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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 439x439, Gtshipping+funnyjunk+and+tumblr+ishiggydiggy+_e9f34d009f20bcc8dc4bc21a440104d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12144531 No.12144531 [Reply] [Original]

>hand crafted


>> No.12144545
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>Chef's choice
>Special Maestro

>> No.12144586

>drinking artesian water
>brainlet coworker asks how water can be made by an artist

>> No.12144589

based coworker btfo your stupid purchasing choices

>> No.12144601
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>> No.12144614

>home made

>> No.12144618

>Chef inspired

>> No.12144621
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>> No.12144636
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>> No.12144642

There's definitely a case to be made for not settling for supermarket, SYSCO or fast food-tier garbage if you don't have to.

>> No.12144822

But this one is relevant and useful

>> No.12144842

>Artis Anal
What did they mean by this?

>> No.12144857
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>ancient grains

>> No.12145195
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>> No.12145224
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>Free trade

>> No.12145240
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>Super food

>> No.12145257

>it will grow hair on your chest

>> No.12145262


>> No.12145263
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>Responsibly sourced
>Fair trade
>labeling things gluten free or vegan when they are so obviously gluten free or vegan it's not needed

>> No.12145272

Should I get the regular tomato or the tomato with a “certified vegan” sticker?

>> No.12145278
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>Cold Brewed

>> No.12145286

Meat tomatoes are better

>> No.12145335
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>meal prep

>> No.12145342
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>ala carte

>> No.12145406
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>> No.12145413

>it's just shit thrown together that is about to go bad

>> No.12145422
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>> No.12145466

Got an emergency, don't know who to ask. Tried google but all I'm getting is "How soap works". I may or may not have dropped a few drops of dish soap into my container of grapeseed oil. The container is green and the oil has bubbles in it so I can't tell if those bubbles are discolored.

Does dish soap seperate in oil like water does?

>> No.12145485

Ya blew it

>> No.12145499
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>hormone free
>Voted #1 by Dickshit Commitee

>> No.12145540

She's hideous

>> No.12145556
File: 2.35 MB, 268x268, 9F64C404-813D-4F98-A004-3E8AC23908F0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex

>> No.12145570
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>"""""all natural"""""

>> No.12145586

I did after we woke up this morning.

>> No.12145594
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>open and enjoy

>> No.12145612
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>store in a cool, dry place

>> No.12145656
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>freshly-cracked black pepper

>> No.12145994

>new and improved (never is)

>> No.12146004
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>> No.12146037
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>> No.12146059

I recently got gluten free vegan friendly rotors for the front wheels of my car too.

>> No.12146061
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>the true taste of <shithole#72849>

>> No.12146100
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>natural flavors

>> No.12146380 [DELETED] 
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Prepared fresh (from frozen ingredients)

>> No.12146411

Based co-worker btfo retard

>> No.12146914
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Woman owned

>> No.12146932

kek at that image
poor Bud

>> No.12146955

Who the fuck made this, was it you?

>> No.12147470
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>machine crafted

>> No.12147529
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>all natural

>> No.12147539
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>> No.12147784

Only if it's a shit restaurant. In good places, the specials are often either trial runs of dishes they want to put on an upcoming menu, or chances for the chefs/cooks to just work on something of their own.

To be fair, saying 'high in natural glutamtes' just doesn't sound as appealing.

>> No.12147800

she literally has no ass

>> No.12147801

should at least cook it first

>> No.12147826

I want to be owned by her

>> No.12147906

>made by people

>> No.12147910

Another liberal defeated by facts and evidence

>> No.12147917

>fish of the day
>Managers special
>Our famous fries
>In-house bbq sauce
>Hubby's favorite
>Cheese platter
>For the kids
>Southern style

>> No.12149361

Terrible thread

>> No.12149414
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>Best before

>Not for human consumption

>> No.12149548
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>> No.12149574

>X free!
>on something that naturally doesnt have X
Fuck me explaining to someone why it doesnt matter if I buy the gluten free pork shoulder or the regular pork shoulder. Or explaining that the 0 calorie ice/low carb ice stickers at the gas station are a joke

>> No.12149709

Given all the crap they put into the 10% by weight solution they inject into the shoulder it's conceivable something with gluten is in there.

>> No.12149930

God I fucking hate this shit

It's never used in a useful way, though.

>> No.12149937
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>homemade coconut

>> No.12149959

Don't you mean "stop having sex until you become so desperate that you find this attractive"?

>> No.12149967
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>> No.12149976
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>> No.12149990
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>> No.12150050
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>he doesn't practice eugenics/survival of the fittest on his kids.
What a fag.

>> No.12150052


I worked at a place where the specials were made from the same stuff preped that day. We’d even get unique ingredients for it depending on what was seasonally available from local farms or fishermen.

So ya no.

>> No.12150075
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>> No.12150114
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Not even a joke what do you think is gonna happen when the virus evolves past the vaccine? Vaccines are buying time, not immunizing us. Not to mention the fact that I haven’t been vaccinated in years, and the only time in recent memory that I was sick was when I CAUGHT IT FROM A BUNCH OF SICK PEOPLE IN MY FAMILY WHO HAD ALL BEEN VACCINATED, HUUUUUUUR.

If you can manage washing your hands after you wipe your fucking ass, and not being a lazy disgusting slob, you’re gonna stay healthy. Hygiene is what prevents viruses, fuck’s sake so many of these heady know-nothings spewing what the system is told them like the actual fucking NPC’s they are. 500 years ago they would be proponents of leeching.

>> No.12150128
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>the one

>> No.12150140

Whats wrong with hummus
Kos umak lmao

>> No.12150166
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>the second

>> No.12150194
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>pH balanced

>> No.12150216

The fuck am I looking at?

>> No.12150264
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A fantasy creature getting drunk

>> No.12150319

>playing world of weebcraft
drunk moogles are cute though

>> No.12150328

I thought it was a furry's nipple and some acid trip orb being thing

>> No.12150368
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>eating food

>> No.12150610
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>> No.12150709

It works, but has nothing to do with ketosis. The "carbs" eaten by fat people are always full of concentrated fats and sugars. It's just roundabout calorie restriction. No one has ever become morbidly obese just from whole grains. The filling fiber and 30% energy penalty converting carbohydrate to fat makes it nearly impossible.

>> No.12150716

My fat mom only buys organic cheese puffs.

If the price is causing you to eat less produce, you're almost always better off buying conventional. It prevents more cancers than pesticides will ever cause, and they can be mostly removed with a 10% salt solution.

>> No.12150726

I wish people would eat a wider variety of grains so they would be more available. But they fixate on shitty quinoa.

>> No.12150742

pretty much this. It's virtually impossible to over-eat on a keto diet. you just get so full so incredibly quickly. ketosis aside, it forces you to cut your calories.

>> No.12150743

Good hummus is made with extra tahini instead of worthless oil.

>> No.12150751
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>> No.12150765
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You can test the pH of your urine with red cabbage juice. Blend with water, pour in toilet, and it can determine whether someone is a carnist.

>> No.12150783

farm to nug

>> No.12150795
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That vague shit is always a red flag for me. I like to know exactly what I'm eating.

>> No.12150807

that just means it's a single menu item and not part of a course based meal

>> No.12150810
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>> No.12150812

>49% cheese
>48% white flour
>3% low nutrient vegetables

>> No.12150828
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It means they're in a warehouse with a little flap they could technically get to but may never end up doing. It's likely "free range" meat was never outside. Feel-good labels are pretty meaningless. All you can really know is "what", not "how".

>> No.12150834

I really hate the texture of wool. Carbohydrate fiber is better than protein fiber.

>> No.12150840

>zero grams trans fat
>0.49 grams per serving

>> No.12150854

>you're skin does not look like poop
How you gonna just lie to a kid's face like that?

>> No.12150855

It's like sprouting but not waiting for the leaves to pop out. You can't activate almonds you buy because the FDA requires they be pasteurized with steam or propylene oxide.

>> No.12150858

Just buy your chicken meat from a local family farmer then.

>> No.12150870

Don't use words made up by wackjobs. The term is "omnivore."

>> No.12150880
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>That's the only meat I buy, except for every time I eat out or buy something already made, which is always, because I'm too much of a helpless shit to cook

>> No.12150978

>If you can manage washing your hands after you wipe your fucking ass, and not being a lazy disgusting slob, you’re gonna stay healthy.
Then how did you get sick by your family?

>> No.12151074

Americans don't clean their butts. Sex workers share blacklists of clients who fail to do it habitually. These are guys in thousand dollar suits. Upper middle class white guys often just shampoo their hair way more than necessary and assume that causes everything else to automatically be washed.

Straight out of the shower, their butts are dirtier than mine after months of not showering (I clean it directly after shitting)

>> No.12151089

What makes you think Americans dont wipe? I've never heard of that

>> No.12151100

Dry wiping isn't enough.

>> No.12151120
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1554086631272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What retard doesn't scrub their anus with their fingers in the shower and then just sanitize and wash the hands with soap later? I thought that was the bare minimum if you didn't have time for a full body soaping.

>> No.12151127

Some men don't wipe their ass in fear of being considered gay, anon. We live in dark times.

>> No.12151134

Then it feels so good you rub it a little too much and then it's sore for the rest of the day, bleeds a little.
Is there anyway for me to rub my butt hole for pleasure without destroying it? I'm ashamed to say it feels good but soap just wrecks it.

>> No.12151135

Here in Minnesota, it seems the majority of white men don't. They just stand there and shampoo their hair, nothing else.

>> No.12151194

I'm currently doing a keto diet and I'm basically always hungry (I don't eat more though, that would defeat the purpose of a diet). What do you mean about getting so full so quickly?

>> No.12151195
File: 55 KB, 600x500, SO_TRUSTWORTHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm getting sick, sick of watching lefties try to claim anti-vaxxers are some kind of Scientology+homeopathy assbaby. Anti-vaxxers are angry about a specific law from the 80's, a questionable vaccine for pertussis was used and there were accusations it caused epilepsy in infants. In response the biotech industry started to back out of vaccine production because they couldn't insure themselves against the legal risks involved. To end this situation Ronald Reagan created a special "court" to deal with any accusation having to do with vaccines. This court is not a real court, it doesn't have judges but "special masters" who are biased industry insiders - so the industry runs the court in which it can be accused. This court rewards less than a million dollars a year to complainants, despite the fact just the people who had an allergic reaction's medical bills probably total 1000x that much.

So while the safety track record of vaccines is almost perfect the fact is you can't complain about them, can't sue over anything involving them and if you try you will be, all very legally, shut down completely. People have been made to pay for the actual injection that killed their child via an allergic reaction because the "special masters" are there to prevent the industry from having to pay for anything.

Sooo...if there was a bad vaccine, one that gave you the disease it was for or had some horrible effect it would be given to humans for years and years while an entire tower of red tape protects the company responsible.

Because if we didn't do this for them, they threatened to basically stop making vaccines at all. That's the situation, they have all the cards and we have none. That and the anti-vaxx "situation" isn't one: this was already addressed in the 80's and they lost.



This may be the weirdest obsessed/doamericansreallydothis post I have ever seen.

>> No.12151239

What do you recommend, wet wipes after the dry wipe? I’d love to get a new toilet with that ass spray but I don’t think I can install it right now. Teach me the ways of my asshole

>> No.12151334

>americans confirmed for being filthier than poos
Now we know why americans smell rancid, lol!

>> No.12151359

I sense a shitskin turd that is pissed he can't shower more than once a month without losing hair.
Pro tip, white people scrub their asses and you smell like literal shit, you projecting ape.

>> No.12151386

I have some respect for Reagan, but he got swindled by the left on amnesty and border security, as well as bowing to their demands that phsyciatric asylums be shut down without any backup plans.
As fortuitous as his election was, he's only idolized because of Jewish neocon shits like Bill Kristol, I imagine. His father Irving Kristol was a Trotskyist, by the way.

>> No.12151605

Fuck off /pol/cuck

>> No.12151718
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This is unfortunately true, l've been on holiday to a number of different countries and both times l went to the United States l noticed an alarming number of people that either smelled of poo or sometimes had visual shit marks on the back of their trousers.

lt was also the only 'first world' country l got food poisoning from, so make of that what you will.

>> No.12152292

You can get a cheap bidet attachment, but you risk flooding if it leaks. I have an expensive seat. I almost never use it because it sprays painfully hard, produces aerosol, and the water takes an inconvenient path off me. I usually place a mirror on the toilet rim, bend over, do TP, wet TP, and wetted wet wipe that has mild surfactants and stuff. They're $0.02 each from Costco.

When skin is not constantly stripped, which agitates it into producing excess sebum and leaves a vacuum quickly filled by smelly bacteria that feast on it, skin eventually normalizes to an equlibrium that isn't necessarily pleasant, but not overtly offensive either. All the guys I've had in bed have liked how I smell. 16 hours after showering, I smell worse than I do after 16 days.

>> No.12152298

Is that why U.S. money tests highest for fecal bacteria?

>> No.12152463

I've never seen shitmarks walking around.

>> No.12152489

The fuck is this shit?

>> No.12152526


>> No.12152734

savory, however, does

>> No.12152839

the "natural flavors" are just the ingredients you dont want the competition to know about .
source. food r & d tech

>> No.12152871

marketing gibberish.

>> No.12153258

The Japanese toilets are really easy to install. Just a matter of removing your current seat and screwing it in.
Gotta have a socket nearby to use it with though, also some of the settings can be hidden under indiscernable bits of plastic.
I found the ass heater almost a year after i bought it and was cleaning it up.

>> No.12154280

Checked. Thanks, I didn’t know it actually meant anything.

>> No.12154449

Clicking through once shows that in 2016, like 260 million was paid out to petitioners, are you saying that's incorrect?

>> No.12154554

Yes it is, it's usually used to tell you what kind of greens are in a salad

>> No.12154808

I'm American and I own a bidet. The rest of you are dirty faggots who normalize having shit on their exterior posterior. If you get mud on your hands, do you just wipe it with a dry rag and call it good enough? Disgusting individuals, the lot of you.

>> No.12154827

Don't lump me with the rest of them. I have one. It cost $800 in 2012.

>> No.12154889
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>> No.12154892

Ever seen a Ben Garrison cartoon?

>> No.12155067

>16 hours after showering, I smell worse than I do after 16 days
A faggot is completely delusional. What a surprise.

>> No.12155079

I don't even use /pol/, so join the 40% already, tranny.

>> No.12155083

Political cartoons aren't memes and they all suck.

>> No.12155091

I doubt spraying fecal matter all over your ass cheeks is more efficient than a wet wipe.

>> No.12155107

Ever seen how /pol/ shits on and mocks Ben Garrison?

>> No.12156084


>> No.12156342

And that's not fucking helpful at all

>> No.12156356
File: 82 KB, 220x162, gyst.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>word I dont like plus reaction image

>> No.12157479

I would skull fuck her.

>> No.12158414

exactly how many men's asses have you licked so far in your travels ?

>> No.12158507

Two, with a dam. Doesn't feel much different than a finger.

>> No.12158544

You dont “evolve” past a vaccine you fucking oaf, the virus just changes enough that the vaccine doesnt work on that strain anymore because your body is being taught to fight the old virus and not the new one. Yknow what you do then? You make a new fucking vaccine! They do it AT LEAST once a year with the flu because it changes so quickly. Im not saying hygiene is useless, because if people had just NOT thrown their infected shit and piss into the streets in the 1300’s, the plague probably wouldnt have been so bad.

>> No.12158567

What’s wrong with cold brew? It’s made differently than cold coffee.

>> No.12158681


>> No.12159338

Hummus is pretty much the equivalent of tile grout.

>> No.12159351

Whole grains, particularly wheat, are more likely to cause allergic reactions and gut problems than refined grains, and those allergic reactions can cause bloating, intestinal distress, and other issues, that can make a person sick, or fuck up their diet enough that they severely crave simply carbohydrates like sugar.
There’s a reason man has spent millennia refining grain and other simply carbohydrates and removing the wheat endosperm.
Refined flour also stays non rancid longer in storage.

>> No.12159368

artisan bread is pretty good though.

>> No.12159375

the plague was spread by fleas on rats

>> No.12159378

I love that video lol based trumpet man

>> No.12160181

Imagine getting so booty blasted over some retarded buzz word lol. You fags take life too seriously.

>> No.12160210
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>> No.12160239
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>Asking questions by raising your hand politely is oppressive

>> No.12160338

Why punch it?

>> No.12162243

>Artist anal

>> No.12163213
File: 31 KB, 170x160, 1770e60e-c60f-4d78-8082-a4aaeff53c4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art is anal?

>> No.12163417
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>Boosts metabolism
>Decreases symptoms of erectile disfunction.

>> No.12163620

Based Costco grape seed oil heh that smoke point tho amiriright

>> No.12164349
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>> No.12165061
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>Hand made
>"Our famous [...]"

>> No.12165090

>No one has ever become morbidly obese just from whole grains
Ancient Egypt would like a word with you

>> No.12165119
File: 62 KB, 307x1024, 1539628982098m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>special ingredient in large letters in front of the package
>is actually under the top 5 ingredients on the list

>> No.12165122

Humans have been extracting oils for at least 5000 years

>> No.12165839

Our-famous is PERFECTLY fine when it's somewhere that actually sells something famous, like Primanti Brothers in Pittsburgh.