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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 842 KB, 1242x822, DE054CB6-8D7F-48DF-8508-5AA4179E50D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12102368 No.12102368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

American Vice Presidents literally eat meme skyline chili. Wow.

>> No.12102388
File: 48 KB, 613x531, 8fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans eating food

>> No.12102393

it's just italian food with cumin instead of oregano and cheddar instead of parmesan

>> No.12102401

he's terrible, his taste in food is terrible. checks out.

>> No.12102405

I'd try skyline chili.
I eat bean chili, I eat spaghetti noodles, and I don't see why they would clash poorly.

>> No.12102407

>on my food and cooking board
Unironically kill yourself and fuck off back to whatever shit hole you crawled out of.

>> No.12102409

>wahhhh he doesn't support my mental illness!

>> No.12102417

>it's just italian food with cumin instead of oregano and cheddar instead of parmesan

And this is wrong

>> No.12102418
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>> No.12102419
File: 131 KB, 401x359, this asshole gets it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12102422
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>> No.12102425

Nobody with half a brain would support your mental illness. It's bad enough that you're probably a drumfpkin, but not even the lowest iq tardlet could possibly find anything redeeming about fucking Pence.

>> No.12102438
File: 135 KB, 890x501, MW-GF862_pence__20180320152414_ZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a pet bunny. Automatically makes him better than most politicians.

>> No.12102444

I unironically only go to /gif/ for ricardo threads these days. It's maybe once a month that there's a single thread I can fap to, but those threads are easily some of the best OC here these days.

>> No.12102447

What's your point? Some people with bad taste eat shit, like a lot of other people.
I still don't know what point you're trying to make, you make some assertion without a point to it like a fucking pathetic faggot.
Also why do you care what an ex-VP eats, are you some psychopath weirdo that should be looked into by the USSS?

>> No.12102449

>posts on a board about food
>clearly knows what food is
>eats da poopoo anyway

>> No.12102450


>> No.12102454

OK, maybe not ex, but my other points stand. Why do you care what he eats?

>> No.12102464

you’re terrible, your taste in food is terrible. checks out.

>> No.12102467

Yaaas sista! Pence is clearly a repressed gay, look at how he looks at Donny!

>> No.12102468


>> No.12102470

No, u.

>> No.12102488

What are you even trying to say? I was just agreeing with the other anon who basically said that supporting Pence is tantamount to having a mental illness.

>> No.12102493

Family man, christian, doesn’t humor thots, doesn’t give a shit about the current PC police gaslighting from people like you, says what he believes even if it costs him. I don’t agree with him on a lot of things, but I think he’s a decent traditional man and father. Triggered reeeeing and hyperbole doesn’t help your cause, in fact I was one of you until I realized I think I agree with the other side more. I don’t think there’s literally nothing redeeming about Pence, I think there is a lot of redeeming things, and some less so.

>> No.12102498

Stop trying to make political fights happen on a cooking board.

>> No.12102499

So a great characterization of that argument in a nutshell.

>> No.12102511

Oh you're actually retarded? He was paraphrasing the one criticising Pence as not validating their homo mental illness.

>> No.12102521

>says what he believes even if it costs him
>things that have never happened (unless sitting there twiddling his thumbs while he cringes through the ordeal with the most retarded fake smile in the history of politics literally every time he's next to trump giving a speech counts as "saying what he believes in")
You can agree or disagree with what he believes in (but if you agree you're fucking crazy), but he's disingenuous about even his own beliefs when it comes to politics and shouldn't garner an ounce of self respect from anyone who respects anything resembling a "traditional man".

>> No.12102530

Holy shit the projection is strong with this one. Nobody mentioned homosexuality; just defending Pence being a sign of mental illness.

>> No.12102532

Just because you state something passionately and with “authority” (mixed with personal insult), doesn’t make it persuasive or in fact an argument at all.

>> No.12102544

It's implicit you mouthbreathing moron, most people know Pence for his advocacy of conversion therapy (for mental illnesses like homosexuality). Is it your first day here? What faggot website did you come from to be unaware? Fresh off the resetera bus?

>> No.12102547

Here’s an example where I think Pence is dead wrong and in fact evil: we should never be taking little boys, drugging them up with chemicals before they can legally consent, then cutting their little dicks off and turning it all inside out to craft a wound vagina that needs lifelong attention daily or else it will heal itself. The fact that Pence stands up for this is barbaric and wrong.

>> No.12102557

>improve medical technology
>bash trannies on 4channel
second option might be easier and feel more exciting in the short-term but it's not really going to solve the problem

>> No.12102573

Is it ok or not ok to irreversably and surgically modify a child’s genitals and commit to drugging them with hormones/chemicals for life before they can legally consent? I’m not talking about chromosomal diseases like XXY, etc.

Your other thoughts are interesting but I’m most curious about this one.

>> No.12102585

/fit/ is gay qfor muscles man

>> No.12102589

But even Pence is smarter than Trump so huh?

>> No.12102592

Another case where I strenuously disagree with Pence: this fucking bastard thinks it’s OK to kill living babies after they’re born if the baby would cause the mother mental health issues. Sure, he’d keep the baby “comfortable” but what does that even mean as it’s waiting for a lethal dose through the skull? Republicans are fucking nuts and out of step with the rest of the country. How anyone can support them is literally reeeee

>> No.12102593

Literally everyone is smarter that Trump. Not an argument.

>> No.12102595

Which years were you President of the United States, and at what age did you get your first billion? Feels good to have a former president billionaire on /ck/, welcome aboard sir.

>> No.12102600

Probably not, kids go through phases and adults can push things on impressionable kids for their own reasons, so there should be years of examinations before anything more permanent is done. But, improving the technology would also mean reversal might be possible at some point if someone decides it wasn't for them.

Blind support either way isn't a good thing, but I don't think sitting around bashing people is going to help either.

>> No.12102612
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>> No.12102614

I honestly don't believe you're being serious, but if you are I'm flabbergasted that anyone with internet access could be so out of touch as to still be repeating this old absurd bullshit line of "reasoning".

>> No.12102623

cheddar is a good name for a cat.

>> No.12102634

That big pile o' shit looks like a meal for six, yet a single person eats that. No wonder that city sucks so much and is made fun of by even Detroit.

>> No.12102636

This is why I hate Pence. He believes we should jump to conclusions. He believes consent DOESN’T MATTER. He wants to indulge in his sick Republican fantasies and rush every kid that may not exactly appear “normal” into some kind of permanent decision well before their brains are developed enough to safely make these life changing choices. I agree with you about bashing people, but I will NEVER not bash Pence for this.