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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 530 KB, 1000x2837, Canuck Fast Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12120850 No.12120850 [Reply] [Original]

Which country has the best fast food, /ck/?

>> No.12120877


>> No.12120903

Hawaii, Japan, SE Asia. Generally the Pacific Rim.

>> No.12120908

>tim hortons
>monarchy tier

where have you been for the last ~5 years?

>> No.12120916

>he doesn't like paying $8 for three (3) chicken strips

>> No.12120961

This chart is shit, incomplete and outdated.

>> No.12121316
File: 57 KB, 550x532, sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes a fast food tier list
>America is the lowest tier

ok buddy

>> No.12121581

don't include belle pro and st-hub with canada you cultural appropriating square-headed fucker

>> No.12121596

Half of these aren't fast food

>> No.12121610

maybe if you're a fucking millionaire

>> No.12121620

I wish Canada was range banned from 4chan(nel) there's not one single decent thing those niggers have ever posted

>> No.12121750

>Dic Ann's
>Dixie Lee

Also Timmies and St-Hubert are nowhere near top tier. This list is garbage

>> No.12121763

>Tim Horton's at the top
>A&W not even on the list

>> No.12121769


>> No.12121786

wimpys is fucking dogshit hahahahahaha

>> No.12121808
File: 85 KB, 444x446, fuck_canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monarchy tier

Fuck the Queen.

>> No.12121838

>Hot and Fresh / Pizza pizza
Is this a ripoff of Little Caesars Hot-n-ready. Their slogan is "pizza pizza"

>> No.12121857

Not in Canada. Little Ceasar's still has their Hot-N-Ready pizzas, but their slogan is "Hot-N-Ready". Pizza Pizza is it's own thing, pizza for pajeets.

Also, what you call "Smarties", Canadians call "Rockets". And what Canadians call "Smarties" don't have an equivalent in the US.

>> No.12121867

>Not canadian
are you dumb or retarded?

>> No.12121871

It's an American chain, you stupid leaf. Same way McDonald's isn't Canadian just because there are stores in Canada. Christ.

>> No.12121873
File: 123 KB, 900x480, veggie works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half of these aren't fast food but rather olive garden-tier restaurants, but also
>tim hortons placed in top tier
>NYF near the bottom
shit taste anon

>> No.12121876

A&W was Canadian until it was sold. Unsurprisingly, the quality has gone downhill at most A&Ws I've visited ever since.

>> No.12121877

Where can I find the best poutine?

>> No.12121878

>NYF poutine

>> No.12121880

Find a local place, usually operates out of a trailer in a semi-permanent location. Never go to Smoke's unless you want to pay $30 for pre-cut fries and powder gravy.

>> No.12121885

Why is OP including diners with fast food restaurants? I need to know why he thinks they are the same? Why doesn't he include Michelin star restaurants? By OPs standards food that is made in less than 24hr period of time is fast food so those should be included along with all fine dining and every restaurant on the planet because people from other countries visit Canada so that means that their restaurants also technically touch Canada.

Awaiting OPs updated list.

>> No.12121891
File: 42 KB, 533x400, edo_japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the veggie one is actually pretty good, but not what I'd consider poutine. cheese, sour cream, green onions and tomatoes.

however, the best fast food place is pic related

>> No.12121894
File: 1.61 MB, 280x296, pukes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"NY"F has nothing to do with New York. Absolutely revolting.

>> No.12121895

heyyy coward.... gonna be needing that list....

>> No.12121898

what a retarded statement. you're going to be really disappointed when you find out they don't sell olives at olive garden.

>> No.12121899

Same thing with BOSTON Pizza, SWISS Chalet, MONTANAS, and so on. Canada has no culture, so every Canadian chain needs to brand itself as American something.

>> No.12121907

I am >>12121867 and after doubting what I learned working at A&W, I checked online and Jewpedia reports the company being American, and the Canadian Franchise being bought by Unilever in 72 and bought by the management in 95. Since then, the Canadian branch is a separate entity from other A&Ws


>> No.12121910
File: 188 KB, 905x768, Trudeau_costumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew that the true state of Canadian education was dire, but I never expected this. You might as well open a poutine place and call it "Mongolian Kitchen."

>> No.12121914

>no Mcdonald's
Now I know this is a troll

>> No.12122126

>NYF as homeless tier
>Tim Hortons as monarchy tier
What the fuck???

>> No.12122189

la belle poubelle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tim hortons

>> No.12122195


>> No.12122203
File: 194 KB, 900x1200, TimsChickenStrips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, the strips are pretty high quality

>> No.12122214 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 960x960, TimHortons6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting Tim Horror-tons until OP analogizes for thinking this trash food/service is decent.

>> No.12122217

i fucking hate this board

>> No.12122224

Then leave. No one on this site likes leafs anyways

>> No.12122227

you're implying a whole lot there pal

>> No.12122240

Bingo. Even the American franchises there are incredible.

>> No.12122297

Québec City?

>> No.12122320

>And what Canadians call "Smarties" don't have an equivalent in the US.
M&M's. That's what you're looking for.

>> No.12122331

No they're not, they're the exact same mediocre frozen chicken strips from sysco or whatever that E V E R Y other place serves. Tim's is fucking shit on almost every level and they deserve to go out of business, they can't be allowed to coast and wheeze along on the name alone.

Timbits and iced capps are pretty good though.

>> No.12122343
File: 67 KB, 573x957, 1467115016069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milestones, tims, licks and swiss chalet are all fucking terrible.

>> No.12122346 [DELETED] 

Switzerland is in the USA?

>> No.12122371
File: 112 KB, 1241x895, eKbVhDn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand sarcasm, do you? Should have been obvious with the pic. Then again, most people with autism have a hard time understanding these things.

>> No.12122372
File: 64 KB, 658x901, dunce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't always translate online especially considering how retarded a lot of opinions on 4chan are but yeah, I should have realized.

>> No.12122391
File: 168 KB, 960x960, TimHortons5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries friend! Have a smile cookie made *fresh by temporary foreign worker Ranjit

>> No.12122399
File: 934 KB, 4608x3456, TimHortons2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting Tim Horror-tons until OP apologizes for thinking this shit food/service is good.

>> No.12122408
File: 121 KB, 960x960, TimHortons6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12122420
File: 658 KB, 2007x2676, TimHortons3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12122426

>belle province and tim hortons
>monarchy tier
whoever made this garbage is a stupid tourist

>> No.12122428

I used to go to a Tim's near my workplace for lunch because it was one of the only options nearby that I could access in the time I had available, and it was just awful.
There was one woman who worked there who I'm sure was borderline mentally retarded, when she was training on the register she was just completely incapable of understanding my order even though it was an item on the menu and I got the same thing every time.
Eventually she was promoted? to sandwich-maker, and almost every time she made my sandwich she would fuck it up, either by not adding the cheese and bacon (which was an option I paid extra for) or by putting on the wrong sauce. There were only two sauce options, regular mayo and spicy mayo, and at one point she got the sauce wrong 9 times in a row, which is statistically a worse result than if she had just been flipping a coin to decide which sauce to use.
As far as I know she still works there. I literally can't imagine the level of incompetence necessary to get fired from a Tim's.

>> No.12122436
File: 150 KB, 750x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been to Tims in over a year for very similar reasons. I'd rather go hungry on my lunch break than support this fucking company. They need to keep losing sales. It's the only way they'll change.

>> No.12122455
File: 777 KB, 725x373, TimHortons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12122483

I miss Lick's. I miss it so much. I used to go to the one at the beaches all the time as a kid. Now it's gone. Where has the time gone? I WANT MY FREE BALOON AND ICE CREAM COUPON.

>> No.12122515

it's very clearly constructed bait, my dude

>> No.12122548
File: 78 KB, 640x853, 415qrjcgoho21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12122637

No we also have M&Ms and it's different chocolate anyways so not comparable

>> No.12123056

Yall ever been to a Greggs in the UK?

>> No.12123123

Tims is absolute microwaved-from-frozen garbage tier.

NYF is absolutely based and addictive.

>> No.12123133

lol this is such blatant bait i'm not even gonna take the time to do the real rankings

>> No.12123140

Canadian A&W is a totally different thing and really good.

>> No.12123150

American fast food joints use low quality ingredients. Compare a Big Mac from the USA and one from Europe. The American one is fucking awful. This is true of all fast food chains KFC, Taco Bell etc.

>> No.12123154

Can confirm A&W is Canadian for you.
No need to thank me.

>> No.12123290

It's not
t. former burger flipper at AW

>> No.12123313

Can confirm, Japanese McDonald’s is the fucking bomb. Teriyaki burger was my favorite.

>> No.12123520

can confirm

>> No.12123617
File: 119 KB, 1200x995, G2MDVFLLDBBULMUEUHDLTDEC4Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M&M's are different than Smarties. We have M&M's too.

>> No.12123761

>Teriyaki burger
Quick google search...
Not only do they have non fat women with racist fathers but they have good fast food!
All they need is to allow me to blast stuff with muh guns.
Also,what side of the road do the Japaniards drive on?

>> No.12123777


>> No.12123794


>> No.12123828

Most people don’t own cars in Japan, they just walk, ride a bike, or take the train.

>> No.12123834

>Tim Hortons not homeless tier
Nice try Brazilian.

>> No.12123967

>country style america tier
>tims top tier
>milestones, swiss chalet, kelseys on the list at all
>no fast eddies
>no burger baron
its like your only knowledge of fast food came from a mall foodcourt

>> No.12124077
File: 180 KB, 1280x1212, Whataburger_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12124082

>local chains
>single-location, independent restaurants
Do you have any idea how colossal a list would be if it included every mom & pop shop in the country?

>> No.12124086

their transit system is also super precise. they even give you a note if things are running late so you won't get in trouble at your job.

>> No.12124128

only decent thing at tim hortons are the bagels

>> No.12124140

Have you never had an actual bagel?

>> No.12124291

Culver’s is the best fast food restaurant I’ve ever had

>> No.12125064

>licks and tim hortons at the top

holy shit is this the 90's?

>> No.12125070


>> No.12125280
File: 762 KB, 1080x2220, TimHortons4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12125285

It really is true though. No one cuts corners like American fast-food operators.

>> No.12125286
File: 712 KB, 925x509, tim-hortons-gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12125748
File: 98 KB, 836x956, glorious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12125787

based. iron chef japan is nuts.

>> No.12125793

i went to a wimpys when i was in toronto last winter

decent amount of food portions

>> No.12126133


>> No.12126861

Pizza Pizza is some of the worst pizza I've ever paid money for. It tastes like something I would've been served from the cafeteria in elementary school.

>> No.12126889

this is something they actually served to a customer? fucking hell, even the worst Starbucks around here have higher standards than Tim Hortons. they might have stale, plastic food, godawful push button espresso, and utterly braindead employees with shit attitudes, but at least they know how to toast a bagel without turning it into fucking charcoal

>> No.12126945

>three of the lowest tiers are greek

im insulted, but not surprised.

>> No.12127137

At the Pizza Pizza in my town, you have to specifically say you want your pizza well done or else you'll be given a really gummy, barely cooked slab of dough.
Gino's Pizza used to be one of the more popular pizza joints in my town until it failed a health inspection test and was closed for about a year. It's open again but everybody's too scared to go eat their now kek.

>> No.12127175

>"Could I have a pizza without so much rat in it?"

>> No.12127176

>SWISS Chalet
Based retard

>> No.12127351


>> No.12127388

when i eat burger baron i make big cums

>> No.12127389

United States.

>> No.12127391

>implying America didn't invent Switzerland

>> No.12127395

you can shit on tim hortons all you want, but the turkey bacon club with a frozen lemonade is my fucking JAM

>> No.12127708

>Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons stopped being good over a decade ago.

>> No.12128443

Just tried this in Jamaica Queens and holy shit not only was it not good it was pretty expensive. The Donuts were small and looked like shit.

>> No.12128449
File: 12 KB, 301x168, American Stores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American fast food joints use low quality ingredients
That's because most of 'merica is ghetto as fuck, crime ridden shitholes AKA "flyover" cities

>> No.12129082

I know people who ask for it double or triple toasted. Can't argue with the customer.

>> No.12129092

Worked there. Cooking time for a regular pizza was 6:00, lightly done was 5:30, and well done was 7:00.

>> No.12129097

>St-Hubert and Swiss Chalet in Monarchy tier
Really? Non, mais pour vrai là?

>> No.12130197

America because we invented fast food.

>> No.12131696

Sa monarchie a besoin du couteau triangulaire.

>> No.12131702

>The first Canadian A&W restaurant opened in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1956.
>On June 20, 1919, Roy W. Allen opened his first root beer stand in Lodi, California. Four years later, A&W began when Allen and Frank Wright opened their drive-in restaurant in Sacramento, California, combining both of their initials for the name, and selling the root beer from Allen's stand

>> No.12131726
File: 45 KB, 1057x641, D0awrURX0AEtzXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only non-Americans will say any other country

>> No.12132173

compare american chick fila to european chick fila, oh wait you can't

>> No.12133830

Certainly not Canada. Although a Mary Brown's just opened up in my city and I have yet to try it. How is it compared to Popeyes/KFC? I have a feeling it's only popular because muh Newfie heritage but I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.12133847

I didn't post any local chains retard

>> No.12134038

Based albertan

>> No.12134198

Also they have different music on every station. I've seen people sleeping in train and waking up to the sound of the station they want to leave.
Also they have exclusives in convenience stores at stations to encourage exploring.

Their transit system is fucking amazing.

>> No.12134736

can confirm
t. leaf

>> No.12134922

Isn't alberta like the equivalent of wyoming in the US? In which case it's an absolute food desert.

>> No.12134929

>one has literally one location
>the other has less than ten in the same region
>not local

>> No.12135053
File: 223 KB, 500x324, maga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Texas. Everyone in their respective countries wishes they would just fuck off and secede already.

>> No.12135131

This is hilarious just by virtue of him being Canadian

>> No.12135932
File: 52 KB, 993x995, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey speaking of fast food has there ever been a time where /ck flooded a fast food joint with bad reviews?
If so was it funny?

>> No.12135940

nice try, hippy scum

>> No.12136466

M&Ms are not the same thing as Smarties

>> No.12136539

Get out ontario fag

>> No.12136546

I think you mean Marisol, it's all flips buddy