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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 123 KB, 1258x794, 1553902324061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12101491 No.12101491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is what socialists actually believe.

>> No.12101499

>This is what socialists actually believe.

your post belongs to /b. MODS.

>> No.12101504

wtf i love communism now

>> No.12101506

I don't like the government or most government programs but kids shouldn't suffer because they have deadbeat parents that can't give them $10 a week to pay for a school lunch.

>> No.12101508
File: 83 KB, 900x643, Japanese+School+Lunch+Day+22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese school lunches look breddy gud. Though I don't know if I'd eat as a child since I was picky.

>> No.12101512

you take them then.

>> No.12101513

There is no /b/ on 4channel, sweetie

>> No.12101523

okay. its open season on /ck then. nice.

>> No.12101526

looks pretty damn wholesome
whats the soup? I'd be very happy to get that for lunch

>> No.12101527

Right on, bro. Make America Malnourished Again!

>> No.12101531

That’s basically what Michelle Obama was going for with her disastrous school lunch bullshit. I’d rather my kids be charged for good food than forced to pay for shit they’re not going to eat, kinda like they did with healthcare as well. Thank god those apes are out of our lives.

>> No.12101534

it's just tax returns. just leave him alone.

>> No.12101538

Prisoners get free food, it's not a stretch to give them out in school.

You can get free lunch if you're poor in most school districts anyway.

My school had open campus so I mostly got mcdonalds or taco johns in highschool after getting a car.

>> No.12101543

Looks like a Japanese curry base. Would go great on the rice.
>Thank god those apes are out of our lives.
It doesn't matter who's in charge. No one will give a fuck since they're profiting from this shit.

>> No.12101547

I qualified for free lunch in highschool but never ate it so instead I would wait on a long tight ass line getting dry humped by jocks to get a lunch for my Asian friend so he diddnt have to deal with it. He'd give me his lunch money for the trouble. By the weekend I had enough for a bag of weed to smoke with my friends. True story.

>> No.12101548
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>another politics thread

>> No.12101550

i remember going to a public school for 4th and 5th grade, being lower middle class white kid mom always packed my lunch, but I always remember overhearing
>oh i forgot my lunch card Mrs. Thomas
>alright Bentley/Mercedes/whatever other dumb names they gave these niglets, just bring it tomorrow
>thanks Mrs. Thomas

idk how that shit worked but it happened multiple times every day at lunch

have you considered making them a proper meal you dumb faggot and not school garbage or sugar filled poison

>> No.12101552
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>> No.12101553

Prisoners are forced to live in prison and don’t have a means of procuring food any other way. Children aren’t forced to live in school. Terrible analogy.

>> No.12101555
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This, praise king ZOGcuck!

>> No.12101556

>I’d rather my kids be charged for good food than forced to pay for shit they’re not going to eat

easy for you to say since you can afford it. but for those who cannot afford to buy good food it is important that they get help.

where would you rather spend your tax dollars? to kids who go hungry and fail in school because they could not concentrate on lessons. or use it to fund larger jails and public defendants for drop outs? not to mention your child getting raped by an inmate who grew up as an abused and hungry child?

>> No.12101562

>use it to fund larger jails and public defendants for drop outs?
not him but private prisons are a good thing and public defendants are a constitutional right so you will always have to pay for them.

>> No.12101568

>have you considered making them a proper meal you dumb faggot

some kids have both parents working multiple jobs to make ends meet. no time to pack healthy lunch or afford to buy good food. MAGA right? where is your MAGA attitude? all you could say is faggot to everyone who does not have what you have... a silver spoon up your ass.

>> No.12101571

>no time to pack healthy lunch or afford to buy good food.
Sucks that they had time for sex to make the little shit, huh?

>> No.12101574

It takes 3 minutes to make a sandwich and put in a brown paper bag for your kids lunch.

>> No.12101586

>no time to pack healthy lunch or afford to buy good food
It's funny when this is said and yet people will spend hours on their phone. Myself included.

>> No.12101588

>private prisons are a good thing
like the ones in maryland that have a problem keeping them locked up? poor privately run management have let inmates out by mistake.

>> No.12101594

LOL. your 3 minute sandwich from pre-made ingredients. no different from what they will get from school.

>> No.12101595
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Heh, what's wrong USA?

>> No.12101597

>Prisoners get free food
1) It's not free.
2) Pay to stay laws are becoming increasingly widespread. In some locales you're charged up to $50 a day for your prison stay and they send you the bill when you get out.

>> No.12101599

You'll have to correlate that to being privately run.
I can point out poor government run prisons too.

>> No.12101604

It's not about the health benefits. It's about letting the minority kids know that white parents actually care and that's why we are better.

>> No.12101606

i would rather help kids than kick them out on the street and deal with a bigger problem later. its not like you would pay for planned parenthood for their parents since you hate national health care.

>> No.12101610

that is possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
you force them to go to prison and make them pay for it too?

>> No.12101611

who said its only minority kids that need help? my brother lives in alabama and he tells me their school district is full of white trash kids that have no money for good food.

>> No.12101617
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Snacks should be abolished from schools. Leaves a bad habit for kids as they grow.

>> No.12101619

I live in Alabama and am just being a dick. But a loaf of bread and a pack of sand which meat is like 5 bucks.

>> No.12101622
File: 80 KB, 592x592, Stalin_Purge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all in a day's "work," comrade.

>> No.12101626

help them by not teaching them proper nutrition and how to cook? qualities you need every single fucking day?
yeah, great parenting philosophy you got going there

>> No.12101628

>you force them
nobody forced them.

>> No.12101631

probably miso soup. the japs pair it with almost every meal.

>> No.12101635
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>> No.12101642
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To be fair, food education is fucked here in the US. I wouldn't doubt a lot of parents still follow the food pyramid. Not too mention all the varying information that's flying around in the internet that people get pushed away from since it gets technical.

>> No.12101647
File: 210 KB, 1080x1321, 1486013223712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the first day of middle school and you find out school now has multiple vending machines in the halls full of snacks and sodas
exactly why I'm fat

>> No.12101649

>help them by not teaching them proper nutrition

its been proven moron. kids who do not eat properly could not concentrate in school. they fail and end up being high school drop outs. once that happens they become societies problem. a bigger one than trying to feed children so they can learn in school. try being more pro active. im sure you go to PTA meetings right? oh i forgot. only poor parents go to PTA meetings.

>> No.12101654

but they are forced to go

>> No.12101655
File: 477 KB, 440x612, 440px-Margaret_Thatcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those kids should pay for their own damn milk.

>> No.12101657

>loaf of bread and a pack of sand which meat is like 5 bucks

and you guys complained of michelle obamas pizza initiative. LOL.

>> No.12101659

> In some locales you're charged up to $50 a day for your prison stay and they send you the bill when you get out.
Most people can see how stupid this is right off the bat, but what about lifetime without parole?

>> No.12101664

>but kids shouldn't suffer because they have deadbeat parents
Just come and take anything you want then, I didn't actually want all my money. I work so deadbeat parent don't have to.

>> No.12101666

>would go to a 711 with buds
>main things I would get would be some hostess pastry, hot dog, chips, and a soda for around $10
Wasn't a daily thing but was frequent.

>> No.12101676

>Just come and take anything you want then

thats what will happen if you let those kids grow up to become criminals. just like those pain killer addicted whites. you would declare a national emergency on something they willingly do as adults but you would not help an innocent child so they can grow up and be productive members of society?

>> No.12101682

>thats what will happen if you let those kids grow up to become liberals

>> No.12101689

like a true /b/tard. i have bad news for you. there are conservative criminals too. just look at your southern jails. besides blacks, there are tons of whites.

>> No.12101692

>itt people want children to starve

>> No.12101693

not that guy but
>only poor parents go to PTA meetings
if your school's PTA meetings wasn't a competition between middle class soccer moms, you're the one that's poor.

>> No.12101697

>there are tons of whites.
This surprises a liberal who doesn't know that the USA is predominately white.

>> No.12101699
File: 23 KB, 392x331, 1541375308512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you qualified the besides blacks part.

>> No.12101701

ya done goofed. first you claim only minorities are in jail. now you admit the opposite. this surprises nobody as most conservatives are too stupid to throw a consistent argument.

>> No.12101707

i like how you claim only liberals are in jail.

>> No.12101709
File: 66 KB, 890x876, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but muh white genocide narrative

>> No.12101717

>if your school's PTA meetings wasn't a competition between middle class soccer moms, you're the one that's poor.

thats right. the poor who will keep having kids that will grow up and cuck those juicy soccer moms while their husbands are hard at work.

>> No.12101718

>itt people don't want to raise other people's chiildren

>> No.12101722

>itt people who will deal with crime whether they like it or not... because helping kids grow properly will not become their problem

>> No.12101729

forced sterilization of undesirables when?

>> No.12101732

>I can domesticate savage beasts if you just give me more money

>> No.12101737

Government needs to stop subsidizing schools and subsidize the students. Maybe they would actually have standards to attract student vouchers instead of fellating standardized tests. Also fuck principals taking 1/3 the budget

>> No.12101739

sounds like the life, anon.

>> No.12101742

>charging people to be in prison
what the fuck is happening to america
Make amwrica great again my ass

>> No.12101750

Yes, YOU did by criminalizing everything, for making it illegal to look a cop in the eye, for making it illegal to be in the vicinity of drugs, and for making it illegal to disagree with a Liberal. It's all so we can put more people in prison, so that the government can pay more money to private prison profiteers so private prison profiteers can give more money to politicians so politicians can promote private prison growth. Brilliant way of gain! WHoreson YOU!!!

>> No.12101760

>YOU did by criminalizing everything,
Funny, i've never been to prison.
Only sucks to be a degenerate like you.

>> No.12101765

Did I say you'd been to prison? I said you and your type of people have criminalized everything. That doesn't mean you've been to prison. Interesting that the person who thinks children should starve because their parents are poor is a brain-damaged fuckwad who can't into reading comprehension.

>> No.12101771

Lolwat the painkiller junkies are all racist rust belt types

>> No.12101772

>arguing but not really arguing because its 90% insults and 10% passive-aggressiveness

>> No.12101773

>Did I say you'd been to prison?
Yes you implied it by saying "everything is criminal" so even non degenerates should have served time.

>> No.12101782

Not everyone goes to prison, but when they want to put people in prison it's easy for them to fill up their numbers. Anyone COULD go to prison, though not everyone does (though an incredible 1/3 of adults have some sort of criminal record in the US, much higher than any other civilized country.)

>> No.12101783

nobody starves in the US, drama queen

>> No.12101790
File: 1.74 MB, 498x278, ePo3Xwn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao. giving a banana and some yogurt to these kids isn't the magic solution to prevent them from being the dregs of society. It's not going to do shit.

Every day I see obama's children yelling and screaming running up and down the aisles of the train gorging themselves on hot takis and pepsi. A healthy rice pilaf isn't repairing any damage already done by their shitty deadbeat parents.

>> No.12101803

Go back to >>>/pol/ and don't fucking come back.

>> No.12101811

my mother worked and went to school for nursing and still managed to make me a ham sandwich for lunch every day, fucking kill yourself you low-expectation having cunt.

>> No.12101816

>ham sandwich
You were abused, that shit is unhealthy as fuck!

>> No.12101824

I don't know if you know this, but niggers are the reason public schools are failing your children.

>> No.12101827

This is not about having a ham sandwich for lunch, you degenerate. This is about providing at least ONE decent, nutritious meal for a kid per day.
Dumbfucks across the US have every right to fuck their own lives up, but they shouldn't have the right to fuck up their kid's life.
Give the kid a goddamn 1$ meal. A javelin launcher with a single missile is $200k, the US can afford it.

>> No.12101830

It's the parents responsibility to feed and raise their children.

>> No.12101834

I get what you're saying, but what good would it do when they go game and are conditioned to eating garbage at home? That's even if they like whatever decent food you're offering them since kids can be extremely picky.

That's not too mention if the parents are shitty as well.

>> No.12101835


>> No.12101836

>some retard should have the right to raise their retard child to be a retard that's dependent on the government
No. lol.

>> No.12101840


Nope. Little laquanda is your responsibility now. Have fun

>> No.12101849
File: 102 KB, 1280x936, 1515009529874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're paying for public schools already, go the extra mile and pay for school lunches. Every civilized country out there does it. Or just stop paying for everything and go back to feudalism or something with a sub-saharan Affrica-tier literacy rate.

But I get it, you're in your 20s and you hate niggers. This is your excuse for not making America great again, I guess.

>> No.12101855

>lol if you're already violating your morals just go the extra mile and violate them more!

>> No.12101856

>But I get it
na, you don't.
I'm in my 30's and pay taxes. complete with property tax.

>> No.12101859

I'm in my 30s and hate niggers. I went to school with them my whole life and they ruin everything. Most of them wouldn't even come to school it food wasn't free for them. If they stop giving free food, maybe they will stop showing up and white kids can actually learn and flourish again.

>> No.12101868

more money aint fixing this shit, you naive idealist dummy.

>> No.12101875

red miso

>> No.12101876

Michael Obama's MyPlate certainly didn't help.

>> No.12101881

Why dont you fucking pay for it faggot. Make a go fund me page or some shit, and every well off liberal who doesnt five at least 100 bucks to feed the children is shamed has a hypocrite. Dont make other s dump their money in a endless black hole just because you want to.

Or cry on 4chan, your choice.

>> No.12101901

>being libertarian on a mongolian basket weaving forum full of NEETs and weebs

>> No.12101919
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>Just give it to them
Their balance is negative because the school keeps giving it to them without being paid, dumbass.

>> No.12101924
File: 240 KB, 786x516, ScreenShot7412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it makes sense
Think about just how many really poor shithead kids there were in school fucking it up for everyone
That doesn't just impact their learning, but everyone around them.
You can't fucking learn shit if you're hungry and or don't eat right. You can't pay attention and you're grumpy. That's all kids.
That's gotta atleast have been a factor in those poor shithead kids acting like dicks.
And a society with an ineffective education system is going to lose money in productivity in the long run.

The whole 'fuck them' argument, 'not my tax money' isn't rational, it's simple misanthropy. There are a huge number of programs which waste tax money. Like equine musical therapy for kids with kids of colour with epilepsy and stuff and arts endowments for hypothetical preformance art, but feeding kids lunch is just totally straightforward and normal.

>> No.12101945

Fuck off

>> No.12101962
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>> No.12101972

Trump voters comprise at least two thirds of the people in the US who reproduce beyond their means, yet somehow this (basic child welfare) is already being pushed as a leftist conspiracy.

>> No.12101974

yikes. is this that common core math?

>> No.12101979


Truly, the average American is dumb as a doorknob. How could one be convinced that they should be wallowing in debt and poverty in the richest country in the world and be OK with it?

>> No.12101980

So give me one good reason why any basic life needs should cost money?

>> No.12101988

You're obviously retarded, but I'd like to hear how you defend defunding planned parenthood.

>> No.12101991

Hi Angie :)

>> No.12102014

>I heart dead babies

>> No.12102059

>quoting for no reason
>space between the greentext and your post
Yep, Mimiposter. Also KYS, famalamamadamana

>> No.12102078

they already just give the kids an education on the public's back, so I dunno if a sandwich is really asking too much

>> No.12102081

That looks quite tasty

>> No.12102200

Please elaborate on how you have less money because some kids get free food.
Sorry? What was that?
...You literally can not?
This is brainletism in its final stage, everybody.

>> No.12102284

>kids who do not eat properly could not concentrate in school.
I'm sure that correlation is justified, and it has nothing to do with the kids who do not eat properly living in a poverty-stricken single mother household. I'm sure it's the hunger not allowing them to concentrate, rather than the fact that they got no sleep because they were forced to listen to thier mother fucking a new guy all night for the sixteenth day in a row.

>> No.12102299

Texas prisons are self sufficent. Offenders tend to all farming and animal raising, guess what for free.

>> No.12102303

>I don't know if I'd eat as a child since I was picky.
Wouldn't jap kids be picky in a distinctly Japanese way though? Like refusing to try bread or something?

>> No.12102306

We began to advance tech and make more money at a pace nobody else seemed to be matching, we got so ahead of ourselves we ended up selling our souls in the process.

>> No.12102311

Don't worry America, you'll be the biggest world power forever. You're never going to lose that status. China, Russia, the EU and India will never intelligently use long-term planning while your retard political system concentrates on gerrymandering every election so you are left with senile 90 year old white men owning a seat for 70 years and doing nothing but selling out to their big business owners.

>> No.12102315

Japan fucking loves bread.
Their bread is softer and fluffier than most Western bread tho.

>> No.12102359

>eating lunch

>> No.12102371

>naw tyrone I aint payin fo yo skoo lunches, thems fo free!

>> No.12102389

>grow up in middle class white family
>be one of three kids
>family makes too much for government handouts, but only barely
>2008 comes around
>recession hits us hard
>can't always afford lunch, but the school program ensures we eat every day
>fast forward to end of year
>notified that I will not be able to graduate without paying off "lunch debt"
>"what the fuck is lunch debt?"
>literally unable to pay off what I apparently owe
>two weeks of after school yard work sessions for $50 of debt to attend the graduation I'd earned
Yeah, fuck "lunch debt".

>> No.12102395
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>gibs me dat

>> No.12102437
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>Why is lunch debt a thing that exists?

>> No.12102461

>The sum that is able to be collected doesn't go straight into the county coffers, either - the jail contracts with a company called Intellitech Corporation, which acts as a collections agent, sending letters and making phone calls to former inmates. If the debtor sends a check to Intellitech or arranges a payment plan with them, 30% of the money goes to the county and 70% goes to Intellitech.
>According to the company's president, John Jacobs, Intellitech runs pay-to-stay programs in 12 counties in Ohio and in six other states. He says that by becoming the "Walmart" of pay-to-stay collections, his company makes the practice viable for counties.
>The cost of running it is almost equal to what they bring in, he says
Basically exists so that some collections agency can get most of the debt. Goddamn, as if getting out of prison wasn't hard enough.

>> No.12102487

Meant to quote

>> No.12102575

Only the young girls should get a free ride, and by "free ride" I mean their expenses get paid by riding Republican dick.

>> No.12102596

oi moight u gotta loicense for that lunch debt?

>> No.12102602

You were picky as a child because your school lunches consisted of pizza and hotdogs

>> No.12102626

Americans really think Stalin was the only communist

>> No.12102637

All the right has are these snappy little catchphrases that don't actually mean anything.

>> No.12102641

I mean, ir's better than tens of millions of dead due to socialism.