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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 731 KB, 1242x1207, A70117C2-BCA2-44C9-868A-28EAB159CDBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12072427 No.12072427 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll be honest, I couldn’t do it.

>> No.12072432

I did it in January. Ive never felt better in my life.

>> No.12072436

Sorry, typo.

>> No.12072441

>3 posters now

>> No.12072444

also I'm gay, if that helps

>> No.12072445

Breakfast and snack are fine, but I don't like soy or soy products so the lunch and dinner are garbage to me.

>> No.12072478

I'd call this eating like a peasant but even peasants eat better

>> No.12072482

Imagine being so Fucking beta that a side item becomes all you eat for dinner cus you’re worried about the feelings of a dumb fucking cow that isn’t even smart enough to not shit on itself and the other cows around it

>> No.12072487

>soy food

>> No.12072505

There's no fucking meat...what is this, a day of being a cocksucking faggot?

>> No.12072506

Is it the case no matter what meat has to be a persons favorite food? Cows are cute, but that is not the reason I didn’t then for a while.

>> No.12072536

Brekkie - porridge oats w/coconut cream and mango
Lunch - pasta with beans made with tomato, garlic, olive oil and celery and served topped with finely chopped raw onion
Dinner - carrot and parsnip rice made with olive oil, onion, cumin, caraway, parsley, dill and vegetable stock

Oh look. No soy bullshit or meat analogues. Such a difficult fucking achievement, eh guys?

>> No.12072541

Whoopsie. Forgot the snack. Idk, some fucking raisins or some shit.

>> No.12072543

What do you think about jack fruit?

>> No.12072544

Sounds fucking terrible you beta male. Eat a burger and grow up.

>> No.12072548


>> No.12072573

I've never understood everyone's adoration of sweet potatoes.

>> No.12072575

It was a joke. You see sometimes people like to subvert expectation for comedic value. People then laugh as they realize the discrepancy. Next time you find yourself in this situation, stop to think. Is this somebody being untruthful, maybe even to be mean? Or is it a harmless joke posted for our enjoyment. I became much happier after realizing this distinction and I think you will too!

>> No.12072583

you talk awful tough for a dude who's scared of tofu.

>> No.12072586

They are like potatoes but don’t “ have to “ have flavor added to them. I eat them raw like carrots.

>> No.12072597

>Sugar and grain and grain and sugar
So this is how the NWO intends to feed its cattle?

>> No.12072637

Neither could I. As a large man, I would die within a year eating like that. That's almost enough protein for a 75 lbs woman. And almost no fat. Even a small woman would probably get anemia and stop having periods eating that every day. Fucking retarded diet for legitimizing eating disorders.

>> No.12072700

I've grown up eating meat for every lunch and dinner, but I've started doing my part to help the environment by going vegan 2 days/week. Not that hard really.
>breakfast: fresh fruit, toast with jam, coffee
>lunch: a large garden fresh salad of various greens (elephant kale, buttercup lettuce, spinach, shredded carrots, green onions) topped with nuts like pecans or walnuts with a simple vinagrette.
>dinner: the options are endless but a vegetable soup with olive oil garlic bread hits the spot. Also simple marinara pastas are great.
As a life long carnist, going full time vegan would be tough for me but I humbly do what I can to improve the world.

>> No.12072719
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>mfw someone finally teaches you that the longest living and healthiest civilizations in the world were high carb dieters.

>> No.12072732

btw, I'm a transexual, sorry I forgot to mention it in my last post

>> No.12072738

>Breakfast: McDonalds coffee and hash browns
>Lunch: 3 bean and rice burritos from Taco Bell
>Dinner: vegan bowl from Chipotle
There I did it.

>> No.12072744

>3 bean and rice burritos from Taco Bell
not vegan

>> No.12072805

avocado is practically solid fucking fat my dude

>> No.12072815

lmao the guy with fucking vibram fivefingers that always comes in and orders bean burritos fresco style and crunchwraps sub beans is in for a rude fucking awakening then

>> No.12072829

Nobody wants to cook at lunchtime and these "meals" are basically just a random assortment of foods.

Veganism is a ballache and animals unfortunately live in the same society as we do. They need to work and product milk and eggs.

I'm a vegetarian but fuck veganism. If I go to a restaurant I sometimes eat meat though. Unless the veggie option sounds really good.

>> No.12072835

He sure is.

>> No.12072838

soy is actually healthy. I was surprised too, after all the 4chan hate. 4chan had lied, as expected.

>> No.12072840

I'm pretty sure they are, but not completely sure. My guess is based entirely on that being pretty much the only thing the Coptic kids from back when I was in high school would ever order at Taco Bell and Copts eat vegan like 70% of the year.

>> No.12072849

I think soy may be harmful to those with a weak disposition to begin with but I eat a lot of soy and I've had no negative side effects. I have the same sex drive (ironically when I was eating a high meat diet that made me overweight was when my sex drive was lowest) and I'm attracted to women (biological females). I exercise 6x a week.

>> No.12072850


3rd world living at 1st world prices

>> No.12072851

I thought avocado toast was a meme until my boomer mom gave me a slice completely independent of all that meme shit and I gotta say it's pretty good

>> No.12072862

Forgot to mention no cheese.
Or >>12072815 would work too. Also a 7 layer burrito fresco.

>> No.12072871

I like ripe jackfruit. Unripe is fine in jackfruit curry but no: it is not a meat substitute. Or, at least, I don't use it that way.

I had corned beef for lunch today. That comes close, right?

Not scared of it. I eat it and even like it. But it's not a meat substitute. Most of the dishes I use it in also have meat. Or fish. The only one I can think of without either is one variant of noodle salad I make. I make tofu crackers for it, which are nice and crunchy.

Not saying it isn't healthy, it's just not a substitute for meat. Nothing is.

>> No.12072893

Soy has all the meme acids you need with protein. So it kind of is a substitute for meat.

>> No.12072896

Seems extremely bland

>> No.12072917

there's a reason it's ridiculously popular
try squeezing some lemon on it next time

>> No.12072925
File: 2.87 MB, 360x360, Vegan Crab Cakes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you couldn't, I wouldn't want to eat bland shit daily either.

Veganism is more than lettuce and oats.

>> No.12072936

>don't eat meat
>spend $40 and an hour making chickpeas look and taste like meat
vegans are so fucking stupid

>> No.12072939

Costs about 62c US with the coconut cream and mango.
Costs about 79c US with the beans, tomato, olive oil, garlic, celery and onion.
Costs about $1.50 with all the shit I said to put into it.
With the raisin snack I mentioned, that's under $3 for the day. Hardly seems expensive, really.

If you say so. I don't know one way or the other.

>> No.12072942
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, Vegan Chicken Nuggets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get bent, I was trying to help

>> No.12072949

dude, why are you so upset that people use meat substitutes? that's like getting mad that someone uses bread for french toast instead of making sandwiches.

>> No.12072951

It's more like getting pissed at people using pitta bread to make french toast instead of sliced loaf

which I would understand

>> No.12072954

>hearts of palm
Which Aztec god do I have to pray to find such an item? Never seen those sold anywhere

>> No.12072955

terrible analogy

>> No.12072957

>stop having periods

>> No.12072958

>spend $40 and an hour making chickpeas look and taste like meat

ok, you're right that it would take some time, but chickpeas are cheap as shit. and food processors are a one time investment..

>> No.12072961

no its like someone using banana taffy in place of banana in banana bread

>> No.12072964
File: 2.89 MB, 360x360, Vegan Mayo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus the chickpease are multiple purpose since the recipe calls for vegan mayo anyway

>> No.12072966
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>> No.12072971

>Sweats the tiniest amount and immediately smells like a rotting carcass
>hasn't taken a shit in three days
>puts on 20lb without even noticing
>has a heart attack
>develops diabetes
>develops colon cancer
>hasn't been able to maintain an erection in years due to clogged bloodflow
>develops breasts from ingesting absurd amounts of female growth hormone
>can barely move from all the inflammation-related arthritis
>barely manages to make it to age 70

>> No.12072974

Not upset. You do you. The chances you'll ever cook any analogues for me are practically zero so I don't really care what you or anyone else does. Live your life.

>> No.12072976

>having 35% body fat at 150 lbs
This is the diet you want to try if to achieve that

>> No.12072987

except no

>> No.12072989

>that pathetic attempt at measuring 3 table spoons of chickpea water

>> No.12072997

I be just fine with making it to 70 desu.

>develops colon cancer
Isn't this a bigger problem with people who eat red meat?

>> No.12073007

you ain't too fast on the pickup there, pal

>> No.12073010

jesus, vegans are so damn embarrassing

>> No.12073046

Avocado is about 75% water by weight and 15% fat. An average Hass avocado weighs 100g. A conservative estimate for dietary fat intake is 30% of total calories. Approximately 15g of dietary fat is not enough even for a small woman, let alone a man.

Yeah, I guess if you think all young women should have the hormonal balance of premenopausal women and men should have the testoterone levels of little girls it's pretty based. Right before they die of anemia.

>> No.12073056

Then by all means good luck with your 5% protein diet

>> No.12073116

The fuck? Literally carnists fit that description, lol! Stay cucked by big meat 'cause that's your independence! Oh, and oil up that ar-15 you're too stupid to breakdown.

>> No.12073154

Unbased then

>> No.12073156
File: 126 KB, 896x942, Diets and Nutrients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that protein intakes much greater than the RDA of 50 g/day are very beneficial. Examine.com has a suggestion of 1 g/lb. body weight for ordinary individuals (up to limits, obviously – plausibly some 280g). Protein is the second most abundant item in the body (to water), and is what science is most correlating even with height.

Protein powders are great – even for replacing carbs, which is also really neat ("an adulthood puberty").

Furthermore, vitamin C amounts were evidenced, of either .01% (about 500mg, 5x the RDA) or .4% (some 15 g/day), the latter was the only in producing blood metrics and QoL of natural biosynthesizers, which is reasonable because even small animals are producing 10+ g/day.

>> No.12073220

im a vegan because cows milk is stolen and it's inhumane

>> No.12073225
File: 189 KB, 994x745, 1528934924237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So nothing but carbs, with only a tiny amount of protein coming from phytoestrogen filled soy. This is the kind of diet that turns you into pic related.

>> No.12073248

all of them are carnies though.. debunked long, long ago.

>> No.12073278

>Asian populations have historically had lower rates of cardiovascular disease, menopausal symptoms, breast cancer (and other hormone dependent cancers), diabetes and obesity than Western populations [4]. Soy is the cornerstone of a traditional Asian diet, an observation which has long fueled the widely held belief that consumption of soy foods reduces the risk of disease.

>> No.12073282


>> No.12073296

>that fantano pic

>> No.12073300

die of anemia.
Didn t know you could unless caused by bleeding out.

>> No.12073301

There's protein in every unrefined food, because every cell is made of protein. OP looks to have decent macros.

>> No.12073412

Not really. Not enough fat. Unless there is some cooking fat that was omitted for the chart. But that sort of tells me whomever made it doesn't consider fat an important macronutrient. It is. You could sort of fudge the protein because of the legumes and tofu. Strikingly low fat. Unhealthy at a glance.

>> No.12073441

That's why I have a quarter cup chia and tablespoon of flax each day. Walnuts as weather permits.

>> No.12073475

I think I could go vegetarian, but not vegan. Definitely not my whole life. Are there any stats for what percentage of vegans go back and how long they last, especially compared to vegetarians and pescetarians?

>> No.12073489


you can go cheatgan, someone who eats meat but tells their vegan friends they dont eat animals.

>> No.12073496

How can anyone survive on this diet?
In particular, the dinner is very low on calories.

>> No.12073498

Vegan makes no ethical sense, anyway. Eating honey and drinking milk and eating eggs is fucking OK and if you think otherwise you need to be gassed.

>> No.12073502

Well, I don't know about anyone else but I'm definitely convinced by this.

>> No.12073508

As a developed human (not growing) you don't really need much protein.
We consume protein because it tastes good, not because we need the huge amounts we consume.
It's also quite unhealthy. Red meat in particular is very unhealthy.

>> No.12073517

No honey is stupid, yeah. But chickens only produce so many eggs because the eggs are taken. They don't produce nearly that many eggs in the wild. Though you could certainly go the "who cares, they're still not getting hurt" route. Cows only produce milk shortly after giving birth. What the hell are you gonna do with all those new cows? Drinking cow milk is implicitly supporting killing cows because there is not a single farm in the world that simply keeps and raises the bulls forever. Kind of the same with eggs too.

>> No.12073521

Looks like it is very high in sugar because, basically you have to resort to it to make anything taste good in the absence of anything else that actually tastes good.

>> No.12073529

Oh look, a carnie montage! Good goy!

>> No.12073530

I'm willing to bet quite a lot of money that it is still far, far less sugar than the average non-vegan eats in a day.

>> No.12073532

>Cows only produce milk shortly after giving birth. What the hell are you gonna do with all those new cows? Drinking cow milk is implicitly supporting killing cows because there is not a single farm in the world that simply keeps and raises the bulls forever.

Ok good point, but you can drink goat or sheep milk instead. Both goats and sheep are too dumb for me to give a shit about.

>> No.12073548

I understand going plant based diet but I don't understand the advocates

>> No.12073549

That is also a good point. I haven't looked into the industry practices of those but goats and sheep are both sheared as well so I wouldn't be surprised if farms did exist that kept them instead of slaughtering them. I'll have to look into that and possibly revise my opinions.

>> No.12073576


Right off the bat, I hate avocado and sweet potatoes.

>> No.12073611
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I love this way of eating

>> No.12073618

>No honey is stupid, yeah
For the past two decades bees have been dying at an alarming rate. They are the most prolific polinators of wild and domestic plants. As long as bees are left with a modest amount of the honey they produce to survive through the winter everything else harvested is not going to be harmful or exploitative. Keeping an apiary actually helps bees survive, propogate, and recover from their slide into endangerment and extinction.

Checkmate, vegans

>> No.12073912

I don't understand this complaint. Most of them don't eat meat for either moral or health reasons. I don't think any vegan goes vegan because he doesn't like the taste of meat.

>> No.12073928

it’s not

>> No.12074198

>Soy yogurt
Not gonna make it

>> No.12074347

Going to the walmart meat section isn't very alpha either you cholesterlard.

>> No.12074381

Shearing is a very brutal process, the workers are paid by the amount of wool not the hour so they are not careful at all. The sheep are frequently cut by the shears. The sheep are also often subjected to mulesing, which is a process that cuts of their tail and the skin around the area.

After they are past the age of peak wool production they are killed off anyway.

>> No.12074385

>t. cries about animals but plays big boy on a korean basket weaving forum

>> No.12074390

The bees that are kept to produce honey are not even the native bee species and out compete the native bees of North America for food.

>> No.12074395

That's because they chose the memeiest shit to advocate their vegan diet. You can stick to simple staples like rice and beans, roasted squash, or lentil stew. Instead their chart recommends avocado and two daily doses of soy.

>> No.12074411

To them the suffering of animals is a very evil thing, often equally bad of that to humans in their eyes so it makes sense that they are super vocal about it. For others, it is because of the environment so the issue is equally big.

>> No.12074412

>t. sweats lard and falls out of chair after getting excited about saying rude things to the meanie vegan

>> No.12074431

I eat like this pretty often because I don't eat meat unless it's made for me and dairy products give me issues despite being white. End up eating chicken and fish a few times a month though. I'm sure there are some months in the year where I don't eat any meat at all. Never understood why vegans feel superior eating similarly.

>> No.12074434

What if you're replying to a Europoster?

>> No.12074440

Then my point might not apply in that case, but would still show that farming bees isn't inherently helpful for the environment.

>> No.12074441

Domestic bees are dying out, not the hundreds of bee species that live in the wild. A person who works with bugs as a professional told me this. He says that the media and certain groups of scientists are over inflating the importance of this issue by a lot.

>> No.12074528

I think it is because the big reason to ”go vegan” is for social situations. To feel superior, impress people, join a group, etc. I pretty much have the same meat habits as you and it just feels natural to eat meat rarely, it becomes very satisfying when you do too.

>> No.12074546

whats that, like 800 calories?

>> No.12074551

this is your brain on a vegetable only diet, literally unfunctional. hes on your side retard

>> No.12075174

>I'm vegetarian
>I sometimes eat meat too

>> No.12075177

Sounds nice, keep up. The soiboi meme is completely debunked anyways so who cares in the first place

>> No.12075184

Breakfast: Tea, a pb+j on rye and an apple
Lunch: usually the vegan dish in my uni cafeteria like pasta with beans and seeds or some kind of vegetable fritter dk how I should describe it
Dinner: pasta, fried rice, pan of veggies, bean wraps...
snacks: nuts, seeds, grapes, bread slices with some tomato spread...

>> No.12075208

This looks fucking disgusting desu

>> No.12075402

soy yogurt has 0 carbs, if you're one of those creeps.

>> No.12075455

I never really got how folks functioned on vegan diets ‘til I met my girlfriend. Her diet is probably 98% vegan but she isn’t a vegetarian or anything. She just fucking loves veggies and she grew up without much milk because most of her family is lactose intolerant, so it works for her really well. Especially since most of the vegan meals I’ve seen tend to not require a ton of prep time unless you’re going all out (see: some of the ones in this thread), and if you’re a person who mealpreps, it’s even better. I think it just depends a lot on your lifestyle.

>> No.12075625

>I was eating a high meat diet that made me overweight

Eating more calories than you burn will make you fat no matter where the calories come from. If you want to promote veganism, it’s not a good idea to admit that you needed it as a crutch because you have no self-control.

>> No.12075683

Different anon, but I'm kind of the same way. I'm vegetarian for ethical and environmental reasons, but I still support hunting and fishing. I don't hunt, but I do fish and eat the things I've caught. And I would like to start hunting too.

>> No.12075701

>$0¥ yoghurt
That just seems so repulsive

>> No.12075723

None of those are meals
>Bread and an avocado with sugar juice
>Fried rice (which is supposed to be a side to an actual meal)
>That ungoldy disgusting lunch where none of the flavors go together and there isn't a center of the dish

>> No.12075761

Vegans don't have tastebuds, they literally don't understand flavor.

>> No.12075769


Why would you care about cows though?

>> No.12075774

Because fuck them. If you want to taste meat, eat meat, don't be a fucking faggot and waste your time trying to create a non-meat way of tasting meat, just eat the fucking meat you god damn fuck.

If you can't eat meat for moral or health reasons then just learn to live without it. Tough titties; just do without.

>> No.12075778

Yeah but then you have to live as a chink.

>> No.12075781

>still eat at Taco Bell every day but get all items fresco and sub meat for beans

>> No.12075784

>They don't produce nearly that many eggs in the wild.

There are no wild chickens you dumb fuck. The Jungle Redbird, from which the chicken is derived, is no more a chicken than a wolf is a dog. Chickens wouldn't even exist without humans; we created them, as a tool to service our desire for eggs.

>What the hell are you gonna do with all those new cows?

If you're not a veggie faggot, eat them. They're delicious. If you are, I guess turn them into cat food, unless we're not allowed to have pets either.

>> No.12075805

Wolves are pretty much dogs though, and the differences between some domesticated chicken breeds are bigger than the differences between entire species of birds

But what should I expect from someone who gets triggered by the sight of a vegetable and immediately starts making loud gagging noises because years of childhood habituation has your brain programmed to think that's how you make mommy bring out the tendies

>> No.12075812

Yeah, you lost me at tofu. That shit is nasty. I'd sooner eat cardboard and I'm not even joking.

>> No.12075815

Is this a new soiboi term?

>> No.12075818

Wolves are absolutely not dogs you moron. Dogs are wolves, wolves are not dogs; like how the fuck do you go through life not understanding the difference between a subset and a whole?

Oh wait, you're a veg fag, so you already don't understand that humans are animals but animals aren't people.

>> No.12075823

Don't knock it 'til you try it.

>> No.12075841

t. has never seen a wolf

>everyone who disagrees with me is a vegetarian

Top quality /ck/ logic

>> No.12075843

This is also incorrect. Dogs and wolves share a common ancestor instead of a direct lineage. They BOTH forked from the same species 27,000 years ago. Basically, dogs and wolves are more like brothers, not father/son.

>> No.12075847

t. doesn't understand that "oh it look like da thing" doesn't mean it is the thing.

Fuck you, you dumb slut. Do you think that all dogs are also pugs? Or do you think that bats are birds because they can fly?

>> No.12075853

Yeah no, the species that dogs and modern wolves evolved from was a wolf, it was not a dog. Kinda like how the ancestor of modern humans and other great apes was an ape, and humans are apes, but that ancestor was not a human.

>> No.12075862

>everyone who disagrees with me is female
So are you just going to randomly pick people who have upset you at random points? I'm sorry you can't lower your standards for long enough to get your dick wet, but how does that make a wolf not a canine?

>> No.12075866

You're basing your perspective of names. I'm explaining genetics. I'm not going to sit around trying to explain something when the person is more concerned with their pride than learning.

Feel free to read more.

>> No.12075875

I didn't say you were a female, I said you were a slut. Or do you not understand that distinction either?

>> No.12075878

Your argument falls apart because domesticated dogs have DNA of the ancient ancestor that wolves don't, and vice-versa. Domesticated dogs don't have any wolf DNA in them. Only the prehistoric ancestor's. Science!

>> No.12075880

Go fuck yourself, this is basic cladistics. All species are subsets of greater categories emerging from single ancestors. Humans are apes, apes are not humans, that's literally how the system works.

>> No.12075887

Except that ancestor WAS A WOLF. Because "Wolf" is a category which contains extant AND extinct species!

>> No.12075901

Are you saying you couldn't eat as a vegan for 1 day? Or are you saying that you couldn't eat what's pictured for 1 day? You must be a child if either.

>> No.12075911

What sorts of meals / snacks does she eat?

>> No.12075932

How does one be this obtuse on purpose?

>> No.12076005

Damage control: the post

>> No.12076013

Do you not believe male sluts exist? Sexist.

>> No.12076526
File: 1.06 MB, 1300x1600, 1532060841741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating vegan

Question is, why would anyone want to?

>> No.12076579

are you saying i can lose a fuckton of weight easily with veganism because i’ll absolutely sign on to that

>> No.12076620
File: 62 KB, 824x663, Average Robust Vegan Runner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan junk food and artificial meats? NO

Eat nothing but carrots and raw celery? Yes you will lose tons of weight. Stay on that for years and you will become a zombie like vegetable yourself so be careful.

And this program assumes you don't care about your teeth or keeping them.

>> No.12076624

Because I can't live with the weight of what I've done to all those animals. It's kind of disgusting that humans have bred entire species for the sole purpose of doing nothing but standing, eating, and being slaughtered - most of which are completely incapable of surviving on their own. It's like breeding retards to work in the mines with no compensation and then just breeding new ones when one of them drops dead from black lung.

Not to mention the environmental impacts of factory farming animals thanks to the fact that far more land is needed per calorie of meat than fruits or vegetables. The vast majority of the deforestation of the Amazon, for example, was caused to provide grazing land for the cattle industry. I'm not even one of those militant vegans that think all meat should be banned. If everyone didn't eat meat every single fucking meal, things would be a lot better.

>> No.12076654

is having a balanced diet too normal?
>one side is the"meat,meat,meat"
>the other is the "veg,veg,veg"
>me with my meats and vegetables with rice/bread mixture

>> No.12076662

>le enlightened centrist

>> No.12076664

>If everyone didn't eat meat every single fucking meal, things would be a lot WORSE.

Your "facts" you spouted are just regurgitated vegan talking points, devoid of truth.

As a vegan vegetables consumer, you are responsible for the deforestation of the Earth's forests, and the dumping of tons and tons of pesticides on wild animals, killing them in a horrible slow torture. (100% certain you don't give the slightest fuck about this)

(Yes I am responsible for one cow per year dying, after he/she lived a comfy life outside on vast acres eating nothing but grass, and well cared for)

Your argument literally claims that how you eat, will affect how China and Brazil conduct trade lol.


>> No.12076680

>>one side is the"meat,meat,meat"

This is literally three people. (2 Petersons, and Dr. Shawn Baker. Sv3rige is a omnivore who even consumes oranges and cucumbers)

You are raging against, three people.

>> No.12076686

my teeth are fucked from a some fun gum bullshit even though i took care of them so i don’t care about that much honestly. thanks

>> No.12076736

Do you not realize that the animals you eat have to eat food too? Raising cattle requires far more land than vegetables.

And I do realize the problem with pesticides and think it's an as well. However, there is a minimum level of damage that will be caused just by existing. Why do you think "We can't prevent all damage, so let's prevent none of it" is an acceptable stance and a valid argument? I need to eat to live. I can eat meat or I can vegetables. Both cause damage, but vegetables cause less. I don't understand how people have so much trouble with this concept. Especially as technology improves, this impact will be even lessened - yet meat is more profitable so most current research and technology is going towards that.

And again, did you miss my argument about how I personally am disgusted with the sheer existence of modern farm animals that have been bred to the point where they cannot even survive on their own? People post that picture of the sheep that's overgrown with wool to the point of near immobility and for some reason cite that as an anti-vegan picture. How the fuck can you look at that abomination that humans created and think "Oh, clearly it's the people against this that are wrong." A wild animal living its life normally and dying by accident is bad, but preferable to an entire species of retarded genetic monsters, most of whom are suffering their whole lives. I'm willing to bet money that you've already got "Who made you the judge of which suffering is worse?" Me. I appointed me. I am talking about my own opinions and my own views. I am not saying this is the only correct and justifiable line of thought. I am saying this is what I think, and I do not need any divine authority to do that.

In short, yes, I understand that wild animals die in farming no matter what. Fewer die with a vegetarian diet, or fewer WILL die once technology and methodology catch up with meat farming. "No impact" is impossible, so I am advocating for less impact

>> No.12076743

Carbs feed my skin issue. I forgot what it's called. Makes the area on the corners of my nose turn red. Gotta do keto and vegan keto is a fucking joke that only irrational women would adhere to.

>> No.12076754

>(Yes I am responsible for one cow per year dying, after he/she lived a comfy life outside on vast acres eating nothing but grass, and well cared for)
And I reached the post limit, so I just wanted to add in - yes, I do understand that some farm animals are treated well and cared for. This is a very small percentage of meat. It's shocking that every time this discussion comes up, apparently every single meat eater in the world only eats the most ethical meat possible despite 99.9 percent of chickens and 78 percent of cows being raised via factory farming. If all meat was ethically sourced, I would have a very different stance.

>> No.12076783

>Do you not realize that the animals you eat have to eat food too?

Yeah grass, that grows naturally on grasslands, where cows and bison are supposed to be, eating grass. (I pay way more for specialty grass fed organic beef and lamb fyi)

>Raising cattle requires far more land than vegetables.

Comparing sparse vast grasslands, with rich fertile cropland where vegetables are grown (and forests were cut down by you)

See as a leftist/vegan, you can never make an honest, legitimate comment, you just hit talking points, of the dishonest indoctrination you have received in your vegan brainwashing. Why bother regurgitating the lies here? Fuck off back to tumblr where you don't seem so pathetic.

We have heard all these lies before, they are just....tiresome


>> No.12076805

may i ask one thing.
whould you eat the straw from wheat stalks? or the cob from corn? or the plant waste from making juices? every year the processed food industry generates tons of food waste. if you won't eat those stuff it will do as animal feed.

>> No.12076831

You ignored about 90 percent of my post and simply reposted the single article that I already mentioned. Also see >>12076754 The 78 percent of cows that are not free range and grass fed are certainly causing more environmental damage than the 22 that aren't. The vast majority of corn grown in the united states is used for cattle feed. Far less of this land would need to be used and could return to wilderness if crops for human use were grown instead of cattle feed.

And then there's the fact that cows grazing on natural grassland are still a huge disruptor to the natural order of things there since cows aren't fucking native to the places they're grazing in almost all cases. Do you think farmers just let those grasslands go about their life cycle without interference? Do you think thousands of new cows coming in to graze on this grass doesn't affect it at all?

It's tiresome to you because you don't fucking think. You only look at the surface level of these issues and then pretend you won because you're ignoring half the shit that's happening because "Oh, at least I don't do that." I'm not talking about you specifically and already stated that I would have a different opinion if every cow in the world were raised like the ones you say you eat.

That's a disingenuous question. The corn grown for cattle and chicken feed is unfit for human consumption. If what you were asking actually happened, then again, I would have a very different opinion. But right now, corn that was intentionally designed and engineered to be unfit for human consumption and solely used for cattle feed is the number one crop in america, and I consider that to be another part of the problem.

If cows were only free range and only fed on food byproducts that humans can't eat? Great, I'd probably have no problem with that. I also support hunting and fishing so long as it is done in a controlled manner to prevent population imbalances.

>> No.12076834

You're eating a bowl of carrots and parsnips for dinner?

My veganizm would be

Breakfast - Banana, spinach, pineapple smoothie. Marmite on crumpets.
Lunch - Lettuce, carrot, cucumber, onion, tomato, potato salad. I'll make up my own vegan dressing. Apple and some nuts for after.
Dinner - Pasta with courgettes, mushrooms, peppers, onions in tomato sauce.
Evening - Booze to number the pain and lots of crisps.

>> No.12076844

As a cholestertard myself it really does piss me off when myself and other buy from the big slaughter houses but where I live it would be a 45 minute drive just to maybe get some farm raised beef

>> No.12076855

it's so weird. historical records show that animals are fed with farm waste to reduce cost and to convert plant matter into tasty meat matter.
i suppose mass industrial meat production to keep up with overconsumption is a bad thing

>> No.12076912

I have to admit, I'm in argument mode so I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. Animals are fed with farm waste, but the problem is that there is not nearly enough farm waste to feed all the animals. This means that additional crops need to be grown solely to raise animals. I haven't researched every single farm industry in every single country in the world, but in America, the crop raised for animal consumption is a breed of corn that is unfit for human consumption.

If there was a small enough number of cattle being consumed that they could all be grass fed or fed on food waste, I would have a very different opinion on meat eating. I guess to say I'm against meat eating in general is not correct. I'm against factory farming and over consumption.

>> No.12076944

OK I red most of this comment just to see how astonishingly dishonest, you, as a leftist/vegan could be, and you did not disappoint.

>A wild animal living its life normally and dying by accident is bad

You dumping pesticides, on a wild animal is no "accidental" death it is genocide. The farmer you pay, shooting a deer or wild hog because it's trying to live by eating your kale smoothie before you can, is no accident, it's culling, murder by your paid agents. (I know you give zero fucks about this as an empty brain vegan)


Luckily your vegan insanity will make you sickly, infertile and hopefully leave this earth early. Bye!

>> No.12076962

I like how you just stopped reding in the middle of my sentence. It would be nice to have an actual discussion for once on this site.

>> No.12076967

>despite 99.9 percent of chickens and 78 percent of cows being raised via factory farming.

The part about the cows is a staggering, amazing, mind numbing lie. Thank God vegans are making themselves sterile and not reproducing, because the world would not survive such staggering dumbness.

(I am not concerned with chicken, i never buy chicken ever, and try to avoid eating it even when free) I am sorry for the mistreated chickens, they are mostly eaten by niggers.

>> No.12076991

>The 78 percent of cows that are not free range and grass fed are certainly causing more environmental damage than the 22 that aren't. The vast majority of corn grown in the united states is used for cattle feed. Far less of this land would need to be used and could return to wilderness if crops for human use were grown instead of cattle feed.

Feeding humans or cows corn is retarded. And your stat about the "78% of cows which are raised in factory farms" or whatever bullshit you said was a compound, with interest, 100% LIE.

All I can do is thank God for making these retarded lying vegans sick, please God hurry them off this Earth to Hell, where they can worship their Lord Satan in closer proximity. (all vegans are Godless leftist athiests, at best. some are open Satanists, and Veganism itself is ant-God and Satanic per 1 Timothy 4)

>> No.12077001

Wow, looks like you're right! Only 9 percent of beef is from grazing/grass fed cattle.

>> No.12077004

>Yeah, I guess if you think all young women should have the hormonal balance of premenopausal women and men should have the testoterone levels of little girls it's pretty based. Right before they die of anemia.

And on the other side, they could have meat or soy which is full of phytoestrogens and causes them to start puberty much earlier and grow big titties, and suffer through the harshness of our degenerate society at an age earlier than they are mentally mature enough to deal with.

>> No.12077021

They have like 50 days a year that AREN’T fast days

>> No.12077025
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>I'm against factory farming and over consumption.

so-called, but your response is to go full vegan activist, and to rage at people who are equally horrified by factory farming, but choose to support organic free range farms as their solution.

Nothing you or I do can change factory farming chickens and hogs. But why do you think you can "help" anything by telling staggering lies here about cows? And to take away my grass fed beef, so you can gas more wild animals and plow over more forestland for you kale smoothies? (by forcing me to eat that shit?)

It doesn't matter, but I pay ranchers property tax, so cows can have a life, and enjoy endless acres of grassland, you pay for chemical pesticides which are dumped on wild animals, killing them in a ghastly slow torture.


>> No.12077030

>excuse me
*gets horribly sick from vitamin deficiency*
>cow milk
*kills a child from malnutrition*
>is for baby cows
*consumes a toxic amount of processed soy and chemicals*

>> No.12077040

If you start out a rant with a staggering, insulting lie "78% of cows are raised in factory farms" why would any sane person continue reading?

>I post trollbait lies and insult people's intelligence.
>Then I'm surprised why they don't read my posts!

I actually feel bad because I just ate chicken.

A- I'm sorry for the mistreated chicken,
B- It's not going to be healthy or good for me.

(It's all that's available free though at work)

I'm sorry chickens who were abused.

>> No.12077047

Why do all vegan guides like this keep mixing in meme food like tofu, avocados and sweet potatoes? You have normal butter replacements and plenty of bread toppings are vegan without being marketed as such. For lunch you can also just go for a sandwich and soup. For dinner you can just make any regular meal that you eat normally as long as you leave out animal products. You can add soy or coconut milk for creamyness and in a lot of curries/stir fries you don't even miss the meat due to everything being covered in the same broth/sauce/roux/whatever.

>> No.12077050

see >>12077001
The number is actually far higher than 78 percent. Find me a source that says otherwise. You can't just call it a lie when I've provided evidence and you haven't.

>but choose to support organic free range farms as their solution
No I didn't. I did the exact opposite by stating several times that I would change my opinion if factory farming wasn't the standard. And what full on vegan activist supports hunting and fishing? I've already said that I believe "I can't fix everything, so I instead choose to fix nothing" is the most retarded stance you can have.

But I'm done. No one here is interested in having an actual discussion apparently. Have a good rest of your day.

>> No.12077051

>meme food like these staples in half the world
Flyovers. You call those YAMS btw Jethro

>> No.12077058
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From your own source anon-
>Most cattle in the US have a diet that is composed of at least some forage (grass, legumes, or silage). In fact, most beef cattle are raised on pasture from birth in the spring until autumn (7 to 9 months)

>In fact, most beef cattle are raised on pasture from birth in the spring until autumn (7 to 9 months)

>In fact, most beef cattle are raised on pasture from birth in the spring until autumn (7 to 9 months)

>In fact, most beef cattle are raised on pasture from birth in the spring until autumn (7 to 9 months)

>> No.12077095
File: 175 KB, 1095x626, 4D7652AA-09D4-4187-B653-0D005B6F87A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carneyfag is a bald schizophrenic pedo. He doesn’t care about fact, only his precious menstruation induced feelings and getting the last word in

>> No.12077096

The only people that ate those here before were a few select ethnic groups and you could only get them at ethnic food markets, it was only after it became hip in food-popculture that everyone started eating those and you can buy them in the average grocery store: meme food.

>> No.12077120
File: 19 KB, 480x360, Beautiful Vegan Teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay vegan please.

>> No.12077136

Yeah alright, so I'm not a vegetarian. I just eat a lot of veg. Does that matter? I eat out once a month maybe.

>> No.12077155

This is a cooking board so presumably you're not too fussed about spending an hour (which this isn't) cooking. What makes you think this is $40?

I mean I wouldn't eat this anyway because of the hassle, but it doesn't look too bad. Just not worth the effort.

>> No.12077304

I can spend a few days without food, I can spend a single eating vegan trash

>> No.12077403

Carnists btfo, lol!

>> No.12077444

>Nothing you or I do can change factory farming chickens and hogs
Really? So you admit you've turned over control of your country to megacorporate fascists and your "democracy" is a sham? I mean we all know that's the case in the US, but 1st world democracies, instead of corporate controlled banana republics like the US, have proven it can be done.

>> No.12077603

Is this emotional pandering? Why bother to post nonsense like this. You should be embarrassed.

But if that is a question- Yes I am a hated 2nd class minority (White) in a jew-ruled country that hates me. (Not Israel)

>> No.12077609


For a day? Sure, but drop the avocado and change the orange juice to coffee (and I want butter for the toast.) Also, fuck the tofu and artichokes and there better be a LOT of sweet potatoes and I’ll take regular yogurt.

But for any length of time? No, as I don’t want to end up a weak and sick faggot.

>> No.12077713

Jesus that sounds so shit. Eat some fish at least you pussy

>> No.12077946

wtf is up with the aguacate on toast? is that all vegan millennials can eat? its not a new food and it certainly isnt any healthier than others. why not try different options? oatmeal with berries? pancakes with bananas? lentil soup with tomato? hash browns? yogurt? french toast?

>> No.12078417

>Fried rice
>No chinese broccoli
How can veganfags fail so badly

>> No.12078505

How about beef? See >>12072871

There's also rice and onions and spices. It's basically a pilaf.

>> No.12078517

>As a life long carnist, going full time vegan would be tough for me but I humbly do what I can to improve the world.

you're not though, come back down to earth martyr boy.

>> No.12078530

Ah yes the diet of a privileged western white girl. Gotta keep that size zero.

>> No.12078535

yeah I thought this sounded fake as shit to be honest.

it's something easy to cook. vegan food is typically more involved. a lot of the times I see it is in articles that talk about how easy it is to be vegan.

>> No.12078539

while I get your point, america (and many western countries) in general has a huge obesity problem.

>> No.12078547

I might try that

>> No.12078565

I couldn't do it because I need at least 150g of protein to just maintain. I calculated how much fucking tofu that is once it was 4 goddamn lbs of that shit a day.

>> No.12078612

You need to read this book retard.

And then grow up.

>> No.12078628
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>> No.12078630

Liar. Where do you get this nonsense from?

>> No.12078640

Born and raised on a farm, this is absolute nonsense. You should be shot for spreading this bull.

>> No.12078651

Not true. Meat is a super food. There's no proof that red meat is bad. Click bait studies are your thing, not mine.

>> No.12078666
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>> No.12078675

>Low iron
>No B12
I couldn't be malnourished either OP

>> No.12078682

how would that effect your teeth at all

>> No.12078687

but I put on the ethical consumption face
im saving epic planet

>> No.12078716

>implying cholesterol is the culprit

You need cholesterol, faggot.

More fat and less faggy carbs lower bad cholesterol.

>> No.12078724

I don't really think pythoestrogens in plants affect us much. The xenoestrogens in our water supplies from all the goddamn plastics is a valid concern. This is probably the cause of precocious puberty in females and the feminization/fertility issues with males along with several types of cancer. Corporations are poisoning us.

>> No.12078732

All those foods have enough iron combined for the day

>> No.12078743
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>> No.12078807
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1552608110885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a "carnist?"

>> No.12078871

>Drinking cow milk is implicitly supporting killing cows because there is not a single farm in the world that simply keeps and raises the bulls forever. Kind of the same with eggs too.

Drinking cows milk also implicitly funds giving cows life. Every hundred gallons of milk I buy another cow gets born and gets to eat grass on green pastureland under the sun. You're welcome cows. (He many cows got a life because of you? "Zero")

And what's your beef with steers? They get a better deal than male bees. Some live a year or two and become steaks, some live many years with only one job (impregnate the cows) that's a tough job.

And what do you do with your money "animal rights activist?"

>I give it to vegetable farmers and they spend it on chemical pesticides, which massacre huge number of small animals.

>> No.12078903

They poison us while pushing their plant-based diet.

>> No.12078972

I could do a whole week of eating vegan no problem because there's so many options available with vegetables that you can mix it up and have something different daily... but fuck off am I eating avocado or artichokes.

>> No.12078991

Pure ownage

>> No.12079100

>no meat
Choose one ffs

>> No.12079105

Yo din and lunch sound reversed, senpai

>> No.12079110

Ah yes the 4chan scientist. Epitome of intelligence and masculinity

>> No.12079189

I would do it if someone else pay for the food

>> No.12079575

whats this vegan shit? I thought keto was the new hotness?

>> No.12079961
File: 88 KB, 816x800, average meatcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based samefag whose never had a logical argument let alone a single thought for himself.
Enjoy your obesity and balding cult!

>> No.12080013

full day of vegan eating

breakfast: pack of chilli flavored ramen, fistful of honey roasted mixed nuts, vegan coffee to taste

lunch: "trifle" made from frozen strawberries, vegetable shortening snack cakes, can of salt and vinegar pringles

dinner: two boxes of pre breaded frozen pickles deep fried and dipped in vegan ranch with a side of storebought frozen chicken nuggets covered in franks hot-sauce to simulate boneless buffalo wings

the technicalities are key

>> No.12080017

vegetarian chicken nuggets*

>> No.12080020

Sorry, my IP keeps resetting. Also I'm gay btw if that matters.

>> No.12080147
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>Visit to the dentist's office for a full set of false teeth

>> No.12080218
File: 71 KB, 511x768, Marc-Corn-anorexic-man-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been even one vegan meal plan in this thread that has been able to meet a person's minimum daily requirements for protein, b12, iron or calcium? I don't even want to know what you retards are doing to your health and brainfunction with this shit.

>> No.12080339

>eat high quality meats
>eat high quality vegetables
>don't eat the grains developed for mass population
>become healthy and not fat

>> No.12080350

jesus christ that sounds horrible

>> No.12080355

It really isnt hard. The number one thing I missed for the 6 months I did it was dairy. Yogurt, cheese, and butter.

>> No.12080360

I think my diet is only coincidentially mostly vegetarian, it's the meals I grew up with

>> No.12080365

Replace sweet potato with semi ripe plantain and Im set

>> No.12080371

>leavened bread

How dare you!

>> No.12080517

Veganism is a product of the oversimplified easy lifestyle. Even vegetarianism will put you into shit. I had a roomate and coworker who the very moment he arrived at home he needed to jump into the bed. He was skinny but at the same time he had a huge stomach.

>> No.12081250

Aglio e olio

Aglio e olio

Aglio e olio

>> No.12081500
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my main question is...why not make falafel and you have to jump so many hoops to make something that uses 'palm tree hearts'...also that deep frying is unhealthy as fuck...veganism is mental retardation at it finest...

>> No.12081543
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sorry meant to post this

>> No.12081625
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>> No.12082353

>an hour

>> No.12082386

Thats a lot of effort to make 200 calories of food

>> No.12082392


i'm >>12080013 my meal plan was designed to point out that technically you can eat vegan and have literally the worst diet possible thanks to the miracle of processed food and shelf-stable ingredients

i'm a cook. i dont let fad diets dictate that i cannot cook and taste like 90% of foods as they're meant to be eaten

>> No.12083855

We had a national vegetarian week "a week without meat" in my country. And to be honest, I couldn't do it.

>> No.12083864

Read the title, moron