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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 1080x1080, 1543726698085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12107004 No.12107004 [Reply] [Original]

Here is your irish coffee, sir.

>> No.12107007

you too

>> No.12107008

sorry miss 19-year-old FAU student who works at tilted kilt, that's not an irish coffee

>> No.12107011

What's that green shit? I asked for an Irish coffee, not a salad.

>> No.12107019


>> No.12107030

I ordered a vodka martini but who cares?

>> No.12107037

How would you get her home /ck/?
Me, I'd stick a fiver right between those melons.

>> No.12107042

She'll go home with the guy who sticks a $100 between those fat titties. Get gud.

>> No.12107044

I would find out where the deed is and forge a replacement which entitles me as the owner.

>> No.12107046
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Don't be hasty, plenty to choose from

>> No.12107047
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>> No.12107048

That just shows you're a beta and she will drain you for everything you've got.

>> No.12107057


Lol, anti social fuck

>> No.12107059

Nope, as a fat, ugly, successful man, I know that women only fuck me for money, and I am fine with that

>> No.12107063

Interesting. Five plain women in a row. I've honestly never seen that before.

>> No.12107073

you don't capitalize "lol" like that either, it isn't a word
fucks sake

>> No.12107074
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Why don't you be nice and take grandpa out?

>> No.12107078

Grandpa doesn't need his boner pills today

>> No.12107079

those girls are nice

>> No.12107087

He would only not need them if all three girls rejected him, and it's mean to assume they would.

>> No.12107103
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Hope you don't forget the tip jar like last time... tee hee

>> No.12107130
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What'll you be havin', anon?

>> No.12107133

Oh god it's this faggot again who gets buttmad when people capitalize lol.

>> No.12107140

your head on a pike, you disgusting socialist

>> No.12107145

He spend's so much time on 4channel does he even have a life?

>> No.12107146

I'll have the sex on the beach, we j-just gotta find a beach r-right greendeal NPC woman?

>> No.12107147

How gay are you, anon? >>>/lgbt/

>> No.12107151

Your pussy or penis, m'thing.

>> No.12107154

Objectively the least attractive whore in this entire thread

>> No.12107157

I’ll have some liberal justice with a few drops of conservative tears and an orange slice.

>> No.12107161
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>> No.12107168

I wish I shared some classes with her at uni. I would have had fantasies about her company every day and then committed suicide at 25 for lack of the ability to interest her.

>> No.12107172

>Gets a degree in Economics at a decent private college
>Literally knows less than the average person about economics

>> No.12107195


>> No.12107201

Why would anybody ever vote for a person who dances? Utterly decadent behavior. You only have to watch Footloose to realize.

>> No.12107204

Trump can dance and he’s the greatest leader we’ve ever had.

>> No.12107205



>> No.12107207
File: 19 KB, 480x405, 1530474223557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't order that, but if whoever ordered it doesn't come around in the next 5 5-10 minutes, how about you take a quick break and share it with me?

>> No.12107209

JFK was

>> No.12107212


>> No.12107218

I skipped to about halfway through that video out of interest and it was a Queen song. Don't Bloomers have their own music?

>> No.12107221

Trump dancing source?

>> No.12107223
File: 1.19 MB, 720x720, trump dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12107224

Get out of the fucking way, I can't see the whisky selection

>> No.12107225

the average person doesn't know shit about economics

>> No.12107229

people under the age of 21 can't serve alcohol

>> No.12107231

No one knows shit about economics.

>> No.12107238

The average person instinctively knows more about economics than trained economists. Economists only know the history of economics. They can explain economic developments after they happen with professional terms, but that's not particularly useful. Predicting future events is easier for the layman.

>> No.12107242

>Predicting future events is easier for the layman.
This is true. The average American knew the Trump tax plan was going to benefit mostly the rich, while the pundits were saying it would create jobs.

>> No.12107246

>everybody follows the rules all the time
you can't drink until you're 21 either but you see thots on tinder all the time with those 19th birthday balloons at a restaurant with a martini in front of them
no one's actually gonna check your age to serve if you work somewhere like that, maybe at a high end restaurant sure but not fuckin tilted kilt they couldn't give a shit

>> No.12107249

Women never reveal their true age to people they aren't related or married to. Certainly not on Tinder.

>> No.12107250

>no one's actually gonna check your age to serve if you work somewhere like that
Management will absolutely check, because the establishment can be shut down and/or fined big-time for violating their liquor license.

>> No.12107252

It created jobs by forcing many people to get a second one.

>> No.12107300
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>> No.12107393
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>I'm cooking breakfast, Anon!

>> No.12107401

Judging by my previous interactions with women I'd stumble into a new and exciting way to get friendzoned.

>> No.12107403

When one meal takes all of my savings.

>> No.12107525

Why am I laughing at this

>> No.12107533

Oh Romeo

>> No.12107540

As usual, fpbp

>> No.12107552


>> No.12107553

What's with old men and trying to pretend they've "still got it"?

>> No.12107574

*licks the air*

>> No.12107589

>Quotes Ben shapiro in lieu of an actual opinion

>> No.12107717

The chick on the far right has the next vital clue on her arm needed for the cast of National Treasure 3

>> No.12107745

that doesn't look like black coffee with Irish whiskey.

>> No.12107747

Here's yours
>puts two fingers down throat

>> No.12107792

a single plum floating in perfume served in a man's hat

>> No.12107818

This is a MAGA board, soyboys. Go back to your safe space.

>> No.12107821


Phone does it automatically LOL

Antisocial behavior,
A dysfunction of a person's ways of thinking, perceiving situations, and relating to others.

avoiding social interaction; inconsiderate of or hostile to others

Anti social applies a bit better here you raging faggot.

>> No.12107860


>> No.12107871

Are you a robot or just an old salty fuck who still buys newspapers?

>> No.12107878

Me too anon

>> No.12108019

oh, thank you beautiful bartender!

>> No.12108090

It's domestic pundits who are always wrong because they are beholden to their corporate overlords. The same people here who looked at the Trump company tax plan and said "obviously this will just lead to share buybacks" are gleefully making shit up about how the same shit here would create jobs.

>> No.12108104


>> No.12108106

Dumb phoneposter

>> No.12108113

they do when they're 23 or younger.

>> No.12108131

oh no, she KNOWS about economics
but you forget anon, she's a politician - knowing economics has nothing to do with the shit you say as a politician

>> No.12108132

Cringe, just making the fucking meal

>> No.12108144

import pol.user
while (online == true){
print "soyboy";

>> No.12108192

Whiskey sour please, and a Tecate for my friend.

>> No.12108195

You wanna know how I know you’re a virgin?

>> No.12108204

Impeachment is right around the corner cunt.

>> No.12108328

She'll just take your hundred, then go home with the broke sexy biker guy.

>> No.12108335

Your mistake is assuming she's as clueless as she comes off in public. She's a politician, a natural born liar.

>> No.12108339

Does the distinction really matter?

>> No.12108345

capitalism please, with a side of dead socialists

>> No.12108347

this website sucks

>> No.12108349

We haven't heard that everyday for 2+ years, and Trump is stronger than ever. Now he's about to unleash hell on you faggots.

>> No.12108351

"Yep... still got it"

>> No.12108404

Nice reference, have a you

>> No.12108453

I like those cabinets desu

>> No.12108461
File: 102 KB, 715x755, 1459928494659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed my mind, I want milk.

>> No.12108505

Oh no, they forgot to update the script after Mueller exonerated Trump of anything impeachable. Someone call the programmers.

>> No.12108529

My grandpa died before i was born. My other one doesn't really even care about me since my dad died.

>> No.12108962

Where, that seems like a strange law. Where I live you can serve alcohol as long as you have a training certificate and are old enough to work.

>> No.12108969

I didn't ask for extra milk..

>> No.12109240

in my state they can serve but not mix or work behind a bar if they're under 21

>> No.12109251

But he literally didn't? Somebody notify your programmers, there's a major real time error in your script.

>> No.12109369
File: 720 KB, 1592x1445, ladies you are looking good tonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12109519

What kind of fundamentalist shithole do you live?

>> No.12109530

broke sexy biker guy here
can confirm

>> No.12109540

Probably in Vegas. There are basically no laws in Vegas.

>> No.12109806

Based Boomer.

>> No.12109822

Fucking legend. I'm definitely voting for him again next election.

>> No.12109840


>> No.12110186

West Jeebustrumpville, MS, ok?

>> No.12110210

lol the hottest one wanted nothing to do with getting grandpa groped

>> No.12110251

>You can purchase gummy bullets from party shops online. Soak them in vodka.

>> No.12110973

0% chance that pancake is any good. guaranteed goopy center

>> No.12111271

Thanks sweet heart, but would you mind topping her off with an extra squirt of two of milk?

>> No.12111279
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>> No.12111280

Do not assume my gender, thank you.

>> No.12111305

>gets a degree in Economics
>Is actually versed in classical Economics in the sense of household management, not political Economics, and is the ideal mother to your children, and wife for your home life.

>> No.12111306

Same, basically no matter what he does or says he has my vote. I don't like Republicans, but based on the things democrats say and do I don't want any of those people in power.

>> No.12111308

My favorite body type.

>> No.12111323

you should like someone who has obviously never worked at a restaurant in your life. stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.12111324
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>> No.12111327

Why would he run? I would open wide and accept that gracious gift.

>> No.12111338
File: 181 KB, 500x532, 1532931771908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking dick

>> No.12111560

>Trayvon Martini

>> No.12111586

>no crimes found
>yet not exonerated
Neck yourself, nigger faggot.

>> No.12111615

This is more or less my thoughts, I don't give a fuck what he does. It's more so to fuck the dems over.I want 2020 to be an even bigger salt mine than 2016.

>> No.12113127

>tilted kilt
Fuck the Tilted Kilt. O'Sullivan's for LYFE

>> No.12113541

Wait this isnt a gay bar

>> No.12113562
File: 14 KB, 480x480, 1551678494421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long have you been saying that? will it ever happen? no it won't.

you're just retarded

>> No.12113830

is that half serb here?

>> No.12113834

haha gross imagine if that happened why would you want that?

>> No.12113860
File: 14 KB, 275x183, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do women put on those long fake nails? Nothing about it is attractive, to me at least, and I have trouble seeing what could make them attractive to others. Maybe a few minority fetishes or something, but enough to warrant the amount of women with these things? No way. So what the fuck? Is the Asian nail/body service industrial complex this good at brainwashing women?

>> No.12113870

I'd go there if I was single and desperate. I am neither but even if I was I still wouldn't tip because it's an obvious ploy.

>> No.12113877

It appeals to them. Why do you sport a doughy physique and eating shit food? What about that is appealing to you? When you get older you realize that what people do is not only not thought out, it's also not to most people's tastes usually.

>> No.12113908

Holy fuck, touch much? My body shape and diet is not even close to the same as putting useless accessories on your body. You can take that shit off in an instant and stop using them altogether. My body shape isn't so easy to change, and shit food is more of an issue with my income than it is about my choices.

>When you get older you realize that what people do is not only not thought out, it's also not to most people's tastes usually
blah blah blah. In other words, you don't have any good reasoning as to why women wear these long fake nails, sometimes throwing 100s of dollars at them weekly/bi-weekly at their local asian nail salon. Peoples tastes are created by something; they don't just exist. If getting older somehow makes you forget that, then I'd suggest that aging is partly to blame here. People stop questioning dumb shit as they age, probably because they get lazier and tend to hate the idea of change.

>> No.12113948

Signals wealth, like most fashion trends.

>> No.12114106

Ok, but who sees fake nails and thinks, "damn, she must be wealthy"? All I see is some desperate women trying to look "sexy" by following what some brain washing corporation/entity has pushed on her since she was a young girl.

>> No.12114161
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