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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 110 KB, 780x780, meatballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12089160 No.12089160 [Reply] [Original]

>ask italian friend if he wants to eat the Ikea meatballs
>no, that's like dogfood.

then who came up with spaghetti & meatballs?

>> No.12089163

A 2 second google search shows it was Italian immigrants. You’re welcome.

>> No.12089166

Thanks for the useless thread OP, though this IS /ck/, so I'm not surprised.

>> No.12089167

do europeons really go out to eat at furniture stores

>> No.12089171
File: 1.27 MB, 899x899, BlaireWhitePool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbonara is better with cream.

>> No.12089176 [DELETED] 

A vegan thread died for this post

>> No.12089196
File: 21 KB, 292x314, aaah yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12089213

Only good thing about this thread

>> No.12089646

what is that?

>> No.12089657

Blaire White, a transgender woman.

>> No.12089664


A mentally ill faggot attention whore

>> No.12089672

Not being able to accept those who are different from you is a classic sign of a true idiot.

>> No.12089705

Ikea meat balls =/= Italian meat balls

>> No.12089714

Calling her a mentally ill attention whore doesn't mean I don't accept her.

>> No.12089752

It's the new Starbucks here, every single 4-preson booth is taken up by a single prat with his laptop, tablet, two phones and papers spread everywhere, hogging the booth for the entire day while sipping on a single refillable cup of coffee.

>> No.12089775
File: 313 KB, 1600x1066, 1550610953749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot opinion
checks out

>> No.12089804
File: 903 KB, 260x146, cosby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12089835

then who was phone?

>> No.12091068


>> No.12091331

S-surely I'm not gay if I want to suck that trannys wanger, r-right? She is a sort of woman, no?

>> No.12091553

>spaghetti & meatballs?
As most unholy abominations spawned from satan's teet, it was invented by Americans.

>> No.12091713

>no, that's like dogfood.

Your italian friend is a complete retard

>> No.12091727

To any italians lurking this thread, your nonna is a tastelet subhuman whore and carbonara is better with cream and garlic. Also, all catholics support and thus abide chomos.

>> No.12093424

I ate the famous meatballs from Ikea once and they tasted like shit

>> No.12093471

accepting those who aren't just severely mentally ill but who also like to show off their mental illness is a sign of being mentally unfit yourself. also, you're a faggot

>> No.12093481
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, JohnMaclean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. There is nothing gay about a man having sex with a woman.

Sucking a woman's penis is heterosexual as a man.

>> No.12093657

Ikea meatballs taste absolutely bland. No taste, no texture, very palatable, like strawberry yogurt ice cream. Perfect food for kids aged 3-5 to reach their daily protein quota

>> No.12093699


A rare photo of Michael Jackson

>> No.12093745

I think he meant Ikea food is dogfood, not that meatballs are dogfood.

>> No.12093756

How to make some good sauce to go with frozen ikea meatballs? I don't want to buy some weird dust packet with mystery ingredients.

Is it just a dark roux with chicken broth and some cream?

>> No.12093765

I have no idea if that is what Ikea serves, but it certainly would work for a sauce.

The way my family makes it is: start by cooking your meatballs in a skillet. When they're done remove and set aside, add a little flour to the remaining fat in the pan and cook to make a light roux. Deglaze with a splash of wine, add some stock (chicken or veal), reduce until it gets to your desired thickness.

>> No.12093907

Ignore your friend op, wanna be Italians are the stuck up pretentious cunts when it comes to Italian food


>> No.12093927

Police found actual shit in several Ikea food items in Italy, that's why they don't want to eat there.

>> No.12094057
File: 51 KB, 600x842, 1523401035118 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. fag

>> No.12094349

do americans really go out to shoot their guns at schools?