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File: 290 KB, 767x958, Killien's-BBQ_2018_Meat-Platter-by-Kimberly-Park-(2)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12153083 No.12153083 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more overrated than Texas BBQ?

>> No.12153101

Fuck you.

>> No.12153201

underrated if anything TBQH since people see it as "standard"

>> No.12153207

been there done that not great

went to dallas

was whatever

>> No.12153212
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As compared to what?

>> No.12153214

I'm 'mirin that Texas toast.

>> No.12153257
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Behold my Carolina BBQ you dumb faggot. I used Larupin red sauce to finish

>> No.12153259
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>> No.12153273


>> No.12153423

So much cancer in one pic

>> No.12153498

TX bbq does brisket and sausages well, but other regions handle pork and chicken better.

>> No.12153578

There's more in your comment.

>> No.12153618
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Stop moving here

>> No.12153641

Italian food is by far the king of overrated food.

>> No.12153661

Yes. Korean food.
t. lived in Korea for 3 years. The food sucked ass.

>> No.12153672

Depends what you mean by overrated.
If you mean overshilled on the internet by retards regardless of the price I'd go with bacon. If you mean overshilled on the internet by pretentious fucks and also overpriced I'd go with wagyu or caviar.

>> No.12153916

>Is there anything more overrated than Texas BBQ?
all fast food

>> No.12153929

Texas itself.

>> No.12153936
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Except for the untoasted bread that looks great.

>> No.12154089

>Pork and chicken
Poor people barbecue is alright.

>> No.12154098

Holy fuck that looks good

OP go back to your spic beans or mozel tov or whatever the fuck

>> No.12154114

Why is Vice so shit?

>> No.12154124

I'd personally prefer two toasted pieces of bread and two untoasted, but that's me

>> No.12154129

>burnt shit
enjoy your cancer

>> No.12154158

the bread is a great carb/palette cleanser for all that fatty shit though. dont tell me youve never eaten white bread on its own, its delicious and you know it

>> No.12154171

>the bread is a great carb/palette cleanser
Idiot. The pickle is the palate cleanser.

>> No.12154194

Because they're literally just part of a party propaganda arm.

>> No.12154244

>since people see it as "standard"
exactly why it's not underrated it's certainly better than other BBQs but not anywhere close to the best style
I'd say standard is a good word

>> No.12154771

yeah thats not the right term, but what i meant is having a bland element, usually a carb, is a really important part of a meal. lets your taste buds rest a bit.
is there a name for that?

>> No.12154809

bet you ate at Dickey’s, the McDonalds of barbecue; only people who eat there are Katrina refugees and all the fucking coasties who keep moving here
head to the Hill Country for proper BBQ

>> No.12154863


>> No.12154991

I get to travel all over for my job and all I do is try local family owned restaurants. The two best barbecue places I’ve ever eaten at was Stillwater Barbecue in Abilene Texas, and Whole Hog in Little Rock Arkansas. Everything is overrated, but when you find the good 1% of restaurants it really makes sense. I tried like every highly rated seafood restaurant in San Diego’s catch of the day and they were all garbage, but I finally found some hole in the wall fish taco joint to where I was able to say fresh fish makes a difference. I grew up on a farm with spring well water and 15 minutes from the lake so my standards are a lot different than most people.

>> No.12155002

>Americans think they invented cooking meat over fire

>> No.12155020
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>living in eternal fear of doing anything because it has a .01% chance of increasing your risk of cancer by .001%.

>> No.12155042

why is the portion so smol

>> No.12155050

Multiple studies have shown that you can't increase your cancer risk by eating food like that. People heard that acrylamide is a carcinogen and browned/burned foods have some acrylamide, but the amount required to actually increase your risk of cancer can't be gotten from eating. Unless you're eating concentrated acrylamide it's nothing to worry about.

>> No.12155059

Because it's an attempt to turn BBQ into a "fine dining experience" for the kind of people who call themselves "foodies"

>> No.12155061

>act like it's fancy gourmet food
>cut portions in half and double price

>> No.12155064

I cleansed your moms palette with my pickle

>> No.12156191
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Fixed that for you

>> No.12156262

Yes. [Insert Southern State here] BBQ. It's the pitmaster, not the pit.

>> No.12156551

I've always used the bread and made my own BBQ sandwich with the platter, just put whatever meats you want in there and then add onions and pickles, jalapeno optional. Then drench that fucker with some BBQ sauce and give it a good squeeze so it's easier to handle.

>> No.12156706


>> No.12156796

Literally every ethnic food.
Japanese, Thai, Chinese, African, Mexican, Etc. If it isn't European/American food it'll be heralded as perfect and amazing in every way. If you say you don't agree you'll be branded a racist and will be accused of not using spices or seasoning. I really hate non whites to be honest.

>> No.12156800

Stick to your bland hot dishes and suagry garbage, Billy Bob.

>> No.12156801

a person of wisdom

>> No.12156809

nice coal you got there

>> No.12156834

Blacks, blacks are overrated.

>> No.12158195

If you're in the area, get your asses to a place called Boomtown BBQ in Beaumont TX.
Best I've ever had.
Take a fucking bottle of their pepper sauce with you.

>> No.12158257

The McChicken. Suitable food for possum and traps.

>> No.12158270

yes, so sick of it

>> No.12158284

That's the problem, you went to Dallas.

>> No.12158307
File: 155 KB, 1000x750, roast-turkey-pho-ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vietnamese food and pho. It's just shitter waterier ramen. It's basically basil flavoured dish water until you add a tonne of the sauces they have. Everyone says it's great on a cold day, but guess what is also great on a cold day and actually tastes delicious, yeah Ramen.

>> No.12158317


>> No.12158324

I find ramen bland and unsatisfying. Pho on the other hand has lots of flavor and a substantial amount of noodles and i love dipping the meat in hoisin and sriracha and love the beansprouts and basil

>> No.12158333

>i agree except
are you talking authentic Mexican or TexMex, because yes authentic Mexican is highly overrated, i swear people just like saying "i prefer real Mexican food" to sound cultured more then they actually like eating it. Shit is watery bean slop and a shitty corn wrapper on the side or a just a ton of browned and crumbled ground beef shitty corn wrapper on the side. But TexMex is pretty gud imo

>> No.12158360
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Asain food in general, its the same shit and always bland water broth or way over seasoned to hide the flavor of the rancid meat they use. Its always the same white rice, hard boiled egg and leftover pieces of an animal carcass that they boiled for a month to make kinda edible but its still grizzly, or just noodles in a water broth which somehow they get spicy yet manage to only add heat but no flavor. like do they use pure capsaicin to avoid flavor?

>> No.12158411

It's vegan propaganda

>> No.12158712

Thats the amount of food you actually should be eating. Theres a reason the people in NYC look better than the people in Texas

>> No.12158721
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Because rent and taxes are high.

>> No.12158928

NO the people that matter (young white women) are hot as fuk in Texas. NY has a bunch of fat winter coat bitches

>> No.12159029 [DELETED] 
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>white women matter
lol. White people are lucky they invented the camera. They can't compete compared to basically everyone when you actually compare fit, young, moderately wealthy women

>> No.12159052

LMAO yes wh*te people are so inbred and retarded, we should all move to countries where there are no white people so we don't have to deal with their retarded ugly asses amirite XD


>> No.12159053 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12159163

no Spanish girls

>> No.12159166


>> No.12159178

wow all 9 of the semi attractive black women in on place

>> No.12159186

the funny part - apart from them nips that'll get you banned - is that all those black women have caucasoid facial features indicating mix.

>> No.12159284

You're a dedicated weeb, I'll give you that much. Pho is overrated in the US, but your ramen infatuation is hilarious.

>> No.12159293
File: 81 KB, 300x250, 1554083851206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when people think of good barbecue in Texas we mean cook offs. out of staters aren't going to go to a restaurant and get the same experience.

>> No.12159307

i never understood why tourists think they'll just randomly wonder into proper food at restaurants

>> No.12159309

The love of a good woman.

>> No.12159313

based and obesitypilled

>> No.12159315

That is NEVER overrated

>> No.12159438

>NYC a bunch of vegan s.o.yboys

>> No.12159481

It's okay buddy, we love you anyway.

>> No.12159552

You just reminded me of how much I miss cook offs
>When the church gets together with a whole hog
I have never had good coleslaw in a restaurant
T. North Carolinafag

>> No.12160199

>dat burnt meat

i hope no one thinks this is good

>> No.12160212

you are retarded

>> No.12160259

looks at the right-hand side of the pic and tell me that's not burnt. holy shit that's text-book burnt
>inb4 that's just smoked
nope, it's fucking burnt

>> No.12161094

your brain is burnt zoomer

>> No.12161793


M8 if you say a place has good food, then it should have good food that's easily available.
If you need to go to some "2cool4u" underground place to have the good version of whatever food you're talking about, then you don't actually have good food.

If I can't go to Texas and have a good BBQ in a readily available place then you don't have good BBQ.

E.g. I live in Mexico City and we have good tacos al pastor, you know why? Because pretty much everywhere you go to they will have good tacos al pastor, because otherwise they would go broke

I don't say we have good suhi, why? Because the only places that have good sushi are owned by Japanese people, have Japanese customers and can be counted with one hand, while most sushi places here are awful

>> No.12161801

you don't understand how words work, do you?

>> No.12161826

You clearly haven't had good tonkotsu ramen broth before, probably because you live in some shitty flyover state, so I can't blame you for living in a shitty area of the world.

>> No.12161840

This, people outside of big cities are repulsive in their ugliness. A six in my city is like a nine in flyover-hell.

>> No.12161893
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It gets way too much praise for just raw fish wrapped in rice.

>> No.12161983

I hate the phrase ethnic food. Everything is fucking "ethnic", you autist. All meals, ingredients, cooking methods come from somewhere. Read me the standardized definition of non ethnic food, the common ingredients, and cooking methods of said food.

What your unimaginative ass means to say is that you, "don't like foreign food relative to what you grew up eating". Which in and of itself is kinda sad. Not everything is for everyone, but there's so many different possibilities out there, it's pretty narrow minded to say you don't like any of it. Plus "American food"... really? This country has so many different influences, it's next to impossible to define that.

>> No.12162011

Ramen is inferior to pho and ive eaten a lot in Japan

Seriously everyone who is flipping their seats over ramen are just pretending.

>> No.12162100
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>> No.12162119

Fucking based

>> No.12162124

im a weeb who cooks his own weeb food pho is far superior to ramen simply due to bone broth and flavor profiles. Unless you dress up the ramen to be like pho pho wns.

>> No.12162232

Yeah this thread.

>> No.12162333


>> No.12162378

what kind of shit-tier cook doesn't use bones to make his ramen stock? hell, ramen stock is typically much richer than pho stock, especially tonkotsu ramen.

I prefer pho to ramen too, but you've got to be one hell of a retarded assclown to think that ramen doesn't use stock made from bones.

>> No.12162630

I think its retarded to claim everything is ethnic. Certain foods are staples of the culture of certain ethnic groups while others are more widely consumed globally. How many times did your mom make you pasta growing up? How many times did she make you pho? Its not so much that they are foreign foods, its more that they are foods people of different ethnicities eat a lot more.

>> No.12162642

yea, diversity

>> No.12162841

The best BBQ joints I've been to are the ones who are only open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

>> No.12162944
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I want your life.
t. Ausfag who spent 3 years doing BBQ competitions.