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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12114691 No.12114691 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.12114701

Is that the whore who was good at baking cakes but terrible at controlling her kitchen? And the guy next to her financed her store?

>> No.12114703
File: 58 KB, 500x335, beautiful-ideas-kitchen-nightmares-fake-appliances-tips-and-review-amy-samy-amazing-reddit-caviar-episode-fakery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it Reddit!

>> No.12114710

One is a con artist and identity thief and the other is an international deug smuggler. Both were retarded enough to put themselves on television.

>> No.12114718

Turned out she bought all the cakes. Their restaurant was clearly a front to launder sammie's drug money.

>> No.12114721
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>> No.12114770

Wait is that really true or just conjecture? I can tell they're both higher than Charlie Sheen riding a giraffe that's on a tiger in a spaceship.

>> No.12114786
File: 50 KB, 498x262, amy baking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12114800

Its absolutely true. I'm not sure what ended up happening but the government was trying to deport sammie because he didn't reveal his drug smuggling convictions when applying for a US visa. I know the case went to court but I'm not sure if he was deported or not. The crazy bitch has previous convictions for identity theft. The money laundering is conjecture but having been in the marijuana growing business for the last 15 years i think I'm qualified to spot a money laundering front when i see one.

>> No.12114868
File: 65 KB, 1226x1091, Miranda - kitchen nightmares2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12114872

Based desu

>> No.12114879

Oh heavenly blessed beauty, whose inner beauty is simply diving and everlasting, I would love to be your knight in shining armor. If you want to talk to a good friend, honest, sweet and tender, you can do with me at any moment, I am a good person, kind, loyal and sincere. My friendship that I offer you is clean and transparent. I congratulate to you, because you are very beautiful, your beauty, your charming figure, your pleasant and angelical smile, your personality, your happiness, your charm, your kindness, your beautiful eyes, your lips soft and exquisite, delicate your hands, your legs precious Your beautiful, spectacular and divine body, you have all these qualities and more, you are a wonderful and perfect woman, your gaze is tender and sweet, penetrating my soul. The beauty of a rose has no comparison with the sweetness of your face and the beauty of your heart. I am of the people, I like to have a good relationship with all my friends.

>> No.12114880

Definite money laundering vibe and in the episode the guy even says he's a gangster when he's arguing with Gordon.

>> No.12114887

Holy shit, they really were stupid as hell. It's one thing to be ON drugs, it's a whole other thing to run a drug smuggling scheme while being an immigrant to a country.

>> No.12114895
File: 59 KB, 1163x1091, Miranda - kitchen nightmares1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12114900

I don't believe he was smuggling while in the US. He made his money smuggling years ago and stashed the money, went to prison and retrieved it when he got out. He then came to the US and has been living off of it ever since by washing the drug money through the restaurant.

>> No.12114962

Still not very bright. At least put it in a swiss bank account or something. Using a significant other's business as a means of laundering never works, at least not for long.

>> No.12114969

This why didn't that oldfag just go crypto? That's what it's really for anyways

>> No.12114974

What makes you think an oldfag even knows what "crypto" is?

>> No.12114977

swiss bank accounts aren’t havens anymore

>> No.12114984

Idk i figure criminals are pretty savvy especially on things commonly done in the drug trade. Its kinda their job you know?

>> No.12114985

Because he probably wasn't aware of crypto.

>> No.12114991

I'm sure he knows all about how things were done in the drug trade....when he was in it, which has got to be pushing 20 years or more in the past at this point. Crypto wasn't even well known when this episode aired on TV.

>> No.12114993

Laundering money isn't very hard. All you have to do is hire an accountant who can create the proper accounting books for your "business" so the IRS never comes snooping around. Restaurants make good fronts because it's almost impossible to prove that money didn't come from paying customers. Cryptos are shit for long term laundering because they leave too many records with third parties that you have no control over and who could potentially be subpoenaed. They also fluctuate violently in value which means you could lose money.

>> No.12114999

classic lolcow

>> No.12115029

Fair enough but they still got caught. It's probably easier to do from a food distribution company tho.

>> No.12115123

They didn't get caught in any legal sense for laundering money. Sammie got caught on an immigration violation because he's an egomaniac and brought too much attention to himself. Few people actually get caught laundering money. as long as the government is getting their tax money they aren't going to look too hard.

>> No.12115191

to take in the armies of chirst

>> No.12115214

Seconded. They refused to take in the armies of chirst.

>> No.12115667

kitchen knight mares

>> No.12115957

Now imagine agreeing to show that on TV

>> No.12115968


>> No.12116383

gangster as fuck. Id eat there

>> No.12116389

fuck off

>> No.12116450


>> No.12117027

I'd love to get balls deep into that crazy bitch.

>> No.12117852

Was she a good cat mom though?<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F431;</div>

>> No.12117856


>> No.12118184

Insane trophy wife whore thought she can play store with people giving her good feedback while her sugar daddy was trying to pretty much extort people when they realize the food is shit.

>> No.12118997
File: 27 KB, 453x465, O1GtFiV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trophy wife

>> No.12119025

For a ancient guy like Sammie I’d say she’s a big win. She probably fucks like a banshee too.