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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 460x345, wisdom teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12137917 No.12137917 [Reply] [Original]

>Had wisdom teeth removed
>tfw no spicy or crunchy food for a while

Torture me

>> No.12137922
File: 146 KB, 380x251, truk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this nigga so evolved all his teeth dont even fit in his head
brought to you by the neanderthal team

>> No.12137977
File: 298 KB, 480x360, 1523782366581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all 4 wisdom teeth are impacted
>and too poor to ever fix the problem

>> No.12137989

I kept all four of my wisdom teeth.

No surgery required, but they're a pain in the ass to clean, and cleaning is a daily endeavor.

So I'm not sure which is worse.

>> No.12137990

No dental insurance?

>> No.12137994

"Fixes" are expensive. Extractions are cheap.

>> No.12137995

And yet he will never be a subhuman nigger like you

>> No.12137998
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I paid 3000 Merica dollars to get my wisdom teeth remove, along with additional teeth to get my braces.

>> No.12138007

Neanderthal is based

>> No.12138008
File: 178 KB, 283x270, 1523074167522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when all you sub-human's fell for the "give us your teeth, goy" routine.

have fun with your dick tips missing, and your bone shrinkage, jew slaves.

>> No.12138019

Oh hey OP I had a wisdom tooth removed on monday

Give it three days before crunchy food and chew carefully at the front of the mouth, but yes avoid spice for as long as you can.

Don't forget those salt washes either though

>> No.12138034

I had all four.

For me, the pain and swelling aren't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

And I was pretty much wide awake right after the surgery.

>> No.12138118

Ignore this Anon, don't even look at crunchy food. I remember getting mine pulled. The odd part is that my teeth came in fine bc and not impacted, but one on the bottom must have gotten food in the gum line. Shit was so painful I could eat or drink, and Advil barley helped any. After doctors visit, got antibiotics and hydrocodone; pain finally stopped. Getting them pulled wasn't bad. They put you in iv anesthetic which hits fast, but unlike gas anesthesia, I woke up feeling mostly fine easily and with no nausea. What's funny is after the surgery they have me even bigger pain pills, but I didn't even need them.

But yeah, don't even look at crunchy food until you get the ok. You DO NOT want to get dry socket. This was the worst part for me since I ate shit like almonds and chips & salsa. The thing your going to realize is most soft food is sweet, so try to search out soft salty stuff like mash potatoes.

>> No.12138135

The put the stuff in my Iv also.

The last thing I remember before going under was a conversation about my eyes

"What color do you call your eyes"
"Oh, it's difficult to tell, there's brown, yellow, blue..."
"Ok, Anon, wake up."

>> No.12138201

I forget what they talked about, but I remember giggling and anywhere I looked the room did this weired loop thing; like when you see old film sort of start to run out. Waking up was so fucking easy though. Although my mom kept saying your going to feel weird, take it easy and me constantly saying I feel fine and that it was better than when I got my tonsils out. I kept trying to get the cotton balls out though.

>> No.12138227

>have stomach ulcer
>can't eat spicy shit, acidic shit, or fried/greasy shit

>> No.12138236
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>> No.12138254

i remember when i got mine out, had all 4 impacted and removed them all at once
they put me to they gassed me but i remember waking up in the middle of it and partially feeling the pain as they were drilling or whatever the fuck they do

pick up on gauze or cotton balls if you irritate it too much, there will be lots of bleeding
rinse your mouth often
try not to smoke if you do
get soup, you would think noodles would be fine but its not, eat only liquids

>> No.12138270
File: 231 KB, 409x445, 1546761629119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it usually take until you can eat normally again? My dentist has been pressing me to get 2 of mine out for a while.

>> No.12138281

God it feels good to have strong teeth genes. I've only ever had one cavity, and I'm 30. I don't even take super good care of my teeth, only brush once a day, never floss, etc.

>> No.12138285

try whip its immediately. trust me.

>> No.12138294

>yfw I have all my wisdom teeth and not a problem

>> No.12138314


Ive got to get all four out. Bottom two are impacted top 2 are fine. I had the top and bottoms of the right side extracted 7 days ago. I practically didnt eat anything but codeine the first two days. Third fourth and fifth days i started eating solid foods, youve got to keep it to one side of your mouth, take your time and make sure you chew properly. I found if i was straining a little bit too hard id start up the throbbing pain again so know your bodies tells and try not to stress your jaw muscles. Im eating chips and shit no worries at the moment. Stay away from straws, salt water swish in the morning during day and at night for the first 4 days.

>> No.12138374

I'm not having much of a problem either.

But I will be so happy to eat solid foods again next week.

I'm going to get the spiciest salsa i can find

>> No.12138382
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x1960, 20190405_133017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should. these are mine.

See that little triangular shard? I was ungodly close to breaking that.

>> No.12138408
File: 81 KB, 607x567, 1518407888352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only struggled when one was coming out with a nasty point that hurt my gums, but they are all out and straight.
Good teeth genes I guess

>> No.12138410


>> No.12138415

I have all my teeth. No extractions or cavities yet. None impacted. Teeth are getting a little crowded though. I have a grinding problem too.
>28 yr old

>> No.12138438

What I got quoted $4000 to get my 3 wisdom teeth out?

>> No.12138448

why the fuck did they put in in an unsterilized bag? and usually doctors only give back teeth to children, your doctor is either weird or you work with a dentist

>> No.12138455

the teeth were sterilized and I aksed to keep them so I can have a look.

>> No.12138555

God mine taken out when I was in bootcamp. We got a shot of that numbing stuff and our di’s stole our pain pills. You’ll be good after two days op, the worst part was being forced to eat cottage cheese and jello

>> No.12138565

I want to say 6 weeks. But I think you can slightly adjust it 2/3rds way through. Seems like some anons started sooner, but I didn't want to risk getting dry socket. Also you can't smoke if your into that. If you can I would try to get them all out, that way they put you under and you don't have to deal with it again.

>> No.12138570
File: 87 KB, 720x542, ok9f2lcnbga11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your jaw is masculine enough to house all your wisdom teeth without needing removal

Stay mad, mouthlettes

>> No.12138573

mine are starting to come in. there's an occasional ache, but otherwise fine. gotta get to the dentist to make sure they're not wonky.

>> No.12138678

>couple teeth never came in
>had a couple removed because they were coming in through the gum
>all wisdom teeth come in just fine
Cool I guess.

>> No.12138699

I enjoyed the catharsis of swishing fizzy beer over my dry sockets while floating on cloud 9 on vicodin.

>> No.12138933

Hello Ben

>> No.12138959

that occasional ache will turn into agony later

>> No.12138964
File: 53 KB, 700x525, C61AE6EB-BB5E-4853-8F9D-AE9954BF6347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only cause problems later in life

>> No.12139099

i had 4 dry sockets AMA

>> No.12139100
File: 49 KB, 571x571, 1548179164452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a tooth-let

>> No.12140018

You'll be fine babe

>> No.12140063
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1544037779055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no wisdom teeth
must suck for you australopithecus fuckers

>> No.12140068

I never had mine removed with 0 issues so far in life with them in.

Best decision I ever made.

>> No.12140082

How does it feels to be subjected to artificial evolution?

>> No.12140094

I'm pretty sure I'm like at least 25% neanderthal lol
>every single of my wisdom teeth came in perfectly
>brow so defined it could be seen from a mile away
>short stature
>list goes on...

>> No.12140110

My dentist wouldn't even give me my tooth I got taken out.

>> No.12140113

>genetic cul-de-sac complaining while my ascended bloodline evolves seven dicks and brains that mine crypto

>> No.12140207

The first days you can't chew on anything. Just stick to smoothies, mash, mac and cheese. Then after the lining close and stitches close (you know when) you can starting chewing again, but take it easy.

>> No.12140253

I pay higher taxes to have my wisdom teeth removed for a lower bill.

>> No.12140254

jesus christ dude. i never knew pulling teeth was so fucking gnarly. no wonder your face hurts so much after


>> No.12140679

What a faggot, why not?

>> No.12140763

my wisdom teeth are in the right place and work pretty good, you just have bad genes. consider removing yourself from the human gene pool before you damage it even more.

>> No.12141364
File: 34 KB, 348x355, 1538784275500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the pleb who no doubt had his umbilical cord removed without his consent. LMAO imagine unironically having a mutilated belly button LMAO

>> No.12141370

>needing wisdom teeth removed
lmao what is wrong with you?

>> No.12141379
File: 71 KB, 465x312, 20190406_220618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue. The list.

>> No.12142178
File: 30 KB, 512x384, MOSHED-2019-4-2-22-44-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck that's expensive. It gets more expensive the older you get too. My ma was looking into fixing her overbite and there was a procedure where they break your jaw and align it correctly and it would've cost €15,000 here in Ireland

>> No.12142184
File: 108 KB, 900x960, worrybun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a girl, maybe 25, who caught sepsis from having a wisdom tooth out.
She was tubed and sedated for about a week and a half in our ICU while we treated the worst of it. Literally almost died from having a fucking tooth removed.
So I guess you'll want to follow the dentist's advice on these things. Not that I know for a fact she didn't.

>> No.12142258
File: 118 KB, 550x550, 1488941600124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You DO NOT want to get dry socket
I can second this.
Did everything according to the doctors orders but I guess I must have sucked the wound in my sleep cause I had dry socket the next morning.
I don't care if it makes me a bitch to say this, but it was some of the worst pain I've ever endured. Imagine the worst toothache you've ever had and multiply by 10 and you feel it through your whole skull. For about 3 weeks.
Thankfully my other wisdom teeth are growing in almost perfectly so I think I'll just keep them.

>> No.12142300

For real
3 of mine came our before i was 20 and i havent had a single problem?
keep chewing like a bitch op

T. Stone mill for a mouth

>> No.12142301


is this what causing intense sharp pain on my jaw hinge?

>> No.12142354

I can't be the only one who honestly wishes they could just get all their teeth pulled and replaced with fakes. Real teeth are a pain in the ass.

>> No.12142364

Neanderthals were seriously smarter than humans. They already had better technology when they were driven to extinction. Humans were just better murderers with a higher sex drive.

>> No.12142548

>24, go to dentist a few weeks ago to take a look at my teeth because pain has been causing pretty bad headaches for a long time
>Get an x-ray
>Very visible crack in my jaw, dentist thinks I have a fractured jaw, sent off to a get a CT scan

>> No.12142560

I ate shrimp tacos loaded with cabbage on the day after my extraction. Get on my level.

>> No.12142567

Medical professionals stopped letting patients keep stuff.

New policy in most of America.

Remember how your grandpa used to show off his kidney stones to your or gall stones?

I'm not sure if dentists let you keep wisdom teeth these days after CDC updates guidelines and call everything Medical Waste

>> No.12142570

After her breast reduction surgery, my mother asked her doctor if she could keep the fat that got removed so she could make soap from it. Is that the fault of that policy?

>> No.12142575

Dude, you could have saved more time and money if you requested a MRI instead.

MRI would be able to see soft tissue damage and bone damage, instead of a CT scan which only shows bone damage.

I can 100% bet you are going to get a MRI in the future.

The CT scan will show some stuff but surgery is going to require a MRI for more accuracy and information.

Maybe you could request a CT and MRI to be done on the same day?

Also, incredibly strange your dentist didn't immediately refer you to an Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon as soon as possible.

Stuff like fractured jaws should be out of jurisdiction for normal/general dentists.

Your dentist may be wasting your time.

You should look for the best Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon immediately.

>> No.12142585

Very likely. I have faint memories of my grandfather from my father's side of the family, showing off his kidney stones that were collected in some container.

They used to let people keep stuff like kidney stones or gall stones but everything is classified as medical waste now.

I think the only stuff people can keep is stuff like placenta or baby teeth?

Only a matter of time before CDC bans everything though due to the rise in drug resistant pathogens and other shit.

>> No.12143351

yeah man, its relatively expensive when youre young here too, i think it cost me something like 4 grand when i was 18, the fuckin kikes

>> No.12143572

just eat creamy soups

>> No.12143579

jokes on the neanderthals, who's got the tech for shitposting on the internet now huh?

>> No.12143838

you have probably 70 years of life
i think you can handle unfavored food for a little while you fucking loser

>> No.12143871


>> No.12144023

fake news. I am am in the top 5% of neanderthal potency in my DNA (i’ve even got chron’s) and I still had to get my wiz teeth out

>> No.12144205

Literally me. What do you eat to stay sane?