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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 128 KB, 1280x720, toethumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12148668 No.12148668 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like they gave you extra fries, cool if I take a fry or two, right?

>> No.12148675

Is that a toe?

Get your feet outta my fries.

>> No.12148681

You’ve already touched it with that nasty thing. It’s all yours now.

>> No.12148684

Please stop your shitposting, or at least come up with some new material, holy shit.

>> No.12148685
File: 611 KB, 370x274, Censors.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and if you even think about making some kind of "witty" comeback you're getting Carolina Reaper powder blown into your nostrils and throat.

>> No.12148688

so does that mean i cannot have a fry or not?

>> No.12148703

Can someone explain to me how this is a thing? It seems like it bothers people when others take their fries, but how does that even happen?

I mean, what kind of an asshole orders food when his friends don't have any? I can't fathom a situation in which I have fries but my friends don't. If it's a mealtime we all have food. If it's not a mealtime then none of us have food.

>> No.12148708

Sure thing bro, help yourself :)

>> No.12148710

It comes off as being cheap, fries are usually the lowest-value items on a restaurant's menu and here you are asking for some when you could easily buy your own without issue.

>> No.12148715

if you like someones nasty hand in your food it doesnt bother you.
thanks fammalam whoa black betty famalam

>> No.12148718

Yeah, I get the "cheap" angle, but I think you misunderstood me.

I'm asking why anyone would ever ask for some of someone else's fries. If we're eating, why wouldn't they already have their own meal, and therefore have no reason to ask me for fries?

Is this a fat people thing? Like, they already ate all their food and now they want mine? Or do people regularly eat in front of other people who don't have food?

>> No.12148746

>if you like someones nasty hand in your food it doesnt bother you.
Most people I know wash their hands before they eat.

I'm not grossed out by it, I'm just confused by the meme. How does the situation even happen enough for people here to get triggered by it? Do people here regularly eat out while their friends don't have any food?

>> No.12148747

>Accuses others of being fat
>Assumes everyone gets fries with their meal

>> No.12148750

i used to work in an office and people would steal food all the time, even if youre sitting down eating it.

>> No.12148756

>I'm asking why anyone would ever ask for some of someone else's fries. If we're eating, why wouldn't they already have their own meal, and therefore have no reason to ask me for fries?
It's usually due to a lack of foresight on said friend's part (either from not ordering their own or ordering a smaller portion and underestimating how hungry they really were) that comes off as being either lazy or just plain dickish.
>Is this a fat people thing? Like, they already ate all their food and now they want mine? Or do people regularly eat in front of other people who don't have food?
>Is this a fat people thing?
No, not in the slightest.
>Like, they already ate all their food and now they want mine?
I already answered this in the above, but it depends on their hunger level and how much food, if any, they ordered.
>Or do people regularly eat in front of other people who don't have food?
It depends on the situation, but usually not.

>> No.12148758

>>Accuses others of being fat
Nope, just asking a question.

>>>Assumes everyone gets fries with their meal
you don't have to be a dick, you can just explain it..
....so this happens when a bunch of people go out to eat, someone in the group wants fries but for some reason doesn't order them, and then asks if she can have fries from someone else? I can't say I've ever experienced that. Zoomer behavior is inscrutable.

>> No.12148784

>It's usually due to a lack of foresight on said friend's part (either from not ordering their own or ordering a smaller portion and underestimating how hungry they really were) that comes off as being either lazy or just plain dickish.

Gotcha. Thanks for the rundown. Zoomers have no manners.

>> No.12148785
File: 78 KB, 960x848, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12148807
File: 59 KB, 450x478, 1535791340702-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until the man whos thumb that is eventually hunts you down and flays you. Wonder why he hasn't chimed in yet?

>> No.12148819


>> No.12148830

what is happening in that pic

>> No.12148846

Unless it is nice female feet then keep them there then let me suck them

>> No.12148875

No and I would never ask you for a piece of food that you ordered/cooked to fit your exact needs at the current time. That’s really selfish and fucking annoying. Get some your damn self.

>> No.12148894
File: 280 KB, 714x750, 1529328607488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that person who always orders something fucking shitty and then proceeds to try to 'share' yours because you actually have a brain and ordered something GOOD

>> No.12148902

>Not just saying "nah"
Not my fault you're weak-willed

>> No.12148926

Can you really stop posting my thumb? I'll have to contact the people who work for this website on their Twitter account to pull these images and threads down if this persists. You're forcing my hand and it's going to get ugly.
So please, stop posting these images. They're mine, not yours. What you're doing is essentially identity theft and I won't stand for it. Someone will pay.

>> No.12148943

I do say no though, turd-breath

>> No.12148944

I thought it was a penis

>> No.12148956

It's purely and simply female social aggression.

>> No.12148973



>> No.12149009

>You're forcing my hand
> it's going to get ugly.
day late and a dollar short boudreaux

>> No.12149327

i make it a conscious effort to avoid having people with these sort of fingernails in my circles

>> No.12149348

huh? no, listen joe, you've bummed 50 quid of me mate and in no sight of paying me back
have sex okay? because taking responsibility for getting your own dick wet tonight might give you insight into why you should take personal responsibility over your foinances

>> No.12149435


>> No.12149441

(Formerly boohoohoo yes)

>> No.12149463
File: 1.19 MB, 1242x1226, 5215BF36-57E5-4ED6-AEBB-AF2ED52DC2F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12149490

no they did not give me extra fries these are all my fries you fucking idiot. you goddamn buffoon.

>> No.12149499

nah fuckoff reddit

me and my twitch buddys got tabs on that

shoutout to my niggerboy etika

>> No.12149668

I remember my HS classmate had finger(nail)s like that, is it some kind of condition?

>> No.12149695

yeah, mental

>> No.12150494

I hope you get stabbed in the throat by a nigger.

>> No.12150980

If you're gonna ask like that and just assume the answer's going to be yes, then no, you may not have any of my fries.

>> No.12151024

namefagging in current year

>> No.12151035


>I'll have to contact the people who work for this website on their Twitter account
That is not the appropriate way to handle any legal claim on 4chan. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Do you see that link that says "legal" right underneath the list of boards? That is where you will have to go if you want to get something taken down.

>to pull these images and threads down if this persists
Which incidentally, is pretty dumb. By the time your claim gets processed, the thread will have already 404'd. There is little sense in asking the mods to do anything about this since the only thing that can be done is to remove content that is already there.

>What you're doing is essentially identity theft and I won't stand for it.
Not really. Look up what the legal definition of identity theft is. Posting a picture of someone's thumb is not identity theft, at least not under US law (which is the only law that applies on 4chan).

By the way, you should probably look up the Streisand Effect. Trying to remove anything from the Internet is a futile endeavor that can result in nothing less than spreading the information even further.

>> No.12151264
File: 663 KB, 500x500, psychotoe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based legalanon

>> No.12151755

If your penis has a nail growing on it then maybe get it checked out by a doctor. Weird that no one ever said anything about that on penis inspection day.

>> No.12152674

Your friend orders a burger but is too cheap to buy fries, so he takes yours instead

>> No.12153706

ill give you a dime for 10 fries

>> No.12153733

Depends if you are worthy of them, citizen.

>> No.12153736
File: 101 KB, 292x257, 1510163199028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12153738

Fuck off Marx