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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12131332 No.12131332 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related, this is pretty much how I like mine. Bananas, strawberries, but maybe the oats a bit thicker.

>> No.12131372

i like them straight out the quaker instant bag. Love that sugar rush.

>> No.12131697

Mommy raised me on Cream of Wheat and I still eat it several times a week. Made with milk, a pat of butter on top and some pink salt is sublime. Steel cut is pretty good too but I will usually add something like apple butter or jelly. Maybe a quick sunny side egg on top if I'm really hungry.

>> No.12131811

It's warming up so I do overnight oats. Cup of oats, 1 3/4 cup of whole milk, scoop of chocolate whey protein powder, some peanut butter, cinnamon, and a dash of salt. Stays good for a week and I get about 4 or 5 servings out of it.

>> No.12131839

>maple syrup
>cinnamon and allspice

All you need

>> No.12131841

Shut the fuck up you high fiber eating zoomer turd

>> No.12131846

Creamy with a pinch of salt.

>> No.12132320

>steel-cut slow-cooked
>green apple
>lots of cream
or if i want something more savory, i'll use bacon and walnuts

>> No.12132351

Blueberries, blackberries, aqai, raspberries, or bananas. Strawberries are for women and faggots
Almonds or walnuts
Standard roll cut baby
I eat some permutation of this every morning. Ideal macros for working out.

>> No.12132440
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With Marmite
Fuck me, right?

>> No.12132443

oatmeal made with milk = based
oatmeal made with water = cringe

>> No.12132449

Cinnamon, brown sugar, crushed walnuts, & toasted coconut. I also prefer my oats more on the runny side so I get more of the flavor of the milk.

>> No.12132576

I cook mine in water with a pinch of salt. Low heat then cover, it gets a bit chewy. Simple yet tasty, it's not as good with instant oats though.
Sometimes I add salted butter and a drop of mapple sirup.

>> No.12132798

I actually got used to using hot water instead of milk at work and it's fine for the little packets, especially the fruit and cream variety

>> No.12132809

There's powdered milk in those.

>> No.12132835

creamy with soy milk, a pinch of salt and some raspberries; sweetened with eiher honey or agave syrup; been eating it like that the last days and it's so fricking good

>> No.12133837

i use alpro milk with chopped bananas shit good

>> No.12133860

>eating that many carbs

Id just feel bloated and sluggish all day

>> No.12133886

splash of milk and maple syrup

>> No.12133898
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x2268, oatmeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With blueberries and sometimes black chia seeds and honey.

>> No.12133899

Cooked in milk, with vanilla and cinnamon (the good stuff) and nutmeg. Scattering of raisins or blueberries. Drizzle of golden syrup. Thanks.

>> No.12133913

>not cooking with water and adding milk at the end

>> No.12133952

flax, hemp and chia seeds. milk. applesauce. fruit (usually peaches or craisins). sliced almonds. a scoop of peanut butter. seasoned with pumpkin pie spice blend (cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and allspice), salt and a dash of cayenne pepper.

>> No.12134131

If you don't put peaches in your oatmeal, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.12134220

scoop of Peanut butter, some mixed nuts, and a dollop of strawberry preserves

>> No.12134358
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Every morning i rip open a packet of quaker oats fuck them into a bowl throw some milk over them and put them in the microwave for 2 minutes. I then flood the globulated mess with cold water to make the disgusting prison food cold enough to swallow and get in my car ready for another day of FUCKING TORMENT

>> No.12134379

Do you need to talk man?

>> No.12134541
File: 197 KB, 950x674, Hue Hue Jesoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this just cracks me up.

>> No.12135128

i either put salsa or soy sauce on mine

>> No.12135321

>he doesn't work from home
Shiggy diggy.

>> No.12135351

Oats give me heartburn for some reason unlike pretty much anything else.

>> No.12135387

I just can't get into oats, i tried them with milk/yoghurt/fruit/broth... I just don't like it.
But then i found a nice smoothie recipe on /fit/:

One banana
4 spoons oats
1 spoon pure cocoa powder
3 ice cubes
... blend this stuff until smoothie. Done.

I really like this, and make it a few times a week instead of breakfast...

>> No.12135402

I like mine with goat's ilk, a bit of syrup and a little cinnamon.

>> No.12135412

served cold and with raisins

>> No.12136115

ive done butter, vanilla, stevia. with steel cut oats so really good texture. milk just dilutes it too much. no protein, but i can live with it. its soooooo good. raisins would be even better.

>> No.12136146

How crunchy is steel cut oats compared to normal rolled oats? I want to get into oats, but I hate how soupy they are. How do I get maximum crunch without destroying my teeth?

>> No.12136278


>> No.12136856

I second this

>> No.12136973

rolled oats, 2 cups of water / 1 cup of oats with a little bit of coconut oil in the water as well. A nice drizzle of honey and a pinch of Himalayan pink salt on top when plating. Makes a good side for eggs and breakfast sausage and toast.

>> No.12136980

am i the only one who eats oats dry? no added stuff just only hte oats. i cant't be the only one

>> No.12137466

I either like to add cooked apples and peanut butter, or I go savory with egg/bacon/maple syrup.

If I'm in a hurry I just microwave it with a little cinnamon. Gets the job done.

>> No.12137500
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i just put in some with powdered milk and sugar into my favorite mug

>> No.12137555

raspberry jam

>> No.12137625


Sometimes if I'm super hungry and want a quick snack, I'll have a teaspoon or two of just dry rolled oats. It's nice because it gets really sticky and chewy, in a pleasant kind of way. Normally I eat them with yogurt, though.

>> No.12137630

Same. I just eat them straight out of the box as a snack.

>> No.12138028

2% milk
tablespoon of breakfast mix chocolate powder or teaspoon of strawberry preserves

>> No.12138031

Which type of yogurt is best for overnight oats? I only tried them once and I used the shitty "drinkable" yogurt and used way too much of it too like an idiot. End result was totally liquid 10 hours later.
Should I try greek yogurt instead?

>> No.12138296

how much cups of milk per cup of oats?

>> No.12138306

Syrup/honey black berries and bananas is my #1. I added BBQ sauce to plain oats once and it tasted pretty good. I like the sweet and savory taste.

When I eat them like cold cereal, yea.

Fuck off.

Not OP, but for some reason, oats don't make me sleepy, only rice and potatoes. It isn't the sugar, because sugar usually makes me crash immediately. I can feel it when I put too much sugar in my oats. Weird.

>> No.12138323

Oats are for horses.

>> No.12138329

No, hay is for horses.

>> No.12138844

I make mine with water and a bit of peanut butter granola.

>> No.12138868

teaspoon of honey
heaping teaspoon of peanutbutter
maybe a sliced banana

>> No.12140796

>organic oats
>chia seeds
>hemp hearts
>ground flaxseed
>flavors vary

>> No.12140887

Only one person talking about savory oatmeal?! Use chicken stock instead of water and throw in whatever you want. Fried egg + sriracha +green onion. Chopped Canadian bacon with cheese. Chopped chicken sausage with shredded cheese. I use reduced fat pepper jack with most of it to keep it healthier. Shit is divine.

>> No.12141175
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>Egg on top of savory oatmeal
My negro
I usually add a few drops of Maggi to the yolk to add some umami flavor to the oats as well

>> No.12141217

why not grits for savory?

>> No.12141229
File: 525 KB, 2400x1000, overnight oats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick oats, microwaved with fruit on top (usually a banana) on top if I'm in a rush.

Otherwise, overnight oats with
>80g oats
>30g peanut butter
>30g flax seed
>1.5 cups skim milk

>> No.12141233

Oh and the overnight oats are made with old fashioned oats, not quick oats

>> No.12141265

With a fat dollop of shit

>> No.12141272

Try adding sodium nitrate. Ancient Chinese secret.

>> No.12142192

Same here, though I have blueberries in mine and I don't add cocoa powder.

>> No.12142965

Decided to have a bowl of oats with almond milk and cocoa powder today.
Added in some banana slices and some nuts, and it was bretty good