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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 237 KB, 700x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12148900 No.12148900 [Reply] [Original]

How many alcoholics are on this board? What are you drinking? Why are you drinking?

>> No.12148929

Sorry man I only drink steel reserve throwback

>> No.12149025

Wild turkey and coke is my drink of choice

>> No.12149109

Cheap vodka.

>> No.12149115

I find if I just get pint I wont go on full riot mode.

>> No.12149122
File: 10 KB, 150x300, 191310[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I an alcoholic if I drink every day but don't get totally trashed? I'm a few beers and lunch then a nap type of guy

But right now I'm drinking Earthquake

>> No.12149131

I liked Steel Reserve pineapple (I think? anyway some really fruity flavor) desu. I think it was a 24oz can.

>> No.12149143

Just got a $10 gift card to CVS so im gonna make a run there and see what swill they have. Just in time too cause i just ran outta beer. Hoping they have a generic handle lf rum for ~$12.
Thats the best way. I usually start in the evening and nurse myself into a nice comfy sleep slowly

>> No.12149170
File: 28 KB, 357x500, 963D098D-07E7-4EBC-8B2B-5998060C0E43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, as a side note, I am a full blown alcy but I eat nothing but healthy foods. I dont have a death wish I just really really REALLY love being drunk. Anyone else like this?

>> No.12149176

i drink a lot because i lost something important and my life lacks meaning now.

>> No.12149181

I'm in Fance so the cheaper way to get drunk is wine.

I drink because I can't stop it and enjoy beign drunk.

>> No.12149182

same man same

>> No.12149204

Right now I’m just a broke 18 year old taking advantage of my dad’s lack of attention he pays to his tequila. Good stuff. Idk the label cause I’m out right now. But I’m trying to get my hands on some Jack Daniels cause that’s my favorite.

>> No.12149206

I have crippling alcoholism and my life is quickly becoming an unmanageable hell

>> No.12149208

I'm an alcohol, If i wasn't recovering it'd be keystone ice 2 tall boys for a dollar each, or nikolai vodka.

>> No.12149218

>Jack Daniels
pleb tier, but i'll let you off the hook since you're only 18

>> No.12149219


That's an upside of being alcoholic. You know things will only get worse. There aree no surprise or unforseen circumstances.

>> No.12149220 [DELETED] 
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This post is off-topic.

Fuck off you nigger alckies, you belong to /adv/ or /r9k/

Thread should 404 soon ;)

>> No.12149222

Quit drinking yesterday because my kidneys and pancreas are starting to hurt. Wish me luck. Gonna get into tea I guess. What do sober people do all day ? Life is fucking boring man

>> No.12149244


>what do sober people do all day?


>> No.12149259


>> No.12149270

I work. I mean weekends and holidays and whatnot. I have a week holidays starting tomorrow. No idea what I'm gonna do all day

>> No.12149278


>> No.12149287

they are so bored that they get into things like crossword puzzles. Just start drinking again

>> No.12149300


Imo you should always have two streams of income. One that you live off of and another that you put in the bank. Whether it's walking dogs, playing music or delivering stuff. Who cares.

You should always have a side hustle or something bigger you're working at...

>> No.12149301
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literally me

>> No.12149302

Give your organs a rest,anon. Listen to your body before something worse happens to you..

>> No.12149360

If you drink earthquake at any point in your life past the age of 20 you are an alcoholic.

>> No.12149367


>> No.12149369


>> No.12149379

>and when you have time off do more work

nigger when the fuck do you get to relax and enjoy your fucking life?

>> No.12149438

I'm gonna inherit some money sometimes before this summer. Gonna invest it so I can buy my own land someday
That's what I'm doing

>> No.12149464

Today I'm drinking on of those tiny bottles of Jack as well as a canned Steel. I've drank so much Steel in my life there aren't even words

>> No.12149477

What a strange, uncommon reason to become an alcoholic

>> No.12149480

wh*teoid logic
learn to exist in a peaceful moment instead of always worrying about what can go wrong every single day. one day you will realize you are inevitably going to die and no amount of ‘side hustle’ and ego-feeding can stop it. try to enjoy life while you are alive.

>> No.12149487

Sorry kid, but you have to be 18 or older to pos-
Shit, fuck offmate.

>> No.12149496

>liver hurts sometimes
>drink anyway

doomer feels.

I had a few shots of vodka a bit ago. I cant drink til later tonight sadly.
here comes the 404

>> No.12149503

black logic
Lol why work gubmint will gimme bux

>> No.12149504

this is the only proper way to be an alcohol. if you are drinking to die or careless totally about health and wellness you might as well just get itmover with more effectively via gun/skyscraper/bridge.

>> No.12149508

>uses the phrase “side hustle”
>calls someone else black
Lmao just Lmao

>> No.12149511

I'm not that guy, I'm a different racist

>> No.12149521

Rock and rollin

>> No.12149525

Sitting on a sunny patio drinking a spicy cocktail in the sun on my day off. Told myself I wasn’t gonna drink today but it sure feels nice.

>> No.12149528

I'm gonna drink steel reserve for this first time tonight wish me luck bros

>> No.12149529


>> No.12149535

Find a hobby that you can get really autistic about. Like cooking.

>> No.12149541

its not off topic at all. Liquor, wine, and espeically beer are food products with nutritional and dietary value

>> No.12149546

Same. Woke up the other night to take a shot of vodka at 4am just to be able to get back to sleep. Just thinking, “Wow, so it’s like this now, huh?”

>> No.12149554
File: 78 KB, 683x1024, Bells_Two_Hearted_Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related best beer for me

>> No.12149559


I like the taste of Two Hearted but it gives me the gnarliest hangovers.

>> No.12149560

Yeah I thought of either going back to W40K models or to get into tea and medicinal herbs and whatnot

>> No.12149565

what other way can it be anon?

i had alcoholism during the best days of my life. i was a real badass. ...then i got real alcoholism.

>> No.12149576

I haven't gotten shitfaced by drinking Two Hearted so I wouldn't know, I tend to take it easy with beers that I actually enjoy

>> No.12149584

What nutritional value does steel reserve have

>> No.12149594


>> No.12149626

This. Anything else just gets in the way of getting drunk. I dont need to deal with flavors or weak beer. Vodka and water is the drink of choice.

>> No.12149645

man of culture. just got back from getting a free handle of vodka via reward certificate. nothing in the world as satisfying as free drink.

>> No.12149694


Why don’t you get a well paying job?

>> No.12149708

whole grain carbs and protein

>> No.12150378

I drink basically every night. Cheap boxed red wine. I drink because I work at a grocery store and I hate my job. Coworkers are great, customers are cunts.

>> No.12150408

I'm so hungover I think that I may die.

>> No.12150424
File: 52 KB, 314x400, 1_1faeb8e13028d2b2144b12e796b29de6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking yueng premium light. And I also work and get drunk every day because I have no love interests in my life any more. At least being tired makes me not feel so bad about the fact that I might never get laid again.

>> No.12150492


>> No.12150550

Welp as someone who drank heavily through my 20s all I can say is quit early before it gets too shitty, because it will get shitty. Withdrawals are a motherfucker, but they do go away.

Be careful about quitting cold turkey if you're a heavy drinker because it can actually kill you. I've had to go through some real shitty withdrawals three or four times before it finally stuck and I learned that tapering is the best way to go about it. I'm at a point in my life where I can have a couple of beers every once in a while without going off the handle and binge drinking. Ask me anything.

>> No.12150594

How do you know your withdrawals can be dangerous? I get kinda bad anxiety and I feel kinda confused and forget and missplace things but no real shaking.

>> No.12150624

right there with ya

>> No.12150630

When they get bad, youll know. I had a full blown anxiety attack and im still not convinced i didnt have a heart attack during it over the winter when my vodka consumption hit a critical level and i wasnt exercising at all due to the extreme cold

>> No.12150651
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I'm definitely like this too except I don't eat very healthy, I'd like to maximize my alcoholic life to god mode.
just curious, could you give me a quick day in the life of your diet and alcohol consumption? Are there any foods especially good for us drunkards?

>> No.12150653
File: 585 KB, 901x889, yuengling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuengling is one of the few good things to come out of the state of Pennsylvania

>> No.12150656

Agreed 100% with this.

I'm not a doctor, and I don't think there is and hard-and-fast way to say for sure, but dangerous withdrawals are usually only a problem for very hardcore drinkers. Like whole-bottle-of-liquor-a-day sort of cases. I'd be concerned if you got physical symptoms, like the shakes. How much are you drinking?

that said, it's safest to taper no matter what and it doesn't harm anything, so you might as well do that just to be safe.

>> No.12150674
File: 194 KB, 1000x1000, B9C44A02-0F6D-4366-B54B-CE789594038E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back to the thread just as your reply came up.
Every day I eat pretty much milk and eggs, quite a bit of assorted nuts, and drink generic V8 and have either applesauce, banana, or some other random fruit/veggie sometimes. Sometimes I eat oatmeal or wheat/nut bread. Thats pretty much all I eat on drinking days, which lets be honest is a lot more days than not.
You just need protein, healthy fats, fruit/veggie, and fiber to maintain good health.

>> No.12150717

Like 10 tall boys every night for a couple of years, no idea how much that is in hard liquor. I try to stay away from liquor since I had some bad expiriences with it. I guess it's not that much compared to hardcore alcos? but I started to get kidney pain. Not sure if it's the alcohol or all the liquid I drink since you'd never drink the same amont of water like you would drink beer in one sitting.

>> No.12150732

tall boy of what? thats like 20 drinks a day if youre drinking standard macro stuff, and a lot more if youre drinking high abv. thats pretty heavy drinking by any standard.

>> No.12150761

10 tallboys a night is pretty bad anon. I usually drink 3-4 but can easily put down a bottle of rum in a night.

As for what I'm drinking, few shots of rum in some lime juice and water is my go-to.

>> No.12150763
File: 30 KB, 620x821, 1547438848865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alcoholic here, hungover today so nothing.

>> No.12150787

>I'm at a point in my life where I can have a couple of beers every once in a while without going off the handle and binge drinking.
>Ask me anything.

>> No.12150939

Tastes like shit, no idea why this certain beer is so popular. Nothing but bitter hops with no malt backbone, that's it, no other flavor.

>> No.12150947

Been drinking for 10 years, been actually alcoholic for like 6 of those. I started drinking because I liked it, (I still do actually like it), kept drinking because I was always alone, after years eventually the addiction hit because I was getting wasted every day partying as hard as I could while I was still young. I cut back drastically because of all the damage it was doing to my life, but I still drink beer and wine today because I just never want to stay sober for long and I don't have much else.

>> No.12150982

>How do you know your withdrawals can be dangerous?
I'm not a doctor, but I don't think you can know for sure without a doctor. I've heard that you're more likely to have a seizure if you're experiencing delirium tremens, but I don't know how valid it is.

Doctors will pretty much never recommend going cold turkey, they'll ask you to drink less and less over time aka taper. The safest way to go through withdrawals is to do it under medical supervision, but not a lot of people have access to that.

Anxiety is absolutely normal, mine was absolutely through the roof for about a week after quitting every time I tried. Couldn't sleep or really be in public, but it went away over time.

Well to put it simply, I stopped drinking every day. The longer you go dry, the easier it gets and I saw my health improving greatly. I had some pretty gnarly health issues due to my heavy drinking and barely drinking at all really did improve my health a bunch. You eventually just get out of the habit of getting plastered every day. I'm not at the point where I'll keep liquor in the house yet, but I'll get there eventually. I personally don't like the whole 100% abstaining, because I think I'm stronger than that. I also don't see an occasional beer or two as a personal failure as long as I'm not binge drinking them. I had three beers last night and haven't had any for over two weeks prior. I'm cool with not having another drink for a long while.

>> No.12150989

Social environments are very awkward unless I loosen up with some drinks. If there's a specific goal or task to be performed, even with other people, I don't require it. But I'm a pint of vodka/day drinker, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.12151025 [DELETED] 

750ml of vodka a night sometimes more. Usually just pounding shots. I was ready to an hero before I picked up the bottle a few years ago. The drink has made every problem worse and created many new problems but for a few minutes every night I at least feel good and can laugh, which wasn't the case prior. But yeah my life is in total ruin and I don't really WANT to fix it aside from the fear of impending homelessness. If I were rich i'd just do what I do now.

>> No.12151034

If you have anxiety it should be better after not drinking a couple days/weeks.

>> No.12151516

Doea bourbon count as whiskey, if so, wild turjey is superior to jack in almost every way

>> No.12151532

Good luck brother try and fight the good fight

>> No.12151538


>> No.12151540

nearly every bourbon is better than Jack, especially at the absurd overmarketted price point of Jack. it's OK though, if it was cheaper I'd drink it sometimes

>> No.12151549
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, NATTYDADDY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alcohol here. polishing off pic related as we speak and got a handle of vodka under the desk waiting to get cracked

>> No.12151550

its 17$ a bottle its literally bottom shelf

>> No.12151560
File: 852 KB, 514x888, Devil's Reach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based.
My handle of vodka is in the freezer. I don't start drinking that until around 12am.
Just picked up a six pack of this stuff. 8.6% drinking on an empty stomach. Getting the spins mane. Crushable shit. All I have to eat is a nice slice of Humbolt Fog cheese and half a baguette.

>> No.12151571

well pardon me mr. gucci loafers we aint all made of money to spend on subpar swill

>> No.12151574

man of culture. drinking on an empty stomach as well, as usual, as always. just pounded beer 1 of 3 and plan to do this same with the next two

>> No.12151630

Alckie of 7 years here. You should avoid drinking on an empty stomach. I got bad ulcers from doing so. I've learned to eat a handful of peanuts and some bread before a binge

>> No.12151633

I'll usually have 2-3 drinks after work every night, and more on the weekends if I'm not busy.

I'm into craft beer and mixology so its never cheap shit I'm drinking just to get drunk, but I still feel like I should stop.

>> No.12151635

i dont drink because im not weak

>> No.12151642
File: 111 KB, 346x330, 1432281817435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild Turkey 101 and Vanilla Coke

>> No.12151643

>2-3 drinks every night
you will live a long happy healthy life mate, no need to worry there. this is a 12 drink a night thread.

>> No.12151651

based, but have you tried it with good high quality cream soda? the absolute peak. IBC is acceptable.

>> No.12151655

Enjoy dying in your 30s

>> No.12151662
File: 202 KB, 234x730, steel-reserve-211-42-oz-plastic-bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witness the power of my mighty 42oz

>> No.12151664
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I've got a baguette, mane. But thanks for the look out.

>> No.12151665
File: 692 KB, 1000x1000, faygo_creme_soda_1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Faygo good high quality?

>> No.12151668

i'm in my 30s already mate, and death's sweet embrace eludes me at every turn

>> No.12151671

based royal canadian
drinking a pint a day because i quit drugs haha

>> No.12151672
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>> No.12151676

oh god, looks like you could run a lawn mower with that

>> No.12151691
File: 268 KB, 600x600, faygo_rock_and_rye_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on faygo
pathetic west coaster.
*teleports behind you*
time to die

>> No.12151716

yeah you're probly right, i'd best take heed, though I do drink baking soda regularly to regulate my PH

>> No.12151770

Four Loko Red

>> No.12151791


Yup. Me to a T. I eat well yet can crush a liter in two days no problem.

>> No.12151804
File: 22 KB, 399x600, mccormick_1.75_600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's McCormick's vodka dranken neat at room temperature

No other bottom shelf vodka is quadruple distilled at a price of $10.50, which makes McCormick's the best value by far

>> No.12151806

How does drinking alcohol all the time not make you feel like shit? After I got out of school I couldn't even go back to drinking a small amount without it fucking badly with my ability to fall asleep.

>> No.12151812


Al/ck/ belongs on >>>/r9k/ now.

>> No.12151814

>Enjoy dying in your 30s
>i'm in my 30s already mate
Yeah, in your 30s, not out of them.

>> No.12151823


>> No.12151832

>neat at room temperature
absolute mad man

>> No.12151873
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>> No.12151892
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>> No.12151932

picked up a tall boy for right now before work and a steelie 40 for during work, pulling an overnight tonight

>> No.12151934

>tfw wasted out of my goddamn mind last night and told my best friend of 20 years that I don't want to be friends any more and wrote like 5 pages of reasons why
Alcohol and depression will be the end of me. I keep fucking every good thing in my life up. As per OP, few 6% tallboys and some gin tonight to kill the pain

>> No.12151938

Alcos feel like shit obviously and get their fix to feel a little bit less shit. I can only sleep if I had some drinks before.

>> No.12151940

the offical song of al/ck

>> No.12151954

>neat at room temperature
I don't see why this is such a big deal. Any true alcoholic should have zero problem drinking straight vodka with no chaser
When I consume alcohol it's essentially always as a drug rather than a drink

>> No.12151959

I'll have to disagree.

>> No.12151961

yeah but neat at room temp is extreme. I mix my vodka with cold water

>> No.12151962

got a vodka mixer, bout to swallow 200mg trazedone with it. goodnight my friends.

>> No.12151963
File: 694 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_20190408_215639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me?
I took the nattypill

>> No.12151964
File: 96 KB, 673x684, The_depths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the 2021 version here

Wojak really let himself go with the inhalant ether abuse

>> No.12151965


>> No.12151978

good song

i like this one better though. fuckin love johnny hobo.

when i was first getting on the alcoholic train i could drink straight from the bottle without a chaser but as i got deeper into it just the smell of vodka made me nauseous. Now i always need to mix or follow shots with a chaser. cant drink from the bottle like i used to.

>> No.12151985

best beer a dollar can get you. and honestly, i think they taste better than steel reserve or other cheap beer.

>> No.12151990

its much much better than everything else in the category

>> No.12152001

if you're drinking cheap beer, grab a thing of beer salt next time you're at the store. it goes a long way and makes the beer about three times better

>> No.12152006
File: 151 KB, 1154x671, 20190408_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if you want the best bang for your buck I'd recommend the bottom shelf vodka pill
It's only like 26¢ per standard US drink if you factor in the wholesale cost with tax and buy the cheapest handle of vodka
God I love how cheap it is to be an alcoholic

>> No.12152009

>The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.

>> No.12152015
File: 24 KB, 143x400, 23462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this. Only ice beer imo that actually tastes like beer

>> No.12152017

beer salt?

>> No.12152022

>I'd recommend the bottom shelf vodka pill
Been there
Don't want to ever go back there
I'll stick with the cheap beer

>> No.12152024

not that anon, but another Natty anon here. I was on the bottom shelf vodka for a while, and still do it occasionally, but man the Natty is super refreshing, although slightly more expensive. it makes the actual act of drinking somewhat enjoyable, which us real alcys tend to forget the value of over time

>> No.12152037

there's two kinds, salt and citric acid or salt, citric acid, and chili if you're feeling mexican. both are actually bretty gud. that's what those small containers you see at the convienence store counter that say limon on it are. the chili one is called tajin

>> No.12152104

I elevated myself to $15 vodka in glass container for a while, and it was a good run, but in the end, 10$ trumps all

>> No.12152144
File: 84 KB, 504x630, Ethanol_Decon_Group_200Pr_Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deacon Group is the true patrician alcoholic's choice

>> No.12152151

i thought it was impossible to distill to 100% purity

>> No.12152152

>yueng premium
Absolutely disgusting. Everything else they make is fine.

>> No.12152184

Is buying distilled 200 proof ethanol really any cheaper than buying 190 proof Everclear?
Alcoholism is all about alcohol to price ratio
If I could buy non-denatured for cheap I would do it in a second. I would probably buy non-denatured ethanol by the barrel if I was legally able to

>> No.12152213

Haha! Hello al/ck/, I drink light beer instead of drinking straight vodka! Wow I outsmarted you all!
...help me

>> No.12152220
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This is a lot better than being so hungover you wish you were dead

>> No.12152224

4 roses bourbon.
Grad student who cant give a shit about grading the little fuckers lab reports anymore

>> No.12152229

How much trouble am I in if I do 6 Tallboys of 5% on Fridays and Saturdays, or doing half a handle of 80 proof over the same period every week?

>> No.12152234

just dont tell mom

>> No.12152246

If you have to ask, then you already know...

>> No.12152275

>Friend stopped by, had three beers with him
>As soon as he left I binge hard and have like 8 more
youll never guess how ashamed of myself I am

>> No.12152276

Its impossible under normal conditions. Messing with pressure, using chemical drying agents, or adding benzene to nreak the azeotrope can all make it possible to scrub that last bit of water out. But that's usually lab grade solvent, unless youre in a bio lab not gonna be drinkable

>> No.12152285

i'm guessing you have zero guilt

>> No.12152288
File: 91 KB, 768x1024, F38FE9EF-8B57-49C3-B9E7-445EA27E623B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shit get ya tipsy

>> No.12152297

And all of that is ignored here to harp on pathetic addictions.

>> No.12152301

im >>12152224, im not the anon trying to dissolve my stomach

>> No.12152306

meant for >>12152275

>> No.12152313

Legit feel like shit. I want to moderate my drinking. I managed to have just a few beers and not get out of hand Saturday night. Maybe after that I was just low on serotonin or something and thats why I binged. i dont get it. I can go have a single beer right now and not kill the other three in the fridge. Why is my off switch working now and not yesterday?

>> No.12152322
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 44381F23-4676-4C5C-A1A3-1EF9EAD8865D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the final boss of liquor.

>> No.12152330

yea it's pretty great, but this is an alcoholism thread, not a pretentious hipster who spends 20 bucks to barely get a buzz thread

>> No.12152331
File: 205 KB, 510x405, smug_fucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 10year
>final boss of alcohol

>> No.12152342


>> No.12152344
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>> No.12152354
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>> No.12152359

do people really buy this kind of shit or is it just a meme to promote the products? i guess i'd believe if sheik muhammed abdul III bought it but that's about it

>> No.12152413

for me, it's 1,4 butanediol

>> No.12152478

Lol this is me like 2 months ago. Now I just have a vodka cranberry at slightly above fridge temperature

>> No.12152593

>laphroiag 10
>20 bucks

Fucking where, its 60 bucks here

>> No.12152653


what a terrible, terrible idea

>> No.12152684

Is three bottles of wine a week at age 23 bad?

>> No.12152692

thats entry level drinking. my mom dirnks more than that

>> No.12152693

no. but not posting tits can give you cancer

>> No.12152705
File: 151 KB, 2304x1728, IMG_20190408_234746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. Sounds like I'm alright then


>> No.12152724

Dude that fucking sucks. Does this person know you're an alcohol?
This is proof positive that the whole "drunken words are sober thoughts" meme is absolute bullshit. I've told a loved one that I absolutely hated them and wanted them to fucking die when blackout drunk. Alcohol is evil, frens.

t. 2 weeks sober

>> No.12152741

I’m down from a pint of vodka a night before bed to two beers. This isn’t bad.

>> No.12152782


>> No.12152804

Spent Friday. Saturday and Sunday drinking Svedka. Drank an entire 750ml bottle of Vodka each day along with a six pack of Apricot Blonde beer each day as well.

No food or water at all during the 3 days, except for a hotdog Saturday night. Other than that, just vodka and beer for 3 days straight.

Spent all day today nursing a 3 day bender hangover. Pounded water and juice all day, and was literally eating raw spinach out of the bag just to get some fucking greens in my body.

The worst part? I was supposed to start a new job today. I called out because I was so hungover lol

>> No.12152813

now this is real alcoholism

>> No.12152821

i drank a tecate titanium, almost a half pint, and a oberon. pretty happy that this gets me decently hammered. a year ago i was blacking out 3-4 nights a week. i have the urge to get more liquor though should i do it

>> No.12152825


>> No.12152843

And the award for the most alcoholic anon goes to...

>> No.12152853

>calling out of a job on your first day because of a hangover

jfc anon

>> No.12152855

I'm still alive because I can't afford to drink every day anymore. There's no such thing as cheap alcohol in my country only less expensive.

>> No.12152863
File: 95 KB, 600x810, aclonaut-pst-61-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

least he was sober enough to call...

>> No.12152864

in withdrawal so hard to type coherently. please excuse me if this post is scattered or confusing.
i just relapsed a couple of weeks ago after 14 MONTHS off alcohol. i received some of the most catastrophic news imaginable, and i broke. day 1 i bought a nice cognac and had a nice irish coffee. it calmed everything down. so i had another.
within 3 days of that first drink, i was chugging 2L of vodka daily, taking diazepam and heroin on top, screaming at the top of my lungs, smashing up my house and soon thereafter woke from my blackout, to the familiar feeling of a concrete bed in a frozen police cell. in withdrawal.
no criminal charges it seems, but mandatory daily home visits from a crisis intervention team, mandatory piss tests for drugs and so many appointments with doctors and psychologists that i've lost track of them all. they'll be here in 2 hours to check whether i'm hanging from the ceiling, hope i've at least stopped vomiting and crying by then.
relapsing did not help me to cope with my catastrophic news, incidentally. that first drink was, as we all know but for all of our sakes i'll repeat here now, it was a potentially fatal mistake. i simply cannot drink ANYTHING, EVER, END OF, and if you're anything like as inclined towards addiction as i am, NEITHER CAN YOU. DON'T FUCKING DO IT.


k bbl, going back to convulsing and screaming for a bit.

>> No.12152868

I drink because I'm angry

>> No.12152870

no one cares loser kys

>> No.12152879
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>> No.12152884

what was the news?

>> No.12152903

i literally start screaming uncontrollably if i talk about it, so i'd rather not, sorry man. but while things can always get worse, hell is no doubt a bottomless pit, this was nevertheless about the most unpleasant news one can receive. family health related.

>> No.12152904

sorry to hear that lad. I'm going through WDs as well atm. I'm only drinking 4 tall boys a night so it's not nearly as bad as you. But my tolerance is growing and I will be right where you are soon enough. I fucking love and hate alcohol. Sober life is shit always. Drunk life can be good, or can be awful. I would rather gamble than have a losing hand every time.

>> No.12152908

HIV, don't pay $15 for a quick fuck with a cute korean man in a portland alley. This >>12152903 isn't me

>> No.12152913

i showed up drunk to my job eating general tsos chicken with my fingers and the patrons reported me to my boss. when my boss confronted me i told her i had a change of medication and i kept the job

>> No.12152927
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Pic related

>> No.12152959
File: 3.47 MB, 4160x3120, 20190409_001933_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lwove how bud light is brewed with only four ingredients to make the most perfectest light and refrweshing lager OwO and w-with no disgusting corn syrup~~! :33

this buds for me!!! ^w^ and daddy of course o////o

>> No.12152963


>> No.12153013

Just take PREP, won't you be fine?

>> No.12153014
File: 1.09 MB, 2391x1345, 23442367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to /k/ you disgusting freak

>> No.12153028


>> No.12153036

Same. I always drink straight from the bottle, room temp, no chaser. Anything else is girl stuff.

>> No.12153039

>not bagging your sister for Steel Reserve and drinking before the work


>> No.12153046

og kino

>> No.12153058

Bunch of total fucking losers itt, glad to be one of you fellas

>> No.12153099
File: 469 KB, 1127x1590, still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done this. Don't do this.

If you're that desperate for cheap, high-powered booze, here, let me help you out.

>> No.12153161
File: 273 KB, 500x466, rthuitu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man.
>I'm going through WDs as well atm.
not fucking pleasant, is it?
someone telling you to not drink when feeling like this, well, it's like being in a car travelling at 100mph, which is about to hit a brick wall... and someone telling you to NOT hit the brakes. The anxiety is near fucking IMPOSSIBLE to bear, hence so, so many relapses and so many emphatic CAPS in this post.
right now i have the meds in this pic. they've stopped me from literally running screaming into the streets for... iirc 5 days, but in 2ish days they'll run out, and i'll still have around a week of withdrawal to endure before this has any chance of subsiding.
normally i'd just get so motherfucking high that withdrawal was tolerable, but with 4 fucking piss tests a week because social services and the police are on the case, i'm all alone here in hell with no chemical lover to give me the strength i need to persevere. god i wish this would end so i could relax with a drink or two.

>> No.12153199

Here, friend
(what I've learned, alcohol, Nalextrone)

>> No.12153264


>> No.12153277

This desu senpai.
I'm a chemical engineer doing production for an international spirits conglomerate rn. I'll sign off on that design.

You're correct. In addition to the fact that benzene makes a lousy Old Fashioned, most commercially available anhydrous ethanol is denatured. It won't make you go blind, methanol would mess with its use as a solvent in research applications, but they dose it with the kinda shit that'll make you spew before you begin to catch a buzz.

If you're tryna buy consumable ethanol in bulk, look for grain neutral spirits or GNS, it's what a lot of people are making gin or vodka from these days.

Alternatively run guns, nail sluts, and fuck the law. Distill your own. Just uhh, don't blow yourself up.

>> No.12153292

>Take THREE times a day
>o w8 anon, iz nut kleer 4 u
>lemme halpz

Holy fuck, my sides.
Americans, everyone.

Americans, everyone.

>> No.12153476
File: 1.91 MB, 1378x1232, IMG_3486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because what you're looking at in the pic you reference is the second box of diazepam they gave me. the first, i necked it in an hour. didn't realise they'd be back every damn day to check. they gave me this second lot, wrote on it in a way which as you illustrate, makes me look like an idiot, and they also literally now come here every day to check my piss and count how many pills i've got remaining.
as this pic suggests, the most recent piss test - which they took about an hour ago, will be about 90% THC. wonder how that's gonna work out. fuck it, THC legit helps me A LOT with the actual hell which is alcohol withdrawal, so if i have imminently to be arrested for it then so fucking be it i suppose.

>> No.12153507

It's fine dude. I was more aiming at the pharmacist who wrote it.
Good luck with your stuff. Hope they cut you some slack

>> No.12153565
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I drink every night, last bight had 3 glasses of wine, probably 4 shots of gin and a steel tallboy.

I thinknits because I live alone and am lonely.

I dont have any hobbies anymore since im used to 60 hour work weeks, and my sense of shame is too great to do this in front of a significant other.

Whenever i get off ofnwork early, i legit have no idea what to do with myself. Been doing alot of quick pickling.

>> No.12153575


>> No.12153576


>> No.12153582

I'm also an alco-workaholic. Took a promotion that added ~15 hours to my workweek but the payrise wasn't very high mainly because I just drink when I'm at home.
I'm so fucking foggy in the morning though and I can only eat something once I get home and am at least 10 beers in.
I also haven't had a holiday in 3 years.

>> No.12153732

Cant sleep alcdudes.... didnt drink enough last night

>> No.12153802

whenever I drink too much (for a non-alcky) I come to this thread and scare myself straight
works for a couple days

>> No.12153853


>> No.12153980
File: 62 KB, 809x768, 1529526106497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you, homie.

Maybe we'll make it, or maybe we wont.

At least this time around.

>> No.12154057

Small penis?

>> No.12154065
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>> No.12154080

Whatchu know about that?

>> No.12154091

The fuck? Why would I salt my beer? I get dehydrated enough, and I drink light beer to maximize my buzz time.

>> No.12154100

i have a co-worker that is the worst kind of degenerate alcoholic. He drinks what he calls "the green lizzard" which is menan aftershave run through a coffee filter.

The doctors told him to stop drinking or he will die. 6 months later he was absolutley flabberghasted that he now has cirrhosis. He was like " but i only drank canned stuff." like there was a difference between it and liquor. God i hate him.

>> No.12154172

How does he manage to keep his job/get it done?

>> No.12154207

What's canned stuff? Beer?

>> No.12154212

he dosen't. he is fucking less than useless. in fact he is puking blood in the woods behind the shop right now.

my boss treats him as a charity case. i wish he was dead already.

>> No.12154345

its not worth finding out. he is too stupid to converse with.

>> No.12154451


>> No.12154509

wait he actually drank aftershave? what the efuck?

>> No.12154555
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Now That's What I Call Alcoholism

I hate when I forget to eat on a bender, the pain is unreal. This past Thursday (?) I had polished off a lot of beer and wine when I met my friend at the pool hall for a couple drinks at around 1am. After last call we went back to his place along with his coke dealer and ended up doing lines and drinking a whole box of wine between the three of us until 7am. When I got up at 2pm the next day I had such a bad case of The Fear that I immediately started drinking light beers again all day and barely eating. Sunday was hell

>> No.12154603
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Been at this point many fucking times. I hate when it's just there and your skin burns and the dreams are mental. j;dlsaljdfas

>> No.12154607

not drank, drinks.

>> No.12154622

I just past 8 months sober, living in a long term recovery place

t.mall drinker

>> No.12154641
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hey mall drinker, good to hear. I'm gin blossoms in the motherboard, still struggling but things are okay.

>> No.12154708
File: 622 KB, 1600x1200, 1362428349434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I'm not hearing music in my computer today

>> No.12154787

Usual go to is High Life and Evan Williams.

>> No.12154848

Hello, my clone. Although I've grown into Busch Light and Burnett's gin. The former helps keep me on my toes during the longer sessions, while the latter mixes with whatever flavored carbonated water is on sale that week with a splash of Mio.

>> No.12154932


>> No.12154970

Was over 700ml of 80 proof whisky and 6-12 beers a night for years, real low tier booze at that, gave awful hangovers. Dried out for a few weeks and picked up a nice bottle(750ml) and 4 pack of beer on Friday. Beer is gone but only halfway through the bottle. I think I can make it bros

>> No.12154976

buh buh buh based

>> No.12154994

Cheap Canadian whisky and shit tier cola.

>> No.12154998
File: 2.56 MB, 4032x3024, 20190409_190226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>250ml of vodka and an ice cold sippy boi to wash it all down.

I usually drink once every 3 days, I drink because I'm depressed and bored and hopeless that my life will change.

>> No.12155035

>buying anything under a fifth
>actually buying monster zero
>not using Yotsuba B
Get outta here, college boy.

>> No.12155081 [DELETED] 
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, 20190409_191800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying anything under a fifth
But i did, i buy 1.5L vodka. I just use the rum bottle to measure it out so i know i'm good to drive to work the next morning.
>actually buying monster zero
it tastes nice :)
>not using Yotsuba B
imagine not using dark theme for everything

>> No.12155114

>get sober
>get good news
>relapse in celebration
>get sober
>get bad news
>relapse to cope
>get sober
>no news good/bad
>relapse out of sheer boredom
feeling good makes me relapse, feeling bad makes me relapse, and feeling nothing makes me relapse.

>> No.12155131
File: 934 KB, 400x300, 1529888341922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll drink to that

>> No.12155150

Reddit whisky

>> No.12155155
File: 23 KB, 600x434, 1523572617867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, it's my whole life. welp, drink to seeing bullshit again...

>> No.12155165

I've been in bed for about 48 hours after a 3 day bender. I need to eat but I don't have to energy to get out of this bed. I have to be at work in 4 hours. I seriously just want to die.

>> No.12155170
File: 23 KB, 390x365, 626F4B36-DE93-41B4-9D48-3480467F88C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well put old chap, well put!

>> No.12155179 [DELETED] 

How many /alco/s can keep up with Winston Churchill's daily drink schedule


reminder that he died at 89 dispite drinking like this on a daily basis basically his whole life

>> No.12155183

Best get to drinkin water if ya ever wanna feel better again

>> No.12155188
File: 85 KB, 800x1084, churchill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many /alco/s can keep up with Winston Churchill's daily drink schedule


Reminder that he died at 89 dispite drinking like this on a daily basis basically his whole life

>> No.12155190

I'll be better after I get to work and sweat it all out in the first hour or 2. I'm so tired of doing this to myself. I just want my old life back.

>> No.12155194
File: 445 KB, 664x551, Reviewbrah Sad Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I intensionally try to make myself feel depressed as an excuse to drink, i can't drink if i don't feel anything in the moment or if i'm happy

>> No.12155200

IIRC without watching that whole... thing... that's only like 10 drinks a day. Not a whole lot.

>> No.12155207

Seems pretty light drinking if im honest

>> No.12155214

Absolutely based, I even got my dad drinking them heh

>> No.12155217
File: 60 KB, 1229x1160, 1515961753721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you consider "moderate" or "heavy" drinking fren?

>> No.12155219

the queen day-drinks routinely too, apparently.
>Per the report, she sips on a gin and Dubonnet with a slice of lemon and a lot of ice before lunch. During lunch, Queen Elizabeth II opts for wine and then enjoys a dry martini and a glass of champagne in the evening

>> No.12155229

how much is that in units?

>> No.12155232

>rich old hag likes to get smashed in the middle of the day

>> No.12155235

moderate would be somewhere past the 12 drink mark i suppose
heavy would be anything past a daily 750ml (15-17 drinks or more)

>> No.12155236

Three, ya goddamn illiterate.

>> No.12155238

churchill drank like a pussy.

>> No.12155257

20 ounces of 40% in 3 hours is my standard for heavy drinking.

>> No.12155258

Will a 6 month break help me get my off switch back? I have chronic depression and when I have a beer or two it’s hard not to keep going after that dopamine release. I think hitting the gym will help too

>> No.12155262

i've no clue really, couple of units a piece i'd guess? pretty sure by her government's standards it makes her a binge drinker though

>> No.12155267

Entirely depends on your level of kindling.

>> No.12155270
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this is nothing, I've woken up from a 4 day bender with 8-10 empty 750ml bottles I had no idea I bought (or how) and been in the shakey wakey fuck ups a bunch of times. He was a bullshitter.

>> No.12155276


>> No.12155283

how do i stop beer from fucking my test up?is it true that beers phytoestrogens can fuck your test up hard? i drink beer almost daily,on the weekends 7-8 beers and on weekdays maybe 1-2.

>> No.12155288

kindling is what happens when you withdrawal a bunch of times and it starts getting worse and worse every time. It's progressive, and at a certain point you're gunna be seizure material every time regardless of the amount you drink.

>> No.12155289

lol he was running a country during wartime, you can't exactly black out for four days when the Nazis are invading France and you have to make the calls on what happens. Sounds like he was just trying to keep a strong maintenance-level buzz the whole time, no shame in that.

>> No.12155291
File: 32 KB, 500x293, me on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based skelly poster

>> No.12155292


>> No.12155294
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Yeah I mean, sounds good to me

>> No.12155295

Never had withdrawals, I have maybe 5 beers on a Saturday but there is time when I start drinking and if I’m feeling low I will binge hard.

>> No.12155297

You can when you're Richard Nixon and have the finger on the button of world Armageddon.

>> No.12155307

Then you just wrack disciprine.

>> No.12155314


>> No.12155327
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>Taking PREP after HIV exposure

>> No.12155329

>and my sense of shame is too great to do this in front of a significant other.
stop caring about what some hoe or dude might think about you after spending a total of 10 hours with you and understanding .01% of you. you have nothing to gain by doing this
>Whenever i get off ofnwork early, i legit have no idea what to do with myself
listen to new music, try to find the AOTY
watch documentaries about spooky stuff
watch Steve
play or learn an instrument
read a book, meditate, cook something, exercise
jerk off to something other than tranny porn

>> No.12155331
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>> No.12155345

Maybe, or my brain is lacking the happy chemicals and when I get some from beer it’s hard to stop

>> No.12155358
File: 510 KB, 650x4228, alck withdrawal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just had over a year off booze until a relapse very recently. the physical healing of extended abstinence is indescribable, and people don't hate me as much any more. in fact it's no exaggeration to say that literally everything gets better... with the exception of PAWS. PAWS apparently in my case involves among other things, screaming out loud ten times every day spontaneously (even in public, like tourettes) remembering/trying to block out, all the terrible shit i did while drunk. this has been happening for 14 months and i still can't stop it. Plus whatever issues you had when you started drinking, even if it was decades ago, those surface unexpectedly and will need to be dealt with. An exotic array of very unpleasant, personalised-hell-esque, emotional puzzles will hit you repeatedly in waves. Some doctors say it'll last months, some say years, some say it never ends. My guess would be it's probably approximately proportional in duration to the length of time you spent drunk. so, that's 1 year down for me, 1 quarter of a century of it left to go, before i'm emotionally 'over it' and entirely free from the effects of well and truly abusing alcohol.
don't let me put you off though. fancifully, as it turns out, everything else in your universe improves immeasurably if you stop literally poisoning yourself every day.

>> No.12155357

Nigga I'm an alcoholic, and I can just have one beer. Reminder: You're not supposed to be happy all of the time.

>> No.12155368

Deep. Unfortunately not many of us are ready to take the plunge.

>> No.12155381

this is the thread with the most replies on /ck/ rightnow and its contstantly being bumped.
is it possible so many of us are fucked?

>> No.12155391

not surprising desu. this is 4channel afterall

>> No.12155399

This is the first al/ck/ thread I've seen in months that didn't get b&. We all seek solace, and /ck/ seems to be one of the last refuges of oldfags *knock on wood.

>> No.12155401


the problem is ,once you taste it,the ease,the peace you get,you dont even have to be drunk as fuck you cant just be sober anymore...
but an unironical way on cutting drinking is smoking some weed,it makes you drink half the shit you usually drink,cause if you overdo it you will have the most painful night over a toilet bowi lin your life.and when you cross these both together they give you a very nice feeling,you are happy but not paranoid and very relaxed...

>> No.12155406


>> No.12155417

it makes me not want to stop,it feels like i have somebody who is in the same situation as me.
college is coming up and i wont be able to fuck around as much as i could these last 6 years (i am 19,used to smoke ciggies from 13 until i was almost 16,been kinda drinking since 13 but started hc drinking at 15).alcohol makes me feel nostalgia,love,ease,everything.ive been a very good student except in my first year of HS cause i was very depressed ayylmao.
smoking not eating and drinkin stunted my growth severely tho

>> No.12155428

Get out now.
>lel, like my 19 year old self would've listened to this sage advice even if my future self appeared in person

>> No.12155430

My excuse is that I don't want to be old. I really don't. I will be content dying at age 40 at the latest.

Another thing is that the liqueur business in America is run almost exclusively by Jews. I don't really want to give them more money but I like to drink so I'm at a crossroads. Perhaps I should make my own brew.

>> No.12155441

i know i can stop,i dont want to

>> No.12155447

I never though I'd hit 30.
Then 40.
Now I'm 45 and found a better outlook on life somewhere along the way and my body is fucked up from years of debauchery. Just food for thought.

>> No.12155472
File: 61 KB, 499x499, 211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based 211

>> No.12155474

Got any kids bro?

>> No.12155482

I'm 35, never thought I'd be here. I'm having to relearn all my life skills since I was living to drink and die for so long. It's really hard.

>> No.12155485

>t. every alchie ever

>> No.12155497

no. fuck no lol

>> No.12155503

i'm 33 and i'm starting to feel like it's about time to get my head out from being firmly planted up my ass for the past ~5 years

>> No.12155519

Exactly. After that first taste all the self doubt and depressing thoughts go away for a bit. So of course I want to snag more beer to keep them at bay longer.

>> No.12155603

Yes taaka is cheap, but you pay for it in other ways. Have been on the taaka pill before.

>> No.12155612

I'm not too bad yet, only get wasted 3/4 times a week. Been 2 days, besides a little shaking and depression but nothing too bad.

>> No.12155635

I love drinking and for no reason other than I enjoy the taste and feel of inebriation, I've been drinking since I was 14 and now I'm 25. I've drank everything, from absolute shite to top shelf liquors. Everytime I give myself a short break from the daily booze grind, I feel so much better within about a week.

Good luck to all you booze hounds out there, but I'm trying to stay afloat sober before I fully go off the deep end and stay there.

>> No.12155726


Do I have memory loss?

Glad to see you guys.

You're not physically addicted yet. I strongly suggest you kick your ass before you inadvertently exit the tutorial level.

>Plus whatever issues you had when you started drinking, even if it was decades ago, those surface unexpectedly and will need to be dealt with.
There is a youtube account to her name, nothing uploaded, just playlists. The names suggest a wedding. I guess that settles it, it's not like anything could have happened if I called her after 10 years.
Now to tackle my autism and my newfound crippling social anxiety.

>> No.12155753

The fuck are you talking to? Never mass reply to me or my wife's son again.

>> No.12155774

No librium anon? We give that to our DT patients and it helps quite a bit

>> No.12155781
File: 9 KB, 305x165, baclofen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else /baclofen/

>> No.12155784

I don’t get it. Sometimes I can moderate myself and have 1-2 beers yet somehow some days I just jihad my liver. I don’t know if it’s a serotonin / dopamine thing. Think a break and gettin some endorphins going by working out will help?

>> No.12155831
File: 208 KB, 750x1334, smirn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I"m telling that shiksa whore Spardo that you post on here.
enjoy your ban 4skin scum

>> No.12155836

Pinot Noir. It's a way of coping with my father's death.

>> No.12155842
File: 1.45 MB, 936x1201, smirnoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smirnoff Gang 4 lyfe

>> No.12156180

>Bought a handle of rum
>Finish it in about two or three weeks
>Realize I apparently have no idea what a handle is and the bottle was actually 1.75 liters.
Does a handle a week count as an alcoholic?

>> No.12156218

i would say no especially if its daily drinking, but if you binge a handle in 2-3 days that's alcy territory

>> No.12156221

2 handles a week makes an alcoholic.

...but still its a lot of alcohol regardless.

>> No.12156267

the first al/ck/ thread in as long as I can remember that made it to the bump limit without being pruned. Are we back or are jannies just asleep?

>> No.12156300
File: 24 KB, 303x566, 0D0D57FB-4BD5-4ABB-A4EA-3C84F60D6168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we back

>> No.12156670


>> No.12156702


fuckin poetry.

>> No.12156759

>TFW season 9 is the last season hype is so huge that even someone just saying 'yay' in all lowercase is enough to trigger it.

>> No.12156774

/alc/ threads season 9?

>> No.12156783

horse show

>> No.12156786

I guarantee they won't let us have al/ck/ back

>> No.12156838

Any regulars from /alck/ here?

>> No.12156855

For guys 2+ daily drinks on average is the threshold for it being a health concern.

You may not be an alcoholic per say but several drinks a day is pretty bad for you.

>> No.12156875

Where the fuck are you getting jack for 17? The 750s are 35 near me.

Fuck I can get handles of much better bourbon for 25 too.

>> No.12156912

Assuming the bottles are ~4 drinks thats actually not a health concern if a man.

14+ drinks a week is the threshold.

>> No.12156925

It's per se, not per say

>> No.12156929

whatchu know about that?

>> No.12156961

Me, but I wasn't well known. I was there for Smirnoffbro/simpsonbro/skitzobro/homebrewbro and many others. We all kind of scattered when /ck/ jannies nukes us because we didn't want to be in /r9k/ or /trash/

>> No.12156976

Unironically thanks for the correction.

Never seen it spelled out before.

>> No.12156994

hey darry and jayrud, this thread is absolutely based and drinkpilled

>> No.12157095

just took my first big gulp of vodka water of the night lads. think i'm done with this after this handle. can't pallette it anymore, time to go back to rum

>> No.12157110

Yup, same as >>12156961

Taking pics in the mirror of some bathroom?, tells me something. You're drinking cheap whiskey in South Africa iirc.

>> No.12157296

lets have another thread soon fellas

>> No.12157350


>> No.12157400

spent 10 minutes in the grocery store looking for wine with the highest abv. Am I an alcoholic?

>> No.12157598

sounds like hipster mentality

>> No.12157610

No. Alkies know that bottom shelf vodka is the best abv for the price. A bottle of cheap wine that 16% alcohol is around $5. A handle of 40% vodka is $9.

>> No.12157841

>McCormick's vodka dranken neat at room temperature

LIterally my dad. The cigarettes killed him before the booze did, the booze just destroyed his family, his marriage and his mind.

>> No.12157872

quitting smoking about 6 years ago is one of my primary excuses for being an alcohol. i only have one vice!!!!!!