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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12129026 No.12129026 [Reply] [Original]

My gf bought this piece of beef for whatever reason
How the fuck do I cook it?

>> No.12129034

Let it come to room temperature, pat it dry, season it with salt and pepper, then fry in a searing hot carbon steel or cast iron pan (or stainless steel pan)

>> No.12129036

What cut is it?

>> No.12129044

Heat it up.

If you've got a cast iron skillet, preheat it and sear your meat on all sides, until it's got a bit of a crisp to it, then throw it in the oven at 350f until the internal temp of the meat hits around 130f.

If you don't have a meat thermometer and you're not used to cooking steak, God speed, you'll need it

>> No.12129047

No idea, this is why I cant really look for instructions and why I posted a picture

>> No.12129059

It looks like a really really bad ribeye.

>> No.12129065

Looks like a pretty crappy cut. Lightly grill its, cut it into chunks, and make some chili.

>> No.12129071

Alright. How much time do you have at hand then? Chances are it is tough, so a stew or a chili would probably be your best bet

>> No.12129074

Does it need any pounding or marinade to become tender? Could I roast it instead?

>> No.12129098

No. Just salt and pepper. Sear meat, saute some vegs, some spices if you feel like it, add tomatoes or broth/red wine or both, let whole thing burble at least 30 mins, and wa la, a completely decent stew

>> No.12129109

Wrong reply. This was in case you were to make a stew.

>> No.12129128
File: 18 KB, 480x360, Top Sirloin Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like top sirloin to me pic related. Whatever it is it's a shameful cut.

>> No.12129130

When faced with questionable cuts or very economical meat, there is only one choice: braising. Low and slow, baby! That's going to absolutely melt all that fat, relax and dissolve the connective tissue, and blow your mind with the flavor you can squeeze out of something so inexpensive.

Try this: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/good-eats-beef-stew-recipe-1948778.. It was on an episode of Good Eats and is the way I make my beef stew these days. A little acid, a little heat, and you're going to be really impressed by the end result.

>but anon, it needs to cook for 4 hours
Yeah, and? I spend 20 minutes during my lunch hour to prep it. A little sear with some salt and pepper, mixing up the sauce, and getting it in the oven and it's done by the time work is over. The results are worth it.

>> No.12129135

Cut it into thin slices across the grain and fry it up quickly then add some Asian style sauce, serve on a bed of rice, steamed broccoli and carrots. Garnish with sesame seeds and chives. Can add onions and a little garlic as well in the frying.

>> No.12129142
File: 83 KB, 960x720, Ac5T8ET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled poster

>> No.12129147

in a cast iron pan with olive oil or butter

>> No.12129169

I braise a lot I know I can do it, would like something different but if it comes to it...

>> No.12129173

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12129177

if it's a shitty unknown strip and you aren't down to braise i would consider:
1. cubing & making a quick curry
2. slice very thin and do some quick mexican beef or stir fry

>> No.12129231

First guy here. And well, if you don't like braising...

This is probably your next best option. Cube-steak is just behind braising in terms of doing good by cheap meat. The caveat is that it really requires a blade-tenderizer. You want to poke the shit out of that thing in both directions, then season with salt and pepper and dredge in flour > egg wash > flour. You're making a chicken-fried (or country-fried, in some areas) steak. When you're done and the meat is resting, you can follow it up with a creamy pan sauce made from the fond, some flour, chicken stock, and LOTS of black pepper. Congratulations, you've got yourself some top-tier protein for din din and a gravy that'll stretch to cover some potatoes, too.

>> No.12129239

i actually hadn't thought of cube steak when i posted that (was implying to literally cut into cubes for curry) but this is a very very good idea anon

>> No.12129283

Well done woth soy sauce & ketchup

>> No.12129332

Oh, touche! That'd honestly be great too but hey, happy accident. Cube steak is one of those things I've kept from poorer days, but now I'm more likely to get a round roast and cut my own steaks to do it. It's amazing for sure, but even at 20 I was surprised at the magic it could work on cheap cuts (and that was even before I learned how to make a good gravy afterwards).

>> No.12129743

Smack her with it

>> No.12131031

Consider cooking it over some coals. Actual wood for flavor. Charcoal is on but there’s other hardwoods, oak mesquite hickory etc. each wood imparts a different flavor. It doesn’t have to be screeching hot, in fact steak does well absorbing grill flavors from medium heat. With 4 flips for a nice grill mark.

>> No.12131057

This. It looks like round steak which is the shittiest cut of beef imaginable. You gotta slice it super thin before you cook it and give it a quick marinade then stir fry it.

Alternatively you can try chicken fried steak but you have to beat the ever loving shit out of it until it's super thin and tenderizied.

>> No.12131084

Salt and pepper, bring to room temp. Oil or butter in a pan on medium heat until seared. Flip once. Remove from heat for a couple minutes. Serve with starch and veggie of your choice with red wine.

>> No.12131102

I fucking hate gooks so much

>> No.12131278

I use cuts of beef like this for quesadillas or fajitas