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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12133903 No.12133903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Raise you hand if you are disgusted by food prepared by pet owners. Pet owners are some of the nastiest people on the planet.
cat owners
>counters covered in cat feces
>counters covered in cat urine
>counters covered in cat hair
>cat hair floating around landing everywhere
>cats lick their assholes and then the rest of their fur
>cat owners touching animal getting asshole juice all over themselves
>filthy catshit box stinking up house
yet cat owners see no problem in this, in fact they'll personally attack you, calling you third world, inhuman, callous, etc;
dog owners
>dogs drool and shake making spit fly everywhere
>dog hair everywhere
>dogs covered in filth
>dog owners petting them, getting filth all over themselves
>letting the dog lick you after licking its own asshole
>dog will literally eat other animals feces
If you are a responsible pet owner, this thread isnt for you, youre doing it right. 95% of pet owners are not though and they fucking know it.
Let the assblast begin....

>> No.12133911

Dont even get me started on fish owners.

>> No.12133917

i can honestly say i would have no issues with fish owners. fish are contained to one area, you never touch them, and unless you havent cleaned the tank in months there shouldn't be any smell

>> No.12133921

But my immune system is stronger :)

>> No.12133923

reptile owners are the worst

>> No.12133925

yeah, fucking turtlefags. can't touch them without getting salmonella

>> No.12133926
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>> No.12133941 [DELETED] 
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Put that kitten where it belongs.

>> No.12133945
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>pic related?

>> No.12133947

Used to be but Cream Heroes looks so clean and nice.

>> No.12133948

Jesus christ.
Look at that edgelord. Look at his edgy ass outfit. What a faggot.

>> No.12133955

>>counters covered in cat feces
>>counters covered in cat urine
What kind of nigger doesn't have their cats litter trained? Also the only annoying thing about animals is the second you have food in your hand it runs and jumps on you

>> No.12133957

How is that any worse than having some autistic neet who fingers his never-been-cleaned onahole and asshole and doesnt wash his hands cook for you.

>> No.12133959
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>why dont you like me anon

>> No.12133960

I'm a pet owner, but all my pets stay oudoors, and I make sure to wash up well after touching them.

Why do I deserve the same ire as some fucktard who lets their cat onto food prep surfaces or doesn't wash their hands after petting the doggo?

>> No.12133966

What kind of nigger doesn't have their cats litter trained?
think slowly and visualize the entire litterbox procedure from start to finish. where does the cat deficate? where does the cat go after that? where is the shit? where is the litter that was in contact with said shit. where does the cat go after that?
but i wouldnt go to a neets house to eat.
normies love pets and consider them a 'part of the family.' meaning they have free reign over the house, which i find personally disgusting.
>If you are a responsible pet owner, this thread isnt for you, youre doing it right.
abuse of animals is never ok anon. shame on you for real.

>> No.12133969
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like this fucktard
>pic extremely related

>> No.12133986

>Also the only annoying thing about animals is the second you have food in your hand it runs and jumps on you
What kind of faggot doesn't have his shitty dog trained?

I think the "cats jumping on counters" is bs made up by idiots who've never had a cat. None of mine have ever jumped on the counter. And what, you don't sanitize your counters before preparing meals? That's even worse because you're a fucking human who should know better.

>> No.12133992

I had a cat growing up and whenever it was on the side my parents would launch it right off
it quickly learnt

>> No.12133993

>keeping "pets"outside in hot/cold/exposed to elements
Faggots. I hope animal control gets called on you.

>> No.12133995

people's hair and saliva get all over everything, too.

>> No.12133998

autism speaks

>> No.12134011

I'd argue keeping most pets indoors is far more cruel. They can't engage in most of their natural behaviors. I agree keeping animals in extreme conditions is abusive, but as long as the temperatures aren't unreasonable, food, water, shelter is always provided I don't see the problem. Don't be so selfish that you want to coop up your animal in a cage or a tiny apartment without the ability to run, fly, dig, etc, as it pleases just so it can amuse you. Goddamn selfish assholes.

>> No.12134019

assblasted shitty pet owners
great counter argument. i guess since my hair falls out i might as well keep a house full of vermin too right? and wtf are you doing where your saliva is everywhere?? i honestly cant think of one spot in my house where it would test positive for spit.
>keeping an animal in a prison its whole life is cruel.
looks like youre the monster bub
100% this

>> No.12134035

>assblasted shitty pet owners
I don't need to have a pet to see how assburgers your post is

>> No.12134048

based shiteater

>> No.12134051

I don't advocate for strict indoors either, wtf. Duck apartments. People with apartments shouldn't have pets. I do concede to the terms you laid out, definitely. My dogs enjoy their time outside but will start barking after maybe 5 minutes, they absolutely hate it outside, and we have all seasons here.

>> No.12134061

>they absolutely hate it outside
lemme guess: they were enslaved (kept indoors) as puppies, right?

>> No.12134073

>keeping an animal in a prison
Great strawman, that's EXACTLY what I said, WOW.

Also, pets constantly outside just to say I has pupper, entertain me pupper hurr durr, is worse than a shithead who keeps them inside. At least the psychos who keep them inside give them love and play, I'm sure. I know several people who keep their dogs outside in extreme weather because muh dogs and don't even glance in their direction. That's a worse life than living in a gilded cage with love, warmth and attention.

>> No.12134080
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>gilded cage with love, warmth and attention.
take this back to your gilded cage and share it with the rest of your kind, homo

>> No.12134085

No, one is a chihuahua who eats like a damn bird, has almost no fur and no body fat. The other is a big dog we adopted at 5 years of age. He was part of a hoarding case in which he and his siblings were all outside since birth. Is anything, living an isolated life from humans, thrown outside like garbage, turned him into the weirdo he is.

>> No.12134092

Fucking gross, have never stepped foot in that trash hole.

>> No.12134093

>wipe down your counter
>problem solved

What a retard you are.

>> No.12134097

you wouldnt be lying now would you?
>clean .01% of the filth

>> No.12134101

Always wash my hands and disinfect surfaces after handling my dog or any of her toys/feeding stuff; people in general are just disgusting with sanitary habits.

But that weeb fuck who posts with his cat on the counter makes me want to spay the owner.

>> No.12134115

You seem to be upset due to facing your guilt of keeping your dogs outside. Outside dog owners need to be shot. That is, if their dogs clearly don't like being outside. All around the neighborhood you can hear dogs bark for hours wanting to be let in. Sad!

>> No.12134123

No, there's nothing appealing about any sites other than 4chan. Never had a Twitter, fb, instagram, reddit, and never plan to. Barely got my first smart phone a year ago and hate that as well. Faggots the lot of you.

>> No.12134132

The trick is to NEVER let them indoors, not even once. They don't know what they're missing.

people inside, pets outside. it's not hard bro.

>> No.12134141

>not being petfree

>> No.12134146

>I think the "cats jumping on counters" is bs made up by idiots who've never had a cat.
You can actually see it in quite a few food/cooking videos. Just watched one recently where the guy had his cat walking on the cutting board, and I've seen that in other videos too. It's pretty easy to keep them off the counters if you start scaring them off once they start though, mine never do it.

>> No.12134151
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Just embrace the filth.

>> No.12134160

>not wanting delicious Toxoplasmosis

>> No.12134175

That's not really a concern with housecats, since most cats that have it get it from being outside and eating infected critters.

>> No.12134200

Having a bit of pet filth in your life might actually be somewhat healthy considering how sanitized modern living spaces are.
Gotta challenge your immune system a bit.

>> No.12134212
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those are tortoises not turtles

>> No.12134222

Ewww WTF. Damn it. Well, guess I've been lucky. I don't watch cooking videos, but holy shit I hope people in the comments have ripped those nasty fucks a new one.

>> No.12134275

cats on the counter/table
sqirt gun or sprayer is an effective defense
they eventually understand

>> No.12134312

Cats are inherently filthy pets even if they're trained.
>cat shits in litter box
>cat pisses in litter box
>cat burries shit in pissy litterbox
>paws covered in urine and feces
>walks all over the house
>gets up on food counter
>owner is completely fine with this
You can keep a house clean if you have a dog, not the case with cats. I just house sat for a cat lady and can confirm this.

>> No.12134314

People usually make comments about it, then you have others saying "that's what we have immune systems for" or something like that.

>> No.12134315

>haha xd that's not for you silly
>pabst blue ribbon
It all makes sense.

>> No.12134317

If you scoop the box every day and wash it regularly they aren't really getting shit/piss on their paws.

>> No.12134321

One good knee to the chest will stop a dog from jumping on you right quick. You don't even have to do it hard.

>> No.12134340

keep fucking telling yourself this.
this is every cat owner and they relish in the filth.
what cat owner cleans it everyday? ive honestly never met one, and ive lived with people who had them, ive had friends and family who had them, not one of them clean it everyday. when do they clean it you ask? when it smells they say.
doesnt work when have aids

>> No.12134346

4channel is a cat site, maybe you'd be happier somewhere else.

>> No.12134351
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>> No.12134353

>ive honestly never met one
That's a you problem
I know several catfags myself included that clean it every day.

>> No.12134369

Maybe 10 years ago. I haven't seen Caturday or silly cat pictures in a long time. There's more dog humor and memes here these days.

>> No.12134373

4channel didnt exist until a few months ago nigga it aint shit.
>muh caturday
thats been moved to plebbit
youre one in a million babe, thats what you are

>> No.12134377
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>youre one in a million babe, thats what you are

>> No.12134382

youre one in a million babe, youre a shooting star

>> No.12134385
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i know a few who do
one of them has one of those hideous problem cats that pisses everywhere for no reason so it's kind of irrelevant
they are the overwhelming minority though
most cat people frankly don't notice or don't care about the horrific litter stench

cats are the only house pet that gross me out enough to not want to visit people with them and i definitely won't eat their food

>> No.12134393

Dammit OP, that picture legit looks like a Chinese dinner

>> No.12134435

i agree with all the dog shit, but unless youre a complete degenerate a cat will not shit up your house. it takes about 5 minutes to train them to use a litter box as a kitten and then youre done. the cat will only piss and shit either in there or outside. cat hairs get around sometimes but you just dont let it up on the counters too much and youre fine.

>> No.12134443

maybe you fail to understand how a cats paw works.

>> No.12134485

I'm working on a doozy of a greentext for you guys about a nightmare mode animal hoarder house I house sat for.

>> No.12134498

as opposed to illegitimately?
think before you post

>> No.12134502

I keep a small trash can right next to the litter box so I can clean it as I walk by, so it's cleaned at least once a day.

Cat's aren't allowed on the counter or any surface I eat off of, they rarely break this rule if ever.

>> No.12134508

Cats aren't stomping on their shit in the litter box. They avoid touching it and just kick the litter around it to cover it up.

>> No.12134519

my breath is abated

>> No.12134524

>being this delusional
i was the same when i had a cat. unfortunately for you they tend to ignore the rules once your asleep. cats go nuts at night and get onto/into everything.

>> No.12134533

Your post has a Muslim look about it

>> No.12134546

sounds like youre just a massive germaphobe or just hate cats for some reason. do you clean every doorknob before you touch it? do you wipe down the soles of your shoes? get a fucking grip you bizarro NEET

>> No.12134555

I don't know if they do when I'm asleep, but there's nothing on the counter they'd want, I clean all the dishes before I go to bed, and the counter's are wiped.

>> No.12134587

>do you clean every doorknob before you touch it?
Why would I need to? It hasn't been rubbed around in a litter box.

>> No.12134611
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i consider tortoises as a subset of turtles

>> No.12134612

you're just picking and choosing random things to be disgusted by. doorknobs get touched all day by people who havent washed their hands after taking a shit. it sits and multiplies on there 24/7.
ah, but a cat that probably didnt actually touch anything jumped on the counter once? and then the counter was cleaned before any food was prepared on it? man, what a mentalist