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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12143208 No.12143208 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: top-tier aesthetically pleasing youtube channels, without human audio comments, maybe music or asmr


>> No.12143221


>> No.12143259

>afraid of people
i wont be clicking your videos sir

>> No.12143269

absolutely based taste. i'm already subbed to both of these.

>> No.12143372

>doesn't want to enjoy superior visual experience without some boring mumbling around
move to the next thread

>> No.12143426

>tfw no hard-working modest farmer gf

>> No.12143456

Glad to see this sort of thing instead of the typical normie Youtube cooking sphere.

I can't stand that Bingeing With Babish cunt, the man's a retard. Half his videos are burgers and yet he never cooks them all the way through because he thinks it works the same as a steak, even though its ground beef.

>> No.12143462

Ew gross. Isnt that the site all those self obsessed mass shooters types brodcast on?

>> No.12143501


>> No.12143551

Uhm, burgers do work the same as a steak when you're using good quality meat.

>> No.12143552
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>> No.12143584

They really don't. Chances of contamination are not relevant to meat quality.

>> No.12143668

Is this girl who gave up modern life to help her grandma?

>> No.12143791

This channel is literal Chinese propaganda funded by the government.
>Look at how clean and beautiful and not polluted our country is
>Look at us eating real food like real people
>Look at our gorgeous docile industrious women working hard
The video is literally shot like a movie and most of it isn't even about food.

>> No.12143840

eww yuck you're right. down with youtube aka inceltube!

>> No.12143846

I can't enjoy this because my roomate is playing loud music in the living room. The music is the most normie tier music possible, and it penetrates into my room enough for me to hear all the lyrics, every note, every drum and especcially the bass. Sersiously, its so fucking lame.

Him and his gf sits in the living room all day, from the moment they wake up until they go to bed (very late). They don't understand volume control, and doesn't understand that the three other people has to listen to them and their normie tier entertainment all day.

>inb4 you are just jealous because he has a gf and a social life

I am not. They look, act and dress like normies, and are very extroverted. However they do not have a life, they just sit on the couch all day, never do anything other than watching the office, friends or whatever normie entertainment. I am a massive nerd and introvert, and even I lead a far more interesting life than them.

>> No.12143852
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>> No.12143866
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>tfw keep trying this but just end up eating it the fat retard bong way

>> No.12143887

No shit, sherlock. it’s still pleasing to watch.

>> No.12144008

>No shit, sherlock.
tbf I didn't know that until I saw someone on here post that before. It is pleasing though, yeah.