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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.59 MB, 2560x1440, 0325191346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12081208 No.12081208 [Reply] [Original]

Y'all coasties and eurotrash can make fun of my flyover corn fed ass all y'all wanna. Y'all ain't got prices like this.

>> No.12081210

I paid 8 dollars today for a 2.7 lb pot roast today that I made into a beef curry pie with croissant dough.

>> No.12081211

I don't eat meat, so...

>> No.12081223

>eating animals carcasses in 2019
anon, i ...

>> No.12081227
File: 1.18 MB, 2560x1440, 0325191351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2-3 weeks worth of meet for $17

>> No.12081243

How can you soi-vegans even type with your bony fingers?

>> No.12081248

you're assuming they're using their fingers

>> No.12081275

i type with my veiny megaphallus, you weak meatcuck

>> No.12081278

I got 5 thicc ass chicken breasts at $2/lb

>> No.12081283

hey, i remember you from that other thread!

>> No.12081288

I live in UK and we get the same 1kg chicken drumsticks or thighs for £1.65, making them £0.12 cheaper than your $2.33. HA. fucking get rekt

>> No.12081298
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>> No.12081308 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 259x194, Flyover Cities - Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, New Orleans, etc, etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the flyover cities & their niggers need to be removed from America. It's the main reason why we think your country is an absolute shithole.

>> No.12081315
File: 522 KB, 740x842, 'Merican Flyover Cities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the main reason why we think your country is an absolute shithole.
'Merica is beyond saving. The coasts are shitholes and the flyover cities are even worse shitholes.

>> No.12081316

its literally $1.10 for chicken breast in commiefornia and tritip is 2.99/lb

>> No.12081355

>he pays $2/lb for boneless thighs
It's almost like you think that's a good price, lmaoing at ur life rn

>> No.12081559

unfortunately true. i pay around 4€ for 4 bone in skin on upper thighs. Drumsticks are around 4 € aswell for 4 bone in skin on. it's okay pricewise but not great. these are mid tier supermarket prices though you can usually get it cheaper buying from turks. t. german

>> No.12081981

Coastie here.
Chicken tenderloins (the smaller muscle within the breast) are $1.99/lb this week.
Drums are 69c/lb.
Try again, flyover.

>> No.12081991

chicken is cheaper here in oregon and we dont have sales tax get fucked flyover

>> No.12082003

We pay $6.50 USD for breast or thigh boneless here. Fucking Australia. Why the fuck is this shit so expensive we've got a fucking empty country to put chickens in.

>> No.12082105


Why are people from the midwest always so insecure about the shit holes they live in?

>> No.12082136

why are carnists so stupid?

>> No.12082167
File: 384 KB, 493x402, 1531983510226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's that cheap everywhere in the US. i live in connecticut

>> No.12082181

Raise your own then

>> No.12082191
File: 267 KB, 1024x685, 1552079056469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat rabbit retardo

>> No.12082198

you have to send your money to your Chinese overlords

>> No.12082199

>20% of the price/lb is chemically laden injected water
Water and carcinogenic chemicals are that expensive in the US? Good goy, $.25 shekels have been credited to you for your support!

>> No.12082207
File: 38 KB, 336x326, 1542239583613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be ausfailia

>> No.12082210


>> No.12082222

you think the chicken you get from brazil is any better?

>> No.12082228

I bet kangaroo meat is cheaper there than it is here, though.

>> No.12082229
File: 1.27 MB, 270x180, 1473478878243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always hunt and kill emus.... Oh wait hahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhaahahahhahaha

>> No.12082267

Lol your dollar is worth what crackheads sell their government benefits for here

>> No.12083092

Most states don't have tax on food, I thought. The one I live in doesn't and nor do the states nearby.

>> No.12083109

I get the same prices here in North Carolina you hick. Shouldn’t you be fucking your cousin right now? Or wait, is it time to blow another $3,000 on truck nuts and AR accessories?

>> No.12083124
File: 321 KB, 1242x1352, 42977A89-53E2-4304-9A5B-29C478B7E993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to bust your bubble, but this is the price of chicken here at Safeway in Downtown Seattle.

>> No.12083158


>> No.12083431

I was in Brooklyn recently and kept seeing $0.49/lb drumsticks.


>> No.12083746

that is fucking expensive. pack off thighs is 1,50$ here. try again

>> No.12083755

Your pie didn't look good

>> No.12083761
File: 449 KB, 700x735, 1553514818039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get it? whats the whole deal with Aussies and emus?

>> No.12083765

I live in a big city and I get thighs and drumsticks for even less than that

>> No.12083791

>Starvation bay
jfc australistan

>> No.12083812

Im from missouri and I couldnt find prices like that if I sucked off the guy selling it to me

>> No.12083837

You're paying too much then, get it from the deli in the supermarket and it's cheaper. Also I make $30USD an hour so it's not that much anyway. It's the cost of rent that's the real killer.

>> No.12083842

>all that chicken

>> No.12083859

Would fuck that gook bitch long time

>> No.12084482

>>Chicken 1.99 per lb.
its 1.29 per lb in washington state....

>> No.12084495

>Murrican """Grade A"""

>> No.12084502

Aus government tried to take care of the Emu problems on their own instead of just put a bounty on them and let the farmers take care of it. They failed miserably and wasted a shitload of money doing so. Farmers/hunters ended up taking care of the problem when a bounty was placed on the Emus.

>> No.12084504

Just mind the shit on the sidewalk on your way to Safeway.

>> No.12084507

coasties gets near identical meat pricing you moron.