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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12121555 No.12121555 [Reply] [Original]

did you have a favorite snack to eat at home after getting bullied at school?

I'd pour a big bowl of lays barbecue potato chips and retreat into my room for a while

>> No.12121569
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>> No.12121570

I was never bullied at school but I'd do anything to be bullied by a cute girl with small breasts.
My comfort food has always been homemade grilled cheese

>> No.12121601

I can't remember eating food on bullying days, but I do remember coming home from Irish dance and polishing off at least a half gallon of ice cream. Never bothered with the bowl, just a spoon and the carton.

The best one was checker board vanilla and chocolate.

>> No.12121650

I never got bullied, just ignored

>> No.12121673

After school I'd eat a full meal, I had an adderall script so I'd skip lunch at school, when I came home was about the time I was crashing, so I'd eat my fist meal of the day right after school.

I was never bullied.

>> No.12121677

Celeste sausage pizza for one. They don't sell the sausage variety here anymore and they changed the recipe. The cheese used to be so tangy and msg'd up or something like that.

>> No.12121928

I was the bully.

One of the kids we picked on killed himself a couple of years ago lmao

>> No.12121957


kill yourself you fucking weeb

(unironically bullying OP)

OP is a faggot

>> No.12121978
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Nacho cheese shapes

>> No.12122018
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>> No.12122031

I'm not a fatty fatty two by four who can't fit through the kitchen door. I'm also not a dog. So no I don't eat purely to feel better

>> No.12122035
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Veiled attempt to start an anime thread on /ck/ but the triple 5's don't lie so what the hell

>> No.12122036


>> No.12122045

I got bullied while simultaneously starting both ways on a successful football team in the south. Riddle me that.

Chick Fil A waffle fries and a shake.

>> No.12122253

i wish i was bullied by girls

>> No.12122265

Never bullied, I fought every kid who tried to bully me as I changed schools every year from parents moving around. I did overeat the fuck out of breakfast cereal though. I was a latchkey kid so would get home before my parents did, make a huge bowl of cereal and watch movies I wasn't supposed to watch, then eat dinner after.

I became a massive pork beast but after Grade 7 the weight just disappeared as I sprouted a foot in size

>> No.12123188


>> No.12123194

Every time I see this image I can't help but to be reminded of that one black namefag

>> No.12123273

Similar, though it was more of a group activity. I did hook up with the gay kid after I went away for a couple semesters of uni. We left an impression because he developed a fetish for it at some point. Other gay kid killed himself but Im 99% sure we had nothing to do with it

>> No.12123279

I got bullied by a girl (and her brother) but she was all feral and gross. Not at all like in my animes.

Her brother chilled right the fuck out after he almost died from lymphoma or something.

>> No.12123325

Pills and 2 liters of soda to keep the anxiety down ;-; *feels bad

>> No.12123331

Why did you bully him?

>> No.12123339

It should be some ice for your hands after you totally beat the shit out of them. Bullies don't stop until you show them your willing to hurt them worse then they will hurt you.

>> No.12123369

underage phone poster get out

>> No.12123372

In my experience it doesn't even take you beating the shit out of them. One good punch back and they will move on to easier targets.

>> No.12123429


>> No.12123513
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>tfw never going to get hatefucked by the baseball team captain that beat me up in the locker room

>> No.12123871

My mom had dinner cooked for me when I got home. Fag

>> No.12123950
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Nobody actually wants to be bullied by cute girls. You always think you want it but then it actually happens and it's just. Ow. This cute girl wants nothing to do with me at all. Is there really something wrong with me? Anyone who's actually experienced it can relate.

>> No.12123968

I was the bully, you fucking loser :)

>> No.12124005

did it ever occur to you that your obesity was one of the reasons you got bullied?

>> No.12124398

I would eat salsa nachos back before Doritos came to NZ. I would fume and fester and hate everyone and everything. Seething

Turns out it was more ostracized than bullied.

>> No.12124715

>Never bullied, I fought every kid who tried to bully me

Same, I was a weird nerd until high school but always spazzed and beat the dogshit out of anyone who thought my social pariah status made me a target

>> No.12124952
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I'd eat a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream with captain crunch mixed in.

>> No.12126307


>> No.12126322

because kids are like that no matter what species it is
you see the weak link and you bully him out
the purpose of this is to thin the competition for food and safety
its like a puppy being the runt of the litter but instead its the runt of the entire school
kids are like wild animals because human behavior is learned

>> No.12126373

wheat thins, or cold spaghetti sprinkled with lawrys and molly mcbutter sprinkles while watching batman the animated series.

My carb problems started early.

>> No.12127535

No, I've had a fucked up digestive tract my whole life so it was more common that I'd get sick randomly in the middle of the day because I ate breakfast.
At some point in 1st grade I went home early every day for two weeks. Discovered that I can't eat grapefruit on an empty stomach, which sucks because I love grapefruit.
Eventually I just started not eating breakfast to avoid this, so I'd eat my first meal of the day after school: usually a soft pretzel or a slice of bread or a bagel, fruit, a cup of oatmeal, and a pudding cup or granola bar.