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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12078838 No.12078838 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>can't drive
>sometimes can't help but ramble about food I can't get like Pizza Hut and Taco Bell
>people around me taunt me saying I'd be able to get it any time I want if I had a license
>paying monthly for insurance $100+, spending money on gas $20+, and buying a decent car $5000+ just to get some fast food
>nobody offers to get me some even though I have tons of money to spare and would pay for their gas
>only one based person has gotten me pizza for free

What am I doing wrong, they could make anywhere from 50-100$ just to help me get pizza and even free pizza, and they just laugh at me.

>> No.12078856

just get from a place that does delivery or use uber eats or door dash or something

>> No.12078863

get a bike, I get take out from dominos all the time

>> No.12078864

I'm in the middle of nowhere, and they don't deliver to my location at all. No delivery whatsoever. It's an 8 minute drive and 4 hour walk. I might make that 4 hour walk sometime soon. I have people who tell me "oh yeah we go there all the time" or have them tell me "oh yeah we got some yesterday after you talked about it".

I'm not the only one without a license, just the only one nobody will get pizza for.

>> No.12078885

Learn to make pizza. It's much easier than loaves.

>> No.12078890

I don't have a kitchen..I should kill myself

>> No.12078895

I'd get you pizza, fren.

>> No.12078906

Get a bike?

>> No.12078911

>be me
stopped reading there

>> No.12078919

why is your life so sad, anon?

>> No.12078930

Get a moped. You sound like a fag anyways

>> No.12078946
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I don't, but it's still a 1hr 30 minute ride, better I guess, but it's actually dangerous out here. I'm gonna have to get pizza or get bodysnatched doing it.


It's been this way for a long time

blow it our your ass

>> No.12078965

Are you smol?

>> No.12078970

61 inches tall

>> No.12078982
File: 17 KB, 480x360, BlowItOutYourAss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12078990

wtf that's tiny

>> No.12078996

Your just fucking retarded. Living in the middle of nowhere without any transportation is unbelievably stupid. I don't know how you even live

>> No.12079000
File: 106 KB, 750x562, 59d4f7e7d7605b52008b4a9f-750-562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need my pizza regardless of size. Yes, I am a skeleton.

eat shit and die

>> No.12079021

>8 minute drive
>4 hour walk

>> No.12079027

start lurking /o/ and buy a shitbox
insurance will be lower too

>> No.12079041

Fuck Pizza Hut. I ordered one last night and it took two and a half GOD DAMN HOURS to get here. I don't blame the driver, because they were the only driver on duty. My local Pizza Hut is so GOD DAMN STUPID, they only work one driver on SATURDAY FUCKING NIGHT.

>> No.12079047

Your life is completely meaningless

>> No.12079049

highways probably

>> No.12079054

>Middle of nowhere
Are there skinwalkers or other /x/ type innawoods shit on your block?

>> No.12079060
File: 195 KB, 339x387, 1546915533786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck do you mean highways probably? I refuse to believe there is anywhere in the world that has its infrastructure designed that poorly.

>> No.12079075
File: 54 KB, 535x462, CMXIhdI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga, I don't know what kinda shithole op lives in. I'm just responding because I'm bored.

>> No.12079082

Not much they can do if they don't have drivers applying, or if the ones they do have don't have availability. Pretty sure there's certain requirements for drivers that a lot of people don't meet. I heard to drive for PJ's you have to have 1 year clean driving record and 2 yrs driving experience. Might just pay better to be an Uber or Lyft driver too.

>> No.12079084

>>paying monthly for insurance $100+, spending money on gas $20+, and buying a decent car $5000+ just to get some fast food
>>nobody offers to get me some even though I have tons of money to spare and would pay for their gas
Well which one is it. You have plenty of money or not?

>> No.12079097

Stupid excuses and lying bullshit. Fake news OP.
There's nowhere you live that it's only an "8 minute drive" yet they don't deliver. I know for a fact that small town Pizza Huts deliver in a 5 mile radius unless the radius is intercepted by another Pizza Hut.
Furthermore, there's nowhere that you live that's both out in the middle of fucking nowhere AND is too dangerous to ride your bike. Unless you're afraid of getting mugged by raccoons, you pathetic whiny piece of shit.

OP is an over-exaggerating cunt and probably a fat faggot that walks at a speed of a few meters per hour.

>> No.12079109

I'm glad we figured out that op is a deceptive fatty

>> No.12079222
File: 52 KB, 1117x413, Screenshot (4703).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what google maps says

>spending any amount of money to get cheap pizza once every couple of months

you're a fucking idiot go fucking kill yourself im only 110 pounds you retard fucks.

where i live is known for high crime and people disappearing at night

that sucks but your pizzahut just sucks. the one by me is a bit to greasy compared to where i lived before

>> No.12079229

>I don't have a vehicle
>I live isolated from society
>I don't have a kitchen
>I have an internet connection
>use it to bitch and fish for attention

Well don't let us stop you from killing yourself. Great thread, OP

>> No.12079254

your welcome, i wont

>> No.12079259


>> No.12079277

>110 pounds
>mfw I could curl you with two hands

>> No.12079303

How many fucking hands do you have?

>> No.12079305


>> No.12079496

You're fatter than me. I'm 5'7", ~120

A cool dude carried me around yesterday.

>> No.12079517

You sound like a fucking leech OP. When you get a car you'll discover all the things you can do besides get fast food. You can take girls home and fuck them

>> No.12079520

>you're fatter than me
>weighs more

>> No.12079525

>paying people is leeching
>I've gotten nothing from anyone except for 1

>> No.12079550

I'm taller.

>> No.12079551

have you actually directly asked any of these people if they'd get you food and you'll reimburse them? or just made passing remarks and hoped someone would pick up on your intentions?

>> No.12079557

I'm leaner, flabbykins

>> No.12079560

They laugh at me when I ask

>> No.12079570

make better friends

>> No.12079571

You have a higher BMI. Can your ribcage be used as a musical instrument? I like to tap my fingernails on my sternum xD

>> No.12079580

Why do people live in the middle of nowhere, I can literally walk less than a mile to like 9 pizza places including a papa johns and a pizza hut

>> No.12079591

They get more house/land for the money. My cousin and her husband bought a rural farmhouse and his commute isn't any longer than when they were in a city, because traffic.was so thick.

>> No.12079614

then OP should make the most of his land, plant the wheat, tomatoes, veggies and get a cow for the cheese and meats

>> No.12079618

The dwarf already said he doesn't have a kitchen, so I doubt he has much land.

Cows aren't magic milk machines. You need to constantly impregnate them and kill the calves unless you have infinite planets for storing them.

Manual grain cultivation isn't practical.

You can get a decent crop of tomatoes from a pretty small garden. Would likely cost more than buying paste in bulk if it's only for sauce. My mom won't let me get the big cans at costco, only the boxes of tiny cans.

>> No.12079649

>don't deliver
>8 minute drive
What the fuck are you talking about? That's as close as it gets for most delivery.

>> No.12079653

>8 minute drive
>13 minutes
Pick one.

>> No.12079817

get a bicycle (or motorcyle or scooter)

>> No.12079824

>I'm leaner
Are you retarded
Have you ever been to the gym in your life? Muscle is thinner and heavier than fat. So yes, I can play the tango on my rib cage dipshit.

>> No.12079915

They are into beastiality/rape and are enticed by all the bears and shit that might fuck them out there.

>> No.12079932

who cares how long jewgle says it will take, get walking retard it cant be more than 2 hours

>> No.12079980

>>nobody offers to get me some even though I have tons of money to spare and would pay for their gas
Aside from the fact that grubhub and ubereats exist, why not save some of that and get a car?

>> No.12079987

He already said he can't drive.

>> No.12080002

Why tho, if it's just a licence thing then he should man up and get one.

>> No.12080057

probably a mistake you present it as covering the gas if you want them to drive you to a store and you mean to pay them for it

>> No.12080067

3mph is slow for walking and 90mph is pretty fucking fast driving, door to door. you sure about those numbers, it has to be a hell of a detour you're taking to avoid an interstate or something

>> No.12080325

There is no other right but walking along the side of the highway