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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12118594 No.12118594 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically just saw an ad on YouTube for cricket powder. For human consumption. Fml. Fuck this clown country.

From their website:
>Made with crickets farmed right here in >Canada, this 100% cricket powder is a >nutritious, versatile food that is high in >protein and an excellent source of vitamin >B12. Finely groundwith a mild taste, it can >be added to smoothies, sauces, chili, >curries and baking batters.

That's right folks. They are running the prices up on meat so they can force bug meal upon us.

>> No.12118602

Prawns are bugs.

>> No.12118611

Good foul and livestock are destroying the environment and should be a rare treat to eat only

>> No.12118651

>Canadians weakening the purity of our essence with strange foreign foodstuffs


>> No.12118658
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>> No.12118660


they sell roasted crickets in shops in finland
they are pretty banging ngl

>> No.12118676

What does this contribute to your post other than demonstrating that you're retarded?

>> No.12118725

It lets people know I wasn't watching it ironically, moron.

>> No.12118752

Snowpiercer food

>> No.12118753


it's a good idea once they push the prices down on the cricket powder. Cheap protein is cheap protein, and bugs are cheap to raise and grind.

Sadly, currently you have to pay like 50e per kg for some crushed bugs. No thanks.

>> No.12118770

And? Bugs are an excellent source of protein

>> No.12118788

what's wrong with eating bugs? other than "they're icky".

>> No.12118793

Jewish agendas, that's what.

>> No.12118796

Is your mental illness a Jewish agenda too?

>> No.12118810

Anon, that's not how you use 'unironically'. 'Literally' would be a better word. Also, do you 'unironically' believe that the shortage of meat was deliberately manipulated instead of being the natural consequence of decades of unsustainable farming?

>> No.12118864

>I’m ENTITLED to meat

Go kill it yourself if you want it so bad. It’s not like it’s hard.

>> No.12118877

Kys nazi scum

>> No.12119037

Nothing. They're better for you than any other kind of meat. Full in protein and no fat whatsoever.

>> No.12119042

Your perception of my mental state is one, yes.

>> No.12119061

Let them eat their bugs like the chimps they are.

More meat and potatoes for the real human beings.

>> No.12119519

I would eat basically anything if you could get it to taste good. I don’t see why anyone should be squeamish about eating crickets when any other animal is just as gross, I mean they’re walking sacks of piss and shit

>> No.12119554


I’m an actual nazi, but tell me how this fits into the Jewish agenda, I’m curious

>> No.12119555

>They are running the prices up on meat so they can force bug meal upon us.

Have you checked the price on the cricket powder? It's $15 for 113 g (4 oz).

>> No.12119559

you can raise them sustainably without monocultures of soy and corn you fucking brainlet

>> No.12119564

I may possibly eat a cricket but I would never eat a cockroach or an ant or a spider because I consider those insects repulsive and dirty. You have to have a really low self worth to even consider eating a cockroach. They are symbols of filth and decay for a reason.

>> No.12119567

You’re retarded - why would you ironically watch an ad, especially an ad that you don’t have any control as to whether or not you can choose to view it, ironically or not?

>> No.12119673

just ordered some on amazon thanks OP!

>> No.12119694


OP actually works for Big Soy and is trying to turn people off of this superior protein powder so they keep buying shit soy based powder.

>> No.12119710
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