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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12061164 No.12061164 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you like to eat?

For me, it is Lucky Buns, Sakuramen, Tacos de Los Compadres, Federalist Pig, and Hando Medo.

Also, had a great meal at Rasa (fancy Indian Chipotle fast-casual) and been meaning to go back.

Also, Da Hong Pao or Gourmet Inspirations (in Wheaton) for Dim Sum.

Been meaning to try Tiger Fork for Dim Sum. Is it better? Anyone tried it?

>> No.12061213


>> No.12061407


>> No.12062141


>> No.12062151

Moving here in August. Are there really that many black people, and if so, can they largely be avoided by neighborhood selection like in Chicago?

>> No.12062172

Yes, but you kinda do get denser neighborhoods if you are willing to live around SOME Black people with a good density of coffee shops, restaurants and stores. There's certainly are mostly white and mostly black parts of town and then more mixed areas that are very trendy. The further east and south you go in general, the more Black it is.

The people in the mostly White parts of town are older, the housing stock is mostly crappy post-war buildings, with some (expensive) newer stuff but its very staid and boring if you don't mind that and the food and entertainment options are less interesting and the public transit options are more limited.

>> No.12062178

ate at an "italian" restaurant in georgetown, forgot the name. ordered the "quatro staggioni" pizza. they gave me a regular, non-arranged pizza with four toppings. when i asked if they gave me the wrong order, the chinese girl working there just said "yeah that's just how we make it here, sorry". kek. tasted fine though

>> No.12062179

Diversity is fun and vibrant

>> No.12062183

Pizzeria Paradiso?

I mean the food and transit options are worth it, obviously it is a tradeoff in some respects.

>> No.12062210


>> No.12062215

>Pizzeria Paradiso
no, i just went to google maps to find it and it was angolo. their deep fried calamari with marinara sauce were pretty good too, i just remembered i had some. i'm only used to eating calamari in the greek way with yoghurt sauce and this was a surprisingly nice change

>> No.12062305


>> No.12062314

Daikaya has some great ramen and upstairs Izakaya has some great japanese bar food

>> No.12062448


>> No.12062547

Prosperity is fun and vibrant. "Diversity" is actually a negative in all regards according to the massive study done at Cambridge on the measurable effects that racial/ethnic diversity has on communities. There was a similar study done in the Netherlands and the results were nearly identical.

>> No.12062565

source on the study?

>> No.12062568

OOOOk well the point is the food available in some of the more mixed neighborhoods is better because the Whites (and to a lesser degree minorities) are better educated and younger and make more interesting/higher quality food. Sure there are total near-Black food deserts here with zero nice food but theres plenty of nice mixed neighborhoods here and the food in the mostly wealthy mostly White neighborhoods of upper NW is fairly meh overall and certainly not very adventurous in comparison.

>> No.12062582

Annie's, and Cafe Berlin are my two favorite spots in the city proper. Outside of the city there are many good options as well, without any fucking around in DC traffic or parking.
Bethesda, Gaithersburg, Columbia, Silver Spring, even Baltimore if you're not going against traffic.

DC metro area has some of the best dining in the country

>> No.12062589

>>12062565 not him
I went looking for it and all I can find is that Cambridge loves diversity!!!! Yay

And this

>Companies with top quartile diversity (defined as women and foreign nationals) on their executive boards generated ROE (returns on equity) that were 53% higher, on average, than the companies in the bottom diversity quartile.

Under this theory if you have 100% chinkmen you are 100% diverse

>> No.12062599

>7. Diverse teams get more credit in their fields
Geez I wonder why
Then they end the article with this
>Isn’t this all just a big hoax?

>> No.12062726


>> No.12063145

i lived in DC for 17 years. when i moved there it was easily the shittiest city on earth. Now you can make a legit argument for it being the best, most livable city in the US if not the world. When DC gentrified, lots of the good ethnic hole int he wall places moved out into arlington.
places/dishes I like:

>La Perla Del Vaille (Bolivian Joint. Ask for Jenny - tell Her you're Mike's friend) Silpancho or albondigas
>Ray's Hell Burger (arlington)
>Pho 75 (arlington)
>Queen Vic (H street NE) - bone marrow
>LaLibella Ethiopian on Columbia Pike in Arlington.
>Bangkok54 (columbia Pike)
>Eden Center in 7 corners for viet and bahn mi
>Rays the Steaks. (FUCK morton's, cap grill, the Palm, CP, and all those places. Ray's is better.)
I could go on and on.

>> No.12063178

when I went there I enjoyed Le Diplomate. Also had a medium time at Mission in Dupont; it was very loud in the restaurant

>> No.12063228
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>> No.12063245

I prefer Annie's to ray's cause Annie's has a better dining atmosphere. At least upstairs in the bar.

>> No.12063275

For me, its potbelly

>> No.12063290


>> No.12063653

Last time I was in DC I ate at a Georgian restaurant (the country not the state) called Supra.

I was with a Georgian guy who worked for the Georgian embassy and he ordered all the food and wine and I had no idea what the fuck I was eating. That being said, it was fucking delicious and some of the best food and wine I've ever had. Definitely recommend it, a little expensive though

>> No.12063716

Lol Russian mob front. The food is good tho. Georgetown U is basically now a Russian spy outpost, FYI

>> No.12063738

Rays is def more classic dc steakhouse. Annie’s is fine too.

Speaking of classic dc, old ebbit grill, Clyde’s, bistro du coin, Vidallia, perry’s Rooftop, St. Ex, Jimmy T’s, La Loma, the Hawk&Dove, man I miss DC.

>> No.12063782

Lol do you think the restaurant is actually a front? and I didn't know that about Georgetown but I can definitely see it, thats hilarious

>> No.12063823

pretty much every eastern european restaurant is a mob/spy (pretty much the same thing) front there senpai.

For me it's Lucky's up and across from improv, Beau Thai in Mt. Plesant, and Horace and Dickies on H St.

OP's rec's are hipster bullshit.

>> No.12063832
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For me it's the white house

>> No.12064576

Even though it's in Trump's Hotel, unironically BLT steak has some of the best steaks in the city.

>> No.12064727

Fuck Michelin. That's essentially advertising for expensive restaurants. There's so much here that's great and semi-affordable.

Yeah Beau Thai is solid.

>> No.12064745

I never implied there wasn't, you're allowed to enjoy expensive food AND cheap food anon. Enjoy it all, there is nothing wrong with paying for an expensive meal assuming it's within your means.

>> No.12064782

Paul kee in silver spring

Best Chinese restaurant of all time

I know not in dc but worth the trip

>> No.12064793

But like it isn't the best expensive food it is just the most advertised.

It is a commercial tire company shilling pricey food.

It isn't gonna be the most creative picks.

Well, it would be like having a thread only about San Francisco threads and complaining that Chez Panisse isn't an SF restaurant because it is in Berkeley or something. Suburbs are fine but again, I suppose I'm looking for modern, creative, fresh, local, seasonal food where possible.

There's a lot of staid, traditional ethnic options and they may be solid, but they are boring.

>> No.12064810

>DC metro area has some of the best dining in the country
>>Ray's Hell Burger (arlington)
>>Pho 75 (arlington)
I concur. And the neighborhood is solidly good food almost across the board. Lebanese Taverna, Liberty Tavern, El Pollo Rico, Big Buns, Granville Moores steak frites, Tachibana, and don't get me started on delicious bubble tea made with lychees and jasmine tea.

>> No.12064816

If you think any of those restaurants on that list aren't top tier DC area food you're an idiot desu, some are even fairly cheap (for the area).

>> No.12064837

The point is it is going to prioritize safe and expensive over adventurous. There are not any "finds" on a Michelin list. It is a commercial company shilling restaurants. There's so much more to the world.

Corporate visions of fine dining ≠ the most INTERESTING food in a city.

There's more to life.

>> No.12064840
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>tfw lived in MD for near 15 years now and only know a handful of decent places
yuraku in germantown has some good sushi

>> No.12064896

Nigga, literally NO ONE is saying that, in fact, it sounds like YOU'RE writing off any Michelin star restaurant without even trying it because of a company's rating.

How "adventurous" of you.

>> No.12064913

Filomena. Known more for fresh pasta than pizza. An institution.

>> No.12064917

>still justifying slavish obedience to corporate culture

>> No.12064921
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>> No.12065961


>> No.12066074

>Silver spring
lol stay pleb

>> No.12066667


>> No.12067193

Ya know, I grew up in dc and I cant name a single restaurant that really sticks out. Guapos sucks, Clyde's is ok, silver diner is ok, Ted's bulletin is decent. Crisp and juicy has good plantains

>> No.12067199

You're naming shit tier trash, if those are the restaurants you're visiting, I'm not shocked you can't think of anything decent

>> No.12067211

What are some good spots then?

>> No.12067214

Try going to something that isn't a chain maybe

>> No.12067220

Just look in the thread desu senpai. Idk where you live exactly but there are tons of good restaurants both in the city, and around the suburbs.

Besides restaurants already mentioned in this thread,
Cubano's, Mi rancho, Ricciutis, grill Marx, etc

>> No.12067226
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>> No.12067871

>I grew up in dc and I cant name a single restaurant that really sticks out
Were you poor or just completely unaware of how to identify a good restaurant?

>> No.12068318

Wow. When I see shit like this o remember how unfair it is that I was raised in the Midwest while plebs like you had the privilege of living in one of the worlds greatest city’s and you didn’t even take the opportunity to culture yourself.

>> No.12068668

>one of the worlds greatest city's
What? DC is boring and dull. And sue me for not eating out a ton. It's expensive.

>> No.12068674

If DC is boring and dull, you'd off yourself if you ever ended up living in a small rural town.

>> No.12069066

>DC is boring and dull
>t. brainlet

You don't have to eat out or even spend money to enjoy everything in DC you fucking shutin. I bet you're the type to eat American fastfood when you go overseas too.

>> No.12069229

I lived in DC for 8-9 months. The food scene in DC is nice (21 Federal was fantastic), but the city is ultimately transient. Metro doesn't run late nights, huge commuter town, no skyscrapers, etc.

Nice place to spend your 20's.

>> No.12069553

and 30's, and 40's and so on and so forth. I can't wait to move back someday.

>> No.12069565

>no skyscrapers
by law, and it's a good thing.


>> No.12069572
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>Seoul food moved out to potomac or something

Where the hell am I going to get good Bimimbap guys?

>> No.12069593

Potomac obviously.

>> No.12069600

>potomac or something
Takoma park i'm pretty sure. Less than 3 blocks from DC.

>> No.12069603
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For me it's Oyamel

>> No.12069728

the honeypig in annandale

>> No.12069755

>Cafe Berlin
My n-word

>> No.12069787

Agree with you completely. DC isn't a typical city

>> No.12069830

transplants out reeeeeeeee

>> No.12069874

then it turns to a nig infested shit hole dummy

>> No.12069987

There are amazing bike trails in the Blackish parts of town tho.

>> No.12070068


>> No.12070075

where at? besides you don't think they'd improve once gentrified?

>> No.12070076

Anacostia Riverwalk Trail.

They'd be much more crowded once gentrified.

>> No.12070082

lol no thanks player

>> No.12070092
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Well, that's the point. I get to enjoy beautifully uncrowded bike rides in a large major city on a paved, no-car bike path because many people are scared of this particular part of town.

Also, it is by the river, not like in the hood's urban areas (Good Hope Rd. etc.). People are ignorant.

>> No.12070094

I've been everywhere in DC. I don't go anywhere near Anacostia. It's the only place I was on edge the whole time.

>> No.12070097

Well, that's your loss. It is a beautiful wooded paved path. I'd prefer it remains uncrowded so yeah, stay away.

All sorts of bad people out at sunrise, you know :^)

>> No.12070101

I've been robbed in Detroit at sunrise lol probably why i don't trust sketch areas at any time of the day.

>> No.12070108

Sounds like you a pussy.

Again, this is essentially a park-like setting. It is not an urban part of town. There are all sorts of people walking and biking along this trail. If they all got regularly robbed for doing so they wouldn't be there.

>> No.12070111

Also, it is a bit harder to get robbed on an e-bike because you can easily get away from criminals on foot. That said, I've never encountered anyone actually scary here, just people exercising.

>> No.12070112

nigga a supreme court judge was robbed in georgetown while running. if he can get robbed there you can get robbed in any part of anacostia for sure

>> No.12070115

future raped & beheaded tourist right here

>> No.12070118

Ok so then why is Anacostia a no-go zone but not Georgetown? Again, this is NOT an urban area.

Georgetown = urban.

Anacostia parkside = not urban.

Criminals don't wait by hiking trails for you to approach generally. Sure, it happens, but you are being alarmist and it is nowhere near as unsafe as you make it out to be.

Kinda hard for people to rob you while you are rapidly biking through anyways...

I'm not a fucking tourist. I've lived in D.C. almost entirely since I was born.

>> No.12070120

i know

>> No.12070124
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Faster than a speeding poc.

Unless they also have an e-bike.

Then ur fugged I guess :^)

>robbed while running

>robbed in an urban area

Just be alert to your surroundings and don't go close to sketchy people.

>> No.12070127

>why is Anacostia a no-go zone
because it's "please rape and kill me" area. you do you on your faggy e-bike though. Make sure to charge it up once you get to Larry's Lounge faggot.

>> No.12070129

i pass through a wooded area on the way home from work. fairly sure i regularly pass by a guy who's a drug dealer. seems nice enough though, always looks at me expectantly like he really wants my business

>> No.12070133

I mean I'd agree with you that like the downtown part (of outer SE) where there's commercial stuff is full of weird people but by the river itself where the trail is it is quiet and it is just people exercising.

>> No.12070194


>> No.12070209

What was Abraham Lincoln thinking here?

>> No.12070214

>i bet the jews did this
he was right

>> No.12070222


>muh joos

There is literally nothing wrong with being either gay or Jewish.

>> No.12070223

i politely disagree

>> No.12070228
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>muh idpol

>> No.12070232

there is literally nothing wrong with being identity or politics

>> No.12070234
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Identity is a social construct.

>> No.12070236

does that mean it doesn't exist

>> No.12070237

Correct. It exists in your mind.

>> No.12070239


>> No.12070240

nothing wrong with it. looking faggy is gay as fuck though. wouldn't be caught dead looking faggy if i was a gay.

>> No.12070252

So basically misogyny directed at men?

>> No.12070255

Yeah I guess that's a pretty good way to put it. Thanks!

>> No.12070258
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>this nigga doesn't know the actual word

>> No.12070263

shhhh let the troll keep going

>> No.12070265

But you are the ones trolling with tired anti-semitic and homophobic talking points.

>> No.12070266

this is blood libel
name ONE anti semitic thing i've said

>> No.12070270

Do you actually think you are changing anybody's mind?

>> No.12070271 [DELETED] 

shut up kike fag

>> No.12070275

i beg your pardon?

>> No.12070311 [DELETED] 

Do you actually think you are changing anybody's mind,
kike fag?

>> No.12070319

I'm not trying to disparage people with gross generalizations tho...

>> No.12070326

why are you posting antisemitic slurs now? you started off attacking antisemitism. what kind of game are you playing?

>> No.12070335

You know there's more than one poster in this thread, right?

We don't have unique user IDs but I think you are conflating identities.

>> No.12070338

my bad fren
while i appreciate your very wise skepticism of the jewish people, there's no need to be rude (in my opinion of course)

>> No.12070341

I'm not the one here being anti-semitic. That's a /pol/ troll.

>> No.12070347

my bad again. :)

>> No.12070419


>> No.12070488

The Pig in central DC is really good if you like blood sausage

>> No.12070498

I do but where the FUCK is "central DC"?

>> No.12070504

what exactly is central dc?

went there on a trip (i'm from europe). the tour bus dropped us right next to national mall. it was a sunday and all the museums were free but i wanted to have lunch first. went wandering around and i couldn't find a single restaurant in that area, just filthy arabs selling their garbage out of food trucks.
by the time i found a place i liked i was in fucking georgetown (though i did pass a few nice looking restaurants that were too expensive for me). it was some italian restaurant on a slope, pretty good. i took a mean shit in their bathroom too, it was nice and secluded under the restaurant in some tunnel.

>> No.12070505

near the White House

>> No.12070510

Yeah the best food is probably not in the touristy section near the mall or Georgetown *which is somewhat touristy itself*. You kinda have to get away from that area to find good food.

I've never heard downtown referred to as "central DC".

>> No.12070592


>> No.12070815
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>> No.12070840

>central DC
Who the fuck says this?

>> No.12070969
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/pol/ here. do not go to DC, you'll thank me later, the city is 100% niggrified.

>> No.12070975
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>/pol/ here

>> No.12070979

which justice got robbed while jogging?

>> No.12071000
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literally just google the sentence in your own post you fucking subhuman

>> No.12071028

Arlington bros where we at

>> No.12071041

It's like 50% black now and that number keeps dropping. Most government officials and bureaucrats are black though. In the next 30 years itll change a lot. Hispanic and white pop is still increasing.

>> No.12071075
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Souter wasn't mugged in Georgetown, you witless nigger, and it was a decade and a half ago.

>> No.12071106

who's souter and what does the date it happened on matter?

>> No.12071138

The farmers market thing that happens on Vermont Ave has a Korean stand that is damn good.

>> No.12071157

Must be nice. Travel a little ways south to Waldorf and the bike paths are pretty much just there as rape/murder/rob traps.

>> No.12071168

Probably because D.C has changed a lot in that time period...

>> No.12071184

souter is the justice who got robbed you retard

>> No.12071193

yes, and?

>> No.12071199

Not technically DC, but close. Bob's Shanghai 66 in Rockville MD has the best xiaolongbao I've had. It's cash-only, though, so bring some.

>> No.12071352

yeah it's gotten even more niggerfied. some guy got knockout gamed in the chinatown mcdonalds just a few years ago.

>> No.12071377

Chinatown mcdonalds has always been ghetto. That's why there are always like 4 cops standing nearby it

>> No.12071633
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It's just because it's so close to the metro.

That being said, whenever I went to games at Cap One arena waiting for people by the metro always felt a little more dangerous than it should.

>> No.12071650

Rosslyn gang ww@
We /bethesda bagels/ now

>> No.12071714

Lol enjoy your chopt and starbucks

>> No.12071785


>> No.12071845
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I unironicallly love Founding Farmers, what does that day about me?

>> No.12071884
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s-shut up we have a nandos and a mcdonalds too!!

>> No.12071907
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don't forget to bring back your free dessert card next time sweetie!

>> No.12071909


why would you move to DC proper? An internship or something?

The town is run over with nigs and all the respectable people commute.

>> No.12071918

Unironic agree, I think I prefer living on the NOVA side of the Potomac though.
I moved to DC from small town NC when I was 24, everyone was horrified and told me I'd get murdered, but I've never felt unsafe walking anywhere at night.
I really like the contrast between Rosslyn's big office towers and DC's skyline across the river. They complement each other well.

>> No.12071945

Their brunch is legit

>> No.12072046

OP here. I've gotten precisely 0 helpful suggestions. Bunch of shitty obvious suburban choices.

That you are basic af and have low standards for creativity.

>> No.12072639

Happy hour at Hank’s Oyster Bar

>> No.12072787

Hi Hank!

>> No.12072794

Rice Paper in Eden center

>> No.12073444

It was probably filomena, pretty good Italian

>> No.12073547

le happy merchant xDDDd

>> No.12074430


>> No.12074627


>> No.12074833

>ctrl+f "bump"
>14 results
you have to admire op's dedication

>> No.12075214

I'm in Ballston and we have a nandos too

Moving to Alexandria soon, any restaurants to check out?

>> No.12075756


>> No.12076244


>> No.12076457

Nah I’m just a seafood fiend

>> No.12077230


>> No.12077298

Why do you keep bumping? The thread has served it's purpose.

If you've got other restaurants to mention, post those instead of just bumping like a retard.

>> No.12077346


>> No.12077422

Marylander detected

>> No.12077432

Maryland drivers, no survivors

>> No.12077960

It was weird seeing the pizza place my parents like to go to since it was near my elementary school become the center of /pol/ conspiracies.

>> No.12078080

Wife's going to Georgetown for grad school. I have an advanced polisci degree and congressional experience so I'll go looking for work too.

>> No.12078229

Rock it Grill. Cheap good food every day and late night drunk karaoke every day.

>> No.12078278

>all these restaurants
>when I would go to the dentist in alexandria I would just stop at red lobster on the way back because my family is plebs

>> No.12078280

I went several years ago and there was this really good Russian/Eastern European place somewhere in the deep ghetto.

>> No.12079705

Hmm that sounds interesting. No idea of the name?

Yeah I drove past it a lot in the past so it was weird seeing the local family-friendly hipster pizza place in the news.

>> No.12079991


>> No.12080109


>> No.12080175

Hanks is cool to sample different types of oyster. Plus you get a beer coozie. But desu it's much more satisfying and cost effective to just buy a bushel for home being so close to the Chesapeake...

>> No.12080235

I went to a branch of a D.C. chain of oyster bars I think out in Tappahannock VA

I think it was this one:


and it was really good. Beautiful small beach and sandy/forested hiking trails nearby.

>> No.12080374

>advanced poli sci degree
>looking for work on the hill
literally nobody on the hill wants a know-it-all. They want somebody who will put their nose down and execute, not have fresh ideas.

>> No.12080389

literally nobody in history has ever referred to it as "central DC"
anyone who refers to East of the River ass "Anacostia" has never been there, except for maybe driving on 295. Actual Anacostia is only one tiny part of East of the River.

>> No.12080403

>boring and dull
the food scene is excellent, the bar scene is excellent, and everything is free. Every square inch of grass has a softball/kickball game. There are free outdoor concerts all over the place and its flip-flop weather from march to November. It's easily one of the best cities on earth.

>> No.12080457

>advanced degrees make someone a know-it-all

You literally won't let someone win. I said I had experience AND education. If I lacked either I'd be ridiculed for going. Drop the loser mindset anon. Cook a rouladen.

>> No.12080468

I spent 18 years on the hill. started as an intern and ended as an appropriations staff. Every "single straight from college to masters" we hired was a colossal pain in the ass. They thought they were too good to do data entry, answer constituent mail, and generally lacked the discrete attitude to keep their mouth shut. the ONLY job skills a newcomer on the hill needs are loyalty and discretion.
please do tell me what your "experience" is. I'd love to know.

>> No.12080489

>data entry
>answering constituent mail
>creating promotional material for congressional district events
>hosting community job fairs and the like
>creating sponsor contact lists in Excel

I've really got no standards for grunt work if it means getting my foot in the door, I'll do anything happily. I don't know what imagined, alternative youngster you're thinking of that could perform as well. Undergrad student-government plucky types were always the biggest insufferable faggots.

>> No.12080491

>Federalist Pig
haven't had dim sum there, but tiger fork is great. I just do the meme suburban mall circuit for dim sum (hollywood east/such)

>> No.12080513
File: 34 KB, 960x706, 1548991068415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yup, just loyalty and discretion kid, put that on your resume

What an absolutely fucking boomer response. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.12080840

I've been meaning to try Tiger Fork for Dim Sum. I've been going to Da Hong Pao or Gourmet Inspirations in Wheaton but they are kinda generic. I want a more modern Dim Sum.

>> No.12081327

Taqueria Habanero has some fucking bomb Mexican and I say that as a San Antonio native. Best street tacos I've had in years.

>> No.12081401

All Purpose, The Smith, Capitol Sushi, Carmine’s, Matchbox. Toki Underground, Clyde’s, Le Diplomat

>> No.12081417

Also wise guys pizza and shake shack for cheap food.