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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 640x427, 8ruwisW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12103421 No.12103421 [Reply] [Original]

Everything I like has been condemned by God.

>> No.12103434

1 shrimp = 4 dicks

>> No.12103445

I tried that on my last girl.
She just laughed harder.

>> No.12103460

OK, I'll bite. What does the bible say about shrimp?

>> No.12103471

In the Old Testament. I.e. the Jewish Torah.

>> No.12103474

Shellfish, pork (animals with uncloven hooves or something), clothing of mixed fibers, and some other shit are haram.

>> No.12103475


Well yeah, that's what I meant by God. Did you think I'm a Chr*stian?

>> No.12103479 [DELETED] 

Not the Torah, the Tenakh.

>> No.12103482

I mean does it specify why?

>> No.12103490

Is there a historical reason that Jews decided to write this?

>> No.12103495
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Not that I know of. It is ancient desert law, so probably just because it's unclean? Diseases and whatnot more than religion, I would bet.

It's also Leviticus which is filled retarded laws, so who cares anyways? OT is for Jews.

>> No.12103532

Yeah, a mythical sky pilot whispered it to some deranged lunatic.

>> No.12103533

Why do people still reference the OT when it's gone the way of the dinosaur for the most part

>> No.12103544

because people are still religious

>> No.12103554

because jesus said he has come to amend the old testament, not to invalidate it
it all still applies to you, religion is not a salad bar where you can pick and choose

>> No.12103568

Deveining and peeling was already relatively fast by hand, but it was likely very easy to get sick from prawns and shellfish during antiquity if not cleaned and cooked properly. Most of the laws in the OT and Leviticus were just the misinformed beginnings of food safety guidelines.

>> No.12103569

>religion is not a salad bar where you can pick and choose
I mean, thats kind of exactly what it is

>> No.12103574

Why do you expect religious people to be rational?

>> No.12103575

>religion is not a salad bar where you can pick and choose
It is in practice.

>> No.12103581

Good thing God isn’t real and Jesus was just a crazy cult leader and early communist.

>> No.12103589


Do you want to know how I can tell you're American?

>> No.12103600
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Because some people aren't Heretics.

>> No.12103603

We really don't know what Jesus did or said. The historical consensus is basically just "he was probably a real person who lived in Judea and was killed by the government" beyond that is just speculation

>> No.12103604
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>Modeling your life after a science fiction book written by a 3000yo L.Ron Hubbard

>> No.12103614

Well its part of the Bible. Did jesus say something about ignoring the old jewy parts of the bible?

>> No.12103616
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Isn't that his thing?
If it's good, it's forbidden.
Enjoy your free will.

>> No.12103617

Are you retarded or just underage?

>> No.12103622

The fuck are you talking about? What percentage or religious people do 100% of their religion's historical beliefs? Almost no Christians follow the bible completely. Even a devoutly religious person must recognize that most religious people pick and chose which of their historical tenants they want to follow

>> No.12103623
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>there's no choice. my specific branch of religion is the only true one.
Listen to this anon!

>> No.12103631

Just switch religions when its most convenient for you. Just don't forget to revert back and repent before you die

>> No.12103653

>What percentage or religious people do 100% of their religion's historical beliefs? Almost no Christians follow the bible completely.

Christians don't represent all religious people, retard.

>> No.12103660

Do they need to for this example to make sense? What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.12103665

they make up the large majority of religious people in the western world, who cares what primitive 3rd worlders believe?

>> No.12103667

pork spoiled faster than other meats at the time. more people eating spoiled meat means more disease, which leads to economic and military weakness. the only really effective way of getting your whole empire to change their diet quickly is to tell them their god says not to do it.

whether or not you are religious is your own business but it is foolish to think that it is has not been twisted throughout history to mould society's development by the ruling class

>> No.12103684

>What does that have to do with anything?

Jews and Muslims, Buddhists, etc. follow their religious beliefs

>> No.12103693

Jews are even less adherent than christains these days. Muslims are likely more devout on average but many, many muslims don't follow all of their rules either. Buddhism is a philosophy, not really a religious in most senses of the term. And all of this is entirely beside the point. Even if 100% of muslims were 100% devout that doesn't make my initial statement about many religious people picking and choosing what to believe false

>> No.12103706

Im a devout Christian. I just don’t follow any of the beliefs or practices

>> No.12103709


>> No.12103812

the old testament is canon in all major forms of christianity

>> No.12103827

because it's part of the christian canon and was actually extremely important to the original christians as well as jesus himself. churches claiming some kind of "apostolic" authenticity (the major ones) whilst ignoring the OT are hypocrites and frauds.

>> No.12103837

all religious are fraudulent to be fair

>> No.12103847

Seems like it worked though

>> No.12103862

Well its no surprise that western society only started advancing beyond the rest of the world when they started ignoring more and more christain rules, most notably the one banning usury which was a prerequisite for the modern economy

>> No.12103913

And now the jews control the West and it's close to collapse so explain that one for us

>> No.12103936

because you would die eating that shit in the middle east back then

>> No.12104073

tattoos also

>> No.12104109

>About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray.
>He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance.
>He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.
>It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds
>Then a voice told him, "Get up, Peter. Kill and eat."
>"Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."
>The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."
>This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.

>> No.12104110

Not really. Different hordes of filthy illiterate monkeys had very particular eating habits based on where they lived and what skill sets they passed on from generation to generation. All those retarded laws were just a way of enforcing intermarriage within the "good" monkeys and preventing intermarriage between "incompatible" monkeys. It was the ancient version of "I don't eat fast food" or "chicken is for the blacks".

>> No.12104123

let me clear this up.

The dietary laws were a part of the old covenant God made with the Israelites through Moses. They were to set them apart as a holy people, so that the surrounding nations would marvel at them and glorify God. Now that we are in the New Covenant, these old laws have passed away and all foods are clean, see Acts 10. However multiple times in the NT homosexuality is condemned as sin. We don't stone them to death as was practiced under the Law, but it is still sinful. On the other hand, as all foods are declared to be clean Christians as free to eat the foods they want.

But this is Bible 101 and has been discussed to death, so OP is a heretic looking to stir trouble I suppose.

>> No.12104134

While I agree with your explanation, your fast food example is wrong. Plenty of people may not eat it simply because they don't like it. It's not necissarily some silly tribialism bullshit like muh sports team is better than your sports team.

>> No.12104143

>Plenty of people may not eat it simply because they don't like it.
Talk to a non-practicing Jew who grew up Orthodox some time and ask them about shrimp. They'll say exactly that. "Oh I don't have any religious reasons I just think it's gross".

It's just programming dude. I don't like fast food either but I don't fool myself into thinking it's not tribalism manifested as food preference.

>> No.12104152

Based and not retarded anon

>> No.12104194

god says so

>> No.12104196

Why do people burn in hell for a victimless crime? Didn't god make everything and doesn't that mean he, in a sense, coded the capability for humans to be faggots?

>> No.12104214

Jews do not control the west and it is not near collapse

>> No.12104216

SO god backtracked on the whole what animals you can't eat thing? Seems strange for an infallible being to be so wishywashy

>> No.12104222

>They were to set them apart as a holy people, so that the surrounding nations would marvel
So kind of like vegans today? They just became picky eaters so people would pay attention to them and their beliefs and so they could constantly bring it up and tell everyone about how special they are?

>> No.12104233

I see the fedoras are tipping extra vigorously today.

>> No.12104238
File: 2.22 MB, 1452x952, Screen-Shot-2014-04-17-at-7.42.18-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is a pretty strange Guy, you should look into the whole free will thing.

>> No.12104240
File: 108 KB, 1280x904, 1280px-World-population-in-extreme-poverty-absolute.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world is literally better than it has ever before been thanks to western capitalism and the demise of religiosity that allowed it

>> No.12104245

>tips mitre

>> No.12104252

What does free will have to do with this situation?

Also I like the part where god sends bears to maul children for making fun of a bald guy the best

>> No.12104256 [DELETED] 

> victimless crime
Except that's not true. Sin is a transgression of God's Laws. His standards are the highest and most true, as everything he says is be definition truth, and he is the embodiment of justice. Sin is not a victimless crime, it is a crime against the maker of the entire universe (and you). His justice demands that sin be punished, and the punishment for violating God's Laws is death. As for 'coding', I seriously doubt such a thing as 'the gay gene' exists, but even if it did, it is contrary to God's good design at creation and is a part of the fall, whereby all of creation was subject to a curse by God because of Adam's sin.
No, when God adopted the Israelites as His people, a part of the covenant (agreement or contract) he made with them was that they would not eat unclean foods. This was primarily to separate them from the surrounding nations so that, as these nations see the peculiarities of Israel, they begin to see that the God of Israel is very different to anything else. God is holy, therefore His people were (supposed to be) holy.

>> No.12104263

If you've never thought about how free will fits into religion (or doesn't if that's your take), you're dumber than a small child. A child of average intelligence starts thinking about this stuff at around the age of six.

>> No.12104267

Then why are American senators, congressmen, and even the president so beholden to Israel, a small nation surrounded by a bunch of angry sandmen? America is effectively an oligarchy controlled by rich Israelis and the citizens suffer for it.

>> No.12104268

>Sin is a transgression of God's Laws.
Well at least some fucking guy's interpretation of it

>> No.12104270

>free will except those hundreds of divine interventions and life being predetermined in Gods ways

>> No.12104272

>he made with them was that they would not eat unclean foods
The more important question is why god considered them unclean. Also, your explanation still sounds exactly like veganism

>> No.12104274

Well at least one person here is as smart as a six year old. You should try to help out this guy >>12104252

>> No.12104275

Vegans are not christschizos

>> No.12104277

If God is perfect why did Cain murder Abel? Why did he put a knowledge apple next to an evil snake and a clayman, all of his own creation? How does this retard blame Adam for everything? He doesn't sound perfect to me.

>> No.12104280

I'm not gonna say we couldn't do some things better but quality of life across the world is at historical highs, wars are less common than ever, people live longer and have access to more and better things, who gives a fuck about Israel? This is a super minor issue in the broader scope of things

>> No.12104287

>Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Enjoy Satan’s uncut cock, heretic

>> No.12104289

We were talking about ancient jews and their dietary rules being like vegans

>> No.12104295
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>Jews do not control the west and it is not near collapse

>> No.12104300

Because they're ethno nationalist retards who want everyone who isn't a jew to die and they currently hold a ton of power in the U.S which assists them in the destruction of their mortal enemies, the christians of Europe and sandmen in the middle east? They're willing to destroy everything but its okay until it's gone? Then what

>> No.12104306

>bro cut your cock tip off and then have a gay rabbi suck it and give you herpes
That god sure was wacky

>> No.12104312

you sound like a fucking madman, Israel doesn't matter that much. Sure the US chooses to back them over their muslim neighbors, sometimes questionably, but is this really the defining issue of the era for you? This is insane

>> No.12104319

>Israel doesn’t matter that much
Yeah other than having the most powerful controlling lobby in America and the globe and dragging said countries into the Middle East. You sound like a brain damaged retard.

>> No.12104324

Bro whats insane is that some shitstain backwater country controls the fucking senate. Would you be okay with fucking senators saying STAND WITH SERBIA and sending billions of tax payer dollars over?

>> No.12104325

>believing in God

>> No.12104327

economics matters way more than foreign policy bullshit

>> No.12104338

They influence the senate in a very narrow set of issues, stop being hyperbolic. Yes they have caused us to waste money that we shouldn't have, but that doesn't mean that "western civilization is close to collapse"

>> No.12104339
File: 6 KB, 245x206, 389EAD80-9F33-40FA-B13E-0FD4AE24B263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economics isnt an issue within foreign policy

>> No.12104342

Yeah okay, so the rise of terrorism across the globe doesn't matter? 9/11 was okay I guess. Who cares about the trucks of peace anyway? The fuck, you think those incel terrorists arent sperging out for a reason?

>> No.12104344

Yes. It's their bronze age variety of (((knowledge))). Back then they just believed some random things about food and health.

>> No.12104348

A very narrow set of issues that diverts trillions and trillions of dollars and hundreds of millions of lives. But sure. Dead palestinians are cool because you dont want to look anti semitic

>> No.12104349

America's stance on Israel, or even the middle east as a whole is just a tiny portion of what is going on, and an absurdly narrow thing to focus on

>> No.12104352

The post communism era of American hegemony has been the most peaceful era humanity has ever seen. Again, everything is not perfect but things are historically unprecedentedly good

>> No.12104354

Oh thanks. Your 10th time repeating this convinced me this time

>> No.12104356

>the Bible bans shrimp but not Fortnite
What did they mean by this?

>> No.12104357

Maybe you missed the muslims flooding into europe with intent to replace the populace. If you're american, time to learn espanol because 2/3rds of your government wants slave labour from the mexicans at the expense of your poor people

>> No.12104359

>hundreds of millions of lives
can I see your math?

>> No.12104360


The jews meme is getting less funny. Sad!

>> No.12104366

There's nothing wrong with any of that though. Mexicans are harder working and more respectable than poor whites.

>> No.12104367

Peace doesn't last forever. The west is weak. When do enemies attack again?

>> No.12104370

Well if you cannot be convinced that Israel is not the only important matter of the modern world maybe you should return to /pol/

>> No.12104377

And poor blacks too, right? Cause thats who's really going to be fucked when your welfare state collapses under the weight of mexico's finest. Take a look at mexico, the people running the country arent even the ones leaving.

>> No.12104378

there is literally nothing wrong with immigration

>> No.12104383

Its pretty simple. The economies of every country involved in the Middle East in the past 70 years. The people affected by the wars.

You’re right, it’s probably billions

>> No.12104384

Cool, mind if I move in?

>> No.12104386

Sure, I guess. I don't think about black people much. Apparently they're all you think about. I thought the master race had bigger things to worry about like rocket ships and stuff. Oops I guess that's just for the other whites huh?

>> No.12104388

As long as we do not forsake capitalism and free trade relative peace will last forever. We will never again see violence on the scale that two slightly different sides of the authoritarian coin, leftism and fascism, wrought.

>> No.12104389

I'm from Iraq.

>> No.12104390

I didn’t say they were. You literally cannot be convinced they’re anything more than some irrelevant dot on the map. Maybe you should play chicken with a noose

>> No.12104391
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>> No.12104393

You didn't refute his point, you just claimed what he said was a good thing.

>> No.12104392

The west still has insane military spending and no plausible enemy

>> No.12104396

The enemy isn't coming from overseas

>> No.12104398

God forbid we have more mexican restaurants

>> No.12104404

I'm also going to rape your wife and stab your brother, that's fine, right?

>> No.12104407

Of course I am not going to refute his point that "immigration is a thing", that is objectively true

>> No.12104411
File: 51 KB, 800x450, cylon-800x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm hmm, and I'm from the ice planet Hoth. Go back to Bajor, Reaver scum!

>> No.12104413

what is your enemy?

>> No.12104415 [DELETED] 

That is how the Bible presents the issue. Disagree if you like, but it won't make much difference in the end.
Why those ones? I don't know, He simply did, and as God He is well within His right to do so. That was the standard He chose. People will mention things like how pork can be very deadly if not cooked properly especially back in the days, but any benefits like that are purely secondary.
That happened after the fall. Sin permeates our very beings, it turns our hearts away from God and towards sin and unrighteousness. As for letting Adam sin in the first place? It is so that God may be glorified even more. Without the fall, we would have absolutely no knowledge of God's justice and mercy. At the end of time everyone will glorify God in front of the rest of creation. Creation will either say 'wow look at how great God is, he punished a wicked and unrighteousness man like anon', or it will say 'wow look at how great God is, He was so merciful to forgive a wicked and unrighteousness man like anon'.

>> No.12104416

>chicken mole is rape
Are you that guy who thinks limes are a fashionable new hipster fruit?

>> No.12104418

Love disarming retards like you, get shook white pussy.

>> No.12104427

*Me being you"
I dont have an argument so ill just be silly instead of graciously leaving the thread and reading a book or playing with kittens or riding my bike

>> No.12104429

I already rode 22 miles today, lifted, did my grocery shopping, and started a load of laundry. What have you done other than shitposted about the jews turning the frogs gay?

>> No.12104435

Thats illegal regardless of immigration

>> No.12104436

What is "shook white pussy", is this some new /pol/ sexual dysfunction? Does it replace constantly posting about BLACKED and cuckolding?

>> No.12104440

The fall sounds like an excuse and god sounds like an attention starved braggart. Look guys, everything is fucked, look how cool I am, now you can truly see. God should punish himself for this faggotry.

>> No.12104441

Why do people talk about laundry like it's a lot of work? Don't they have a machine?
Do they have a machine but they think folding the clean clothes is some backbreaking chore?

>> No.12104442

Chicken mole is rape. Hens get forcibly artificially inseminated to lay eggs and the cocks that dont get thrown in a grinder get milked for sperm then eventually grinded up and killed

>> No.12104663

I didn't "brag" on the anonymous jordinian christian conservative conversion therapy forum about being an NPC doing everyday side quests as a coping mechanism akin to flipping the board because I didn't like the rules.

>> No.12104664

>That is how the Bible presents the issue
Well at least the ones most modern churches settled on, but keep in mind the bible is not one thing, its just a bunch of stuff people wrote a really long time ago, and then people hundreds of years later sorted through and picked and chose the parts they like and excluded whatever did not meet their contemporary political needs. Throw in several layers of translations some good, some bad, none perfect and you have the "bible"

>> No.12104668

Millennial hillary voters are physically and mentally frail my guy. Lifting and laundry in a day tuckers them out

>> No.12104670

>but any benefits like that are purely secondary.
Its fucking insane if you don't think there were real world reasons they wrote these rules

>> No.12104671

It means you're a white soy boy pussy and you're probably trembling because your "uhhh blame white supremacy" card didn't work. Funny how you're okay with jewish nationalism but not the white version. Are you self hating?

>> No.12104673

Because it's not fun, like triggering fragile white redditors like you
>exercise is a coping mechanism
I guess that's true, but at least I won't die of a heart attack at 27 because I "coped" by inhaling tendies and energy drinks like you're doing right now.

>> No.12104676

It's not 10 years away, sure, but it's definitely not more than 150, very short period of time in terms of history.

>> No.12104677

I'm not white though. Now is the time when you try to guess where I'm from. You never get it right because you can't even find the US on a map.

>> No.12104680

Funny strawman or personal projection?
You decide!

>> No.12104682

It's also illegal to come her illegally but those fucking spics sure don't seem to care about that law either

>> No.12104684

>but it's definitely not more than 150
What are you possibly basing this on?

>> No.12104687

You are indeed correct, there's too many percentages involved. Hi mutt!

>> No.12104691

Ok you make sure to tell Him that

>> No.12104694

>overstaying your visa is the same as rape and murder
If you ever wonder why we think you're morally bankrupt, this is why. Right up there with "schools should force kids to pray because without fear of punishment by Jeebus everyone would be doing what they want aka committing murder and rape every day"

>> No.12104701

Hello inbred! Hey you should do 23andme, I'd love to know what happens. Does it break the system? Do they call the police?

Find out and let us know.

>> No.12104707

I won't cause it's some made up jew fairytale. God isn't perfect so there's no reason to even accept his existence. How gracious of him to burn me forever because there was reasonable doubt. This is why nobody takes christianity seriously. Heaven and hell are foolish concepts for children who cant behave. Not even jews are this stupid.

>> No.12104708

the vast majority of mexicans in America came legally
Illegal immigration has been falling for years, this is not a catastrophe

>> No.12104714

why do you chose to believe in a god? Why specifically your sect of christianity's?

>> No.12104716

Very becoming of a proud leftist mutt to create a racial hierarchy. You and ethno nationalists could be good friends. The fact that you're offended just goes to show YOU believe being a mixed race mutt is a negative quality. Fix your insecurity, and get out of that glass house little guy!

>> No.12104724
File: 5 KB, 110x122, jesusbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so was Jesus an alcoholic? cause I sure as fucking hell would be if I could turn water into wine. I'd have to taste it each time to make sure I did it right and the quality was there. and fucking a I'd have had way more disciples and Facebook friends if I did that trick all the time. And he wouldn't need any other miraculous superpowers because wine cures everything - at least temporarily.

>> No.12104740

>everyone has my specific brand of mental illness
Nope, mostly just you and your secret "anonymous" club. Although sometimes one of you snaps and becomes a celebrity, hopefully when you ultimately do that it won't be anywhere near me.

>> No.12104753

That it not at all what happened. The translation issue is a myth as every modern translation is made directly from the Ancient Greek manuscripts. As for the text itself, the earliest manuscripts date into the second century (though some new ones might be into the 1st), and though the canon wasn't formalised until the fourth century, it was well established what was scripture and what wasn't much earlier.
I belive the Bible and it presents those laws as handed down from God to make the Israelites a holy people. And that law was crucial and was written down, as it was given. If you don't want to accept the way the Bible presents itself that's fine and that's another discussion I'm not getting into, but if you're going to belive the Bible you need to read it as it presents itself, and as how the original audience would have understood it.

>> No.12104756

>I'd have to taste it each time to make sure I did it right and the quality was there.
You could taste it then spit it out like some wine tasters do.

I find having alcohol too often to be unpleasant though, even if it's not in large amounts, but it makes me feel more tired and not want to do anything so I only have some every few months at the most.

>> No.12104786

>and though the canon wasn't formalised until the fourth century, it was well established what was scripture and what wasn't much earlier.
There were many books that many chirstain groups considered canon early on that were later dropped for political reasons, or even just petty squabbles between church fathers. What was canon was definite not "well established" until hundreds of years after most of these books and many others written alongside them were recorded.
The early church was littered with debates back and forth about what counted and what didn't and what shape and direction they wanted the church to take, there was little consensus for centuries

>> No.12104789

Why would an omnipotent being need to taste the wine? He's divine, of course the wine is perfect every time.

>> No.12104791

>I belive the Bible and it presents those laws as handed down from God to make the Israelites a holy people
But they use the concept of "unclean", that implies a more specific reason than god arbitrarily wants to limit your diet like a vegan situation

>> No.12104798

what if you were having a bad day and accidentally turned it into Thunderbird or some shit like that?

>> No.12105194

Where does it say you're actually tortured for all time in hell? The Bible just says you're cut off from God and that's supposed to be the worst thing

>> No.12105210

America is the most Christian nation in the Anglosphere. Maybe the entire world if you don't count Vatican City.

>> No.12105452

>be american evangelical christian
>reject every moral and ethical teaching of Christ
>b-but he's the son of god and muh savior

>> No.12105461

>my jesus is the real jesus everyone else is doing it wrong

>> No.12105469

What a strange argument to make.
If you believe the Bible is the word of God you probably also believe it only has to condemn something once.
And I'm pretty sure Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed because the people living there were pigging out on prawn cocktails.

>> No.12105470
File: 55 KB, 500x492, funny-pictures-old-funnyjunk-auto-437620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck god, what has she done for me lately?

>> No.12105488

>I'm pretty sure
So you don't know...

>> No.12105498

No, I am sure. It's just the way I talk/type.
Most people understand that it should not be taken that literally. I'm pretty sure you'd have to be a fucking idiot not to.

>> No.12105501

Are you not a native English speaker? Idioms give you trouble?

>> No.12105569
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>A Universal Concept that is the whole of Reality has physical gender that can be defined.

>> No.12105613

Because it was seen as being the same as eating insects since theyre both "bloodless" creatures and look disgusting

>> No.12105644

back then there was no such thing as refrigeration. making "laws" that would prevent the type of behavior that could lead to the extinction of the chosen people if it weren't nipped in the bud - like eating pork or shellfish - made sense in that time and place

>> No.12105678

it spoils fast so it's god anger and not just hygiene issue for them

>> No.12105692

>all this bullshitting around the facts
You don't know whether sodom and gomorrah were or weren't infested with shrimp eating degenerates. You can act like you're so sure, but you weren't there. It's not written either. You may tell yourself your sure, but you can't be, and you know it. And your precious idiom, if you really knew what it meant, only shows that speaker believes(!) he's sure, but cannot actually prove this.
BAM! atheists vs relifags 1-0.

>> No.12105700

That's it, fuck the Bible

>> No.12105731

Because god told Moses and he said so, and that's that! Just like Joseph Smith found the golden plates which no one else could see and translated them into the "Book of Mormon." God bless us everyone!

>> No.12105744

>extinction of the chosen people if it weren't nipped in the bud - like eating pork or shellfish
The fuck, I love pork and shellfish now!

>> No.12106040
File: 29 KB, 100x100, response to fundies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same part constantly quoted as the only part against homosexuality, something completely ignored in the new testament.

Because it's easier to write "it's a sin to eat this" than "only eat if just caught and prepare it this way so it's afe."

>> No.12106048

LOL. Atheists BTFO. Really good comic, are there more?

>> No.12106052

The first definitive point things about him were actually written down was 50 years after he died, and those can't even agree on historical markers that would date his birth. (There's a 50 year gap between King Herod's rule and Governor Quirinius' census, for instance.)

>> No.12106075

>Contextless meme graph that implies everything's fine

>> No.12106079

Leviticus 21 says a priest's daughter has to be burned to death if she has sex. Forget Levitivus. "No fun allowed." That's what it says, basically.

>> No.12106104

Jesus makes mistakes?

>> No.12106125

You know there's no God because somehow he didn't know he created Trichinosis which caused all of the boogie boogie shit in Islam and the Jewish Religions. Halal and Kosher was caused by a parasite apparently God didn't know about.

>> No.12106132

In that era they were a patriarchal nomadic war tribe, so basically everything was obsessive about cleanliness, food safety, and "family as property" and hard rules on such things.

>> No.12106133

Yes. Jesus was perfection made imperfect in order to interact with the imperfect. That's the miracle.

>> No.12106154


>> No.12106192
File: 654 KB, 557x711, main-qimg-01e7a731a2dcf9862ca7bf06767ffe9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: babby tier atheists who think christfags haven't had 2000 years to practice this discussion

>> No.12106515

>i've been having this discussion on /pol/ for years you people clearly haven't been talking with anonymous religious fanatics long enough to have these conversations at my high level

The dramatic drop in religiosity in western civilization over the last few centuries is pretty damn good evidence that these arguments your people have been having these last 2000 years are losing once we discovered science and started actually educating people

>> No.12106570


>> No.12106575


>> No.12106730
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>> No.12106883


>> No.12107055

Anon I'm sorry but you're not the one that looks wise here.

>> No.12107603

>be omnipotent and omniscient
>make mistakes
Im thinking the writers didn't have acces to dictionaries back then

>> No.12107631

>he says, posting a picture of a heretic

>> No.12107645

God made a covenant with jews. If you aren't Jewish you aren't a part of that covenant. He made a new covenant through Jesus with those that follow him.

>> No.12107682

Icky pagans loved that.

>> No.12107689

Are you supposed to make me feel guilty about being white, your lame nigger ass isn't doing a very good job at it.

>> No.12107693

What does "coped" mean, some weird nigger hood term that only you know about? GTFO nigger.

>> No.12107824

Some of you folk might like this it's an OTR one...
This is from 1956, 1956-11-11-Report-on-the-Weans.mp3




>> No.12107909

> How does this retard blame Adam for everything?
He doesn't. He blames Eve for everything. As everyone should.

>> No.12107916

>your people
What's that, you mean people with the most basic secular education? You have to go out of your way to not get exposed to these sorts of things in the course of a standard western education, so the only thing I can assume is that you were home schooled by evangelicals and therefore you think anyone who has read Kant or Aquinas must be a devout Christian.

I'm sorry the system failed you, but hopefully we'll get around to banning home schooling at some point, so that this never has to happen to anyone again, ok?

Good morning, Angry Philip Morris Programmer Guy.

>> No.12108315

It has the bits about gays and trannies being bad

>> No.12108500

Christians are just extensions of jews

>> No.12108543

What the fuck does any of this have to do with my post? I made fun you you posting a pro-religious reddit meme, and call you out on your conception that since you talk about this shit online every day and most non-religious people do not that we cannot even have the discussion as we aren't well versed enough in your /pol/ shit. Also you bring up the last 2000 years of western discourse as though it favors your religiosity when the result of that very discourse has been a dramatic drop in religiosity.

You respond by saying I am a home schooled evangelical?

Also, are you seriously going to cite Aquinas as though he hasn't been entirely debunked for literal centuries?

>> No.12108545

Don't sweat it OP, just get absolution from your church and you'll admitted to heaven with no questions asked, of course a lot of donations help to get that absolution.

>> No.12108566
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>> No.12108579

>you talk about this shit online every day
I shitpost on /ck/ every day but this is the first time I've seen an argument of this nature in as long as I can remember. Occasionally it's in the Chicka Filla threads but I usually hide those as I don't care much for fast food.

> favors your religiosity
It says a lot about you that you think that having a basic passing knowledge of western intellectual history thinking makes someone a religious person.

You seem to have a really confused, anti-intellectual view of historical texts. By your logic, the Copernican model of orbital mechanics has also been debunked in favor of more accurate models, therefore we should go to every library with ink blotters and erase his name from history. Copernicus is a witch, burn it! BURN IT!

You're probably very confused and frustrated now, maybe you should go buy some religious literature from the local Barnes & Noble so you can burn it and stick it to the unthinking sheeple.

>> No.12108586

Why referencing religion at all

>> No.12108603

>It says a lot about you that you think that having a basic passing knowledge of western intellectual history thinking makes someone a religious person.
I think posting fedora memes at the very notion of people making fun of religion strongly suggests you are a religious person. It has literally nothing to do with "western intellectual history".
Also, knowing about what Aquinas said, and citing him for justification of your religiosity are very different things. Intellectualism involves understanding why we believe what we do, but it does not involve citing outdated old timey theories because you do not like modern though

>> No.12108607

shrimp on the barbie

>> No.12108626
File: 587 KB, 1286x740, beC3uE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it, it's still trying to "convert" me to the religion of atheism.

The reason I can tell you're exceptionally stupid is that intelligent people always flee the bible belt, realize it's not necessary to choose between being a bible thumping religious maniac and a fedora-tipping edgelord, and make their lives about something else unrelated to religion.

The less fortunate end up stuck, raving incoherently every time the topic of religiosity comes up, because their formative years were spent arguing with mommy and daddy about being forced to go to church, and they never moved past the teen edgelord phase of drawing pentagrams on their skin with a permanent marker and listening to Marilyn Manson.

How does it feel that people like you have permanently stigmatized the concept of "atheism" such that normal human beings have taken to saying "irreligious" when the topic comes up (which IRL is almost never outside the bible belt)?

>> No.12108630


>> No.12108636

So making fun of you for posting reddit pro-religion memes makes me a "fedora-tipping edgelord"

What the fuck are you even talking about, what does any of this ranting have to do with anything anyone was actually saying? You are rebutting an argument no one was ever making, I think this is called a strawman

>> No.12108638

>How does it feel that people like you have permanently stigmatized the concept of "atheism" such that normal human beings have taken to saying "irreligious" when the topic comes up (which IRL is almost never outside the bible belt)?

it doesn't bother me one bit since I know that those two words both mean the same thing. call it irreligious if that makes you feel better, but it's still atheism. you don't have to be an edgelord to be an athiest. Any topic of dicussion, even if it has nothing to do with religion will have its extreme fanatics and it will have normal people too.

>> No.12108646

>How does it feel that people like you have permanently stigmatized the concept of "atheism"
You do realize that it is people like you creating this caricature of atheism that has literally nothing to do with most actual atheists. Stop shilling religious apologist propaganda and reddit memes

>> No.12108650

the thing is, no one here was even being extreme or edgelordy unless just saying anything not wildly pro-christiian makes you an edgelord

>> No.12108662

>an atheist said something dumb once, I guess christianity is true

>> No.12108671

Agreed completely.

>> No.12108675

True, but this only applies to purity laws. Mosaic law is, indeed, still in effect sans those

>> No.12108701
File: 98 KB, 1920x1080, f2ba57f9-e94b-406f-b17c-e1ca1435d12e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaah, you're not my real dad! you can't make me go to church!
t. assblasted flyovers jealous that their megachurch pastor didn't molest them like the attractive kids

If you think your childhood was painful just be glad you were born in the Bible Belt and not in Europe where you people would be joining ISIS to work out your skydaddy issues

>> No.12108705
File: 77 KB, 600x344, importance-of-religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great rebuttal religious friend, all non religious people are just southerners and therefore don't count

>> No.12108722

Irreligious people in normal places don't have a chip on their shoulder about religion because it's not a significant part of everyday life. Hence why we can explain how a follower of a certain faith might rationalize their beliefs despite those beliefs seeming strange or nonsensical from an irreligious person's point of view. As opposed to getting instabutthurt and raving about the mean christfags who forced us to go to church, like you're doing now.

>> No.12108724

>As opposed to getting instabutthurt and raving about the mean christfags who forced us to go to church, like you're doing now.
No one did this.

>> No.12108735

You do realize your ranting and theorizing is insane, right?

Only a southerner would be irreligious enough to consider the idea that we shouldn't eat shrimp today silly?

>> No.12108739

Re-read the thread, friendo. Multiple people said stuff along the lines of "omg how can anyone believe in god if there's suffering, christfags BTFO". I then helpfully explained how this is literally theology 101, and all the edgelords crawled out of their caves to explain how anyone who has even thought about theology is obviously a religious maniac trying to force them to pledge allegiance to Jerry Falwell.

>> No.12108753
File: 70 KB, 600x402, Dakshin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shrimp thing is more of a northern issue though, the thread got derailed when it became clear that the fedora crew had never even considered ancient concepts like the "divine watchmaker" and so on.

Up north we're pretty familiar with strange religious dietary laws because we have Jews everywhere and half the restaurants have a Kosher seal out front, even the ones that don't serve traditionally "Jewish" food.

Try to get it through your head that it's ok to read about stuff you don't agree with, it's not going to turn you into a terrorist or a Jew or whatever. Ironically it has historically been religious people who were most guilty of what you're pushing, and now you're showing your "independent thinking" by doing the exact same thing. Have fun with that.

>> No.12108777

>religion of atheism.
Nice oxymoron.

>> No.12108800
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irreligious people don't form clubs where they hang out in public spaces and evangelize. Atheists do. You're taking your religious upbringing and switching around a few of the words while changing none of the substance. Doesn't matter if you don't say "Jesus", it's still religion.

>> No.12108819

yeah thats a fun way to frame the thread but not really what happened

>> No.12108824

>strawmanning this hard

>> No.12108855

Irreligious people and atheists are the same thing. This dichotomy you are trying to create where southern atheists are atheists and bad but northern atheists are actually not atheists but only irreligious and good but not as good as religious people is just not a thing. Also, you have spent this whole thread trying to spin your religious apologism and constant pro religious thought as somehow an irreligious stance simply because you can name some antiquated theologian and apparently everyone who is not super cool with religion has obviously never heard of any philosophers because they grew up as evil southerners under evangelical home schooling (which is both good and bad according to you? because religion is good but also when religion drives people to become atheist it is bad?) Your logic is really getting wildly circular and inane

>> No.12108859

>I have no idea what a dichotomy is but I'll bet if I use this word it will make me sound real smart: the post

>> No.12108873

>di·chot·o·my - a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
How exactly does my use not fit this?

>> No.12108878
File: 48 KB, 500x500, lord-jesus-deco-painting-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You listed three things, but nice damage control after only 2 minutes of googling. Maybe if you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart you'd be able to think straight, hmm?

>> No.12108881

>oesn't matter if you don't say "Jesus", it's still religion.
So atheism is a religion because some atheists like being around other atheists sometimes? You are really going with this argument?

>> No.12108889

Can religious people not count or are you just saying random, obviously incorrect things about my statement for fun?

>> No.12108900
File: 9 KB, 225x225, widf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> or are you just saying random, obviously incorrect things about my statement for fun?

Wait, I've heard this phrasing before. It couldn't be, could it? Yes! I don't think or live like you therefore I must obviously be trolling and/or insane. Also anyone who doesn't draw pentagrams on his forearms with a sharpie like an edgy 5th grader is obviously a devout Christfag.

>> No.12108902


Jesus never said those words. The Good News of Matthew was most likely produced within the community of the Ebionites, which were staunchly pro-Judaic in their practices, and thus produced a document that aligned with their own Judaic views.

>> No.12108905

Operating Thetan?

>> No.12108906

A social group isn't a religion. A religion means you are promoting a mythology as a legitimate, real thing that everyone in the group holds as truth in their minds.

How exactly are you claiming atheist groups do that?

>> No.12108910

So counting is just an opinion now?
Yes, I agree, if you chose to count to two differently than me you are definitely either trolling or insane

>> No.12108922

>Mosaic law is, indeed, still in effect

Go be a jew somewhere else.

>> No.12108923

>a mythology
You mean like "it is empirically true that the inverse of everything the Bible says is true is actually false, and everything the Bible says is false is actually true, including non-empirical statements about which I will still make empirical claims because that will make me sound more scientastically edgy and rationaller than you"?

Try to imagine a world in which you don't have to go to "not church" on Sunday. You can just... do what you want?

>> No.12108927

>obviously a devout Christfag.
I mean constantly arguing with irreligious people with inane bullshit pretty clearly suggests you are

>> No.12108934


>> No.12108935
File: 40 KB, 658x345, wisconsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made a hierarchy, not a dichotomy, Wisconsi-kun. When you've sobered up on Monday morning and you're ready to go back to the daily grind, look up this thread on Warosu and feel silly.

>> No.12108943

Yeah, exactly like that thing that literally no one has ever said
>Try to imagine a world in which you don't have to go to "not church" on Sunday. You can just... do what you want?
You mean like a normal atheist?

>> No.12108945

What the fuck are you smoking? Because none of that had anything to do with what I actually said.

>> No.12108957

What are you talking about? I was calling out the dichotomy you were trying to create between atheists and irreligious people when they are in fact one thing. Again it seems as though you are just saying randomly incorrect things.

>> No.12108965

The dichotomy in his post is between your two imaginary types of atheists, dingus.

>> No.12108966

So all irreligious people on /ck/ are both southerners and from Wisconsin? This is getting weird

>> No.12108974
File: 87 KB, 618x410, 012012_deborah_feldman_2331_ep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can call it a temple, a club, a mosque, whatever. Switch it to Saturday or Friday. It's the day when you people perform your group rituals and affirm your faith. Which it most certainly is.

Yes, there are also synagogues and stuff, I suppose one could say "not-synagogue" if that satisfies you. But most of the time the edgelords in your club are not ex-Jews because Jews don't have to run around praying to not-Jesus every weekend. Because they never believed in Jesus in the first place. So their penance for having wrong beliefs all this time usually consists of wearing revealing clothes and putting pictures of their hair on the internet so as to show their abba that he's not their real abba. As opposed to you, where everything you believe in is a direct reaction against the specific religious tradition you're still rebelling against.

>> No.12108981

Yeah, you lost me

>> No.12108987

The funny thing is that you always see that kind of contrast out in the boonies no matter where you go. It's intentional. The evangelical fundies have the power and money out there to afford to buy up billboards to spread their crap.

>> No.12108990

Nice damage control, you forgot the part where you had a third group of people who were supposedly even more moral, namely the religious maniacs who pledge allegiance to Jerry Falwell every Sunday while you're haranguing total strangers at the local mall.
function show alert value = "Show User" eval (x=10;y=20;document_write(x,y)
>at least we're not the south
Yes, we've heard this one before too.

>> No.12108993

>draw a bunch of arbitrary, nonsensical conclusions and strawman the fuck out of them: the post

>> No.12108997

>It's the day when you people perform your group rituals and affirm your faith.
>In a group defined by not having faith at all and trusting in provable fact and empirical evidence
I get that you think everyone has to think the way you do, but this is getting to be hilarious.

>> No.12109003
File: 1.63 MB, 320x240, 5zhyk3.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, the idiot's starting to get steamed.

>> No.12109004

Catfish doesn't have scales, I'm definitely going to hell.

>> No.12109012
File: 38 KB, 400x300, dubai tgi thurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was afraid that might have been expecting too much. So let me help you out. Sunday is not actually the only option for the religion day. Jews do their mumbling on Saturday. Muslims (gasp! call 9-1-1 he's a terrorist!) do it on Friday.

The fact that you take it for granted that your "totally not religious" club meets every Sunday (as opposed to Saturday or Friday or Tuesday) to badger strangers about their belief (or lack thereof) in supernatural beings is yet more evidence that everything in your religion is still nothing more than a childish reaction against Christianity.

Pic related, I went here once and they didn't even Halal me, now call the FBI because nobody could possibly interact with a Muslim without being a member of Al Qaeda.

>> No.12109024
File: 65 KB, 1570x399, Screenshot_2019-03-31 (4) ck - Everything I like has been condemned by God - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice damage control,
I am literally just repeating myself
>you forgot the part where you had a third group of people who were supposedly even more moral
I was calling out your false dichotomy between atheists and the irreligious. Theists are a true second category, not a group I was trying to create, only brought up to point out how you were trying to frame the dichotomy I was pretty clearly referring to from your post

Also nice samefag swing and miss

>> No.12109034

>Yes, we've heard this one before too.
You were just calling me a bible belt southerner from an evangelical home school background and now I am from relatively irreligious and mostly catholic Wisconsin? and your response to this is "at least we're not the south"

>> No.12109040
File: 114 KB, 623x480, 9f042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People hanging out is now a "religious meeting"

>> No.12109046
File: 108 KB, 1151x524, IConfess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kidding I actually really was samefagging, both of these posts were me

>irreligious and catholic

>> No.12109052

>Sunday is not actually the only option for the religion day. Jews do their mumbling on Saturday. Muslims (gasp! call 9-1-1 he's a terrorist!) do it on Friday.
Yeah, I mean you lost me on what this has anything to do with anything we were talking about
>The fact that you take it for granted that your "totally not religious" club meets every Sunday
Do you honestly believe most atheist have weekly meetings to discuss dogma or something? And even if we did the idea that calling out superstition is somehow equivalent to holding a superstition and makes it a religion is laughable. Also what is with you obsession of framing atheism with chirstianity? Sure the vast majority of religious people in the western world are christian but I have definitely not known atheists to be like totally ok with islam but against christianity, its just that people interact with christians way more in normal life

>> No.12109054

You are really weak at this, dipshit. I'm the other guy you were accusing of samefagging.

>> No.12109064
File: 942 KB, 1025x721, churches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>irreligious and catholic
see >>12108705
The upper midwest has very small evangelical populations, mostly just their inner city african americans

>> No.12109069

>doubling down on being wrong

>> No.12109076
File: 66 KB, 832x598, sar8724-saf-original-imaf8qf8cghz44fp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well of course you wouldn't call it "dogma", you'd call it "rational logical ben shapiro FACTS with which to completely DESTROY the CHRISTFAG SUPERSTITION".

Just like how you don't call it "Church", you don't believe in "Jesus", and atheism is not a "religion".

It's like the headshops that sell "aromatherapy water pipes", nobody is fooled. Except unlike the headshops there's no obvious reason for your weird ass rituals so as per ockham's razor the best explanation is that you feel a deep need for religion in your life but can't explain it in a way that satisfies you. It's ok, you just need to confess your sin and accept Jesus Christ into your heart. Amen.

>> No.12109081

So now we're going with Catholicism is irreligiosity? This is interesting, do go on Wisconsi-kun.

>> No.12109100

>Being this delusional
You're projecting your life onto people who don't live the way you do at all.

He's replying to your "lol" there, dipshit.

>> No.12109114

I thought Ben Shapiro was a religious republican guy? I don't know much about Ben Shapiro I guess

Again, you dodge the question: Do you honestly believe most atheists have weekly meetings? Even if you presuppose that lack of belief is also just another religion (absurdly). Like do you seriously think we are even remotely as organized as religious people?
>Just like how you don't call it "Church", you don't believe in "Jesus", and atheism is not a "religion".
True, I do not call the thing I do not go to church, and even if I did occasional come in contact with other atheists I would also not call it a church any more than a volunteer fire department is a church. I mean I believe Jesus was probably an actual guy but I definitely do not believe in most biblical accounts of his magic powers, and indeed atheism is not a religion

>no obvious reason for your weird ass rituals
What rituals are you even referring to?

>> No.12109118

A place can both be more catholic than the nation as a whole and also less religious overall. These are not mutually exclusive concepts

>> No.12109150

>you feel a deep need for religion in your life but can't explain it in a way that satisfies you
I can't speak for anyone else here, but I sure as hell don't feel any need at all for religion.

>> No.12109499

Religious people are literally insane

>> No.12109536
File: 32 KB, 460x276, n9Zhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I follow a religion devoutly but it's not a "belief", it's the TRUTH
Sure and it's not a vibrator, it's a "back massager"

>> No.12109604

the nice thing about science is that it is true regardless of whether you chose to believe it

>> No.12109627

The great thing about a religion like "the invisible unmeasurable supernatural space ghost that I'm not obsessed with has the property of 'nonexistence' and I'm going to spend my appointed Sunday Morning Jesus Time screeching about it at the local mall" is that it seems impervious to charges of religiosity so long as you have the IQ of a tub of low-fat cream cheese.

>> No.12109827
File: 46 KB, 800x496, 800px-Fuckin_magnets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12109841

No. Theories are frequently disproved. That's part of how science works.

>> No.12109870


>> No.12109881

Supporting science does not mean believing every proposed theory, thats an absurd way to frame science.
What most significantly separates irreligiosity and science from religion is that the irreligious base their beliefs in evidence and continue to seek new evidence and advance their beliefs while religion discourages such behavior.

>> No.12110169

Christfags literally btfo!

>> No.12110285

>Not quoting KJV
Never gonna make it

>> No.12110341

>The literal "God guides us, fuck functional, actually valid translation" version

>> No.12110605


>> No.12110658

Anything other than king james is the "English as a second language" version.

>> No.12110680

Even KJV is a 4th hand translation, dingus.

>> No.12111104

Old testament rules dont apply anymore nerd

>> No.12111114

they do to true believers

>> No.12111260

*But only the parts they think should apply to them.

>> No.12111269

>Old testament rules dont apply anymore nerd
I like the idea of the guy who knows this calling other people nerds

>> No.12111301

Shellfish are not haram according to scholars, for muslims

>> No.12111432

>heh look at these idiots stuck on theology 101 bet they never even heard of the words divine watchmaker.
This is the moment i realized what a pseud you are. Gods not real friendo and the watchmaker is a rationalization not a rational argument.

>> No.12111664

I mean non-KJV are invariably simplified "plain english" versions for tards.

>> No.12111992

Please, give me some biblical evidence as to why I'm wrong.

>> No.12112123

>for muslims
I've never eaten a prawn in my life. It looks like a bug, and it's a bottom feeder to boot. I can't begin to imagine how self proclaimed scholars justify the consumption of them, but you do you.

One of the reasons it's considered an unclean animal because of its way of life. If you're in a life or death situation, however, you won't commit a sin by eating it to survive. It's one of those things, though, the arab tribes wouldn't have had many of them to begin with, because they're not robust useful livestock in the way desert goats or camels are, so it probably wasn't much of a prohibition.

>> No.12112184

>tribalism decides all your food likes

How does a single queer liking chik-fil-a not destroy your entire premise?

>> No.12112337
File: 5 KB, 239x211, Network-Face_of_God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12112404

>God is fallible
Also, what's the deal with bone cancer in children? Or those flies that lay eggs on your skin and then the maggots burrow inside, botflies I believe they are called, were those absolutely necessary?

>> No.12112440

That was what the whole dying on the cross bit was for, yes.
To be more specific Jesus absolved the humans of their sins so they just ask him for forgiveness and as long as they actually mean it Jesus says "don't worry it's cool", as opposed to having to do all the shit Jews have to do to get into heaven.

>> No.12112463

And yet if China and Russia teamed up they'd steamroll the US

>> No.12112655

>humans are D&D characters
Go outside

>> No.12112686

And that's just what Jesus did. The Law was finally fulfilled after a man was able to live a full life and was unjustly executed, acting as a sacrifice for mankind to no longer have to suffer the restrictions of the Law. Homosexuality is still a sin, as 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 says. It also says that people that have sex outside of marriage and people that cheat on their spouses (that includes looking at another person that is not your spouse with lust according to Matthew 5:28) is also a sin, and I personally feel as though we Christians aren't as hard on that as we should be.<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F37C;</div>

>> No.12112698

Maybe that kid was going to be the next great dictator that would have been responsible for the deaths of a bunch of people and God either mercy kills them as babies so they automatically go to Heaven or their illness prevents them from doing whatever evil thing they were going to do. But I don't actually know, just a guess.

>> No.12112702

If we're just going to define Christian as "someone who claims to worship Jesus", then I think Greece and Poland have a higher percentage of Christians.

>> No.12112775

t. googled “divine watchmaker” and came back for more

imagine being this proud of your ignorance. americans are supposed to be the most religious country in the west but they cannot even scrawl out a basic explanation of their supposed belief system. no wonder you’re still struggling with evolution while the rest of the world has moved on to cloning

>> No.12112865

I didn't have to. That was my point. It's one of the first things you learn on the subject and people who give more than three seconds to think about it realize that it's basically a meaningless security blanket of an idea. Like russell's teapot. Aquinas is even worse. Anyway, I gotta go worship at my atheist church, which is held on monday to spit in the face of our lord.

>> No.12112879

>implying you haven’t been furiously googling “arguments for and against god who isn’t real and you’re not my real dad ok” all this time
Mondayist Atheists are basically no better than Baptists according to my Atheist pastor, you do realize Monday is named Monday because of moon worship, didn’t you?

No of course not, your education system failed you again. But you must be used to this by now.

>> No.12113073

>mumble a magical incantation but ignore the ethical and moral teachings of your supposed savior and you're absolved
This is how it's hypocritically applied in the US and why it's dying out. Good riddance.

>> No.12113128

Being obsessed with the KJV as the "one true" translation is a sign of being a nutcase fundie.

>> No.12113141

Assuming that's an accurate translation and not shit added in 1500 years later.

>> No.12113147

So why did Hitler survive everything, including WWI, and get the aid of the Catholic church?

>> No.12113152

>Atheist pastor,
And now you've gone full retard.

>> No.12113169

You don't stone them to death, they just run all modern organized Christianity because your all cucks who'd watch a little boy get raped and not say anything because Christians are the least critically thinking people on the planets next to Muslims.

>> No.12113173

I saw this show on History Channel about the Asian mob in LA and one of their leaders was named Shrimp Boy.

>> No.12113180

Maybe they didn't have much of a choice and saw it as picking the lesser of two weavals, hitler or commies and if hitler would have marched into the vatican if they said no, the commies would have been far worse.

>> No.12113182

Oh I'm not religious. But the KJV is objectively the version with the highest literary merit and the most powerful use of language.

>> No.12113184

It's the most bullshit version with the weakest translation accuracy, having flowery wordage doesn't make up for that.

>> No.12113189

You do know that the Russians have their own Church, the Eastern Orthodox, and it never really went away.

Also, why would he march on the Vatican, in Italy, an ally?

>> No.12113198

>weakest translation accuracy
Who cares, authorial intent doesn't matter. It's a living piece of mythology.

>> No.12113200

>Christians are the least critically thinking people on the planets
>what is the Enlightenment

>> No.12113214

Of course I know that the churches are seperate.
The Vatican was and is a separate state within Italy and they were preaching against Hitler and the commies. Consider it as a separate nation within a nation.

>> No.12113227

>Christians lack the ability to critical think so much that they haven't been known to do so for centuries, when everyone was Christian anyway.

Truly the religion of niggers

>> No.12113230

As much as I love fun making fun of freak job muslims they did come up with "zero," you know 0 for the numeric system that we use generally use now for base 10.

>> No.12113240
File: 29 KB, 336x500, Bond-Live_And_Let_Die-voodoo-party-Baron_Samedi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the religion of niggers was voodoo and oogabooga?

>> No.12113251

I must say though, some scholars say it originated before muslims and came from other places.

>> No.12113268

"Melvyn Bragg discusses the history of the number between 1 and -1, which has strange and uniquely beguiling qualities. How was zero invented and what role does it play in mathematics today?"

>> No.12113285

Read the Good News and stop being a retarded Jude.

>> No.12113309

>It's a living piece of mythology.
That's also supposedly the unchangeable word of god?

>> No.12113319

Even if it is and one wont really know until they die, being decent to each other isn't a bad thing.

>> No.12113336

>word of god

Jews, Muslims and Neo-Prots claim that

Which of the above are you ?

>> No.12113423
File: 60 KB, 750x745, y17siej18ff01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, but you can do that without being religious. And in fact it's easier, since you don't have your religious tribalism making you feel like you also have to "save" their souls as well.

None, pointing out the shit that is supposed to be a fact about your beliefs doesn't mean I believe them.

>> No.12113430

>supposed to be a fact

Maybe for a clueless moron like you. Go study and shut your trap.

>> No.12113434

>I don't actually understand how my religion works
>Time to tell the person who does to go study!

>> No.12113436

>you can do that without being religious

So show me one instance where someone did that without the need for spiritual/religious justification.

Imagine being this clueless.

>> No.12113441

You've admited you don't even partake in the religion in question, and yet you claim other need to do the study?

You are mentally ill. Go and wash yourself of the idiocy that overtook your entire mind my friend

>> No.12113458
File: 71 KB, 908x539, uHYwEYP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's like he's a carbon printed copy of this meme

>> No.12113460

>I wouldn't do it, so nobody else would!
You're just proving how selfish "Christian charity" really is.

I don't think you really understand what you're saying at this point, "fucking magnets" boy.

You do realize that people who aren't emotionally invested in something that defines their life can study something with far more objectivity than the faithful do, don't you?

>> No.12113469

>Hurr durr u cunt uze mai un urgumunts ugunst me
And here we see how intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the religious. They reject debate even when it's on their own terms using their own beliefs.

>> No.12113472

"Objective" is just a buzzword laymen use to advance their proposition without the need to make arguments for their own case. More so when it comes to religious arguments they simply have no formal understanding, or clue about.

>> No.12113475

You are lost and have no hope, go and find inner peace before deciding to preach it to others.

>> No.12113486

>Waaahhh, I can't actually debate this in terms crouched on my own ground, time to declare the entire debate fraudulent!

It's really quite pathetic seeing how you break down like this, because this is how it always ends up.

Note how there's no reply to the fact that I proved his claim that nobody does charity out of any reason but religious drive wrong.

>> No.12113501


Are you a priest or the student of the Way? With what or who's authority do you claim to know the things that you claim? Be humble, even a sheep knows more about living by example than you.

>> No.12113512

>Only true believers can learn about my religion!
Note how he's trying to Ivory Tower the debate so that no "outsiders" are allowed to engage him.

>> No.12113554

By the Lord and God almighty i have never encountered people of such low quality and of such simple opinions on this website for my entire 10 years since i've been here

>> No.12113590

Just flounce out already.

>> No.12113708

They have fins. It's only haram if they don't have both.

>> No.12114339

Reminder that Corinthians were letters by Paul, not the words of Jesus.