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12069112 No.12069112 [Reply] [Original]

How did America manage to overtake Europe in craft beer?

>> No.12069133

Big population, which doesn't give a squirt of piss about caloric intake? Make a portion of them care about the taste of what they eat and drink, and you have a competitive market.

>> No.12069150

Lotsa of local breweries.

>> No.12069169

Europe still strong with lambics and gueuzes and sour styles.

>> No.12069178

No traditions to uphold so more experimentation.

>> No.12069194

Lmao bunch of mcdonalds tier beers don’t bewt centuries of craft work.

>> No.12069452

Hardwork and determination

>> No.12069496

Because anything they do, we do better.

>> No.12069543

Elysian is owned by Anheuser-Busch

>> No.12069568

Elysian was founded independently

>> No.12069582

If country to start a brewery somewhere in the UK some fat bald nigga dressed like Willie wonka is going to show up with some Chinese nigga on a leash and let him go to spank all your ass and jack you up for your money..

>> No.12069639

Irrelevant. The money goes directly into attempts to kill off better brewers.

>> No.12069659

By Europe not giving a shit about it.

>> No.12069670

I love Space Dust, but its one of those beers that 5X better on tap. I also don't like how they got bought out and are kind of overpriced, so rarely buy bottles when there are much better things available (NorCal, so I can get a lot of stuff from SD and PSW - and we're kind of coming along with a few good breweries among hundreds).

>> No.12069675

Welp, got home 15 minutes ago and apparently already drunk. Meant PNW, obviously.

>> No.12069676

Correct. Have a friend at occidental in Portland and he calls the acquired craft breweries 'zombie beers'. They have better distribution and sold at price points independent craft cannot compete with.

>> No.12069688

It's not the price point; it's the money they put into advertising and exposure. Ballast Point is another great example of this, and most of their beers are both overpriced and overrated as fuck - and many of them aren't even very good.

>> No.12069732

I wasn't aware that they were amongst the sellouts. Their price point is high but probably tied to high San Diego labor cost. Here in Texas revolver and karbach are the notable sellouts but I'm still drinking Community Mosaic (which I'm sure someone will now tell me is sellout too).

>> No.12069747

Nah, they just overcharge. I'm the NorCal anon from >>12069670 and regularly go to SD to visit family and they charge more for kegs and usually in store in both places than other big SD brewers (Stone, Port, Green Flash, etc.).

>> No.12069762

these meme tier IPAs are all awful and everyone ITT who disagrees has zero flavour profile due to decades of eating literal garbage so they think 20 different types of hops makes a good beer.

>> No.12069774

Opinion discarded.

>> No.12069844
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>oh my gosh jaren, have you tried the squirting octopus tricycle triple ipa??? its made with real fairtrade saffron

>> No.12069854

You mean vinegar. All of that shit sucks.

>> No.12069858

I don't blame them for "selling out" considering out fucked up distribution laws in Texas.

>> No.12069860

Unless you actually live in Belgium - I'm sorry - don't claim that shit as your own. Sours and wild fermentations have blown up in the US over the past decade.

>> No.12069877

This is true. I mean kudos to the revolver and karbach teams for doing well.

>> No.12070054
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Finding out that Karmeliet was an AB Inbev beer really made me start researching my purchases much more thoroughly. Even the high-tier belgians aren't safe.

>> No.12070093

that got me, good job

American beer is good but we still have a lot to learn when it comes to certain styles that the Euros are masters at: Lager, Saison, Wild Ale, Farmhouse Ale...

>> No.12070103

When they started putting thc in it. Shits out of this world yo

>> No.12071562

If by Europe you mean only a small portion of Belgium. Americans have way better access to great sour beer than the vast majority of Europeans at this point

>> No.12071634
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The big local brewery does a really good sticke altbier called The Temple. This area loses their mind over Lovecraft, so there you have it.

>> No.12071645


Might as well point out some outrageously niche specializations that only the most hardcore beer fan would know that originated in the US with a post like that. I doubt 98 of beer drinkers in the US or Europe would know what those were outside of a lager.

>> No.12071659

>still have a lot to learn when it comes to certain styles that the Euros are masters at: Lager, Saison, Wild Ale, Farmhouse Ale.
Americans make the vast majority of the best examples of these types of beer these days

>> No.12071680

What part of greatest country in the world are you having trouble with?

>> No.12071690

Imagine being a beer nerd

>> No.12071693

Muchos kekos

>> No.12071711

imagine not being one. Just living with watery trash your whole life and being ok with that. Its the equivalent of only eating Burger King chicken nuggets every day. Or living a life where Taylor Swift is the only musician you allow yourself to listen to, or where Big Bang Theory or NCIS is the only show you ever watch

>> No.12071716

>its made with real fairtrade
Why are you trying to portray craft beer drinkers, normie ass white men, as coastie holier than though wine drinker types?

>> No.12072175

Just stepped in here. Can you explain what you mean by that?

>> No.12072176

competition and experimentation

>> No.12072681

Sounds just like my ex-wife.

>> No.12072711

Lovecraft is from RI so it makes sense

>> No.12072956

Big breweries like Anheuser-Busch (AB) buy out smaller breweries and use the money they generate to kill other independent breweries. That guy researches his beers to avoid funding this.

>> No.12072986

But if the beer tastes good then why should I care?

>> No.12073015

If they use their money and influence to keep other good, often considerably better beer off the shelves you might want to care

InBev tries really hard to fight independent craft brewers, they pull a lot of bullshit with beer distributors (which thanks to the government and over regulation are required to sell almost all beer to retailers instead of the brewery selling directly to them), the large majority of distributors outside Wisconsin and Colorado have the significant majority of their sales being controlled by InBev so they have a ton of influence, so InBev can make them carry their own brands into stores and bar/restaurant taps at the expense of better beer. A huge part of InBev's strategy is to crowd out beer owned by smaller breweries from shelves by selling stuff that they pretend is from smaller guys

>> No.12073023

If the other beer really is good then inbev will buy it

>> No.12073042

well no, thats definitely not how it works. For one a person has to be willing to sell to Inbev, which the vast majority of good craft brewers are not willing to do . Two you are assuming they are interested in buying the best which there is no evidence of. Their general strategy has been to try and find mid sized craft brewers with established brands and trying to spread acquisitions to different regions, then dramatically expand the distribution of these brands with their extremely sophisticated distribution system and immense brewing volume capacity
If you are actually interested read this

>> No.12073407

hahaha nice

>> No.12073891
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For real

>> No.12073918

We have dominated in the only hundreds of years we've been in power.

>> No.12073944

you don't have to imagine anon, support a local business and become a happier person at the same time.

>> No.12073950

it's not a race brother, it's a journey.

>> No.12074151

I'm an American and I fucking hate the IPA meme. I'll take some Euro-beers over that shit any day of the week, like Guinness or Taco Bell

>> No.12074166
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you're a faggot retard. steel reserve tastes better than any IPA i've ever had. craft beer tastes intentionally bad, and the entire market is people who like things that they don't like in order to seem sophisticated. it's hilariously phony. bud lite is a superior beer to any craft beer. shiner bock is better. no, your faggot small brewery does not have more knowledge than guiness or michelobe, they are neophyte amateurs in comparison to the levels of science that master techs at big brewers have.

your argument will always be 'less people like it, so it must be better'. you have to have something to be exclusive about, huh? since you're not actually the smartest or richest or strongest, you can be the most discriminating, huh? fuckin faggot. get a lyfe.

>> No.12074172
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>bud lite is a superior beer to any craft beer

>> No.12074368

At least here in germany we never had that extreme concentration in terms of breweries, making the rise of a craft beer movement kinda void.

>> No.12074383
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>> No.12074394

I agree that the craft beer demo is full of a bunch of uptight hipster snobs, but as someone who couldn't really enjoy beer until a couple of years ago, I have to say that any draft or bottle small label stout, pilsner or weiss tastes better than any macro I've ever had.

I'm sure you have your personal tastes but I don't care about them and I'm not going to let your dumb standards impose upon my own.

>> No.12074956

hops are hormonal poison, do your research

>> No.12075023

Have the Americans discovered styles other than turbo-hopped IPA yet?

>> No.12075284


in what way is it fucking not?


you really want me to believe that you think that gross bitter black soapy shit tastes good, it doesn't. you know what tastes good? the beer that, overwhelmingly, people buy more of, by orders of magnitude. budweiser, coors, heinekin. you think that they just 'can't figure out' how to make their beer taste good but le spunky little guy can?

fuckin retards.

>> No.12075320

You can't help it that your taste buds have been feminized like the rest of your body to only be capable of handling weak, flavorless macro adjunct lagers. The real men who carved a nation from a wilderness drank craft beer, so go back to your quilting bee with the rest of the girls.

>> No.12075325

hahahah fucking retarded just-world fallacy right here

>> No.12075326

bud light is literally the only beer ive ever had that i had to force down. does that really pass for beer in america?

>> No.12075329

no, its cheaper to make shitty beer and force you to drink it ice cold so you cant taste it. its all about efficiency and money, not about a good product.

>> No.12075359

its just the natural progression that has been happening since the dawn of time. europe makes something then a non cucked society makes it better

>> No.12075364

If your beer is already good, you don't need a special word to designate it, because it's taken for granted. This is like asking how did America manage to take over Europe in phone apps that tell you how late your train is going to be. Who cares if the trains are actually on time?

In America they have "specialty bread" or "gourmet ice cream" because everyone just assumes that "normal food" is basically whatever Dow Chemical can get away with dumping on the rubes. Any kinds of rules that favor consumers are LITERALLY USSR STALIN NANNY STATISM.

inb4 uninformed flyovers misquote the Reinheitsgebot

>> No.12075460

Yeah I do. It's not my fault that literal poor people and the rest of the Midwest who's idea of a nice sit down restaurant is fucking tgi Fridays or Chile's like shitty food and beer. Visited my folks out in Texas and the only fucking bar was a God damn Applebee's so damn right in not listening to a Texan on beer. Oh they also just legalized full strength spirits in their county and it can still only be sold between super odd hours and not on Sundays, so I'm not going to listen to Texans on fucking liquor. Nor beef because those niggers think Angus beef is God damn special. Poor stupid people think McDonald's has really good food, it doesn't and you can make a way tastier burger yourself with minimal effort. So 100% yes I think poor people cant figure out that budweiser is fucking disgusting. Also Weiss isn't a dark beer and normally they are around the same IBU as your shitty budweiser, you'd know this if you didn't have the taste of a drug addict.

>> No.12075475

Your food isn't special in the EU either, you aren't eating gourmet ice cream because it's made in a sweaty Turkish mans shop in Germany. You fags still import a shitload of food from SA and the US. You pay a premium on meats because you don't have land.

>> No.12075482

Sweden isn't in the EU.
We have great quality food here.

>> No.12075487
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"My food"? What food is that, specifically?

Oh I forgot it's a beer thread, so anyone who has opinions that differ from your own has never set foot in America and wants America to be destroyed because they hate America and all Regular Normal Guys™.

Still dealing with those floods in Wisconsin, or is it back to tornadoes now?

>> No.12075492

Actually very little is imported into EU nations from the USA due to the higher quality standards that the European Union maintain (no chlorinated chickens etc).

>> No.12075524

Its not about who has more knowledge, its about how they use it. ABI has an immense amount of knowledge of brewing, and the amount of beer they make with utter consistency is impressive in an industrial sense, but you have to realize making the best beer is not their goal, they are trying to sell as much as possible as cheaply as possible, hence the super watered down beer. They realized they can trick women and southerners into buying "light" beer which was really just their regular beer plus about 20% water

>> No.12075528

People buy more subway and McDonalds than any other food in the world. Does that make it the best?

Big Bang Theory is the most watched TV show, does that make it the best?

>> No.12075531

Bud Light is our beer for poor people and women trying to cut calories

>> No.12075537

>This is like asking how did America manage to take over Europe in phone apps that tell you how late your train is going to be. Who cares if the trains are actually on time?
Americans have cars, why would they ever care about this?

>> No.12075545
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>Midwest who's idea of a nice sit down restaurant is fucking tgi Fridays or Chile's like shitty food and beer. Visited my folks out in Texas and the only fucking bar was a God damn Applebee's
Hey, calm down off with pretending the south is the midwest. They are literal opposites when it comes to beer and drinking culture overall

>> No.12075546
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>the midwest isn't backwards, it is only the womenfolk who, due to their hysterical woman brains, are required to drink the prescribed lady drinks in order to maintain social order
I bet they went and built a skyscraper seven stores high in your state capital?

>> No.12075550

>ue to the higher quality standards that the European Union maintain
sure they do

>> No.12075553

Women objectively drink more light beer then men, not sure why you are upset by this.

>> No.12075557

Been a while since you can and spurged out on a beer thread. What brought you back?

>> No.12075559

Are you feeling defensive? I was agreeing with you. Women in the midwest are virtuous and patriotic just as the men are strong and self-reliant. Anyone who acts differently shall be immediately Matt Sheparded.

>> No.12075562

I was traveling, it's annoying to post from a phone and I don't use work machines for 4chan.

>> No.12075568

>Anyone who acts differently shall be immediately Matt Sheparded.
What does Mass Effect have to do with anything?

>> No.12075574


>> No.12075962


>. So 100% yes I think poor people cant figure out that budweiser is fucking disgusting.

its not a fucking equation. if you drink it and like it, it's good. that's how it works. the fact that you pretend that there's some proof that your garbage beers are better, not just that you drink them to feel rich, (obviously how you judge things, does this make me look poor?), tells me you're too stupid to judge anything at all.

>> No.12076024

By not requiring fifty difference loisences to brew your own fucking beer so obviously we got good at it while they just sat there

>> No.12076036
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I wouldn't say we overtook them just because everybody and their mom makes a shitty IPA now. Belgian beers are still the absolute pinnacle of suds. See pic related, best beer on the planet.

>> No.12076052

blame the drew carey show

>> No.12076649
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>> No.12076681

>a one-off scandal that rocked the EU and led to massive amounts of food getting dumped
I can't tell if you're trying to agree or disagree

>> No.12076728

t. Cletus Mcbumfuck from West Jeebusville, MS where Bud Light cans litter every foot of the 2 lane highway system

>> No.12076748

>one off scandal

What? You get scandals like this all the time. There's been a huge scandal about baby milk in France last year for exmaple. It's not reported outside of the countries because it would make the EU look bad.

>> No.12076762

>not just that you drink them to feel rich
Yeah, only the rich could afford the insane luxury of a $8 six pack of beer

>> No.12076769

Tripel Karmeliet is an InBev brand

>> No.12076782

And yet you know about it, right? Or do you have some secret Qanon source deep within Palais de l'Élysée?

Also, no matter how many times you insist otherwise, I'm still a US citizen, at least until you guys figure out a way to revoke my citizenship for having ancestors from the wrong part of the world.

>> No.12076792

You act like Belgian brewers have some secret knowledge about brewing that Americans are still trying to discover. Its just a different variety of yeast, one that many American breweries use to great effect

The real question is why no one else in Europe ended up with as much good beer as the tiny backwater that is Belgium

>> No.12076797

Same as anything else. We usually can't be arsed to give a shit about anything, but once we do we dominate.

>> No.12076822

In his defense, Belgians bought InBev. Doesn't magically make it less shit, but that's what happened.

>> No.12076880

I don't know that that makes it better. However, unlike most Inbev brands Karmeliet is legitimately pretty good, but there are plenty of other beers of that style that are as good or better by independent Belgian and American brewers.
I do occasionally have some because a pizza place near me always has it on tap, but I would generally rather support independent brewers when convenient

>> No.12076926
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>> No.12077433

>bunch of soyboy IPAs are now better than hundreds of years of tradition according to amerimutts

>> No.12077452

Most IPAs suck and the beer scene here is still great for me. I can get like 40 beers made in my county and 800 in my state when there used to be none just a decade or so ago.
I won't even hate on the hipsters if they contributed to that. They can enjoy their pine sol in a bottle with my blessing if this is what it means

>> No.12077453

Do you really have any idea what kind beers the average, say German, can buy at the local store? I bet you don't.

>> No.12077470

Modern American style IPA can from those 100s of years of tradition. You can't just view it as America not existing and suddenly arising out of nothing. America grew and advanced from these very European traditions. As with most things, America was the culmination of European thought and tradition. The best and brightest all went there taking all that they knew to advance western culture

>> No.12077485

Dozens of almost identical lagers and a few wheat beers.
I was just in German a few months ago and indeed drank a lot of beer. Cheap German beer is much much better than cheap American beer, but the overall variety and availability of mid-high tier beer was very lacking

>> No.12077525

Aside from Wisconsin, this might as well be a population map. Doesn't really tell you much.

>> No.12077530

This is my fav ipa

>> No.12077543

You're lying, retard. Atleast google before spouting bullshit.

>> No.12077561
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No, it isn't at all. Its designed in a way to counter the effects of population as grocery stores are a subject that are themselves correlated to population pretty evenly across regions

Note an actual map of population density and how it doesn't like up in any real way.

It much more closely lines up with overall drinking, but for various reasons upper midwestern drinking culture is more bar centric than average

>> No.12077565

Yes any American supermarket has a much better selection of sugar bomb IPA with cartoon monsters and vulgar puns on the label. Such craft! Much culture!

American beer drinkers are like children

>> No.12077577


nobody said it was a reasonable affection on your part

>> No.12077589

It's okay if you are mad.

>> No.12077596

Would love to party with you for a fun time

>> No.12077600

I don't know what to tell you. I am definitely not an expert on Germany and how Germans live but in my time there I drank a lot of beer and I specifically was trying to find as much interesting local beer as possible and definitely found some, but most places had very limited selection and even when there were several brands they were extremely similar to each other. Most often it was like 90% of the people drinking whatever generic lager with the rest drinking a wheat beer or if I was lucky a dunkel or bock (which I usually got but usually felt like I was the only one doing it)

>> No.12077602

You're arguing one point while your picture contradicts it.

>> No.12077608

American super markets have excellent selections of beer from a very wide variety of styles. You have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.12077610

It’s ok if you have a babby palate and can’t taste anything that doesn’t bash you over the head with overdone everything

>> No.12077616

Yup. BBQ IPA, doughnut IPA, chocolate IPA, pumpkin spice IPA, fried chickums IPA.

>> No.12077628

the bar map shows a huge north south divide that the density map does not show. also it basically doesn't fit at all anywhere. I genuinely don't know what you are talking about and how you are drawing this conclusion.

>> No.12077631

I hope you are trolling, otherwise you must be one of the dumbest anons on here.

>> No.12077636

You have literally no idea what you are talking about

>> No.12077641

please elaborate

>> No.12077650

>for various reasons
Drunk driving is socially acceptd in the midwest
Walking, riding a bike, no way, that’s for criminals
But driving home after a few “cold ones”? Yeah no problem, I can HANDLE it.

>> No.12077659

Lmao is this what they teach children in schools in america? The best and the brightest got jobs in europe. Those who couldn’t make it had to go to the colonies.

>> No.12077665

That was definitely the case a generation ago. I have heard many stories from my parents generation about how normal and accepted drunk driving was. Plus you could legally drink at 18. Now most people frown on it (though penalties are still a bit light) in urban and suburban areas where most people live though it seems rural people still do it a lot.

>> No.12077673

I am definitely not going to advise riding a bike drunk in the midwest in the winter, that seems like a terrible idea. Even in the summer that seems pretty inadvisable

>> No.12077682

Europe was a very hierarchical society, merit had very little to do with your success there for a very long time

>> No.12077710

It was the case when I lived in the upper midwest in the late 90s and it’s still the case in Arkansas which I visited very recently
I’m not saying it’s an amazing idea but if it’s that or driving the choice is obvious. Also I’ve done it and with th right tires and lights the main thing to fear is drunk drivers. If you’re too drunk to stay upright on a 19 pound bike what possible good can come from getting behind the wheel of a 5000 pound assault cage?

>> No.12077716
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>they still buy beer at the supermarket in Europe rather than direct from the brewery
Holy shit I'm laughing at your life

>> No.12077721

>Populations too low don't support bars or groceries
>Middling populations support multiple bars but not multiple groceries
>High populations support multiple groceries
It's not rocket science. I honestly don't see how you can't see it in the maps, so at least we have common ground there.

>> No.12077726

I know multiple people who have received DUI citations for riding a bicycle drunk.

>> No.12077730

because America #1

>> No.12077743

Not surprising, any bike is getting stopped and hassled by the cops in the midwest, it’s an affront to public decency not to be inside a cage. A drunk driver is just ignored.

>> No.12077756

but Arkansas has the exact opposite trend with bars so I don't think that drunk driving willingness adequately describes the bar density trend

>> No.12077760

It was the norm on the east coast as well from what I gather. Call me let wrong generation all you want, but fuck did it sound like the 70s-80s were a good time.

>> No.12077762

I am definitely not saying you should drive instead of using a bike when drunk, just saying both are bad and one should not be seen as an alternative to the other

>> No.12077767

>both sides are bad
Please. A drunk cyclist is mostly a threat to himself. A drunk driver can kill a family of 4 without even trying.

>> No.12077768

Riding a bike is going to increase your risk of death by an order of magnitude compared to some hypothetical drunk driver. Dumb squid.

>> No.12077777

Not true
>Overall, the health benefits of active commuting by bike are 9 times greater than the risks!

>> No.12077781

Except that is not the trend we see at all, where are you getting this from.
On the west coast mot of the rural areas favor grocery stores and the nice urban areas bars. In the northeast its not consistent at all with NYC being mostly grocery store and Boston being mostly bar (probably because New York has shit drinking culture and Boston does not), while rural New York is mostly bar while rural New England is mostly grocery. In the upper midwest everyone favors bars with no apparent population trends. In the extremely rural west the northern parts all favor bars and the southern parts favor grocery. In the South almost everyone favors grocery and to a much greater degree than seen anywhere else besides a few small towns that I am going to assume are college towns.

There is literally no national population density correlation with this data

>> No.12077786

Any midwestern neighborhood hipster enough where people are biking around has way more important things for cops to do that hassle them

>> No.12077792

I am not disagreeing with that just saying both are definitely dangerous to yourself and therefore not a good idea

>> No.12077793

What is that, a strip mall with a chipotle and a starbucks?

>> No.12077799

that does not account for being drunk

>> No.12077805

sounds more like California than the midwest

>> No.12077806

Yes but one is merely inadvisible and the other is sociopath-tier recklessness. Saying “oh but both are bad”, in a context where drunk driving is the status quo, is intellectually dishonest. It’s like abstinence based sex ed.

>> No.12077813

I don’t ride drunk, I take the train hme if I’m wasted
Oh, Chipotle hasn’t reached the midwest yet? Then panera I guess.

>> No.12077816

eh drunk driving is only sociopath tier if you are really drunk. Most people can safely drunk drive at the legal limit

>in a context where drunk driving is the status quo, is intellectually dishonest.
Its not helpful to suggest people doing a bad thing replace it with another bad thing even if that is not as bad when there are plenty of not bad at all alternatives that are usually even more reasonable and convenient than fucking biking

>> No.12077824

I associate endlessly sprawling strip malls way more with california than the midwest, but the Chicago burbs are a bit like that. Also pretty sure Chipotle originated in flyover

> I take the train hme if I’m wasted
Yeah, you have a super different situation than the vast majority of Americans

>> No.12077829

>american "craft" beer
Meme flavors all over and gimicks. Chocolate cake, cookie, peanut butter flavored so the amerifats can keep their blood sugar high. Literal children cartoon on the bottles. Overpriced
>euro craft/trappist beer
Made from grains and water, as god intended. Made by literal monks in monasteries older than america, with recipes perfected over centuries.

>> No.12077834

>Most people can safely drunk drive at the legal limit
Oddly enough the legal limit in the highest HDI countries is around 1/4 what it is in the US, it's almost like my point about "socially acceptable drunk driving" is true and that pretending it's a relic of the 70s is wrong
> when there are plenty of not bad at all alternatives
Like what? Prayer?
>more reasonable and convenient than fucking biking
It's only unreasonable because you get threatened by road raging coal roller types and hassled by the police where you live, much like anyone else who doesn't live up to the checklist for "regular normal guy (no homo)"

>> No.12077845

Perhaps what politicians decree a legal limit to be has absolutely nothing to do with what is sociopathic and what is safe
>Like what? Prayer?
Walking or Uber or lucking into having a friend there who can drive, thats what I do at least

Also you keep talking about bikes being hassled by police, is this a reference to something? Because I have no idea where you are going with that. Are black people known for biking in your city? In mine I think its the opposite, bikers are overwhelmingly white hipsterish millennials, the very last people the cops have any interest in being around

>> No.12077851

The vast majority of American craft beer does not use meme ingredients, not that there is anything wrong with using them

Also Belgian beer, especially the trappists are well known for adding candi sugar to them to make it sweeter and stronger with less body

>> No.12077862

Dude, Trappist beer is way the fuck more overpriced than most craft beer

>> No.12077864

Found the butthurt Bongxiter.

>> No.12077869

>Perhaps what politicians decree a legal limit to be has absolutely nothing to do with what is sociopathic and what is safe
So marrying 12 year olds isn't sociopathic? Because politicians in Kentucky were in favor of that until the state became a national laughingstock and the Democrats tried to change it (which made the Republicans shit themselves with rage over "nanny state libruls muh tradition"

A law can permit and in fact implicitly condone sociopathic behavior, the excessively permissive DUI limits are an example of them because they create the impression that it's safe to drive at 0.1% BAC
>is this a reference to something?
Yeah it's a reference to cops hassling people on bikes.
>Are black people known for biking in your city?
??? Where did that come from? Is it ok to harass someone on a bike as long as he's black? I guess that's a step forward for biking equality, since it means we've achieved parity on the DWB rule, but it's still pretty dark.

>> No.12077878

You're relying on outliers and preconceptions instead of taking the data at face value.

>> No.12077883

>So marrying 12 year olds isn't sociopathic?
Well its definitely not sociopathic specifically because some politicians say so

>> No.12077892

Please be specific, I went across the entire country looking at broad swaths of land, not fucking outliers, and your thesis doesn't hold up at all, I doesn't fit anything. What are you even basing this on?

>> No.12077902

>Yeah it's a reference to cops hassling people on bikes
Yeah, I mean where is this idea coming from, I have literally never heard a reference to this before, does this reference go to some specific incident?
>Where did that come from?
Cops are well known for harassing black people unduly, unlike bike riders, I figured that connection would be pretty obvious

>> No.12077913

>they create the impression that it's safe to drive at 0.1% BAC
Thats not really bad unless you don't typically drink much at all. I just think its really funny when news media reports drunk drivers as "X times the legal limit" as though the legal limit actually means anything biologically and isn't some arbitrary number

>> No.12077923

Not sure how burgers managed to turn the act of drinking beer into something exceptionally gay, but good job regardless.

>> No.12077947

Literally look at the fucking map. Do the you think the southeast is as sparsely populated as the southwest and midwest? That's some meme based thought.
Of course barren roads have more bars than groceries.

>> No.12077951
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>I have literally never heard a reference to this before
That's because you've never been on a bike in some midwestern suburb where the cops have nothing better to do than patrol for people who "don't look like they're from around here"
>unlike bike riders
Lol. I'm not going to pretend I know what it's like to be black, but I have sympathy for them having been profiled and hassled by cops myself, for both riding a bike and being on foot in cagerland.

Also, people of all races and classes ride bikes, it's not something reserved for white neckbeards or whatever.
>I drive better when I'm drunk
That's not how alcohol works.

>> No.12077965

The Midwest is more densely populated than the southeast, both are more populated than the southwest and great plains. Like seriously, plot these maps side by side there is no national correlation

>> No.12077967

Yeah, I fucked up. I actually mean the area west of the Midwest. Does it even have a name?

>> No.12077968

>Also, people of all races and classes ride bikes
Haha, fuck off, its a very affluent white thing to do. Most people don't have the privilege to waste time biking

>> No.12077978

The Midwest.

>> No.12077979

the great plains, and then the mountain region further west

>> No.12077981

>That's because you've never been on a bike in some midwestern suburb where the cops have nothing better to do than patrol for people who "don't look like they're from around here"
Because thats literally not a thing that has ever happened to anyone

>> No.12077983
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Yeah these guys look like they're really enjoying their white privilege, they could be working for a living but they're just riding around with bags of food for fun

>> No.12077987

Bike riding is definitely the most hipster possible way to travel. Go to literally any hipster urban neighborhood and compare the umber of bike riders to any poor urban neighborhood

>> No.12077992

>nobody could possibly have experiences that differ from my own
Thank you for your insights, Wisconsi-kun. Obviously I was just trolling and/or insane.

>> No.12077995

Oh, because you found a picture of a non white person on a bike that totally means that most bike riding culture isn't privileged white people

>> No.12077999

t. Steve Cuozzo

>> No.12078000

Just because people have different experiences does not mean I should believe every implausible troll post I read on the internet

>> No.12078005
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Same goes for you

>> No.12078007

Do you want me to google who that is?

>> No.12078013

I mean, bike riding is great for rural recreation, not so great for actual roads with people that need to get to work and shit

>> No.12078021
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>actual roads
Do you have a special kind of road that expands and contracts based on the size of the vehicles on them?

>> No.12078030

I'd say better urban recreation than rural if they're using streets. Some of these roads are hard to drive on as is. Don't make me pick between you and the oncoming dumptruck over the double yellow, dude. You're gonna lose that game every time.

>> No.12078033

Now add a bangin' ass sound system and climate control to the bike.

>> No.12078039
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>I can't control my car so I'll make terroristic threats instead of turning in my license
In drivers ed, they normally show you how the gas and brakes work. Maybe look that up, it might help. Also remember when this was a thread about beer and not about cagers pushing their extremist agenda?

>> No.12078043

>my mind is broken and I require a thumping soundtrack to follow me around so I can pretend I live in a music video
>cold air will kill me because I'm a helpless little bubble boy

>> No.12078049

Have you ever driven a car? Momentum exists, dude. Slamming the breaks isn't a porblem solved button.

>> No.12078052

Have you ever used your eyes? You shouldn't be going so fast that you need to "slam the brakes" while overtaking traffic.

>> No.12078053


>> No.12078056

Generally roads are built to the size of what vehicles are intended to run on them

>> No.12078060

>Some of these roads are hard to drive on as is
They are?

>> No.12078062
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Horses? Stagecoaches? The Space Shuttle?

>> No.12078067

You know I still have the option to ride a bike, right? I drive it to the park where I don't endanger anyone including myself since the roads around me aren't paved with that in mind.
When did I say I was overtaking traffic?

>> No.12078068

If the goal is to take as little space as possible why not walk? Space isn't the problem

>> No.12078069

He's constantly at 99.99% the legal limit and he doesn't know how to use the brakes, his eyes, or a steering wheel. He's playing life in hard mode.

>> No.12078071

Yes. As in there isn't a shoulder. Just ragged tarmac and a gully. And yet, some retards still bicycle on them.

>> No.12078073

Pretty sure you were the first one to bring up "caging" or whatever the fuck LARPing term you are using

>> No.12078074

I guess you missed the part where you "had to choose between me and the dump truck". Splash some water on your face, you can do this!

>> No.12078082

Walking is good too. Also you're doing that "abstinence education" thing again.

>> No.12078084

>chlorinated chickens
The clorine dioxide used to disinfect and cool chicken carcases is the same thing most EU countries use to disinfect your drinking water.
You'd have to eat 20 whole chickens to get as much ClO2 inside of you as drinking 8 glasses of European tap water.

In fact, the only countries in the EU that don't do this are Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg, Greece, Ireland, and Portugal.


>> No.12078101

If cars are bad because of space biking is immoral relative to walking

>> No.12078106

Cars are bad for a multitude of reasons. Also, no one should have sex until marriage, teaching kids how to use birth control promotes sin!

>> No.12078143

That's called opposing traffic. As in, coming the other way.

>> No.12078154

I know you've had a few, but try to remember that other part, remember? Who was it that you were afraid of hitting before your mind went blank? Think! I know you've got it in you.

>> No.12078213

>Cars are bad for a multitude of reasons
I think they are good and abstinence is bad, especially abstaining from cars and sex

>> No.12078224

Hi fellow Texas anon. Ive always felt revolver and karbach were trash. Community is pretty good though and they recently released a DDH version of the mosaic ipa. Have you checked out Braindead, Celestial Beerworks, Turning Point, Martin House, The Collective Brewing Project, Lone Pint, Jester King, Real Ale, Texas Ale Projects, 3 Nations, or Tupps? They are all awesome breweries in Texas.

>> No.12078264

I'm surprised you're not a tripfag. You have all the arrogance and faggotry they generally do. Consider upgrading.

>> No.12078266

Do you even Trappist monasteries bro?

>> No.12078269

I tripped for a short time but the mod got so butthurt that I started getting 30 day bans just for using the tripcode. Even now, years later, if I were to try using the tripcode it will stay up for about an hour and then all my posts will be deleted and I'll get a "ban evasion" ban from all boards.

>> No.12078281

Trappist beer is great generally, but many American breweries make great Trappist style beers too

>> No.12078324

We're not bound to tradition and are free to make adjustments that improve flavor and other aspects. Whereas Europeans would cringe to try a new type of hop or different technique because every beer they could want was already created 1000 years ago.

>> No.12078334

so glad I live in a state where you're not allowed to put up billboards.

>> No.12078337


jesus how much do you people consume that 93 million tonnes of food is "very little"?

>> No.12078357

The main thing is Europeans, primarily central Europeans are pretty content with what they have available since it is fine, so there is not experimental curiosity or spirit, and no drive to improve.
You could open the best brewery in the world right now in Germany and it would probably fail because so few of the locals are even interested in trying something new. I was genuinely surprised to find in my travels that Eastern Europe is probably the most advanced part now when it comes to top beer besides England. They are really embracing modern beer and innovative styles, its still early on in development but it is promising

>> No.12078398

You might be retarded, mate.
Let me spell it out for you again. If I have a choice between a head on with a truck or side swiping some cyclist with no sense, the latter is going to get hip checked by a car every time.
That's just survival instinct.

>> No.12078532

But you already said that. And then I said when you're overtaking traffic, maybe let off the gas pedal a bit or use the brakes until it's safe to pass.

But I know it's hard to remember all this complicated shit when you've had a few cold ones and just want to get home and sleep. God why is everything going so fast!

>> No.12078571

>affluent white

haha ok retard.

>> No.12078588

Well by affluent, I really mean the millennial children of affluent people

>> No.12078605

Where I live, every race uses bikes, and they sell these things for cheap.

Walmart has a whole section for them, I don't know how this could be a 'rich man's' or kids thing.

Not that bikes have anything to do with cooking anyway, this thread has outlived its shitposting purpose.

>> No.12078609

meant for >>12078588

>> No.12078611

Bikes are definitely a kids thing of all races, but only white people are privileged enough to ride bikes to work and shit

>> No.12078618

Those are BSOs, not bicycles. They don't even use standard bicycle parts, just whatever shitty pot metal fasteners will hold it together for long enough for the customer to think it's not worth the drive to exchange it or ask for a refund

>> No.12078622

>only whites live in cities
>it costs a bajillion dollars for bikes but 2 dollars for a car and gas.

Ok then. Guess privilege is a real bitch.

>> No.12078629

Only whites live in highly urban bike lane liberal neighborhoods, typically urban minority neighborhoods have very little bike engagement

>> No.12078635

I guess he felt he was on the wrong track with the "you must be black" thing earlier, so the only logical conclusion is that I'm a 20 year old white guy with a trust fund. Because you're either white or you're black. You're either worth tens of millions of dollars or you're destitute.

>> No.12078650

Yeah bro, blacks can't touch bikes without exploding due to privilege molecules found in the paint.

t. Me, Bill Gates, the only owner of a bike, ever.

>> No.12078677

Black people typically don't have the privilege of frolicking around on bikes, they have real jobs to do

>> No.12079004

>Black people have real jobs
Best bait yet in this ridiculous thread

>> No.12079026
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Superior understanding of hops, the euros still make better traditional light beers. American Strong Ale is the height of beer though, I don't even care so much for the tricky stuff like double IPAs but the standard IPA, especially a fresh hopped/single hop variety is the best beer and what we're best at.

>> No.12079135

IPAs are shit and so is your palate

>> No.12079158

It hasn't.
But America has made some damn good beer.
A few of my favourite stouts are American which is a surprise.

>> No.12079166

Imagine being upset with flavor.

>> No.12079191
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European beer was never really "craft" beer, it was more about competently made, traditional beer styles with quality ingredients. American beer was basically NASCAR soda adjunct corn crap that was meant to be cheap and go down easy on a 100 degree day after mowing the lawn or waterskiing or something.

I guess people woke up and realized that MGD and Busch were shit, and that the whole brewpub/restaurant model was profitable. This pretty much all started late 90s and really got going like 2004-ish

>> No.12079214

Despite the all Americans are dumb meme there are some genius motherfuckers here but most are mouth breathers just like everywhere else.

>> No.12079289

Yeah 10's of thousands of meh beers but hundreds of quality breweries and beers that can best even those years of experience. Yes i'm glad you've made nothing but amazing pilsners for 300 years but you chose not to make anything new with that experience and you're getting left in the dust.

>> No.12079297

That's because most of the South doesn't have the population density to support a bar and drinking in a bar is fairly expensive while the South trends lower income. With blue laws mostly repealed everyone just buys their beer at a the grocery store.

>> No.12079323
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You're like a little kid that's afraid of hot sauce or a white woman named Karen who can't stomach scotch. Once you're used to them you taste past the bitterness of the hops and enter the realm of tasting notes. Adult posters only please.

>> No.12079392

no we don't

Cantillon finds the craft beer mania over their stuff repulsive, and so they don't distribute to the states as much as they could. What is worth $90 at some beer bar in America would go for maybe $35 in Europastan

>> No.12079835

americans are forced to have cars because your doormat of a government got lobbied up the arse by the automobile industry

>> No.12079984

>wash over your pallet
For fuck’s sake, can’t you fat, retarded, fried-butter-eating, mall-sharting, rascal-riding blobs of semi-sentient lard get the hang of spelling the simplest two-syllable words?

>> No.12080162

and because cars are good and super convenient

>> No.12080165

Becuase Europeans are retarded monkeys and literally everything they do a white American can do 10 times better.

>> No.12080167
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>spending 2 hours a day circling the block so you can get into a fistfight over a parking space
Yeah, super convenient

>> No.12080179
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>paying $90 for beer so you can brag about it online

>> No.12080466

Not sure if trolling or illiterate.

>> No.12080498

Because americans soyfags actually think what they do is good.
Fact: its not, get your ass out of your head when a cheap ass mass produced 50 cent czeh beer is better than anything you shat out in 20 years.

>> No.12080535

Because they are

All mutt beer is 1% alcohol

>> No.12080577

Is Europe an oversaturated hellhole of gimmicky stouts and IPAs as well?

>> No.12081408

I was the head bartender at a nationally recognized brew pub for six years. We aren't even in a major urban area and I used to hear that kind of stuff from "Weekend Cicerones" on a daily basis.

>> No.12081539
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I don't know and I don't care.

>> No.12082223

>Have you checked out Braindead, Celestial Beerworks, Turning Point, Martin House, The Collective Brewing Project, Lone Pint, Jester King, Real Ale, Texas Ale Projects, 3 Nations, or Tupps? They are all awesome breweries in Texas.
No, no, no, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, no, no and no. I'm 817 and a foot mobile so don't get around much, of those I mostly get Real Ale since Kroger has it. I used to experiment much more when I lived near a What's On Tap.