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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12103863 No.12103863 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop this shit from happening when cooking steak or chicken breast? Are my cuts too thick and it's taking too long? Should I finish them in the oven? I'm a cooking pleb as of 3 months ago that's trying to not be a fat fuck that eats out all the time, but this shit is driving me crazy.

>> No.12103889

I'd think you either need more oil in the pan, the non-stick coating is wearing off, or you have the protein in the pan for way too long. Want to tell us how long your chicken or steak is in the pan usually?

>> No.12103896

nice and not that hot

>> No.12103905

>not frying shallots in accumulated juices then deglazing with wine and chicken stock and creating a simple pan sauce
absolutely disgusting.

>> No.12103907

>non-stick coating
What the fuck are you on about? that is a stainless steel pan.

>> No.12103915

too hot and yes you should finish in the oven.

>> No.12103916

Too little fat in the pan, and your pan might be too hot.

>> No.12103918

You let the pan dry out. Gotta keep a thin layer of oil.

>> No.12103921

Toss it in the trash and get yourself a nice cast arn.

>> No.12103929

How to properly prepare a stainless steel pan to keep your food from sticking:

1. Heat the clean, empty pan on your stovetop.
2. Pour in a quarter tsp of water when the pan is hot.
3. If the water sizzles and boils off the pan is not hot enough yet, keep heating.
4. If the water doesnt evaporate but floats and rolls around the bottom like a puddle of quicksilver (Leidenfrost effect) the pan is hot enough.
5. Now wipe the pan completely(!) dry with a dish towel, pour in some high-temperature cooking oil (e.g. canola) and coat the pan thoroughly by spreading it with a kitchen tissue or a spatula.
6. Keep heating the pan right up to the smoke point of the oil, keep it at that temperature for a minute.
7. Pour out the excess cooking oil and let the pan cool down to the desired temperature.

Wa la, you now have a perfectly non-stick stainless steel pan. The non-stick coating will last through all frying until you strip it off with dish soap or acidic stuff.

Unbelievable the mileage I have gotten out of this copypasta

>> No.12103931

Get a none stick pan. For washing dishes I prefer good brand detergents and buy them in bulk to save money

>> No.12103939

>how long
It's usually taking upwards of 15-20 minutes on med-high heat for chicken. It doesn't happen nearly as bad for my steaks, but I eat them medium rare, so I feel like this is just something I need to adjust for chicken, since I don't want salmonella for my meal preps. I think I'll just start finishing chicken in the oven.
>need more oil
I think I'm using plenty of oil. Happens with both butter and avocado oil. Heat my pan and coat pretty evenly before dropping in protein. I'll see if I need to use more next time.
It's ss, don't know if their is a coating on it, but I'm assuming there isn't?

Honestly considering getting one.

Like I said, I'm a mid-twenties food pleb that's trying to get better. Will look into this, because that sounds easy as shit and good.

>> No.12103941

If he burns the shit out of a stainless steel pan, he should under no circumstances use non-stick. The coating will be ruined within a week.

>> No.12103944

Several possible causes, I can't tell which you are doing wrong because you didn't provide enough info. Potential problems:
-you set the heat too high
-wrong kind of oil or not enough oil being used
-you are not wiping marinades, etc, off the food before you put the food in the pan

>> Are my cuts too thick and it's taking too long?
I'm not psychic. You tell us how thick your cuts are. Remember, if you are cooking thick foods you don't cook them on high heat the whole time. Either sear on high heat first then turn the heat way down to finish cooking through (traditional method) or cook them on low first to cook thru, then turn up the heat to finish with a sear ("reverse searing"). Both methods work.

Think of it like driving a car: you don't just mash the pedal to the floor and keep it there. You adjust the speed based on the route you take. Same with cooking. Observe the cooking and adjust the heat accordingly. High heat is great for searing and for heating up a cold pan, but don't cook on high all the time, especially not for thick foods.

>> No.12103946

Seems like a pain. I cook my steak in cast iron with 1/2 - 1 tbsp of butter,
Turns out great

>> No.12103947

Already do this. My issue isn't sticking. None of my food sticks. The oil just ends up burning because I think I'm using my pan too long.

>> No.12103952

Dude, no way should it take 20 minutes to cook chicken in a pan. Do you take the chicken stone cold out of the fridge and into the pan? You need to let it get close to room temp before frying.

>> No.12103953

>Either sear on high heat first then turn the heat way down to finish cooking through (traditional method) or cook them on low first to cook thru, then turn up the heat to finish with a sear ("reverse searing"). Both methods work.
Thanks. This is what I was looking for, I think.

>> No.12103966

It's chicken breast, and it's usually thick as shit from the market I buy it from. Usually 2in+. Also, I don't. I brine, wait 5 minutes, season, heat the pan, then drop them. Usually been out of fridge for about 15 minutes by the time they touch the pan.

>> No.12103969

>I'm using my pan too long
YOu are aware thaat when people say "sear steaks at high heat" that means only for a minute or two on each side, and then you turn the heat way down? Like, take the pan off the stove take the steak out ff the pan, let it cool down for a few minutes and only then put the steak back in and the pan back on the fire.
. if your oil is smoking blue you are using way too much heat. Then you can use your pan for as long as you like and no oil will bburn to the bottom.

>> No.12103971

Also, I brine for about 1-2 hours in a container in the fridge.

>> No.12103973

If your chicken breast is that thick, butterfly that shit

>> No.12103974

This. A full chicken breast takes a maximum of 11 minutes in a frying pan. 5 min on the bottom side and 6 on the top side.

>> No.12103981

No I wasn't. Like I said, I'm kinda clueless. Thanks. How low are we talking? Is there any tells? Or just guess at it until you find something that works?

>> No.12103987

Will do. Very useful, thank you.

>> No.12103997

Butterflying is a great technique to cut down on cooking time, but also for evening out uneven cuts of meat. Chicken breast has a thick end and a thin end. By butterflying, your meat will cook more evenly.

>> No.12104006

Its also unnecessary. He needs to let his room come to room temp and learn to control his heat.

>> No.12104012

I think his room is already room temp.

>> No.12104021


You should have fixed it anon

>> No.12104026
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Thanks fren. I'll try some of these suggestions tonight. Hopefully I won't fuck my pans anymore. You've all be great.

>> No.12104028

That residue in the picture is burned food, not burned oil. If you're burning oil you'd know it because you'll get big clouds of smoke. That's a residue of food particles that stuck to the steel and burned because they were stuck.

You've gotten other good advice, especially this, >>12103929 but no one mentioned this:
With stainless steel it's very important that you don't put cold food in a hot pan. Let your food sit out on the counter and come to room temperature before you put it in the pan. This will reduce cooking time as well as helping you cook the food more evenly.

>It's chicken breast, and it's usually thick as shit
This is a HUGE problem.
There's virtually no way to pan fry a whole thick chicken breast and get the inside cooked while the outside is not burned. Try slicing them thinner.

>How low are we talking? Is there any tells?
It's hard to tell someone how to cook with just text on a screen and no pictures, videos, or hands on shit. Watch a tutorial on how to pan-fry meat for fuck's sake.

>> No.12104030

Good luck, and never give up.

>> No.12104039

>Is there any tells?
Yes. Use your senses.
You should hear a "sizzling" sound. Imagine the sound of frying bacon. If you don't hear that, your heat is too low. If you see smoke then the heat is too high. Use those two as your guide: keep it hot enough to sizzle, but not so hot that it smokes.

>> No.12104049
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your pan is too hot and the meat you're throwing on the pan is too cold. its a reaction similar to why you aren't supposed to run hot water on a freezing hand, or cold water on a hot pan.
oil with a low smoke point will help you out more as well

>> No.12104052

if his breasts are two fucking inches thick he'll be there all god damn day cooking them slow enough that the inside cooks but the outside doesn't burn

>> No.12104056

I just realized that >>12103929
I've been doing that copy pasta, but I've been skipping 6 and 7. I'll fix that.

>> No.12104060

>Is there any tells?
I go by feel. I keep lightly pressing and squishing the chicken breast, and once it has lost all of that squishy mushy ffeling of raw meat and feels all firm and elastic you just need between one or two more minutes on each side and then it is done. If you turn the heat down enough you can make even very thick breasts that way without issue.

>> No.12104067

>oil with a low smoke point will help you out more as well
Can I ask why? That seems counter to my understanding. Not saying you're wrong. On the contrary, I wanna understand your reasoning so I can learn. I mentioned earlier I've been using avocado and butter

>> No.12104093

>oil with a low smoke point will help you out more as well
That is bullshit, plain and simple. YOu can cook at low temps with canola, peanut and grapeseed oil, but you cant cook at high temps with virgin olive oil or butter. In time you will develop a feeling for how hot the pan is, by the noise of the frying, by the heat it gives off, by how quickly shit browns, by how much smoke or stem there is ... it just takes a bit of practice,

>> No.12104121

I can't speak for steak since I use my cast iron for that, but for chicken breast I can only assume you're using too high of a heat. It's very easy to cook chicken breasts,

>Place pan on medium to medium-high heat
>Add 1-2 tbs vegetable oil and a knob of butter
>Lay seasoned chicken breast down in pan
>Leave and let cook for 6-7 minutes, or until the bottom is browned. Don't move it.
>Turn chicken and cook the other side for a further 6-7 minutes. Adjusting pan temperature if too hot.
>Check internal temp with Thermapen MK4®
>Rest for a couple minutes before serving

The internal temp should be 65°F/75°C.

That's it. Simple and the pan should be extremely easy to clean with soap and hot water.

>> No.12104133
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stfu fagot

>> No.12104159

Have you tried not fucking up simple tasks?

>> No.12104165
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OP here, one last question:

How do I go about preparing a hot pan for a second batch of, say, chicken breast if I'm able to keep the pan relatively non-fucked from the first batch? Do I add additional oil? Scrape what's stuck?

>> No.12104175

Working on it. My parents never taught me how to cook, and now I live alone almost 3000 miles away for them. Trying to fend for myself, but I'm gonna fuck up simple tasks in the beginning. Sorry if this bothers you.

>> No.12104209

your "helpless, im-a-bitch, please give me apologetic sympathy for my ignorance" attitude is bothering us

>> No.12104220

Speak for yourself. Your needlessly condescending, dick-wavingly pompous, callous and vitriolic attitude is bothering me.
How dare someone seek to improve themselves by self-teaching, right?
I want you to know that I think you're a fucking failure, not just for everything you don't know yet, but for who you are as a whole person.
Get lynched nigger

>> No.12104225

>trying to learn
pick one

>> No.12104228


dump contents of pan and wipe it out with a towel, new oil etc


retard. none of what you said is true.

>> No.12104249


I bet $100 you have an Electric stove.

>> No.12104250
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This wasn't me, btw.

>> No.12104266

I do. How did you know?

>> No.12104290


not him, but the way it scorches shit due to the contact w the coils. it's very unforgiving.

>> No.12104305


Ive used gas all my life.

>> No.12104316

>it's very unforgiving
bullshit, if it gets too hot just take the pan off the burner for a minute. It is not that hard. And once you have cooked on an electric stove a few times and developed a feel for the power and the heat even that wont be necessary.

>> No.12104326


it's unforgiving as opposed to using fire. you have to take the pan off constantly to moderate temperature, it's way more complicated than just turning the fire down.

>> No.12105391
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>simple comment
>complex novel
get fucked kid, quit being such a bitch and figure it out