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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12145473 No.12145473 [Reply] [Original]

ayo /ck/, can you recommend a poor unifag good & easy food to cook/eat other than buttered pasta

>> No.12145492

Canned tuna in a tortilla + desired sauces and veggies (time for leftover Taco Bell sauces)
Cheap ass ground beef for chili. Beef, onions, + a few spices is all you need for at least a decent chili
Chicken breast with a side of any carb really makes a decent meal

>> No.12145520

If you can get a slow cooker, then pulled pork is literally just:

- Put pork, Stock/Dr pepper/root beer, Tsp salt, tsp pepper, 6 tsp malt vineger, 6 tsp Worcestrshire sauce, low on 6 - 7 hrs.

Pull, eat.

>> No.12145559

I made chorizo burritos weekly in undergrad. Cook chorizo (the cheap stuff in tubes at walmart) forever until crispy, add diced potatoes too if you have them. Make burritos with canned refried beans with a small can of green chilies added, and some eggs if you want (or eat leftovers for breakfast with eggs), and cover in hot sauce. I actually still make them once in a blue moon for nostalgia, and they are pretty tasty

>> No.12145580

hello wildcats

>> No.12145592

How the FUCK am I supposed to afford pork?

>> No.12145631

a crockpot of pork shoulder will feed you for many days. Pork is one of the cheapest meats in the US, are you a eurofag or something?

>> No.12145637

I mean it’s like 2 bucks a pound for a roast cut if I’m not mistaken. You surely aren’t THAT poor are you?

>> No.12145655

OP here, does it matter what kinda pork?

What's it good on?

>> No.12145677

stay away from tenderloin, you want something with connective tissue (shoulder, picnic roast, etc). It's good on toast, good with baked beans or coleslaw (cabbage/carrots are also very cheap), put some hot sauce or jalapenos on there you can eat it plain

>> No.12145690

>posted from my macbook
>refreshing thread on my iphone
>just ordered delivery for $20
>drinking my Starbucks latte while waiting for responses

>> No.12145693

feeling a lot of projection here, anon

>> No.12145708

I don't think he was hiding that fact...

>> No.12145722


>> No.12145764
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>> No.12145769
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>> No.12145795

Hamburger helper you absolute retard.

>> No.12145806

What’s good food to keep in a locker besides almonds and cashews

>> No.12145810

Just give some pork a firm handshake and look it in the eye

>> No.12145816

Rice, beans, cheese, tortillas, Taco Bell Fire Sauce

>> No.12145823

seriously, you can get a full week of food out of sandwich stuff and it's like $20 tops for gourmet style shit.

>> No.12145835

I sometimes make garlic bread myself.
Just pizza dough (flour, yeast, salt, pinch of sugar, oil, water) and when it's baked spread with butter and add garlic powder and some black pepper.

Filling, tasty and super cheap.

>> No.12145845

Is it true that he was a convicted sex offender?

>> No.12145847

Student here. My food routine is muesli every morning (rolled oats, 1/4 grated apple, sliced banana), salad every lunch (salade nicoise with red potato, green beans, radishes, olives, spinach), and dinner is usually papet vaudois, a hotpot, something like that, potato-based with root vegetables and beans. Weekends are a bit more free, so I will make things like bannana crepes, or lentil soup.

The idea is to have breakfasts and lunches that take seconds to make and can be consumed without cooking, or have ingredients prepared the night before and consumed without reheating. Dinners are ideally things that can be put in the oven or on the stove and forgotten about for half an hour. Avoid carbs, especially sugar, as they will only make you more tired and sluggish later and ultimately cost you time and productivity.

>> No.12145856

Holy shit your arteries.

Eggs of all kinds

>> No.12145868

I like how he always seems out of breath just from standing up

>> No.12145871
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>> No.12145874

What a gormless fucking face he has.

>> No.12145881

You mean he *had*. Steve's dead.

>> No.12145903

Show some fucking respect, he was a mentor and scholar and will be missed.

>> No.12145910


>> No.12145978

Ah yeah, you're right. He ded.

>> No.12147419

>Fry ground beef with onions
>Add stock cube, a little water/tomato paste, whatever spices you want
>Simmer until there's less broth
>Cook rice in the meantime (it's easier than you think if you don't know how, just start and DONT take the lid off until you're sure the water has all turned into steam)
>Mix them
>Profit, cheap, easy and tasty chilli.

>> No.12147426

Beans and rice.

>> No.12147433
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>> No.12147437

Definitely find a crock pot, whether it be from goodwill or whatever, get some pinto beans or black beans, get some cheap salt, onion powder, garlic powder, and cumin powder, put them all together and come back in 8 hours to a decent meal with whatever addition.

>> No.12147439

I can vouch for the last part, korean shin ramen is top tier shit

>> No.12147452
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>7-11 hot dog and big gulp
>work part time in the cut fruit section of a grocery store and have infinite pieces of fruit, vegetables and possibly salad bar stuff

>> No.12147468

This. Hamb-helper is the shit

>> No.12147662

toast or sandwiches. use butter/margarine, peanut butter, jam, honey.
eggs, on toast or not. easiest thing to cook is fried and hardboiled, followed by scrambled.
oats/oatmeal or cheap breakfast cereal with some fruit
sandwiches again. stick to the same things as with breakfast.
cans of tuna are usually reasonably cheap.
250 to 350g of meat (.5 to .75 of a pound). cheapest meats are almost always chicken drumsticks and wings, and minced beef.
chicken you can just roast in an oven if you have one. beef minced just turn into rissoles/burgers/meatloaf with some onions and breadcrumbs.
Compliment with cheaper prepared foods like sausages, frozen pizza, sausage rolls etc.
if you can stretch to add chicken thighs or breasts then you can make more chicken meals with stir fries, curries, kebab/taco stuff.
>to fill out any meal
cheddar cheese blocks (not garbage processed cheese).
>Other stuff
salt, pepper, smoked paprika, dried oregano, dried basil, ground cumin, ground coriander would be the first spices/herbs I'd stock.
sugar, flour & yeast, learn to make bread.
rapeseed/sunflower oil, best combination of not being awful like other shitty oils without being expensive

>> No.12147663

forgot onion & garlic powder.

>> No.12148134

Just suck dicks for money and swallow the payload, it's nutritious plus a form of income. You're welcome.

>> No.12148142

Buy potatoes. You can get a bag of potatoes for what, 1,5 bucks? Potatoes are the best poor mans food.

>> No.12148190
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salted peanuts i lived on them and only them for years, look at me now

>> No.12148193

Pork is as cheap as. About £8/kg in europoorean countries. One kg is about a weeks protein.

If you are that poor, buy potatoes then. ffs.

Or just get whole chicken: oil the outside, rub salt, pepper, garlic powder and cumin seeds on skin, roast in oven at 180c for 90 mins. One chicken is like 4- 5 euros. 2 chciken will feed you for a week.

Or just eat potatoes like the bog trotters.

>> No.12148199

Something fatty is good. so your cheap cuts. You're going to pull it anyway. I eat it with buttered bread and bbq sauce and pickle. or with rice is good. the slow cooking liquid is delicious with rice.

>> No.12148204


> Poor
> Eating more than once a day

Anon, srsly wtf.

>> No.12148215

Or grow your own sweet potato. Ppl used to do yhat during ww2. But srsly anon, even on neetbucks you can afford £20 - 25 a week on food whick is chickeb and pork territory.

Delicious rice - wash one cup rice until water runs clear. Put rice in pot and top up with 2 parts water by volume. Put a stock cube in the pot. Put 5 - 6 cloves or garlic in the pot. Cook the rice. walaaaa cheap delicious garlic rice. eat with soy sauce if poor. If really poor, its still delicious on its own.

>> No.12149136

what the fuck is up with that 2004-ass toolbar?

>> No.12149166

Reminds me of when I was in college and would order one taquito, eat it, and then fill the box with free chili and cheese.