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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12068195 No.12068195 [Reply] [Original]

What's your alcohol of choice /ck/

Mine is cheap fruity wine, rum and honey vodka

>> No.12068199

Mixed rum drinks
Love a good mojito

>> No.12068200

I’m 20 y/o in burgerland so I can’t buy my own, but in my experience so far vodka (fuck if I remember the brand) was the best I’ve had in terms of kick it gave. The wine I had tasted like plain grape juice, loved it

>> No.12068208

I love me some rum. Tonight Im going to be drinking some Bacardi Hurricane

>> No.12068221

Vodka's pretty nice because you don't have to drink a ton. I'm a bit of a lightweight so Vodka's nice as hell. I can grab a big bottle and drink on it for awhile. As for wine I can remember just getting the cheap boones farm wine and getting two bottles, mixing blue hawaiin and fuzzy navel together. Fun times.

>> No.12068228

I was dating a girl at a party school, so when I was with her I basically drank a bit of every kind of alcohol there is. The vodka seemed a bit cleaner with the same sting but more freshness and less bite than whiskey. Too bad staying a virgin was the only part of her Christian values she kept

>> No.12068249
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Ouch lol personally Im a bit of a little bitch with hard alcohol. So so far the only vodka I really enjoy is the wild honey smirnoff vodka. Its not very expensive and it also goes down alot smoother than other vodkas.

>> No.12068250


>> No.12068292

I like honey and I like vodka so I’ll have to give that a shot in a few months here on my 21. I seem to be a heavyweight when it comes to booze, 3 triple shots of that vodka I mentioned early, + a couple beers + a glass of wine that was probs about 24 oz and I was pretty tipsy but not plastered. Currently all I have is some agave tequila straight from over the border (a Mexican friend gave it to me) but Idk how to get around the horrendous taste. I don’t like to drink often, so I don’t want it to taste like shit when I do

>> No.12068296

Try Russian Standard my man. Good vodka for a good price. I just tried some Beluga, pretty good but I’d need to do a blind test with the Russian Standard to see if it’s worth the price tag.

>> No.12068306

definitely try getting some sort of juice or some sort of cocktail mixer. It'll definitely help.

>> No.12068315

Im willing but knowing how much of a light weight I am, one or two shots would probably do me in. Also how bad is the burn?

>> No.12068347

Way less burn than Smirnoff of all things. Try a half shot, that what I usually do when I try a new liqour. A whole shot is too much for me to comfortably try and taste.

>> No.12068360

Church wine.

>> No.12068421

If you like cheap fruity wine, see if St. James Winery delivers to your state. Their sweet reds and fruit wines are GOAT

>> No.12068423
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For me it's Russian Standard™

>> No.12068431

I don't find being drunk as fun as being high, so usually some kind of cheap fruity alcohol mixed with juice or soda.

>> No.12068439
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Pic related

>> No.12068444
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Vodka sometimes

Not a big wine fan. Not a big rum fan. Used to be on a huge gin kick but one night of heavy drinking and puking ended that.

>> No.12068613

Rum, red wines, scotch and stouts are my favorite. Though I'm not too picky in all honesty as long as it isn't some shitty bottom shelve drink I'll have it with the exception of port that shits always good.

>> No.12068703
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as long as it makes me forget, i'll drink it
also, wtf 4channel?

>> No.12068749
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If you're not drinking Crown Russe then why are you even drinking?
It's the finest made, it says right on the label!

>> No.12068761

craft beer
glowler craft beer
wine on tap

>> No.12068793
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>drinking alcohol

okay degenerates.

>> No.12068805
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Vodka and ice water is patrician if you just want to be drunk all the time and not feel shitty.
I did that for years, and then died of kidney failure at 21. You will eventually feel shitty.
I hate beer, but can enjoy one after a particularly long day of work, especially in a social setting.
As far as cocktails goes, I'm one of those total faggots that is so secure in their masculinity that they'll shamelessly enjoy the fruitiest/most high abv drink a bar has to offer. Or a Long Island iced tea, if I know the bartender (some are like, half cola).

>> No.12068807
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>> No.12068816

*cocktails go
Also, I was fucking around and had heavy cream, OJ, and vodka that I found the right mixture of and then filled a gallon jug of OJ with. It tasted like an orange creamsicle.
I call it "Floridian Eggnog".
It's mad tasty, but probably not cool if you're fat.

>> No.12068817

What's wrong in the capcha?

>> No.12068820
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tastes like regret.

>> No.12068823

I'm not old enough to buy any so i just brew my own kvass

>> No.12068893

Alcohol in aus is expensive. Being on a low budget, wine is my go to. Fruity sweet reds and crisp whites are my favourite, the high alcohol low cost ones. $5 au for 7.1 standard drinks thats delicious and less than two cans worth of liquid? Yes please~

>> No.12069446

Yeeaaahh only reason im not getting high is because new job better pay but with periodical drug tests

>> No.12069449

Sometimes nice tangy wine, sometimes a good sour beer, but mostly just tequila.

>> No.12069573
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Tequilas a bit shit in opinion but whats your favorite? If I had to choose for me it would be pic related because it's not too pricey and its not too bad tasting

>> No.12069587
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My collection. I started with whiskeys but tried a couple dark rums too. I don't like mixers as a rule.

>> No.12069597
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Then I decided to start spending less on alcohol so I've been working on these for a bit. I don't like mixers as a rule.

>> No.12070184
File: 240 KB, 600x800, Fuggles-Warlocks-Strawberry-Wit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a real beer guy and lately I've been drinking a local craft brew called The Last Strawberry. I'm already familiar with fruity beers and this one is really good. The anime elf on the label is cute too.

>> No.12070189

Girly sweet fruity spirits.

>> No.12070273

Scotch if I just want something delicious.
Beer if I want to get drunk.
Cocktails if I want to show off.
Port Wine and Cheese if I want to really treat myself.

>> No.12070359

$7 shiraz
it's fucking disgusting but it's the most economical way to buy it here

>> No.12070395


>> No.12070414

Belgian Abbey Ales
Local Cider

>> No.12070903

Whats a good gin?

>> No.12070916


>> No.12070946

Mostly craft beers. I've always been into stouts, but lately I've started to gravitate more towards sours.
Also like wine, port, sherry and the likes. I like whisky, Old Pulteney being my favorite. Jenevers are good too, my favorite is Zuidam Korenwijn.
If I really want to treat myself (and it's on the menu), I'll go for an eau de vie poire williams.

>> No.12071529
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Whiskey and rum neat, then beer. Pic related is what I'm currently working on

>> No.12071618

If you took this photo yourself and it isn't from the brewery's website, I have something to tell you that you probably already know.
You're an enormous faggot.

>> No.12071628

I've never heard of someone mixing whiskey and rum.

>> No.12072129
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Thoughts on an old fashion with maple syrup?

>> No.12072384

I need that bottle

>> No.12072526

Usually wine, live in a wine country so its super cheap, never anything high end but you can get ok drinkable stuff for under 5eu

>> No.12072542

Pinot Noir is my grape of choice.

If you gave me some merlot I would just dump it down the drain.

>> No.12072679

Separate I meant

>> No.12072708

Paul Giamatti detected

>> No.12072724
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Single malt Scotch is my personal favorite. Currently enjoying pic related. It's a good combination of smoke and spiced fruit, especially with a splash of water.

>> No.12072729

bourbon is already sweet dude old fashioneds are boderline sugar death with just simple syrup

>> No.12072742


>> No.12072769
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I like this one, probably because I've got such a sweet tooth hehe
It's not sickly sweet though

>> No.12073032

I've been getting into reds bc of all the health memes. I'm certain it's still not good for you at all but probably not as bad as other liquors. Rum is also op

>> No.12073040

it smells like a cancer ward

>> No.12073053
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only drink delicious malt liquor

>> No.12073601

That's part of the fun.

>> No.12073625

what are some good things to drink gin with?

>> No.12073643
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currently drinking a mix of red wine and sake, ask me anything

>> No.12073665

Tonic, ginger ale, lemonade, lemon juice, lemon-lime soda.

>> No.12073683

well shit, I got a bottle of beefeater and none of that after the tonic ran out
tried it with water but it's godawful bringing out all the bitter notes
I think there's a drink with just crushed ice and honey?

>> No.12073692
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Better off making Caribou:
2 parts red wine (usually Malbec or Bordeaux) or port
1 part whisky, rum, or brandy of your choice
maple syrup to taste
optional: cinnamon to taste

Alternatively: drink 1/3 bottle of red wine, back fill with spirit, add maple syrup to taste. Let sit 1 month.

Traditionally served in cute little ice carved shot glasses at outdoor festivals in Quebec

>> No.12073766
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>> No.12074210


>> No.12074216
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Or just buying a bottle of pic related

>> No.12074217


>> No.12074221

Usually rum. Not spiced most of the time. Appleton and Bacoo are fucking fantastic mid shelfs.

>> No.12074227

Vodka. I dont drink a lot these days though because when I do I end up drunk for a week straight

>> No.12074264
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I mean, if you're gonna buy premade...

>> No.12074283

Never even seen this at the SAQ, gonna pick up one if I see it next time I'm on a booze run

>> No.12074294
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>When you've learnt cryllic and read the russian labels and not the english.

Who else drinks the cheeki breeki?

>> No.12074324
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>> No.12074329

hurricane slurricane

>> No.12074333

Lemon juice + club soda + simple syrup

>> No.12075012

Gin. Bombay black isn't bad to keep around the house.

>> No.12075382

Dobro brat

>> No.12075513

Depends on the occasion, but for casual drinking, I love a nice GIn and Tonic. If I want to taste the drink, I actually really like whisky. Only really drink Scottish stuff, but would be really interested in trying some Japanese stuff. Only Bourbon I've had was Jim Bean, and I hated it, but I feel it might not be a good representative of bourbon.

>> No.12075609
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A good English Amber ale.

>> No.12076219

What's a good whiskey to drink when depressed?

>> No.12076249

I wish the US had cask conditioned hand pulled ales.

>> No.12076935

a cheap vodka stuffed with kitchen spices and left in the cupboard until it is found and drunk

>> No.12076943
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for me its Natty Daddy

>> No.12076948

At a bar? Light beer on tap. Why pay so much?

>> No.12076951
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>> No.12076959


the patricians choice to wash down the edible clay

>> No.12076961

Where in the OP do you see "bar"

>> No.12076966

Premium Quality

>> No.12076980

I tried some of that when my neighbor bought it for a joke the other day. It had a lot of flavor compared to macro adjunct pisswater and packed a punch at @ 8% abv.

>> No.12076986

its unironically the overall best macro on the market

>> No.12077000

If its at home it's light beer as well. I just dislike drinking alone.

>> No.12077071

Honey vodka sounds interesting. My preferred liquors are vodka and whiskey. I'm cheap so I usually get low quality stuff and mix it with ice and diet soda, but every once in a while it's nice to get something pricier.

>> No.12077079
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I hate Smirnoff but curious enough to try the wild honey.

>> No.12077133

Grapefruit juice, lemon or lime juice, and some sort of citrus soda.

>> No.12077163

Some dude made some shit at a /k/ meet that was honey, spices, and vodka. Great shit, forgot what it's called.
Rum and coke, love rum, South Bay and Sailor Jerry are my favorites atm.
Edinburgh Plum Vanilla gin pairs well with some tonic water
Vodka redbull because I fucking hate my heart.

>> No.12077184

Been going to Aldi for booze lately and really enjoy them. Cheapo rum and whisky I like, so I'm gonna try their flavoured gin next.

>> No.12077201

Black Velvet whiskey is nice and cheap to mix with cola.

>> No.12077222

Rum is my favourite spirit - Mount Gay is great at the budget end. Rumbullion is a really nice spiced.
Beers and lagers are a staple. Cognac and calvados to mix things up.

>> No.12077241

Some very intolerant people think that a cultural symbol of peace is offensive because the good guys used it during WWII.

>> No.12077338

Beer, mainly wheat beers. Also single malt scotches.

>> No.12077557

I've been mixing burbon and ketchup. I call it a "hunchback".

>> No.12077766

Various wines (mostly reds), Scotch Whiskey or Spiced Rum, and Tequila Blanco.

>> No.12077773

Honey vodka? I've never heard of this. I fucking love mead tho.

>> No.12077776

There's no way they added honey to it and it stayed clear, so it must be artificial flavor :(

>> No.12077842

I dont drink too much but when I do its Jameson or Johnny Walker.

>> No.12077948

really into red wine lately. I usually just go for whatever is cheapest cus I dont really have a sophisticated palate

Also, I legitametly prefer some of the 10 dollar bottles more than the fancy ones ive tried.
Dunno if its coincidental, but I find that whenever I get a portuguese wine i always enjoy it.

>> No.12077964

A great craft beer, red wine, mead, rum.