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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12103007 No.12103007 [Reply] [Original]

Dippy eggs with soldiers, the best breakfast, simple as.

>> No.12103019

How do you make it asshole

>> No.12103046


>boil a full kettle
>make a cup of tea first with some of the water, put the rest in a pan
>start toasting your bread
>make sure the water is boiling and gently lower your eggs in
>start your timer for 3 minutes 30 seconds
>In the time you have, finish toasting your bread and butter it before cutting into strips to make soldiers
>take your eggs out of the boiling water
>plate up, crack one of your eggs open and dip your soldiers into the gooey yolk, have a nice cup of tea

Simple as. Get free-range large eggs though, none of that cruel battery hen stuff.

>> No.12103069

Based, going to try this for brekky tomorrow

>> No.12103089
File: 61 KB, 349x326, 1549506399775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simple as
>dippy eggs

>> No.12103094


Don't throw a wobbler, mate

>> No.12103097

How is this >>12103046 not self-evident to you? Genuinely curious.

>> No.12103102

Fundamentally based and exquisitely red pilled

>> No.12103147

I do this but with a hard yolk instead

>> No.12103148

You forgot the small mound of salt and pepper on the plate. You then take a pinch of the salt and pepper and sprinkle on the yolk.

>> No.12103151

You can't dip your soldiers with a solid yolk.

>> No.12103154

Can't i just eat buttered toast to my softboiled egg? Seems like a hassle to cut it in stripes.

>> No.12103165

>this post
makes me miss my gram. way to go OP

>> No.12103169

Just tip the egg upside down and pour the runny yolk over your toast if you're that fucking lazy.

>> No.12103171
File: 67 KB, 960x1280, photo_2019-03-30_14-06-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made 3 but i fucked up

>> No.12103173

Go for 4.5mins and make sure there's thermal shock at the end so the shell doesn't stick to the egg-white (ie: quickly submerge boiled eggs under cold water for a minute or so)

>> No.12103178

Chuck the other 2 back in the water for 30 - 40 seconds and just deal with that one snotty egg.

>> No.12103181
File: 1.38 MB, 640x480, dippy egg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah dippy soldiers. Don't forget the most important step: turn the empty egg shell upside down in the cup and pretend a new egg has appeared.

>> No.12103182

>Toast bread a bit but not fully
>Cut hole in semi toasted bread and put it in a small frying pan
>Crack egg in hole
>Put cut out hole in pan too so it gets nice and crispy
>Serve and use circle to dip in some of the yolk.
>Thank Grandmother for being too good of a human being

>> No.12103196

Alright thank you I will up boiling time a bit next try.
>quickly submerge boiled eggs under cold water for a minute or so
but aren't they gonna be too cold afterwards?
I already ate all of them, they were good it's mostly the shell that crumbled annoyingly, were a bit snotty i guess

>> No.12103222

He's eating a soft boiled egg. No need for cold water treatment as he is not peeling them.

>> No.12103235

nah, a minute under cold water won't be enough to change temp to the point where it's discernible by taste. If you have issues with shells sticking to whites, try it.

>> No.12103242

He's peeling the top. Some simply use a knife to cut through it, or spoon to scoop it out and discard it, some don't waste the top and peel it. Depends on how you were introduced to soft boiled eggs. Just a habit. But submerging them in cold water also prevents scooping up that sticky film with your spoon. Varies from egg to egg, but it's a quick precaution anyways.

>> No.12103249
File: 104 KB, 736x981, egg_scissor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about those of us who aren't plebs and use pic related?

>> No.12103250

You don't peel the top. It is sliced off with the spoon, or a knife, or an egg topper.

>> No.12103257

Based transcendental egg scissor manipulators I guess.
Sure mate, you can do whatever the fuck you like.

>> No.12103274

Why would anyone waste time peeling the top of a soft boiled egg? You still have to slice the top off afterwards to get to the yolk to dip your soldiers.

>> No.12103291

For some time isn't that valuable. Those extra 2 seconds of peeling and scooping out the top with a spoon and putting it in your mouth is a cost some are willing to bear. I guess it makes more sense if you're just having soft boiled eggs with a spoon from start to finish. Didn;t think this would be as controversial.

>> No.12103308

If you think you can peel the top off an egg in 2 seconds, you should be working for Ramsay.

>> No.12103310

You forgot about the additional time cooling the eggs in cold water.

>> No.12103314

what the fuck is a soldier? a human? are those human fingers?

>> No.12103318

It's pretty much the only thing I can do though.
Ah, quite right. I will reassess the cost-benefit ratio.

>> No.12103324

I wasn't peeling the top i tried to cut it but the eggshell crumbled so had to try to rmove all the btis that's why it looks "peeled"

>> No.12103326

Read the thread you lazy tard.

>> No.12103328

well, what is it?

>> No.12103334

It's one of Bob Marley's Buffalo Soldiers. Happy now?

>> No.12103362

wtf is a soldier

>> No.12103383


>> No.12103426

is a

>> No.12103444
File: 3.83 MB, 1125x2436, D7604F08-66E3-4A1A-8F58-0F819C53F846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hadn’t failed me yet. Boil water in kettle and the pour into an already hot pot. Gently lower eggs in with a spoon and start the timer

>> No.12103461

>no seasoning whatsoever
yeah, don't do this.

>> No.12103465

Nice. But this is about soft boiled eggs with runny yolks.

>> No.12103473

see >>12103148

>> No.12103528

6 mins gives a dip ready yolk. Could Ho 4-5 for Super runny

>> No.12103551

Always has to be super runny. 6 mins is way too long.

>> No.12103584

the toast is buttered, which as you know has salt in it but... wait, right this is 4channel of course you don't know that

>> No.12103598

He's never heard of unsalted butter.

>> No.12103602

Ask mommy to buy unsalted butter.

>> No.12103612
File: 53 KB, 736x552, 1449488128493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do whatever i like because freedoms

>> No.12103621

you two would make a cute couple if it weren't for both being bottoms...

hah! nah, I'm sure you fags will make it work somehow

>> No.12103642

If you can dip your soldier into a solid yolk, your less free and more dumb.

>> No.12103646


>salt on your eggs

Nonces like you need their hard drives scanning

>> No.12103663

No salt on eggs = baby palate.

>> No.12103670


>> No.12103678 [DELETED] 

Listen to Buffalo Soldiers by Bob Marley. It explains everything.

>> No.12103685

Listen to Buffalo Soldiers by Bob Marley. It explains everything. Thank me later.

>> No.12104230

A soldier is what you dip in soft boiled eggs anon