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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12138121 No.12138121 [Reply] [Original]

new pescetarian here (2 weeks in)
enjoying it so far but i've noticed i've been eating way more simple carbs like bread and pasta, you guys got any recipes that I can whip up that don't use the aforementioned?

>> No.12138128

Go vegan and stop poisoning yourself with heavy metals/animal hormones.

>> No.12138130

Anything without bread, and pasta!

>> No.12138138

Add more shit like beans and lentils; protien carbs. Pre frozen edamame beans are also good especially if you dry roast them.

>> No.12138146

this will sound retarded but before I started this diet I was pretty fucked in the head and now im still fucked in the head but less so and I think it's because the mercury i'm consuming is slowing me down to such an extent that it's curing my autism
probably placebo though
good idea

>> No.12138170

seafood is a gross scam. the ocean is filthy. Eat air breathers only.

>> No.12138192

It makes sense kinda. The body will store toxins inside fat cells and wait for an opportunity to detoxify. It will eventually slow down the metabolism and immune system but you can get rid of it with coriander and chlorella. Also try broccoli sprouts, they helps tremendously against autism.

>> No.12138243

It really depends on the type of fish your eating. Lower in the food chain the better. Also go for chunk light tuna. Soild white has more Mercury.

>> No.12138505

Well, that's convincing. Time to change my entire lifestyle!

>> No.12138514

Thread over. What a stupid fucking thread

>> No.12138519

>i'm better than you because i only eat poached wild species

>> No.12138524
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>> No.12138609

Technically your picture is a lacto-ovo-pesca-vegetarian. Technically you're still an omnivore and gain almost zero benefit healthwise. I can see the case for pesca-vegetarianism but continuing to eat milk and cheese and eggs is simply retarded.

>> No.12138620

Red meat is worse for you than fish, is I think the point. But by those guidelines, you may as well incorporate chicken which is cheaper and decently healthy.

>> No.12138629

Jesus, there's nothing wrong with milk, eggs, fish, or vegetables.

>> No.12138634
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Just don't man, it's not worth it.

>> No.12138673
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Here's one of my favourites
>cook kale in vegetable broth (just enough for the lentils to soak in) for 5 min
>remove kale and keep warm, save broth for later
>put oil in a pot and stew real onions and ginger in it, add some green curry or whatever you like
>deglaze with saved broth and cook lentils until ready
>put lentils on kale and some dried tomatoes on top of the lentils

>> No.12138675


>> No.12138679

Embrace the fresh fish and seafood. And be aware of what is locally caught, if you live in a fly over state or something, it's a stupid diet to take on to be honest.

Don't shy away from frozen fish. You can get bags of whole frozen fish for like 5 dollars.

Know and understand a balanced diet, you can't realistically do a low carb or no carb diet when your main protein is fish and seafood. Rice always pairs well, fresh pasta, fresh baked bread.

My wife can't stand meat, pork, beef, even poultry, she wanted to be a vegetarian but she's allergic to peanuts, almonds, nuts, etc.
So. after she got sick, and I told her the dangers of eating to much soy, she decided to eat water dwellers for protein.
At first it's a rather acquired taste if you've been eating land crawling meat for a while. But over time I have actually opted for liking sea food and fish in some situations. Like right now Lake Eerie perch is in season, I would take a well cooked perch, with some asparagus over a steak this time of the year.

>> No.12138713

Honestly the key is to learn to enjoy a variety of vegetables. Personally this is what I keep on hand from the produce department
>Brussel sprouts
>Sweet potato
>Collard greens (However I slow cook these with ham hock)
With this base selection in your fridge and some spices, you have a huge variety of flavors and textures you can whip up as a meal or as a side depending on how you feel. Steam them, stir-fry them, roast them, etc. I also keep these fresh fruits for snacking:

>> No.12138716

Stupid broscience faggot

>> No.12138718

Don't eat craps. Keto pescetarian is humanity's final form.

>> No.12138722

That’s because it’ll end up killing everyone

>> No.12138739
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This is where the magic happens. eat up, moron.

>> No.12138750

I'm not op, dumbass.

>> No.12138755

No it won't. It's really healthy. Also, you take both grain farming and high levels of land animal farming out of the equation in one fell swoop. Unsustainable agriculture is gone. A huge portion of cargo shipping pollution is gone. The oceans recover and become a bountiful resource again. Humanity thrives.

>> No.12138756

go eat your chicken breasts and broccoli.

>> No.12138775

>fish keto diet.
Dude. You'd need to eat farmed Atlantic salmon and blue fin tuna to sustain a keto diet of fish. And since blue fin is highly UNsustainable and endangered, enjoy salmon for the rest of your life.

Majority of fish and seafood is low in fat.

>> No.12138788

>eating metals and clogging your arteries is healthy
absolutely my man

>Also, you take both grain farming and high levels of land animal farming out of the equation in one fell swoop
and replace it with overfishing and or fish farming? great idea!

>A huge portion of cargo shipping pollution is gone. The oceans recover and become a bountiful resource again. Humanity thrives.
deluded retard you dont know how anything works

>> No.12138791


that doesnt even make sense

>> No.12138796

Bluefin has been bred in captivity for a few years now. Yes, sustainably--even the spawning was in captivity.

Go watch the Croatian Coast episode of No Reservations....

>> No.12138803

>Go watch the Croatian Coast episode of No Reservations
pretentious braindead niggery in a nutshell

>> No.12138805

unironically true
this is basically the jap/greek diet (although one eats rice and one eats pitta bread but it's close enough) and they live the longest out of every other race

>> No.12138808

What? Sardines and herring. Oysters, mussels, clams. There are so many small fish and shellfish. So many of them are oily, high-fat fish at the bottom of the food chain. Wild-caught fish with really high levels of omega3 fatty acids that are lacking in crappy grain-fed farmed animals.

>> No.12138817

>it’s basically the jap greek diet other than the massive amounts of carbs they eat

>> No.12138819

And none of these low food chain animals accumulate envorinmental toxins like mercury.

>> No.12138831

>dude just because they eat small portions of complex carbs they're not practising a low carb pesceterian diet
damn I got btfo

>> No.12138838

Oysters have more carbs than fat

>> No.12138842

How many oysters, sardines, and herrings are you going to eat in a day to get the same fat needed for a keto diet day in and out?

They aren't sustainable because you need to release them in the wild.

>> No.12138849

>small portions
and americans eat small portions of sugar

>> No.12138850

>you can only get healthy fats from fish
nice IQ pal

>> No.12138859
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>> No.12138880

Oh gosh. I guess people would have to stop themselves at 20 a day. With 100g of protein and all the B12 anyone would ever need.

>> No.12138886

>complete fucking anecdote of some weeb transfer student
just lmao

also a quarter of your caloric intake being rice isnt close to keto

god ketoniggers are such stupid fags imagine actually thinking this was helpful lmao

>> No.12138889

I've heard olive oil is nice.

>> No.12138895

that has nothing to do with what i said, is ketosis making you retarded or is that congenital?

>> No.12138909

>anecdotal "evidence"
it's in the name
do you need a guy in a lab coat to tell you that Japs eat "a lot" of rice as in frequently but not a huge amount

Also it's clear the discussion has shifted from keto to low carb/complex carbs, you're not arguing with just one person you stinky chimp

>> No.12138913

Why are you butthurt about diets which more closely resemble the ones human beings evolved to thrive on? Are you angry at nature itself?

>> No.12138924

>do you need more than a single example of some demented boomer
yes its almost like thats how scientific methods usually work you stupid fuck

>Also it's clear the discussion has shifted from keto to low carb/complex carbs, you're not arguing with just one person you stinky chimp
okay? are you running low on actual arguments so you decided to bring up this irrelevant shit?

>> No.12138928

>y-youre mad!
stupid ketonigger

>w-we evolved on it
dumb stupid stinky nigger

>> No.12138931

You made a retarded-ass strawman argument, assuming a moron would eat nothing but a huge pile of oysters in a day after I included them in a list of species of low food chain seafood. Because?? To win the internets?

>> No.12138938

I think you lost, guy. Have a nice day. Go have a bowl of ice cream.

>> No.12138940

i didnt make that assumption, you did you retarded actual strawmanning faggot, you literally posted as if oysters were some super fatty food to supplement salmon and tuna when theyre mostly protein and probably twice the carbs as fat

god you ketoniggers are SO fucking stupid

>> No.12138946

no one cares what you think, if they did you wouldnt be some retarded nigger proselytizing about a single anecdote on 4chan lmao

>> No.12138951

I don't wear glasses but you're just gonna have to take this as fact i'm afraid
You can choose not to if you like though because you're clearly very confused as to what you're on and arguing about

>> No.12138957

I separated the small, oily fish from the shellfish. With a distinct sentence break. I even pointed out the distinction in the sentences. However, they all share a common paragraph theme. They are all small, sustainable food sources. I'm sorry you must have run out of Coke. But do have a nice day.

>> No.12138962

>ketoniggers are so fucking stupid they actually pride themselves on anecdotes of a demented boomer
just lmao

>> No.12138977

>What? Sardines and herring. Oysters, mussels, clams
literally what you typed in response to shit about high fat fish, now youre embarrassing yourself with some autistic nonsense about commas, ketoniggers are such a stupid fat fucking joke

>> No.12138984


>> No.12138991

thatd be my only response after getting humiliated too

>> No.12138993

>haha BOOMER lmfao BOOMER heehee BOOMER
you seriously might want to get your IQ checked

>> No.12138994

Follow the discussion idiot.

>> No.12139000

Thanks for the laugh, guy. Really. I haven't laughed in a few days. Have a good one

>> No.12139012

>samefagging this hard

>> No.12139031

:( I'm sory, bby

>> No.12139037

its over 200

3rd time youve said this

>> No.12139053

But I like you!

>> No.12139056

ITT: high IQ individuals v one guy who thinks Japanese people eat 2k calories worth of rice every day

>> No.12139065

*dabs on ketoniggers and weebs*

>> No.12139076

* yeets on chimps who don't understand portion control *

>> No.12139077
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>> No.12139082

Im allergic to egss though so there is something wrong with me :/

>> No.12139086

>m-muh moderation
moderate this dab

*drops a wet stinky dab on your ketobreath monkey ass*

>> No.12139096

"Combining a high intake of carbohydrates and fat is the perfect storm for obesity," he said. "The Japanese tend to eat high carb (both rice and vegetables) but a low intake of fat."

DiNicolantonio also noted that Japanese people tend to eat lots of seafood, which is rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and they don’t eat as many processed food

so what you're telling me is that a diet with complex carbs i.e rice and fish is really healthy which is what i've been advocating for in the thread as we can see here
thanks for handing me the win pal
I guess you genuinely did need a guy in glasses to tell you what I just said for you to believe it

>> No.12139106

Why not just not eat to excess amd be moderatly healthy? Yeah maybe there will be a few things long term that might appear later in life but so, should I really be stingy for 2-3 years longer of a potential life?

>> No.12139117

personally I don't want to eat simple carbs because they make me bloated and sluggish and I don't want to eat meat because I feel bad for the animals
not much else to it

>> No.12139120

im telling you that you got blown out

>m-muh weeb that dindu no rice no carbs!!!
blow me ketonigger

>> No.12139130
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>i smarter than glasses!

>> No.12139132
File: 74 KB, 341x231, japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbohydrate content in the Japanese diet decreased by the 40% in the past 50 years, while fat increased by 300% in that same time period. Also, diabetes rates increased by 5000% and overweight Japanese people went from nonexistent to existent.
The exact same thing happened in China too.
I don't expect ketards to ever shut the fuck up though.

>> No.12139135

>Japs eat a small amount of rice with every meal
>here's anecdotal evidence AND a study proving they do so and that it's actually beneficial to you when you eat sea food and don't eat junk with it
wow I guess I got btfo

>> No.12139149

we're discussing the "Japanese diet" i.e seafood, rice and veggies not what Japanese people eat
big difference between "British food" and "What British people eat", stop arguing semantics because you're getting bullied

>> No.12139163

wtf you're telling me when globalisation kicked in and the Japanese started eating non traditionally they got fat? that's insane, I hate traditional japanese diets now

>> No.12139166

whats that? all i hear i some whiny fatty who got blown out by BASED glasses

>> No.12139175

>the Japanese diet is the thing Japanese dont eat
Trump voters

>> No.12139189

>OP asks for recipes with ingredient limitations
>no one posts recipes
I guess I expected too much from this board

>> No.12139211

post some if you want, right now it's just arguing.

>> No.12139218

based chimp still fighting a losing battle
I admire your tenacity coco
welcome to 4chan

>> No.12139232

awww poor ketoniggers brain fried from mercury

>> No.12139242

>ook ook
good one /b/rotendo

>> No.12139251


stupid ketonigger

>> No.12139262

It's my fault. I hijacked the thread when I said keto pescetarian was the supreme diet. I just wanted to watch "high IQ" dorks sperg out. Because it's funny. Are you the OP? An easy method would be to replace the white rice with brown rice. Or ditch the rice/pasta/bread and cook another side of grilled or steamed vegetables. Have you ever made fish chowder? That's pretty fucking good. Just sub the bacon/lardons with butter.

>> No.12139269

>me being retarded? merely an act!
about that...

>> No.12139276

Bread and pasta aren’t automatically simple carbs you simple minded retard

>> No.12139552

>Are you the OP
No, just a lost crossboarder that saw this thread on the front site and thought it would be nice to share some recipes like fish chowder. Thank you.

>> No.12139733

thanks for the recipes