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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 640x480, sad 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12120725 No.12120725 [Reply] [Original]

we don't have poptarts where I live, how are they?

>> No.12120733

Just eat handful of sugar with cinnamon - you are not missing out on anything. It's just marketing strategy to make boomer spend money on unhealthy shit

>> No.12120742

>where I live
The jungle?

>> No.12120743

You ever fuck so good that it makes you wonder if God exists somewhere out there in the form of a rich pink strawberry?

Yeah it's like that.

>> No.12120745

close; South America.

>> No.12120748

they're pretty good, but now it's more of a nostalgic thing than anything else.

>> No.12120752

That's what you get for living in a third world shithole.

>> No.12120753
File: 65 KB, 538x300, confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's terrible
>it's good
>it's the best
huh? which is it?

>> No.12120758
File: 31 KB, 601x508, I am fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be American
>get shot

>> No.12120761

s'mores poptarts are the only acceptable flavor

>> No.12120763

The s'more ones are fucking great, toasted or right out of the sleeve. Not a fan of pretty much any other poptart though.
There's got to be a generic equivalent, right? Anything close to a toaster-ready rectangle pastry filled with shit?

>> No.12120765

It’s aight

>> No.12120768
File: 732 KB, 300x168, 1546823527071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be born there next time.

>> No.12120777

Das rite

>> No.12120779

based. The only ones I like are strawberry, cookies & cream, smore, and cinnamon sugar.

>> No.12120805

They’re ok, kinda dry and some of them lack flavor somehow sometimes. Of the ones I’ve tried strawberry and gingerbread have been my favorites, with strawberry milkshake being ok on occasion

>> No.12120842

Just add icing and jam to a piece of cardboard, same thing

>> No.12120843

they're garbage
imagine the cheepest graham cracker with dried up cheap grocery store cake frosting and food dye. Also a pasty sort of filling thats kinda like fruit by the foot

aw hell you probably don't have any of those other food items for comparison, just know that you're not missing out on anything worth while

>> No.12120847
File: 103 KB, 1000x750, sad 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-We do have Graham crackers

>> No.12120861
File: 28 KB, 400x400, laugh facepalm cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aw hell you probably don't have any of those other food items for comparison
OP, if you have the ingredients listed in this long-ass recipe/blog you can try to make some homemade poptarts, they look pretty alright.

>> No.12120885

they aren't anything special, stop falling for their gay ass commercials.
>cannot get full off of them
>shitty filling
>too expensive for the amount of them in the box
>horrible breakfast supplement
when given the option (which is all the time) i choose eating nothing over eating poptarts.

>> No.12120899

god, that kitten, I just want to hold and protect it

>> No.12121304

Taste like cardboard you're not missing out

>> No.12121310


>> No.12121319

There's worse boomerfoods out there but nothing to lose sleep over. I remember them being occasionally enjoyable but often disappointing .

>> No.12121331

cheap processed pastry sugar bomb
I used to like them and eat them all the time but now I try to avoid sugar after getting very sick and realizing that sugar was a big trigger for it. Wish I could have a poptart.

oh also the flavors can be misleading, I think that's why some people say they are good vs garbage because they expect something else from whatever flavor they tried.

>> No.12121749

>how are they?

>> No.12121759

They're ok. If I had one I'd maybe eat it. Wouldn't go out of my way to get one though

>> No.12122246

I can't really imagine a non-American adult enjoying them. I don't think anybody else can tolerate as much sugar as we can.

>> No.12122370

depends on how much of a sweet tooth you have. they're pastries with sugar inside with a sugar coating, coming in various flavours. if you have strawberry fig newtons they're somewhat similar in a way.

>> No.12122752

If you cannot get pop tarts where you live best bet is contact the Pop Tart Association of America and tell em to make it right with your grocers.

>> No.12122958

Your'e not missing anything.

>> No.12123784

If you mean toasty pastries in general, they are delicious, be they soft and fresh or flat and room temperature straight from the box.

If you mean Pop-Tarts specifically, it's best to avoid anything by Killhogs.

>> No.12123819

They're alright. Used to be better when was a kid. Whether or not that's because kids like sweet stuff more or they were genuinely made better I couldn't say.

>> No.12125696

I'll give it a try.

>> No.12125709

Hope they turn out okay, anon. Good luck!

>> No.12125737

>Start by rolling out two premade
stopped reading, the recipe is dead easy though and I'll probably just make it with puff pastry and say fuck it.

>> No.12125800

>Meh. Not worth the calories


>> No.12125805

The only ones I can stomach are the blueberry or strawberry ones. The other varieties are too sugary or too rich. Even then pop tarts still give me a stomachache and I feel shitty for hours afterwards.

>> No.12125816

Recipe blogs are always trash, but it was the first thing that popped up when I searched "homemade poptarts" for OP.

>> No.12125818

Poptarts are just a meme product that is marketed to children. It looks like it should taste good, when in fact it very much does not. They exist on the power of marketing.

Do you get Little Debbie's or something similar. Those are far, far better than pop tarts and the same price. I've never seen a Little Debbie's commercial, since they actually taste good and don't need to brainwash children in order to sell their product.

>> No.12125853

>Little Debbie's
Nutty Bars are my shit, OP should give them a try if he hasn't already.

>> No.12126176

Top tier:
>Brown Sugar Cinnamon
>Chocolate Fudge
>Chocolate Vanilla Creme

Reasonably good tier:
>Chocolate Chip
>Apple Cinnamon

Not bad tier:
>Cinnamon Roll
>Wild Berry
>Red Velvet