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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12085593 No.12085593 [Reply] [Original]

What are you brewing today?

I'm brewing some 98' Shu and enjoying my new Skyrim cook book.

>> No.12086455

I had some African Chai from Justea earlier, and I'm having a pot of Earl Grey from Harney and Sons to accompany me while I work.

>> No.12086478

>skyrim cook book
you have to be kidding me OP

>> No.12086487

>hehe i play gamez btw :3

>> No.12086501

>he doesn't like Kahjit Horker Casserole

I bet you don't even smoke heroin and pretend it's skooma

>> No.12086512
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Sounds good. Have had actually type of chia before, but is been awhile. Tastes good though.

Say what you will, it's actually pretty cool.


>> No.12086706

I just drank some ginseng tea. Was pretty ok. My first time brewing and drinking tea.

>> No.12087200

>I'm brewing some 98' Shu
equivalent to someone saying "I'm enjoy some 1994 red here"
it's a beautiful joke if you know the language

>> No.12087235

I think skooma would be more akin to a liquid crack and mescaline of sorts

>> No.12087266

This is the kind of shit that kills the board. Humblebragging and being pretentious disguised as asking a question. Contribute or fuck off.

>> No.12087300

It couldn't possibly be rampant shitposting and post-2016 zoomers politicizing every fucking thing that gets posted. No, it's this thread, that actually discusses food.

>> No.12087301
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>> No.12087309

Do you actually think this board is worth for an effort of more than 30 seconds, in the name of anonymous? Go fuck yourself dude, at least its worth 30 seconds.

>> No.12087312

It looks pretty cool, actually.

>> No.12087315

It’s not discussing shit. Tea isn’t food, and it’s not good either. Just some dumb nigger buying 68 day old tea leaves and being lied to into paying more money. And who the fuck cares about a Skyrim cookbook? If you think this is a genuine thread you’re off your hinges.

>> No.12087362

You seem triggered.

>> No.12087370

By the lack of decent content on this board? Sure am

>> No.12087377

"hurr durr, this board sucks. I'm gonna bitch and whine instead of making threads that cater to my interests more"

>> No.12087381

lol he got triggered what a retard lol 6969

>> No.12087384

Also, bitch and whine general.

>> No.12087412
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Why do I never hear about Chrysanthemum tea? I've loved it since I was a kid, but no one I know has ever heard of it.

>> No.12087413

>grass juice isn't food
Your brain sure is nothing but food.

>> No.12087417
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Alright, looking at it, it sounds pretentious. I'll give you that. I haven't had a day to chill and enjoy some tea. I had today off and I wanted to drink some of my nice tea and look though my new cook book. There where no other tea general discussion threads up, so I made one where other people can talk and post what they are having. I don't see how this thread is so horrible compared to ""do Americans"" and the multiple little Cesar threads. Lurk somewhere else, make a food thread for discussion or fuck off. I'm not replying to you again.

>> No.12087431

based Shu drinker.

>> No.12087434

How do you know I don’t?

>> No.12087440

Lol you got scammed wite boy

>> No.12087447

Go make another fast food thread, Fatty McPretentious.

>> No.12087449
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post skooma recipe

>> No.12087491

I would, but I don't know if the mods will ban hammer me.

Been wanting to try it, but haven't had a chance. I notice in some flavor blends for baked goods. What does it taste like on its own?

Never brewed that on it's own either. Was it based or lose? What's it taste like?

>> No.12087495

heard of it, but never tried it.

>> No.12087507

This shit is as gay as your little butt, boy.

>> No.12087508

I love how the common insult here is “ur fat XD” on a cooking board. Even if I was fat in some alternate dimension, I’d still be worth more than your generic basic bitch dollar menu ass.

>> No.12087542

Paying good money in eating McDonald's doesn't mean you worth more than that piece of shit sitting next to you, Totallynotfat Fatty McPretentious.

>> No.12087552

recipe thread is still up, dude. they haven't done anything so far.

>> No.12087553

Damn, I'll have to try it sometime. I feel like it is going to be that earthy floral that those blue pea plant flowers do.

Fuck it I'll tell you:
Dissolve 1 cup of sugar into a small amount of water. Add two cups vodka, 10 apricots, pinch of ground cardamom and dash of vanilla extract. Let that shit sit for 2 weeks to a month. Boom skooma.

>> No.12087562

I'm probably paranoid, but I don't want to get banned again.

>> No.12087601
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Screw it. I'll do a test here so at worst I kill my own thread. Also is tea related.

>> No.12087607
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Nord spice. Seems weird it has mace though.

>> No.12087611

>Looks closer
Wait... This is basically a simple curry spice minus the tumeric.

>> No.12087626

Go drink your tea and jack off to the fact that you paid $15 an ounce for utter bullshit, whitey.

>> No.12087637

Makes sense.

>> No.12087642

Makes sense.

>> No.12087657

Chill out fatty, and drink some 98' Shu. Oh wait...you can't. Lolz.

>> No.12087666

>only lesbian drinks Pu'er
Makes sense.

>> No.12087667

>thinking we didn’t sell you bottom of the barrel tea leaves from shitty provinces priced up for pig foreigners to waste money on without confirming authenticity
Are all white people retarded?

>> No.12087669

tea is for women and queers

>> No.12087710

not bad, anon. the ginger surprises me, but I bet it would taste good.

>> No.12087718

TBQH, I would unironically choose to eat that shit from McDonald's anus too if I am miserably poor and fat like you, Mr. Imtriggered Fatty McPretentious.

>> No.12087724

>parroting the same insult
>still buying overpriced tourist trap food
Isn’t there an age limit on this board?

>> No.12087767

>mouth full of shit "food" from McDonald's while desperately think of an insult
Go ask your mom, kid, if she's not busy sucking a big fat one.

>> No.12087770

Go watch anime faggot. This isn’t a daycare.

>> No.12087774
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>> No.12087786
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>> No.12087808

anyone else like flavored teas? my favorite is peach, followed by cinnamon.

>> No.12087821


>This isn’t a daycare.

b..b..but you are here. UR KID TOO XD

How about YOU go watch anime, fatass pretentious faggot.

>> No.12087824
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Nobody likes you. Suicide is an option.

>> No.12087829

Yes. Use to have a lemon meringue chia that was awesome iced. Other favs are banana flavored tea, and French toast tea. Also pumpkin flavored green tea is underrated.

>> No.12087849

>desperately and swiftly throw in a "NOT SAMEFAG XD" and "KYS XD" to prove a "point"
At least I am not the fatass pretentious faggot, you insecure little child.

>> No.12087851

Are you even capable of anything other than Reddit tier shitposting?

>> No.12087867

>throw in "UR LEDDDDIT XD" too
You are predictable and boring.
Why giving up so quickly, to be liked by everyone>>12087824 , you insecure little man.

>> No.12087877

Keep greenposting and you might make it to r/4chan.

>> No.12087898

Have you finished your diary yet?
I'll tell your mom to confiscate your phone if you keep shitposting instead of doing your homework.

>> No.12087912

Can you both just shut the fuck up?
You especially.
Nobody cares. Sage.

>> No.12087952

>come to 4channel to tell anons to shut the fuck up

>unironically believes that telling people to "shut the fuck up" will actually shut them up

No one cared, you naive little child. Go post gay porn or fuck off to reddit.

>> No.12087957

there's a mcchicken thread on pg 3. maybe you should start an al/ck/ thread while you're at it.

>> No.12087959

Seething lost Redditor

>> No.12088007

>resorted to one line meme posting
Alright I'm calling it a night, just to not be too mean to you, little guy, afraid you will shoot up a school or fast food joint or something.

>> No.12088035

I bet. When it gets 90 outside, iced tea with lemon is one of my food groups. Banana sounds interesting. Do you serve that one hot?

>> No.12088040

You need to take your Prozac. Isn’t that what Americans do when they have temper tantrums?

>> No.12088068
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Nah, cold. They don't have as much flavor hot. What tea do you use as a base for your lemon ice tea? Any favorites?

Also anyone have a favorite bag tea brand for when you need a quick fix or are out? I find Bigelow teas pretty good. One of the few baged green teas that don't turn bitter. Pic related is one of my favs. Lucky's market baged tea is good as well.

>> No.12088125
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I found this kind to be a lot smoother and less bitter than similar american ones, bigelow is good as well. Celestial seasoning's chai has been my go to for a long time. Tried a few other brands and they ranged from weak to ridiculously bitter.

>> No.12088129

Cut your nails you fucking autist

>> No.12088144

Never been a Tetley fan myself, but I like luiziane ice tea if I'm making it it bulk. I tend to do half black and half green tea. Haven't had Celestia in a while. Your not wrong on the bands though. It's hard to find decent bagged tea. Been wanting to try PG Tips.

>> No.12088209

Mini sheng puerh cake from Meimei Fine Teas. It's so good, like a green tea and a puerh had a baby and now I've steeped the baby in hot water.
Any fellow NYers go to the Coffee and Tea Festival this past weekend?
I love that shit!! Ten Ren makes an amazing one. Last time I got sick that was all I could stomach for two days, probably kept me from dying of dehydration lmao.
I'm not a fan unless throwing flower petals in with my tea leaves counts as flavoring. I had this nasty fucking chocolate caramel pecan flavored tea from Stash ages ago (it was 99 cents for a box and I was 13 years old, don't judge me too much) and literally puked after I took two sips.

>> No.12088236

I've always thought the PG Tips looked good. Won't be trying them for a while though. I need to cut down my stash first.

Yeah, I've never had a good experience with chocolate flavored tea. I'm curious what kind of petals you use though.

>> No.12088246

Had chai today. Made by a Pajeet coworker not some watered down shit from a coffee shop. Probably one of my fav drinks, won't call it a tea but it was amazing.

>> No.12088326
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Meng Hai Zhuan Cha (2010). Pretty good for everyday drinking.

>> No.12088550
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Start my day with a nice 3 to 4 cups of shoumei tea and this the only right way to brew/drink tea

>> No.12088557

Are you Vietnamese?

>> No.12088567
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>drinking anything but gyokuro

>> No.12088576

Nope I am a targui
Have you google that to sound sophisticated? Kek

>> No.12088589


>> No.12088649
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How boring your life must be if you drink only one kind of tea if there are hundreds of different ones.

Oh, ok. I thought you are because I saw a lot of vietnamese people preparing the tea like that so it has very strong and bitter taste. They said it’s because it helps with digesting fatty/greasy foods. On the other hand it can give you stomach ache when you are not used to it. Not sure what is true, I use gaiwan.

>> No.12088676

even if you limit yourself to just japanese gyokuro there are still endless variations of cultivar/farm/harvest to explore

>> No.12088702

Still kinda boring, anon. I seriously doubt you can order more than let’s say 50 different cultivars of gyokuro outside of the Japan. I also don’t want to drink green tea during winter as it doesn’t have the warming element as shu pu erh or red tea and this is exactly the reason I will never limit myself to just one kind. It’s also nice to serve some special teas to my guests and not just gyokuro all the time.

>> No.12088714

i guess so. i only drink tea about once a week and never have guests so i dont need more variety. theres a new harvest to taste before i can go through more than 5-6 varieties in a year. its nice to limit yourself so things seem more overseeable and neat, maybe its an autist thing.

>> No.12088728

>i only drink tea about once a week and never have guests
Well, fair enough. I sometimes buy the same teas but fresh harvests every year but the difference isn’t really noticable even if you compare them side by side. And since I had lots of different kinds already I just sometimes want to drink specific kind because I feel like it’s going to suit the day or my mood.

>> No.12088929

Gween tea

>> No.12089878

picture you can hear.
Also friendly reminder to avoid teabags tea

>> No.12089886

Can you conjure me a sweetroll?

>> No.12089889

Chrysanthemum is in baked goods? That's news to me. What kind of baked goods? Not sure how to describe it, but it's a kind of earthy mellow and floral and slightly sweet taste. It's my favourite tea. I'm drinking it right now.

I bought it on Amazon, because I'm too lazy to go out to a store to find it. There aren't many asian groceries near me.

>> No.12089895


>> No.12089935
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>> No.12091262


>> No.12091411
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Drinking some Yunnan gold tips

>> No.12091427
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i want to grow my own tea because i am sick of BIG TEA

do i just buy 100 seeds from china and throw them all around my moms yard?

she likes tea too so she wouldn't mind

>> No.12091610

You can't really grow your own tea; I've looked into it. You would need plantation size land of it otherwise you can't produce enough. Best thing you can do is look into buying from farms or co-ops.

>> No.12091638

Lovely! Let us know how it tastes! I'm brewing a pot of dian hong to put in my themos when I go to the library in a bit.

>> No.12091793

His Sheogorath rap album was unironically my favorite album of last year. Only knew about it because some hero on /ck/ posted DRINK WATER.

>> No.12092533


>> No.12094109

I brewed what my tea house sells as a samovar mixture. Tastes earthy, like wheat ane grass and a little spicy as well.

>> No.12094636
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master race

>> No.12095083

Not the it gets put in baked goods, but tea that is flavor to mimic baked goods always seem to have it. Thanks for letting me know how it tastes and link

God, I can't wait till my stash is gone so I can get some of that dank Chinese gold bud.

Пpивeт, always found samovar cool. Do you add sugar or jam?

Legitimately curious about this one what does it taste like?

>> No.12095141

>Legitimately curious about this one what does it taste like?

This. >>12094636 pls share with the class.

>> No.12096344

it's just a really really smooth british tea. I suppose it's nothing exceptional, just a good example of a very standard black tea

>> No.12097141

Nice! How do you take it? I brew British black teas with boiling water for about five minutes. No milk, no sugar.

>> No.12098429


>> No.12098639


>> No.12098759

Seething Redditor

>> No.12098941

What are some of your favorite gyokuro then?