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12139123 No.12139123 [Reply] [Original]

Why is peanut butter so fucking addictive? Once I crack open a jar, it's gone that same day.

>> No.12139131

You had me until "gone in one day."

>> No.12139338

Either your diet is lacking nutrients found in peanut butter (B3, Mg, ...) or you just crave food high in calorie density

>> No.12139654

Goddamn you’re a nasty fuck

>> No.12139674

Your sodium / potassium balance might be out of whack if you feel an extreme craving for high potassium foods like peanut butter. You could try getting the same amount of potassium some other way and see if you still want to eat ridiculous amounts of peanut butter afterwards.

>> No.12139694

a jar of peanut butter is about 2700 calories

>> No.12139744

I know
It probably goes back to childhood when peanut butter was my usual after school snack to hold me over until my parents got home from work

>> No.12139766

Because it's basically peanut and sugar candy spread. Also, that book is actually pretty good although both its authors are giant faggots.

>> No.12139779 [DELETED] 


>> No.12139793
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>> No.12139797

That kind of peanut butter doesn't even have salt added to it you big dummy.

>> No.12139801

Who is you quoting?

>> No.12140734
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found OP

>> No.12141886

Just don't eat muxh the rest of the day. And get some omega 3 to keep the ratio between omega 3:6 close to 1. Not the same day though.
I regularly eat a whole jar of peanut butter too and im almost underweight.

>> No.12142053
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I still haven't been able to find a peanut butter that doesn't have sugar or some sweeter added. Also, it sticks to the top of your mouth.

Replace peanut-butter with hummus tough and I can understand your feels.

>> No.12142054

I accidentally bought unsalted peanut butter once thinking it was the same as the normal natural chunky kind I buy. It was absolutely disgusting.

>> No.12142056

Do you live in a third world country. I can't think of a single grocery store that doesn't carry natural peanut butter.

>> No.12142058

I takes about two weeks for people taste to adjust for unsalted everything.

>> No.12142082

Thankfully I'm not an elderly man who needs to watch his blood pressure. No thanks.

>> No.12142337
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>> No.12143401

Just look for natural peanut butter and look at the label in the back to make sure they don't add vegetable oil/salt, since some of the Natty peanut butter has those too

>> No.12143981

Daily reminder: "Natural" or "All Natural" on a food label in the US has no meaning whatsoever.

>> No.12144031

Peanuts are alive and when you eat them they emit an addictive aphrodisiac like eating the glands of a baby seal

>> No.12144394

hello future elderly man that needs to watch his blood pressure

>> No.12144411
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>> No.12144454

>why are sugar, fat and salt addictive?

>> No.12144497
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Have any of you ever tried making peanut butter and tuna sandwiches. I have bread, canned tuna, and peanut butter. But not much else.

>> No.12144825

I don't have any health issue that force me into a low salt diet but I don't want brands to hide how trash their product really is by adding copious amount of sugar, salt and oil.

>> No.12145884

No that's disgusting. Fuck you.

>> No.12145924

You had 3000 calories of pb in one day?
What the flip.

>> No.12145974
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>3000 calories
I wish
Of course not, but it's a good starting point. Natural peanut butter generally means it doesn't have added sugar, but it may still have added vegetable oils and/or salt
You get used to it and then after awhile, lightly salted foods taste even better. It's like when you stop drinking sugary drinks, everything else (like whole fruits, etc) seems sweeter.

>> No.12146413
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>-1181 calories for 10 minutes of activity

>> No.12146720

It only counts time tracked in the activity tracker. So if your heartrate is up because you're exercising but didn't start the timer, it only counts the calories and not the time.