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File: 79 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12070135 No.12070135 [Reply] [Original]

He seems to argue that broccoli etc is bad for you. It seems insane.

>> No.12070141

If he inspires more people to think critically about the nutritional value of their food and how it serves different purposes in a well-balanced diet then he's doing a service to humanity (regardless of how autistic he is)

>> No.12070179


>> No.12070185
File: 24 KB, 323x207, carnism hairloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12070248

vegetables were historically famine food, only eaten out of utmost desperation, used as flavorings for stews, soups, etc... i wouldn't say broccoli is "bad" or "good" but there is certainly a lot of conventional wisdom hammered into our heads these days regarding fruits & veggies, superfoods, etc... broccoli was only invented 2000 years ago or so, but if you enjoy it and tolerate it, there's probably no reason to be afraid of it.

>> No.12070287

Love how much of a bitch and a hypocrite he is. He talked about how narcissistic it is that vegans make all these "what I eat in a day" videos, and then a few days later, he makes his own. He also likes to disable ratings and comments whenever he gets any sort of criticism.

It's fine to be a carnivore. It's also fine to eat raw meat. I also hate vegans myself, but this guy's too autistic about it. He's also an anti-vaxxer and a flat-earther, which should make one question his teachings.

>> No.12070362

>dat vegan meme
Had a friend in middle-school who shaved his head because of hair thinning. What the hell is the relevancy? Isn't this guy like 40 or 50 and looking better than most vegans?

>> No.12070374

Most kids have fatty streaks in their blood vessels by age 3. A whole food plant based diet would have saved the hair from starvation.

>> No.12070377

"crank magnetism"

>> No.12070393

I hear you. My parents didn't know any better and I was diagnosed with Stage 3 T-Bone last year. It was very hard to diagnose because initially they thought it was Porterhouse.

>> No.12070401

Same thing with keto people saying fruit is bad for you, even though fruit never caused their health/weight issues in the first place. I think most people probably feel excited with these extreme diets at first, and then when the excitement wears off they start to follow something more moderate.

>> No.12070500
File: 672 KB, 498x342, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone buy the schtick about fiber not being good 4 you?

>> No.12070521

That's genetic testosterone sensitivity. You know, the same thing that gives you your weak chin hiding hipster bitchcurtain.

>> No.12070536
File: 168 KB, 480x474, Washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you your weak chin hiding hipster bitchcurtain
You wanna try again there without the stuttering? You don't need to be Jay Leno to sport a pony tail and make vegans look pathetic.

>> No.12070567
File: 37 KB, 406x270, tg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trish from dmc5 looks like george washington

>> No.12070568
File: 43 KB, 211x194, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wanna try again there without the stuttering?

Learn to read properly, brainlet.

>> No.12070599

we have a spectrum this guy lies on schizo sadly he eats raw meat stares at the sun believes the earth is flat you can't have a reasonable convo with this guy

>> No.12070623

Yes, from eating all bran and veggies to basically meat and eggs and my poops are so much better on the later.

>> No.12070655
File: 198 KB, 1228x702, you may not like it, but this is what peak health looks like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12070696

Isn't that the opposite of whats supposed to happen? Fiber apparently bulks up your stools.

>> No.12070707

>broccoli was only invented


>> No.12070715

found the rabbi

>> No.12070737

I wouldn't say it was invented but every modern brassica species was originated through selective breeding. Broccoli is from the 6th century BC in the Mediterranean

>> No.12070757

right, from natural plants. ....so what's the problem

>> No.12070759

Syringe is not 40 years old

>> No.12070761

Almost everything we domesticated originates through selective breeding.

>> No.12070763

nothing lol I eat plants all the time. I've worked in produce for the last five years at a retail, wholesale, and now I sell to restaurants

>> No.12070766

I know I am not downplaying vegetables I don't think man would waste their time making their crops better if it was just considered famine food

>> No.12070779

Kind of depends on the type of fiber you're eating. Soluble fiber won't help your shits but aids in nutrient absorption and has shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber softens your shits and makes it easier to shit. Eating too much insoluble fiber will cause diarrhea though and not enough can cause constipation.

>> No.12070785

>genetic testosterone sensitivity

how retarded are you?

>> No.12070801

He made me realize all the social engineering against veganism. Thanks to him I eat mostly plant-based and I've never been as healthy as now.

>> No.12070807

can you hook me up with some greens?

>> No.12070902

Check out doc from back 2 da future series. I think it is GW.

>> No.12070905
File: 63 KB, 1324x696, 1548685832090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on bro, fuck these retarded carnists, I have gone vegan too, and never felt better. (I have lost a few teeth)

>> No.12070913

I often shit in the shower and inspect it and chop it up

brocolli comes out the same way it goes it. your body can do nothing with it. it comes it still somewhat green, not broken down at all (you can stell see the little florets)

no point even eating it imo

>> No.12070947

Just a modern carnival geek trying to spin the shtick to get attention.

>> No.12070952
File: 120 KB, 575x884, 1525652055767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look it up, soyboy.

>> No.12070974
File: 407 KB, 600x400, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I often shit in the shower and inspect it and chop it up

>> No.12071340

Being sensitive to test is about as soy as it gets, faggot

>> No.12071346

He looks like a weak bitch so i dont care what he says lol

>> No.12071355

beards are fucking disgusting

>> No.12071385

Yea, sure never seen someone who eats meat and is missing teeth

>> No.12071481

Vegan gains destroyed this faggot

>> No.12072529
File: 55 KB, 894x538, Follow Arnolds way to superior Vegan Dental Health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is "eating meat" (as part of an unhealthy processed food "diet")

and there is "eating raw grass fed beef and organ meats as your main staple of your diet."

Lots and lots of vegans have rotten missing teeth, and going back to Weston Price, it seems impossible to find unhealthy teeth in the second group of carnivores (I myself have perfect healthy teeth, strong teeth, and I was never vegan in my life)

Let's look at some vegan teeth shall we??


>A self castrated soyboy who is always sick "won" a debate.

Let him debate Tim Shieff or any of the many many vegans who are quitting?

>> No.12072547


trying to change the subject again. Vegan gains totally ripped you a new one, 5 head.

>> No.12072587

No it doesn’t. Broccoli is highly digestible. I eat a fuckton of broccoli and my guts tear that shit apart

>> No.12072692
File: 56 KB, 1313x695, 1547860955575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the subject was healthy robust vegan teeth? I never try to dodge that memeworthy subject Gojiman. (I am not Sv3rige)

>> No.12073239

>being this desperate to peddle your cult

>> No.12073687

Vegan Gains is a depressed faggot. Most vegans hate him for his /pol/lite views and his lies

>me and jasmine are defo still vegan even though we bought a wolf dog from a breeder in Europe
>yes it's vegan to feed your dog other animals
>no we didn't get rid of the dog to comments on our videos. Muslims scared it away on the subway

>> No.12073715

>Vegan Gains is a depressed faggot

why dont you call him out so he can rip you a new one, 9 head. He totally destroyed you, do you really want more?

>> No.12073874
File: 208 KB, 1300x951, westonpricep11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much bread/grains these vegans are eating, it is terrible for your teeth.

>> No.12073972

Looks like a poofter

>> No.12074013

When Europeans were first settling in North America they noted that the Native Americans who lived in places with an abundance of sweet foods had tooth problems. Eating nothing but starchy food/sugar and never brushing your teeth is going to quickly cause problems, but you can eat those things and still have healthy teeth. I think it's partially due to genetics too.

Brush your teeth after meals.