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File: 65 KB, 282x500, Heaven-Hill-Whiskey-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12096299 No.12096299 [Reply] [Original]

So I decided I'm going to start drinking whiskey. Recommend me a good one /ck/. Pic unrelated.

>> No.12096305
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Fuck yes

>> No.12096308

Start with woodford reserve, easy enough to drink straight if you haven't had whiskey before.

>> No.12096309

Evan Williams bottled in bond. Unbonded is alright but BoB is much better. If you can find Old Grandad Bonded try that too. Those are the best for cheap, and I’ve had lots. Buffalo Trace is pretty good mid shelf stuff. Anything spendier than that is too fancy for me.

>> No.12096324
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>people are still recommending Old Grand-Dad Bonded instead of Old Grand-Dad 114

>> No.12096335

I mean, I've drank loads of whiskey, just never been an aficionado. I've been a beer guy for the last 10 years, but I'm doing keto now, so I need something that's 0 carb. Also I can't do those faggy sparkling seltzer things because I'm not a sodomite.

thanks anon

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12096336

its only reddit tier if you sperg out over BTAC

>> No.12096345

Oh, woodford is still good but no reason to pay the extra 5-7 dollars over makers mark or wild turkey 101

>> No.12096353
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>> No.12096355

Ok. Price isn't a huge issue. I'd rather not get the bottom of the barrel gutter trash. I'm just totally ignorant of the quality differentials between brands.

>> No.12096365

personally brand wise what I can recommend is Wild Turkey, Maker's Mark, Woodford Reserve or Knob Creek stuff. If you see a barrel proof go for it, the higher proof means more flavor.

>> No.12096405
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hi anons, i've been drinking a small variety of liquors for about a year now (whisky, rum, vodka, gin, tequila, etc.) but i can never tolerate any of them outside of a high/lowball or cocktail unless i throw it back in a shot glass. i'd really like to figure out what a good babby's first whisky is that i can sip on by itself (preferably neat) and doesn't just taste like ethanol.

>> No.12096411

Cool, thanks anon.

>> No.12096427

Dalwhinnie is entry-level. It's very forgiving, as in: it's not extraordinary good, but certainly not bad. I only started liking whiskey after drinking this one. I also make a habit of smelling the bottle when i open it the first time. Building a relationship with your bottle is inportnant

>> No.12096428

woodford reserve or johnnie walker black

>> No.12096439

i've tried laphroiag and tomatin and they were the absolute hardest spirits for me to drink. i don't think i have what it takes for scotch whisky.

>> No.12096442

Jack Daniels is the only whiskey you need

>> No.12096445

some reasonably priced starters for each style:

Bourbon: Elijah Craig Small Batch
Rye: High West Double Rye
Scotch (peated): Ardbeg 10
Scotch (sherried): Glenmorangie Lasanta
Scotch (just scotch): Glenlivet, Arran 10
Irish: Redbreast 12

>> No.12096447

Redpill me on these nuance of these categories. It's always seemed the same to me.

>> No.12096454

Neck yourself.

OP you should try Glen Livet 12 year

>> No.12096457


Maximum boomer.

>> No.12096459

can't speak to tomatin as I haven't tried it yet, but don't judge scotch by laphroiag, it's at one extreme of a range of flavor. As >>12096427
says, Dalwhinnie's pretty easy-going, it's practically fruit juice by comparison. Some scotches are very mild and sweet.

>> No.12096491

Bourbon is corn juice aged in new barrels. Tastes like corn and wood.
Rye based whisky is either flavorless (most Canadian blended whiskies) or has a pleasant spicy character (nicer Canadian whiskies, 100% ryes)
Scotch whisky differs based on where in Scotland it's made and the local traditions it follows. Tends to focus on "single malt", kind of like how some wines focus on a single grape variety.
Scotch with peat tastes like smoke. Scotch aged in Sherry barrels tend to be light and fruity.
Irish whisky tends to smoother and lighter due to multiple distillation and filtration passes.

>> No.12096496

Careful, I only tried this once but I got a bad bottle and it tasted awful

>> No.12096519

Jack is easily the worst whiskey I've ever had and I've tried quite a few

>> No.12096520

which one?

>> No.12096546

The main thing about whiskey is that unlike beer, the older and bigger brands usually (though certainly not always) do it better due to how long it takes to age the spirits, build stock, and perfect the process.

Also whiskey demand has been skyrocketing the past few years, so prices have been shooting up steadily. Fair warning.

Bourbon: corn-based (at last 51%). Usually sweet and sometimes a bit spicy. Typical tasting notes include caramel, honey, nutmeg, cinnamon, cherry, oak. Price/performance sweet spot is in the $40-$60 range. After that, returns diminish pretty quickly.

Rye: Spicy and sort of astringent, think black twizzlers (rye) versus red (bourbon) by way of really rough comparison.

Peated scotch: Smoke, first and foremost. Within that, you get iodine (laphroiag), campfire (ardbeg) and bacon (lagavulin). Other peated scotches balance it out with some brininess or even citrusy notes.

Sherried scotch: Aged in wine barrels, fruity and usually pretty unchallenging to the palate. Tasting notes include fig, pear, raisin, christmas cake (whatever the fuck that is, I think it's a britbong thing). I haven't yet had one that's at all off-putting

Malty (neither peated nor sherried) scotch: Taste like fine leather and old money. Or so I imagine. I can't really describe them because they don't taste like anything else to me.

Irish: Graham cracker, creamy, fruity, mild. Not often very interesting or challenging, but also never really offensive. Anything Redbreast, Yellow Spot, or Powers are safe bets.

>> No.12096554

and I replied to myself like a tard.

>> No.12096570

I was gifted their single barrel select and was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't great, but I enjoyed it.
The Old No.7 on the other hand is only good for jack & cokes at shitty dive bars where that's as good as it gets.

>> No.12096610

glenlivet 12
macallan 12
redbreast lustau (kind of pricey tho)
bunnahabhain 12
maker's mark
old scout smooth ambler

>> No.12096642
File: 13 KB, 400x600, ci-woodford-reserve-bourbon-c985a76a3eeaa7c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. I guess you always run the risk of getting a bad bottle with small batch whiskey's but that first bottle made me nervous to try it again. Most people like it though, but it's not what I'd recommend to start out

>> No.12096665

I've heard good things about that one but for the price there's better options out there. I was pleasantly surprised by Jim beam devils cut, it tastes far more aged then it really is due to the way they make it.

>> No.12096681

yeah, same thing happened to me with eagle rare 10, its pretty good though when its not a bad bottle, try getting a small one on your next trip to the alcohol store

>> No.12096695
File: 93 KB, 1920x1080, Smug Falcor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks anons

>> No.12096701

Listen to >>12096445 and >>12096546, they know what's up. OP, I'm just going to run through a couple bottles that I like to keep around.

First off, a nice peated scotch: Laphroaig 10. Not too expensive (as far as scotch goes). Lots of smoke, peat, and iodine. It's a bit controversial, to be fair, since the flavors are extremely strong. Everyone who tries it either loves it or hates it. I'd recommend trying it at a bar before purchasing a bottle.

Next, a nice Irish option: Redbreast 12. Like others have said before in this thread, Irish stuff tends to be straightforward and unoffensive, at the loss of some complexity and depth. That being said, it's delicious and has some nice notes of fruit and sweetness.

Next is my favorite rye whiskey, Templeton Rye 4 year. Some people are on a moral crusade against them due to some nonsense they pulled regarding the location where it's made (it's done by MGP which is a big factory in Indiana, and some people are unable to accept the fact that they still make good whiskey). It's smooth as far as rye whiskeys go, though it definitely has a nice bite to it. Some notes of corn, vanilla, and caramel. Very enjoyable.

These three comprise the majority of my whisky consumption at home. At bars I tend to try new things, but these three have never let me down.

>> No.12096703

I've had 2 bottles of ER and they both tasted like rotten wood smells. I probably could have returned them but somehow, weirdly, they weren't quite bad enough to justify the effort. A bottle in the hand is worth 2 in the [trying to return booze at the liquor store]

>> No.12096741
File: 88 KB, 540x720, 2A93F38F-233B-4061-8040-7320994A0E39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My functioning alcoholic grandfather was drinking a bottle of these every day after his shift as a commercial airline pilot in the 60s/70s. He died pretty young. I’m tempted to find a bottle and try it, I don’t really drink though.

>> No.12096750

Drinking Cutty Sark is the middle class dad equivalent of turning to rubbing alcohol after you're out of bottom shelf vodka and forties to keep your demons at bay.

>> No.12096767

I guess gramps had shit taste

>> No.12096788


Don't listen to >>12096750, he just thinks he's being funny. Cutty Sark gets decent reviews and is overall a sweet and slightly smoky whisky. Sure, it isn't that complex, but it's cheap and it tastes good. Ignore the elitists.

>> No.12096822

mine just tasted like burn which was weird because it was just 90 proof and I had been drinking Rare Breed the month before I bought it , must be some overhyped buffalo trace product

>> No.12096877

Heaven hill is actually a decent well whiskey. I appreciate the bars that have that for their 2-3 dollar option.

Bourbon is the best whiskey. It has legal standards so even the cheapest (Benchmark) is ok.

>> No.12096893

Four Roses Single Barrel is probably my favorite under $50.

For under $30 Buffalo Trace and Four Roses Yellow Label are solid choices.

If you're homeless go for Evan Williams or Very Old Barton.

>> No.12096901
File: 381 KB, 1500x1500, 912mzW+AdGL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to start drinking scotch Chivis Regal is a good place to start

>> No.12096920

Start with Evan Williams white label. Then move up to something a bit more expensive. Avoid anything cheaper than Evan Williams.

>> No.12096933

Buffalo Trace, Bulleit, and Elijah Craig for your bourbons

Glenmorangie 10, McCallan 10, and Glenfidditch 12 for scotch

Never got into ryes, Irish, or Canadian whiskeys, and I don't drink any more, so that's the extent of my recommendations. If I had to choose just one to recommend, I'd go with the McCallan.

>> No.12096957

>I haven't yet had one that's at all off-putting
t.guy who can't taste sulfur

>> No.12096989
File: 101 KB, 600x1061, amazing-accidental-art-unintentional-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the only one who has ever had Té Bheag. Bought a bottle on a whim, surprisingly smooth while maintaining a rich flavour. Tossed the bottle and took me years to find again, because it is not pronounced at all how it is written.

>> No.12097000

>it is not pronounced at all how it is written.
nigga how do you know what scotland is but not gaelic

>> No.12097044

True. Either I've been lucky, or really just can't taste sulfur, which also counts as lucky.

>> No.12097059

Maybe because one is a blob on a map that we all learn about by the time we're 13, and the other is a bunch of whiskey-soaked warbling steeped in a culture of sectist violence and small-dickedness.

>> No.12097071

Oooh somebody's got sensitive nerves.
Read a fucking book.

>> No.12097076

I know what gaelic is, but if you don't remember the exact spelling it's hard to work backwards. "Starts with a T, has an 'aeg, in it" does not lead naturally to something pronounced "Chey Vek".

>> No.12097083

Drink vodka instead

>> No.12097091
File: 679 KB, 918x830, tf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's it

>> No.12097099

i'm totally sick of that crap, i can't drink anymore whiskey it just hurts my body and my mind, i'll stick to beer or bottles of wine instead.

>> No.12097103

vodka tastes like nothing tho

>> No.12097136

>Bourbon is the best whiskey
Motherfucker I will fight you

Bourbon's okay but scotch is scotch. That said, if I've only got $40 to spend, I'm probably buying bourbon.

>> No.12097153

scotch doesn't even go above 90 proof unless you pay 100 bux

>> No.12097185
File: 653 KB, 1949x2598, BACARDI_8_SERVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're not accustomed to drink liquor straight i'd try a smooth rum like pic. Its easy to drink str8 whereas these fukheads on here will be recommending you try some $60 bottle of ashtray juice that burns the like the sun.

>> No.12097197

true, but also so what. If you just want to get fucked up in a hurry, moonshine is still a thing.

>> No.12097201

>I want a decent whiskey
>ok here's a rum

>> No.12097208

>i can't drink anymore whiskey
ngl I'm kinda jealous

>> No.12097218

higher proof has more flavor

>> No.12097219

thanks anon, i've heard bacardi was a good rum. i lied about not being able to drink liquor by itself; i actually used to sip captain morgan's private stock straight when i first started drinking. i wanted to get into whisky, but now i wouldn't mind trying rum again.

>> No.12097237

Blanton’s, Jefferson Reserve, Middlton Very Rare

>> No.12097239

>drinking rum

>being wrong
also no

>> No.12097245

Glengoyne Cask Strength is a very nice, very high proof <$50 sherried scotch. It is NOT a "baby A'bunadh," but it's nice.

>> No.12097251

Drinking evan williams everyday for months on end gets old, i got sick of it, i've tried drinking irish whiskies or cheapish blended scotches but i just go back to drinking beer or cheap wine because my body tells me to take a break from booze.

>> No.12097261
File: 144 KB, 400x600, monkey-shoulder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its meh at best, but the 8 year is actually pretty good and very smooth. When these old whiskey drinkers say things like this bottle challenging to the pallet what they mean is "oh god that's horrible and burns like hell" challenging=difficult to psychically drink and not something anybody with taste buds would enjoy. Here is a good beginner scotch thats affordable.

>> No.12097265

Powers Irish Whiskey

>> No.12097277

it says its 85 bucks on total wine

>> No.12097285
File: 28 KB, 375x563, fourroses-single-barrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also not bad, for normal people that aren't into burnt hair and ashtray flavors

>> No.12097322

Huh. $49 right now at Hi Time Wine Cellars, and I swear I paid less for my last bottle from there. Total Wine is usually competitive, too. Maybe it's been a while since the last release and stock is low.

>> No.12097348
File: 26 KB, 500x500, highwest-doublerye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite rye.

>> No.12097837 [DELETED] 


Rye is for men. In general, all other whiskies are for boys. I drink rye while I wear wranglers and smoke marlboro reds