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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 564x593, E79E8B57-59CB-4EE5-9362-03C5AEAC6716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12078457 No.12078457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well that’s retarded.

>> No.12078462

Guilty until proven innocent

>> No.12078464

should have been banned for closing on fucking sunday

>> No.12078470

Oh wow, some minimum wage worker called a customer a faggot

>> No.12078472

god damn it I live in SA
We have some god tier mexican food but the down side is all the fucking mexicans
Build the wall!

>> No.12078474

and in texas no less!

>> No.12078477

Oh, this shit again? Last time the "journalists" went all click-baity with this stuff, it raised Chick-Fil-A's stock for 3 months.

>> No.12078485

>San Antonio
Steers and queers

>> No.12078486

profits, not stock. that's because every liberal saying they were going to boycott it only did so on facebook but couldn't resist the tasty chicken when no one was watching them. and then conservatives at there 3x as much to show their support for wanting to genocide gays. it really ended pretty well for Chick-Fil-A

>> No.12078487

Based anti/pol/-airport

>> No.12078698

Yeah, airports are basically a public service milking tax dollars, pretty awful that you can survive off of money out of the public's pocket then turn around and tell the public what they can/can't eat, if the market was bothered by it then they'd go out of business. But nah, a few butthurt people in influential places are forcing their opinions into public policy while demonizing dissenting views.

>> No.12078704

cool so why can't I ban all black people from my restaurant again?

>> No.12078708

And nothing of value was lost.

>in after manbabies crying because mommy won’t let them have their tendies

>> No.12078741

I agree. We've got our own swamp that needs draining. Roberto Trevino, Manny Pelaez, Rebecca Viagran, and Ron Nirenberg all need to go with Sheryl Sculley.

We're voting in Greg Brockhouse for mayor this summer. Then we're getting rid of feckless SJW dirty cop William McManus and socialist county commissioner Tommy "poison anyone with differing views" Calvert.

>> No.12078758

Air Force basic training is in San Antonio and not even they use the San Antonio air port

>> No.12078764

>He still thinks he is going to vote in his corrupt shitheel after everything going down.
Oh it's adorable.

>> No.12078774


>> No.12078781

but they do use SA airport

>> No.12078801
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isn't this exactly how the free market capitalism is meant to work? if every time you deal with a business you're supporting all the shit they do with the money you give them aren't you obligated to bring that shit into all your dealings with them?

So if one business has x stance on political issue and it's deciding whether to lease to another business with y stance on that issue, isn't this just the logical conclusion put forth by the intersection of free market forces?

>> No.12078803

lmao fucking fags ruin everything, this is why nobody likes them. has nothing to do with their fucking degeneracy and everything to do with shutting down shit because it isn't as degenerate

>> No.12078809

What's retarded is that they're not banned nation-wide.

>> No.12078812

remember when chick fil a said 6 years ago that it was the CEO ONLY that was donating this moeny and not the company?

i 'member

>> No.12078815

>bashes fags
>why do fags let themselves be bashed? this is why no one likes them

>> No.12078823
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Found the boomer

>> No.12078837

>why do fags let themselves be bashed? this is why no one likes them
this but unironically, join the pink pistols you little twinks

>> No.12078840

why would you have to leave your house to become a history buff? computers and books exist

>> No.12078859

Damn California imports

>> No.12078870

Airports are government owned and the decision not to include the chic fil a was made by a vote from the city council.

I don't disagree with the decision they made, but it wasn't made on the basis of free-market branding. It was made on the basis of local government branding.

>> No.12079278

Will they drop that bullshit initial?

>> No.12079288

The local government is a part of the free market

>> No.12079333


>> No.12079339

queers aren't human

>> No.12079351


>> No.12079358
File: 1.18 MB, 1212x1031, California.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>local government is a part of the free market
California, not once.

>> No.12079373

san antonio is in texas

>> No.12079381

what the fuck does that even mean.

>> No.12079504


More threads like this please

>> No.12079506

when do i sign a paper on entering said airport for them to make sure i'm not anti-lgbtq?

>> No.12079529

This can only make people hate gays more. Stupid shit.

>> No.12079543

huh? isn't texas anti-lgbt capital of the world?

>> No.12079607

And Texas is the new California.

>> No.12079626

The people that shit up California move to Texas.

>> No.12079639

>caring this much about fast food

Though to be fair, those shakes are pretty damn tasty

>> No.12079641

so does this mean muslims are banned too?

>> No.12079645

I can't help but suspect this is all some clandestine marketing strategy.

>> No.12079654

government is as free market as fat tony's mafia

>The company has long been under fire for its support of organizations that oppose gay marriage. The decision comes a day afterThink Progressreported on Chick-fil-A's newly-released2017 tax filings, which show that the Chick-fil-A Foundation gave more than $1.8 million to three organizations with a record of anti-LGBTQ discrimination, an increase from the prior year. The donations include more than $1.6 million to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, $6,000 to the Paul Anderson Youth Home and $150,000 to the Salvation Army.

Think Progress:
>The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a religious organization that seeks to spread an anti-LGBTQ message to college athletes and requires a strict “sexual purity” policy for its employees that bars any “homosexual acts.” Paul Anderson Youth Home, a “Christian residential home for trouble youth,” teaches boys that homosexuality is wrong and that same-sex marriage is “rage against Jesus Christ and His values.”

>The Salvation Army has a long record of opposing legal protections for LGBTQ Americans and at the time of the donations had a written policy of merely complying with local “relevant employment laws.” The organization’s website has since changed to indicate a national policy of non-discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender. identity

>> No.12079659
File: 39 KB, 250x334, lgbtrclogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro nobody like fags because they are mentally ill and proud of it instead of attempting any kind of actual help. Look up how close the ties between NAMBLA and every LGBTQ organization has been right up to the last decade when NAMBLA went dark for the safety of it's members
>Wonder where they might meet now that their organization isn't technically around anymore....

>> No.12079680

Based and redpilled

>> No.12079709

cool incoherent effortpost bro
businesses don't give a fuck about ethics until it gets them in trouble and none of this shit is taken into consideration until it starts effecting public relations and profit. unfortunately for chvrches chyckin here their mormon background is coming back to bite them in the ass

the united states does not operate under a free market economy and municipal governments are not beholden to market forces. it's unsurprising that a relatively blue city would make this decision

>> No.12079721
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dissenting views that demonize whole classes of already marginalized citizens, who pay taxes like you do


>> No.12079730

Muslim here can’t wait till we take over desu

>> No.12079735
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>> No.12079736

World will end in 5 years due to the steep plummet of IQ worldwide

>> No.12079737

wow im so upset
i will literally never go to san antonio and always respect a business' right to fuck over whoever it wants except when it misaligns with my personally held bigotry because i am a 98iq retard brought up in an impoverished shithole by obese inbred dipshits
im steamin mad i tell ya

>> No.12079738

pretty fucking epic that these people are only tolerated because profit can be extracted from them. i'm sure they feel dignified and respected when you tell them that

>> No.12079740
File: 47 KB, 540x250, ChristiansRefugees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12079741
File: 122 KB, 720x479, JesusNeverExisted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should be brutally murdered in front of their families for oppressing us. They are lucky we let them live.

Religion is a lie used to control and oppress.

>> No.12079742

Is your point that Christians are retarded?

>> No.12079743
File: 11 KB, 236x236, 6eaf15646b305dd5d7b2c804fcf2d277--koi-anime-reactions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caring what the mentally ill think.

>> No.12079744

Is being gay a mental illness?


>> No.12079750
File: 34 KB, 950x450, dphthtsx4aatgcu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first, trannies have a 43% suicide rate, so it is only a matter of time for you.

>> No.12079752
File: 58 KB, 395x395, GayChristian3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12079759

Is being retarded a mental illness, seems like all of 4chan has it. Another symptom is being underaged.

>> No.12079760

Can you take your shit to facebook?

>> No.12079764

Yes it is, trannies are also mentally ill. Seek help.

>> No.12079766

You think I worship a kike on a stick? Neck yourself, faggot.

>> No.12079769

so you're anti-gay and support religious intolerance on the grounds that fundamentalist sects are anti-gay
sweet! way to keep your fucking narrative straight dude

>> No.12079771

>US muslims

In low numbers foreigners assimilate ... in large numbers, they do not. Go to Dearborn or Minnesomalia if you want to see real Muslims.

At best Islam accepts homosexuality in the same way Christians do ... they want you to keep your degeneracy private and away from kids.

>> No.12079775

How is this relevant to food and cooking?

>> No.12079777

I just think fags, niggers, and spics should hang from trees. I couldn't give two shits about (((semetic))) religions and Christians are cucks that love to spread the other cheek.

>> No.12079782
File: 115 KB, 1200x675, BurnChurches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion should be banned and its followers killed to make the world a better place.

>> No.12079783

Oh, and I'm also gay. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.12079784
File: 46 KB, 501x498, 0b0yM2VL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn Churches and queers. Burn the queers in the churches.

>> No.12079790

I'm gay too, I don't think it is relevant, but I feel like I have to tell everyone.

>> No.12079794

>Right to refuse service to anyone
Anon, I have some news I'm not sure you're aware of.

>> No.12079801

>Fellowship of Christian Athletes, $6,000 to the Paul Anderson Youth Home and $150,000 to the Salvation Army.
Yeah those just scream anti-gay. Being Christian is anti-gay, being in a youth home is anti-gay. Salvation army is a scam desu tho. They take money and free shit, and just sell the free shit. Literally dumpster diving, but people bring them the trash.

>> No.12079807

nice trips you gay cunt

i think stooges like you should go play army men with the fucking neo nazis someplace nice and isolated and let the rest of society sort itself out quite frankly. this is starting to get fucking embarrassing. if you can't tolerate someone's silly fucking superstitions and you're willing to kill them over it then i don't know mate maybe you're not cut out to run a just society. something to think about

>> No.12079808

They also have drug/alcohol treatment programs. Fags want to make everything about them.

>> No.12079816

I do find it hilarious that they bash Christians so hard when they are so, incredibly cucked. I'm really starting to think Islam is the superior religion, they would never put up with this shit.

>> No.12079832

Imagine being called an evil bigot for donating to the Salvation Army.
Now try imagining being called it for donating to a local Mosque. That's a little harder, isn't it?

>> No.12079853

>the ceo causes problems for the minimum wage staff
What a surprise.

>> No.12079857

>moving saturday to a city without a chic fil a
I know where I'm eating Friday. My only regret is that I'm 12 years too old to also fuck the girl at the counter.