disgusting shit than you, and not just on a dare, but because I actually like it. Some people are just pussies like you describe and unwilling to try things after one bad experience, but a lot of people simply don't like tomatoes. I use them in plenty of recipes as ingredients, but the idea of taking a bite out of a big raw tomato like an apple makes me wanna throw up just thinking about it. I'd rather eat sea urchin, ground hog, or alligator than a big bite out of a raw tomato.

>> No.12161546

A little very finely chopped red onion is good in tuna or chicken salad.

>> No.12161550

Your internet girlfriend reeks of OB and is too emotionally stunted to understand social cues of when to shut up.

>> No.12161551

Uhhh cringe

>> No.12161554

i don't like bitter, so both olives, kombucha, grapefruit are auto off the table for me. i don't really care for eggplant much, but don't give a shit if i'm served it.

>> No.12161560

brussel sprouts can suck if they're too old. The trick is, you need really small young ones, and you gotta cook 'em with bacon, or some other aged Italian meat like pancetta.

I know someone who pan fries them with bacon and cranberries and it comes out as the best brussel sprouts I've ever had

>> No.12161561

spoken someone who hasn't eaten proper oysters straight out of the sea.
go to southern france from some mouthorgasm bro

>> No.12161567

better avoid yogurt and cheese

>> No.12161570
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Why would I want to eat that? It has no flavor. You have to marinate the fuck out of it then deal with an unpleasant texture. Even then it has little flavor, just a little of the stuff you added.

Even if you make fried tofu skins they're only good for the sauce you make.

>> No.12161579

I’ll give myself 1.5 points because I won’t eat hard boiled eggs even though they aren’t on the list. Sorry not sorry, they smell like farts and taste like sulfur. The half a point comes from grapefruit because while I will eat them I won’t enjoy it because grapefruits are trash-tier bitter bombs that are inferior to every other fruit on earth.

>> No.12161581

I agree with the first part of your thought, but how do you fuck up tuna salad by adding onions? Do you warm it up, besides the 8 or so mins to make a tuna melt? I mean like cook the tuna salad itself beforehand? I'm confused here

>> No.12161594

No, I just mean I've had tuna salad where all you could taste was the unsoaked white onion.

>> No.12161599

I agree with you, but I've also never put a bad one in my mouth. I've caught one or two by smell coming up to my face, but sat them back down before throwing them back. If that happened to someone the first time they had 'em, I could see that being enough to ruin them for a person

>> No.12161600

Pretty sure I have the gene that makes them taste like shit, because that's like polishing a turd to me.
I'd rather have the charcuterie with some atrichoke heart or something.

>> No.12161613

>sea urchin, ground hog, or alligator
You mean Uni (literally a delicacy), sausage (delicious), or ...well alligator (not bad).

I have and would eat tomatoes like apples, with a little salt on each bite.

I’ve killed a lizard I found while camping, disemboweled it, fried it in some bacon fat, and ate it whole. ...bones and all. It was amazing.

>> No.12161618

if they're bigger than about the dia. of a quarter, they do take on a strange taste, but the small ones are basically a vessel to carry delicious bacon fat to your mouth

>> No.12161636
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>ground hog
>sausage (delicious)

My bad, I typed that wrong, I meant groundhog, but that's cute, you thought I meant pork sausage....

>> No.12161640

oh neither have i but the ones in france were simply amazing, the ones i have had before weren't even in the same ball park.

>> No.12161641

It's not about what you do or do not eat, it's about all the countless hours wasted trying to pick a god damned restaurant for the group while every place people actually like is veto'd by the picky eater going "eww no they let the onion touch my food it's nasty"

>> No.12161651

ketchup, mustard, and mayo don't belong on this list fuck you christy

>> No.12161653

Omg. Duh. Well... I feel like I should have understood. I’ll share the “duh” on that one.

...but I’d eat the fuck outta that little fella too.

>> No.12161662

I don’t like the taste of everything on there but if a friend made me a dish with one of these ingredients I could eat it without looking like I hate life

>> No.12161673

ever had snapper soup? The turtle, not the fish. Not sure if that's a regional thing or not, but you sound like a man of discriminating tastes that would enjoy such a meal

>> No.12161674

2 for me. dark chocolate and grapefruit, though the odds of me coming across those (with friends,dining, whatever) are nil, so who cares?

>> No.12161689


>Snapper soup
Never been offered. Didn’t even know that was a thing. I’d do it though. I don’t know the physiology of a turtle. Where is the meat on those things anyhow? The legs? I imagine their bodies are basically already soup on the inside of that shell.

>> No.12161693

picky eaters over the age of 6 are just spoiled man children with neglectful parents who barely tolerated their existence

>> No.12161727
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Meat's inside the shell kinda all around, but there's big concentrations in the neck and legs.

Never trapped them myself, but my dad used to. Supposedly for them to not taste muddy you gotta trap them, keep them in a bucket for a few days and constantly change the water they're in until it comes back fairly clean, otherwise, it's a lot like catfish after a lot of rain.

>> No.12161742

>meet vegan
>vegan won't eat olives, eggplant, mushrooms
As if being vegan wasn't attention seeking enough

>> No.12161818

Blue Cheese is the only thing on there I won't eat.
Still, how about kindly figging yourself with a big node of ginger, I'll eat what's on my plate, you eat what's on your plate and nary the two shall meet, that way there's more for both of us.

>> No.12161833

Fucking gnar.

I’d eat that though. I mean, it looks like good clean meat, especially if it’s prepared by someone who knows how to clean it properly like your dad.

Think those ping-pong ball eggies are good eats? Maybe not so much like chicken eggs but like, balut or something?

>> No.12161841

Sushi/sashimi fish is flash frozen to kill parasites.

>> No.12161847

I didn't write the list, dumbass.

>> No.12161868

>you're drinking liquid that a living clot of bacteria and living yeast shit in
Yeast shit out ethanol and CO2, which is a good thing.

>> No.12161910

I dunno, but as I was looking at the pic, I was thinking, "fuck it, I'd toss two or three in a pan over the fire and give it a try"

Every year for the last two or three years I have a buddy who hosts a Halloween party and they ask me what I'm gonna bring. I tell them deviled eggs with the intention of showing up with an ostrich egg made into a giant deviled egg, because I'm the type of person who loves the shock value. I've looked into it multiple times now, and I can't find a single ostrich egg for less than $100.00+. I can't bring myself to pull the trigger on it because there's a high likelihood of me fucking up the cooking process (it's apparently really hard to do, bc it's either done outside, undercooked inside, or done inside overcooked outside) and having nothing to show for a single triple digit cost egg.

I may have to look into tracking down some turtle eggs, as that seems like the kinda thing that people would find disturbing, and I know I wouldn't mess up the cooking process with them.

>> No.12161932

tofu and kombucha can suck my ass

>> No.12161939

Oh! Well first, that deviled ostrich egg is an amazing idea. You should sous vide that motherfucker!
Sous vide makes the perfect eggs. I can only imagine it would be the same principle since it never goes above the desired temp no matter how long you leave it in the water bath.

>> No.12161941

black olives - bad smell, texture, taste
raw fish - I see no reason to eat raw fish just like I see no reason to eat raw beef, chicken, pork...
tofu - disgusting, so[y]bo[y] tier
eggplant - haven't had for many years can't actually remember why I didn't like it
mushrooms - tried to like this but the texture is offputting. Can be okay if in a sauce or mixed with other things

Never had:
green olives - are these any better than black?
kombucha - never had but interested in trying

>> No.12161945

Are you wearing a skirt baby

Or anything tight

>> No.12161949

What did adding the twitter screencap at the bottom add to the picture?

>> No.12161950

Chrissy Teigen is based, all you need to know

>> No.12161956

anyone who has more than 0 is a literal manchild. I don't like fish roe, but if it's served to me I'll still eat it, maybe with enough exposure I'll come to like it.

>> No.12161957

Kombucha is basically like drinking vinegar.

>> No.12161967

it varies depending on the producer (or individual batch if you make your own). also vinegar is good anyways

>> No.12161978

I'll eat everything there, properly prepared.
The problem is that most people are shit cooks and can't prepare these items properly.

Overcooked, greasy eggplant is not food. It's garbage.
Overcooked, brown, extremely bitter asparagus is garbage. You fucked up.

The only exception is kombucha, which is always terrible and seems like the thing that will start the next pandemic because it is literally a petri dish floating in leafwater.

>> No.12161993

I don't have one of those, but that's a good possibility for a way to do it without screwing it up

>> No.12161995

I would expect a minority to have 0 points. Everybody won't eat SOMETHING. Got a 5, myself.

>> No.12162002 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12162007 [DELETED] 

I am jacking off

Please keep replying to me

I just nutted but am using my cum as lube it glides so fast baby

>> No.12162012

You can get a “cheap” one if you buy refurbished. Doesn’t have to be Anova or anything. They all do the same shit: cook perfect eggs.
63° eggs on toast are worth the cost alone.

Where are you looking for that ostrich egg anyhow? Do you have a farm close by or something? My only source for fun stuff is exotic meats dot com.

>> No.12162014

go jack it to the half dressed turtle a few posts up, that should really turn your crank

>> No.12162027

Tofu because soy

>> No.12162028

I found a few websites, I don't remember where they were now, but they would've been shipped to me, not picked up like I'd prefer. There are a few petting zoos around me, I really need to make a few calls this year a bit ahead of time. My next fairly expensive stupid kitchen gadget was gonna be a nice rice cooker, which I know I'd get more use from, but I dunno....

>> No.12162054

Wow. Petting zoo. Great idea. Think they have a corner on goat milk and stuff too? I wanna make super fresh cheese.

Oh, please go for the rice cooker instead. It’s SO much easier and more consistent than making rice in a covered pan/pot.

The sous vide is really rad but the only thing that i’ve Found that doesn’t crossover well are the eggs. You can braise or steam anything else and you also have to broil the outsides of any meats so there are always multiple steps involved.

>> No.12162075

I bet you are deliciously chubby. I wanna eat you all night

>> No.12162091

i don't like pickles so on the rare occasion that I order a burger I say no pickles.
if this upsets you, then you are autistic.

>> No.12162094

Good thing I don't give a fuck what ahe thinks. Who the fuck is she anyway?

>> No.12162112

what do you eat?

>> No.12162117

No it doesn't upset me because I don't have to eat out with you. You can eat your pickle-less burger from the doggy bowl.

>> No.12162134
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>> No.12162143

Not really, I couldn’t care less. But some picky eaters literally do an autistic screech instead of just taking out the food/pushing it aside. THAT is annoying.

I’ve never had oysters but I’d love to try. Otherwise I’d eat anything on that list, and love several

>> No.12162179

you don't eat out with anyone

>> No.12162196

You angry you little girl? You mad? You want me to take you out and cater to you? You want me to hear your sob story about your relationship with broccoli??? You need to emotionally unloooaad??? Tough break, take a hike shista. I'll eat by myself like you said.

>> No.12162213

Don't make me jack off on you again Aud-ball

>> No.12162218

For me it's not that I don't like them itvs more that I haven't tried them or are pointless, bland and have odd texture. Lettuce is a good example because it's 95% water and isn't worth eating if you hate the texture of tough plant fibres.

>> No.12162220 [DELETED] 
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You don’t have the stamina.

>> No.12162260

fair enough

>> No.12162325

I've been cooking a lot of homemade Chinese restaurant type stuff, but my own way so I know what's in the brown sauce, and I can feel less guilty about eating it. I keep jumping around between 3 different kinds of rice, and the sauce pan method is kinda getting old. I have found that remembering to stick a paper towel between the pan and lid helps keep much less steam from escaping and seems to make it better, but a rice cooker would be a whole lot more convenient

>> No.12162364
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Oh yeah... in that case, you’ve gotta get one. It’s so easy. You can just set it and forget it.

What do you put in your brown sauce? I NEVER make Chinese type foods. That sauce is a mystery to me.

>> No.12162379

Mushrooms, blue cheese, Brussels sprouts. But I'll still eat them if they're prepared for me out of respect. Also, I always expect to enjoy Brussels sprouts whenever I have the chance to try them but they're always fucking foul.

>> No.12162394

Brussel sprouts:
Half ‘em and lay open side up on a baking sheet.
Coat in: salt, olive oil, cayenne, lemon juice.

Bake for 30ish min on 350°F

...idk... I’m into them.

>> No.12162411

My dad was a trained chef and he couldn't get me into them. For some reason, though, I feel like it's my duty to learn to like them.

I'll try your suggestion sometime, thanks anon

>> No.12162417

ill eat all of these. I wont eat blood and most organ meats, too gamey. I keep trying though cuz i keep hearing theyre awesome if cooked right.

>> No.12162421

He probably appreciates the natural flavors. Bitter is an important flavor. I like it but my gf does not so I learned how to hide it well.

I eat grapefruit rind because I think it’s good for me. ...I’ve never looked that up but I feel like my body craves it sometimes.

>> No.12162429

Everyone gets free pass, guess I'm safe

>> No.12162436


Shalom, Rabbi.

>> No.12162471

I got 10.

>> No.12162498

chicken and broccoli/whatever veggies you like

1 1/2 lbs skinless deboned chicken thighs (thighs taste better, but breast works), cut about 1/4" thick, by whatever you deem is bite-sized
1 medium white or yellow onion diced up
3-4 cloves garlic, smashed with the blade, then minced
1-2 tblsp veg oil, or something with a high flashpoint, olive oil is bad for this this
about 1 1/2 tblsp corn starch
1/3 or so cup soy sauce, low sodium if you don't hate yourself, or a bit less regular cut with a tiny bit of water to make up the difference
2 tblsp honey
1 tsp powdered ginger
1/2 tsp (more or less to taste) red pepper flakes
a healthy squirt (or two, or none, to taste) of sriracha or korean gochujang sauce if you like the korean flavor more

2 crowns or so of broccoli
2 or 3 carrots cut thin, diagonally
cup or two of mushrooms sliced
mini corns if you wanna mess with them
bok choy if you wanna mess with it
pretty much whatever veggies you like as long as you don't over fill the pan

I use a nice deep chicken frier pan with a lid
Oil up to nice high temp, toss in chicken, brown outside, then cut back to maybe medium heat
onions in
garlic in no more than about 30 secs before you add the liquids, burned garlic tastes like shit
all the wet ingredients and spices mixed up beforehand in a cup, pour that all in, minus the corn starch
cook for a few more mins till the chicken is close to done, then pour in the corn starch
add more corn starch to thicken up, or add water to thin out, as you like, but I wouldn't thin it out until after you hit your broccoli, it thins the sauce out
toss in veggies, stir it up
cover the whole thing with lid, and let it cook for exactly 2 mins, just the right amount for the broccoli if you like it warmed up up well, but not mushy. add the other veggies separately before hand if you need em cooked down more, I just prefer mine all on the crunchier side, not mushy.

Take off heat, stir up, and serve

>> No.12162511

!!! Screen shot...ted. Saved. Going to make.

Thank you SO much for taking the time! <3

>> No.12162524

You’re a BEAST! I definitely want to make this. I wanna use fresh ginger and definitely add bok Choi. ...love that. So excited to try this. <3

>> No.12162525

This list is antisemitic.

>> No.12162539

basically, you are literally a tastelet since all these ingredients are all umami flavored foods.

>> No.12162541



>> No.12162546

np, it's kind of a mashup of like 4 or 5 recipes for the same thing, I've tried some more complicated takes on the seasonings, but honestly, this one is fairly simple and tastes pretty close to restaurant style without that low end lumpy gross-ness to it you get some cheaper places. The powdered ginger can be skipped in a pinch, or maybe try substituting in Chinese 5 spice if you have a bottle handy. Has ginger in it, with some other stuff.

Biggest variation I've tested that seems to make a big difference is thighs over breasts, and trim all the big pieces of fat you have the patience to do. I usually like to make my chili or goulash with moderately fatty chuck roasts, so I once made it with a good bit of the chicken fat going in the pan, thinking it'd be the same thing. I was wrong. I didn't factor the fact that this dish doesn't cook for hours like those others and the chicken fat doesn't have time to render down, so it's better to trim the major pieces off before it goes in the pan.

>> No.12162568

>tofu, unless chopped fine and incorporated with other stuff
>mushrooms, same
counting mushrooms and tofu as half a point each, 7 total. I am actually allergic to eggplant, but I counted it because I still consume other nightshades, just in moderation

>> No.12162603

3 points
>kombucha (dont like the taste)
>raw fish (im not a retard)
>tofu (im not a faggot)

>> No.12162756

>Do you agree?
Nah. I'll eat anything, including everything on the list, but people who know they're picky eaters aren't a hassle to deal with. They just order their own food.

It's the crowd who boasts they're not a picky eater and then upturns their nose at anything that wouldn't come in a Lean Cuisine, that crowd is annoying.

>> No.12162773

omg yes. Thighs over breasts.
I do have some stuff that’ll work. Dry excited. Thanks again for taking the time to elaborate on that because i’m Definitely gonna try that.

>> No.12162799

No one?! ...ugh. This is comedy gold. Fr

>> No.12162817

I dont eat meat, you fat gook cunt, wtf business is it of yours what i eat, you chubby pos?

>> No.12163022

Fuck black olives and fuck beets too.

>> No.12163030

I got it but I didn't laugh

>> No.12163031
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4.5 for me. No green/black olives, no oysters, I don't know what kombucha is but I think it's bacterial yeast? And 0.5 because I only like cooked tomatoes.

>> No.12163039


>> No.12163045

It was too corny for me and I love cringe humor :joy: :joy: :joy:

>> No.12163057

Fuck that jew whore. I don't kike olives.
Keep your spinach and mushrooms as well

>> No.12163067

>Poltar can't eat spinach and mushrooms
>Poltars keyboard autocorrects "like" to "kike"

Can't make this shit up

>> No.12163091

literally who

>> No.12163203

It's not that I won't eat eggplant, it's just ALL of the alternatives are 10x better. Any squash has better texture and flavor than eggplant. It's just so bland and seems every recipe tries to make up for what it lacks.

>> No.12163248

I don't really agree just because a couple stupid items are on the list.
For example, kombucha, grapefruit, and dark chocolate are very strong flavors which might commonly be disliked, not in a picky eater sense, just in a general dislike sense.
Ketchup is a condiment for babbys and not eating it is more likely to make me think you have good taste rather than that you're picky.
Raw fish can scare people. It's not that they're necessarily picky, but that they're scared of disease.
For these reasons I think the list is bad.
Also, I got two points. Fuck ketchup and fuck beets.

>> No.12163424
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>green olives

Doesn't seem unreasonable

>> No.12163486

>here babe try this
>ew no I don't like that
>have you tried it

I literally fucking hate flavorlets try new food and good food you uncultured fuck.

>> No.12163533

Ketchup is great fuck you

>> No.12163539

for me, it’s osyters

>> No.12163577

2 points. Not a big fan of Brussel Sprouts or Raw fish. Outside of Kombucha, I've eaten everything else at some point so I have no issues with them.

>> No.12163698

I don't like ketchup or mayo. They both taste like shit.

>> No.12163719

>nobody really cares
Yes people absolutely care
I dated a girl for a week once until one day we had pizza, got some combination thing with everything on it and she sat there picking the mushroom off with her fingers.
I walked out and didn't look back

>> No.12163751

5 - kombucha, oysters, celery, eggplant, and beets are all disgusting and I won't apologize for hating them

>> No.12163761

What shit have you been eating and where can I get some?

>> No.12163790

I'm sorry, not doing it on purpose

>> No.12163802

I don't consider myself to be a particularly picky eater.

>> No.12163803

>raw fish
mostly acquired taste

>> No.12163804

never had it, barely a thing in Australia. cbf paying $5 for a single small bottle.
shit brown goop
>brussel sprouts
again, meh
>zucchini & eggplant
pointless vegetables, far too watery
awful texture when cooked

>> No.12163825

mayo is in general bad
tried kombucha once, tasted like fermented fruits but not in a nice wine-y way
and tofu's texture is just weird

3/30 if we're being hard but these aren't hard to avoid; kombucha is it's own thing, mayo is a condiment (just dont add it lmao) and fuck tofu so realistically 1/30

>> No.12163852

It tastes good with eggs.

>> No.12163856

Retard alert

>> No.12164035

I agree with everything except dark chocolate and kombucha.
used to be

>> No.12164037

2 points. Mayo and blue cheese. Mayo looks like a fucking yeast infection. Blue cheese smells like one.
Never had an "osyter" but I'd be down to try one.

>> No.12164053

>brussel sprouts
There's just always nicer greens to eat so why eat them If I like other shit more.
It just tastes like shit plus I had some one time while I was on painkillers for my back and it really fucked me up bad. Didn't know shit about grapefruit and how it interacts with opioids.

>> No.12164077

>raw fish
Have a child trauma and the smell alone makes me "sick", so no.

>> No.12164101

1 for asparagus, I hate having very smelly piss

>> No.12164106

Anon she meant beets, not beats!!!!

>> No.12164121

The only thing on the list I would refuse to eat is oysters. I am still disgusted by kombucha, avocado, dark chocolate, radishes, beets, tofu, asparagus and grapefruit but I could eat still eat them with little to no issue.

>> No.12164139

How the fuck can you not eat raw tomatoes? Are you guys non-European?

>> No.12164162
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beans (too much of them and you fart like crazy, i'll eat lentils and string beans tough)
tofu (bought some and it was horrible)
cumin/caraway (hate the taste).
beer and whiskey (shut up and give me a gin or vodka)
never tried kombucha.

That's all the stuff I avoid eating.

>> No.12164355

Eat food presented to you.
Stomach gets upset because of weird texture or taste.
Vomit on table and hosts floor.
Fucking picky eaters being so rude.

>> No.12164374


That's like saying oranges are brown, are you retarded?

>> No.12164376

Twelve points! not bad!

>> No.12164671

No, it requires more than a few disliked items to be picky. I don't like green olives, blue cheese, or brussel sprouts, and I'm not a picky eater. Usually it's multiple conditionals for eating something, and multiple instances of it that make someone a picky eater.

>> No.12164683

I'm about as soi as it gets and I see no reason for anyone to consider that as a part of their everyday diet. It's for fat chicks who think they're going to lose weight

>> No.12165045

Sprouts are the only food I really hate on this list. I'll eat ketchup if it's given to me but the store bought stuff is normally too sweet and overloaded with sugar for my taste.

>> No.12165062
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>i don't like green olives, blue cheese, or brussel sprouts
>i'm not a picky eater

>> No.12165083

I don't like avocados or oysters but it's not like i "WON'T" eat them under any circumstance

>> No.12165139

I’d eat everything, I love most of those things. Some are meh like brussel sprouts and kombucha and I used to dislike celery but I’ve developed taste for it recently.

>> No.12165287

raw fish

>> No.12165309

>brussel sprouts sometimes
>celery but only when raw
>kombucha because teetotaler
could be worse i guess. if i'm with someone ill eat everything though to avoid looking like some picky faggot.

>> No.12165353

The only thing on there I won't eat is asparagus, and I'm pretty sure I have some kind of medical condition involving it. Every time I try it I end up projectile vomiting.

the rest of the list? bring it on.

>> No.12165368

most of these food items are shit if you eat just them, the trick is to put them in foods where they merely support the whole.

but i wont eat anything containing phenylthiocarbamide so i'll leave the brussel sprouts out.

>> No.12165509

I got a zero but why is green bell pepper not on the list? It's not even ripe. Green bell peppers shouldn't be considered food.

>> No.12165516

Correct, disliking 3 things doesn't make me picky, as the rest of my comment that you ignored indicated.

>> No.12165519
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>16 points

>> No.12165521



green olives
black olives

>> No.12165687

Kombucha and eggplant. Kombucha is a meme.

>> No.12165693

Kombucia is the only thing on that list I try and avoid

>> No.12165705

Raisins and Ketchup have too much sugar, everything else is good though.

>> No.12165707

Safe, also, fuck raisins.

>> No.12165736
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0 Master Race

>> No.12165757

Kombucha is just hipster soda. Why anyone wouldn't enjoy gts grape soda is silly.

>> No.12165761

Beep beep garbage disposal coming through

Why yes, i will eat your left overs!

Oh that anon, he eats anything! (Bootyhole included ;^)

>> No.12165773

>t. your mom last night

>> No.12165808
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Haha yeah

>> No.12166040

The reason to eat raw meat is the warm juicy taste and texture.
Cooking ruins the meat flavor, and turns it into what ever it is you spice it with.

>> No.12166060
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Don't @ me.

>> No.12166070

>green olives
>dark chocolate (allergy)
>grapefruit (medication interference)
>raisins (only on their own)

Eh. I used to be much worse.

>> No.12166154

I won't refuse kombucha, but it's not good to drink. would rather have water

>> No.12166223

Im counting olives as one. Kombucha as another. Thats not even a picky eater thing. Most people I know don't like it either.

>> No.12166262

never tried kombucha

>> No.12166637

Only mustard and pickles I can't stand.

>> No.12166671

they are also p good roasted with garlic, lemon zest and balsamic vinegar

>> No.12166731

Jews aren't semites though, they descend from Turkic tribes who converted to Talmudism in the 8th century under Khazar King Bulan. Anti-Semitic would apply to Arabs or Chaldeans, but not Jews. Biblical Semitic Jews converted to Christianity and Islam centuries ago.

>> No.12166751

disgusting slop

>raw fish
hate seafood

don't eat soy

literally fucking leafs

>blue cheese
don't taste good

>brussel sprouts
don't like vegetables

never had this but it doesn't sound good

>> No.12166764

Kombucha is a meme. I've never had tofu I liked but I don't find it disagreeable. Raisins can go suck a dick though.

>> No.12166779

>doesnt like avocados

Just eat the fucking food you literal child!

>> No.12166877

1 point for stuff I won't eat at all. It's tofu. I just hate that shit.

I will eat everything else, but I wouldn't use some of it when cooking by myself.

>> No.12167446

14 for me friendos but I can tell you all the good stuff I like

>> No.12167489

by themselves, i have a few i wouldnt eat
however ill eat all of those depending on the meal/circumstances

>> No.12167506

2 points, I'm allergic to eggs and I don't know what the fuck is kombucha.

>> No.12167511

>Mayonnaise was literally invented to disguise stale bread
American education..

>> No.12167533

I also don't know who that is because I don't give a fuck about social media. People who give a shit about social media are the same people who complain about inane bullshit for no reason other than to get attention.

>> No.12167541

I had this for the first time yesterday.

It kinda just tastes like really strong soy sauce, with a bean texture.

Given what it is, I'm not super surprised.

>> No.12167554

I have tried most of the stuff on the list and know there are some things on the lost I don't like.

>> No.12167560
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You’re so cool.

>> No.12167582

>black & green olives
>blue cheese
that's about it
haven't had any problems yet

>> No.12167604

Only the stupid people I know don't like kombucha.

>> No.12167631

Thanks trip person.

>> No.12167659


Like 21 points. Sue me you cunt turkey.

>> No.12167898

I don't even know what it is.

>> No.12167959
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Goddamn the amount of literal manchildren browsing this board. Please leave to Reddit where you can talk about your favourite Pizza Pop flavors holy shit

>> No.12167978

>raw fish
I don't do seafood, and I've never had a preparation of beets that was worth eating.

>> No.12168042
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love em but cut them out ever since I bit into the one full of live maggots
raw onions suck, cooked onions are the backbone of 90% of savory meals worth a shit.
olives are trash food
nasty ass on it's own, goes great with most recipes/foods that require it.
only hipsters don't like ketchup, most inoffensive sauce known to man
who the fuck doesn't eat broccoli?
no fuck off
>dark chocolate
tastes like ass but only tastelets can't down a bar
keep your shitty grass paste to yourself
good on hamburgers
>blue cheese
mmm I love the taste and smell of fucking rotting mold
just pick around them who fucking cares they're radishes
delicious shit
completely inoffensive, who wouldn't eat this?
>brussel sprouts
who the fuck doesn't eat brussel sprouts
>raw fish
no thanks, enjoy your parasites
no thanks, enjoy your gastroenteritis
nasty shit but good fried or in gumbo
go fuck yourself
good raw on it's own or pureed. raw in food is a fucking travesty, cooked in food is ignoreable
literally never tried it
who the fuck doesn't eat spinach
who the fuck doesn't eat asparagus
who the fuck doesn't eat celery
literally have never eaten this
disgusting texture but greatly improves savory dishes. add em whole then pick them out and give them to the gf
beans always cook like shit. baked beans are kino
a legitimate acquired taste, if you expect a kid to like it you're a dipshit
they're disgusting right up until I eat one and polish off the whole container. every time.

>> No.12168047

It's moldy fucking tea, of course it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.12168050
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next time just bring a big tub of cottage cheese and suck it down. fight nasty ethnic food with nasty ethnic food.

>> No.12168644

only thing i refuse to eat on that list is beans

>> No.12168663

Raw fish is the only thing I wouldn't eat by myself but if that's what the group is eating I would it.

>> No.12168669

I would literally eat any of those, some of them I don’t like as much as the others, but outright refusing to eat something is the talk of babies.

Unless something is prepared in a horrible way or served completely alive. We aren’t supposed to eat living animals or shit that’s covered in motor oil, for example.

>> No.12168684

>god picky eaters are the WORST fucking children
>ewww avocados are icky and gross
I never want to see another nigger on this board bitching about "muh picky eaters" unless you're actually talking about some fat retard who refuses to eat vegetables, everyone has food preferences and you're not a picky eater for disliking a few things

>> No.12168705

picky eaters are unforgivably autistic and you can't argue against that, sorry.

>> No.12168770

This list is easy. Where's the liver, brains, fried kidneys, tripe, other types of offal, venison, rabbit, bison, etc. This list is for picky girls.

>> No.12168778

>Cottage cheese
Which parent drop you on your head?

>> No.12168780

Wouldn't eat it for the same reason I wouldn't eat deep-fried butter.

>> No.12168786

I had a girlfriend who wouldn't eat beans. Beans of any kind. We lived together. I went without beans for 3 fucking years because they "feel gross in my mouth" but she would suck my taint.

>> No.12168964

Never had deep fried butter. Thanks for reminding me the county fair is coming up this summer. I'll try it. But brains, yeah. Different in more ways than one. Will try it again though.

>> No.12168979

You had to stop eating beans because of her!? You have more patience some of us.

>> No.12168992

Just osyters for me. If a restaurant can't spell it right then I'm not going to trust their raw seafood.

>> No.12169181

No, she sounds like a bitch. Also olives being listed twice is bullshit. 4 points: fuck olives, ketchup, and pickles as a main ingredient in anything. But especially fuck any raw seafood. I don't want parasites, cunt.

>> No.12169186

Enjoy your prions bro.

>> No.12169203

Imagine not being allowed to dislike a food because of its taste. The mind of a bloated Hollywood freak.

>> No.12169380

the only foods i dont like on this list are celery, green olives, ketchup, kombucha, raisins and grapefruit, and broccoli
i cant even eat grapefruit with the medicines im taking anyways so i guess that one would also count as dietary restriction

>> No.12169411

How is raw fish not a rational thing to avoid?
>inb4 sushi, sardeenz, tentacle porn

>> No.12169439

Fuck. Three years without decent chili would kill me.

>> No.12169476

I don't really get how people absolutely have to have the same meal together every single time i mean is it so unreasonable to cook seperate meals? or have 1 person get take out

>> No.12169477

Yes. If you live together that would be a completely retarded way to live your life.

>> No.12169492

Fuck Green Olives, Kombucha (seriously? this isn't even a thing where I live. Fuck faggots spouting "LOL FLYOVER"), avocados because the 'guac sucks, raw fish because I don't want worms in my eyes, oysters because i'm horny enough, tomatoes because fuck that watery shit ruining my burger bun.

>> No.12169543

0 points and 2 unknowns

>> No.12169718

I ate cum, why would you think I am not gonna eat brussel sprouts?


>> No.12169750

5 points.
No mayo, avocados, blue cheese, raw fish nor "osyters"

>> No.12169762

No, the following are just counterproductive to eat: mayo, ketchup, kombucha, dark chocolate (cocoa is fine, but no need for the worthless cocoa butter and sugar), blue cheese, raw fish, oysters, shrimp, tofu

>> No.12169769

Shrimp and lobster are the only ocean creatures I can tolerate
Never tried kombucha but I like most teas
Other than that I'll eat everything on there, though I'd never eat olives by themselves, I don't like the taste unless it's part of something else.

>> No.12169797

what does chili have to do with beans?

>> No.12169826
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>be me
>visiting cousins house
>cousin is like 10 at the time
>autistic picky eater
>literally will only eat mac and cheese, hot dogs, and French fries
>aunt brings out food
>dont remember what it was, pretty normal food, but enough to trigger the autist
>autistcousin starts whining incomprehensibly
>gets up and runs into the garage
>comes back with metal Bat
>slams me in the face with it
>bloody nose, fall down on the floor
>autist runs away
>mom pulls me aside
>demands I apologize to the autist
I genuinely cant stand picky eaters, because even if they aren't full blown autists, they still have a bit of that fucking whine that makes me thing they're gonna grab a bat and go apeshit if they dont get their tendies or whatever

>> No.12169842

>t. Texan

>> No.12169938

3. Brussel sprouts, asparagus, celery.

>> No.12170102

>29 pionts
What did I win?

>> No.12170105

Autists only care what they themselves eat as they're oversensitive.

>> No.12170249

Never had it. I am not a big tea drinker, but it might be nice, I have no idea.

>Avocado, beets, 'osyters'
I'll eat them, but I wouldn't cook them for myself. I like chewing and avocado and oysters don't scratch that itch for me. Beets taste like soil which is not ideal but put it in a tasty dish and I'll enjoy them.

Love shrimp, but I am sadly allergic to them. Not the lethal kind, just the itchy mouth and throat kind, so every now and then I take a calculated antihistamine tablet and eat some.

Honourably mentions: pickles and olives. I fucking love them. My mother is always asking me if I'm pregnant (extremely unlike because benis) because she also craved briny shit during her pregnancy.

>> No.12170283

I've never had kombucha, osyters [sic] or tofu, but I like or at least can tolerate everything else there. Not sure if I've ever had eggplant actually, but I'd try it as well as those other ones I haven't tried.

>> No.12170883

1 for green olives. although, I will eat them begrudgingly.

I seriously only enjoy eating regular old black olives but the only olive I will absolutely never eat is that smaller black oval one that comes in Italian food sometimes. The flavor is just over the top and it's the only thing I can taste.

>> No.12170888

Coloring book and a fortnight gift card

>> No.12170890

>This list is for picky girls.

Which seems the majority of this thread so they probably would never try that stuff.

>> No.12170915

And yet people with families and a 3-digit IQ manage

>> No.12171061
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Grapefruit and blue cheese taste like ass and rotten feet.
Fight me.

>> No.12171075

i mean once in a while not on an everyday or regular basis

>> No.12171327


New thread

>> No.12171703

Don't like black olives, don't like kombucha, don't like dark chocolate, don't like avocados, don't like blue cheese, don't like fish, don't like osyters, don't like shrimp, don't like tofu, don't like mushrooms (except on pizza), and don't like grapefruit.

Somehow I'm less insufferable than you... maybe because I don't judge other people for their food tastes?