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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12066975 No.12066975 [Reply] [Original]

It's the weekend, vegans. Post what meals you are planning on having.

I finished a strict grape fast last week so I'm going to hit up burger king for my cheat meal and get a triple whopper.

Tomorrow night I'm going to a vegan restaurant that sells vegan ortolan. The ortolans are made out of seitan and soy

>> No.12067235

>false flagging

>> No.12067244

Truth is all vegans cheat. I know i do. It's why we're so grumpy and triggered...tired of eating crap and feeling guilty for cheating. So it goes.

>> No.12067270

Veganism is a mental illness.
Vegetarianism I could sort of understand.
Realistically, there is no ethical concerns about consuming any meat from dumb animals. Pork and beef are the only questionable animal products.

>> No.12067283

if i'd ever go to japland i'd make sure as hell to eat whale

>> No.12067297
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Vegan posting in all forms should be a banable offence

>> No.12067300

Whale and dolphin, I would never eat. You bring up a good point. I would put them above pork and beef in terms of ethical concerns.

>> No.12067403

Me and my bf are going to have tacos with soy mince while we watch the Queer as folk boxset he got me. Not the US version. The UK version with CIA in it.

Might have some diary free Ben & Jerry's afterwards

>> No.12067480

im not vegan but it's nice to have some meat-free recipes here and there.
my go-to is usually spiced tomato chickpeas/lentils:
>fry up an onion, bell pepper and mushrooms
>add tomato sauce, can of lentils or chickpeas
>add cumin, paprika, chili flakes and cayenne pepper
>add spinach
>cook it all up in the pan and serve
>can serve it with rice/quinoa or on its own
it's pretty good and easy to make.

>> No.12067556
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>Who don't at least eat fish and eggs

Don't exist nigger.
They just haven't been caught yet


>> No.12067954
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I'm going to stock up on some b12 for my cheat meal

>> No.12068104

Yeah I do a couple vegan days per week and that's the kind of thing I like. We have a big garden so some days I just whip something up with whatever is in season. Often it can take the form of a big salad, sauteed summer squash, and tomato soup. In the fall a butternut squash soup using coconut milk instead of cream, sauteed kale and mustard greens and a spaghetti aglio olio. You can do really satisfying all veg meals on the cheap with good ingredients. Sadly, like most carnists, I'm too week to go full vegetarian. My bloodlust has a vampirical control over me.

>> No.12068202

I had cheese on my bread yesterday for the first time in like 6 months and it was absolutely fucking gross. The texture, the taste, everything was disgusting. I used to love cheese, too. You really do "cheat meals" or are you just false flagging? let's be real, meat looks gross and tastes bland

>> No.12068212

My boyfriend wants me to fast all weekend and focus on making recovery meals for him and my wife to eat between sessions.

>> No.12068261
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Have fun with your bad skin retard

>> No.12068300

I know it's a joke thread, but most of my meals are vegetarian and about a third of those vegetarian meals are vegan. Out of the 21 meals typically eaten in a given week, only 4 will contain meat.

Tonight's dinner will be a simple spinach soup with sourdough toast for sopping. Nothing special or fancy, just spinach, onion, garlic, olive oil, flour, mustard and vegetable broth.
I might not go vegan after all and just spread the toast with butter, but prolly not.
Lunch was leftovers: cherry-smoked chicken with orange/chipotle glaze, sides of cauliflower mash and cucumber salad.
Breakfast was fruit salad with yoghurt.

>> No.12068348
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>> No.12068646
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Veganism is about the animals, so if you periodically eat some meat purely for health reasons, it's still vegan. I have meat and eggs several times a day as a vegan.

Here's a photo of one of the biggest vegan leaders in Europe

>> No.12068992

I was fine with vegans.

Now that I'm planning a wedding with vegan guests I fucking hate all of you.

>> No.12068996
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haha xD chexk out dis vegan haha

>> No.12070305
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Fuck ethical concerns (the only thing I could never bring my self eating is dolphin and dog). It has been proven again and again (in blue zones like Ikaria, Sardinia, Okinawa, Nicoya etc) that if you want to live forever your diet needs;
little to no red meat
little white meat
fishes and dairy
lots of greens and grains and nuts
no frying everything
wine if you are a europenis
its simple you don't need to go off the wall and become a stupid vegan to have a healthy life style (again I don't care about animal suffering at all unless it makes my steak taste worse or whatever)

>> No.12070320

Just tell the caterer to put the salad dressing on the side. Problem solved.

>> No.12070373
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Work on a farm, a real farm and you'll change your tune real fucking fast
There's a reason we eat pigs and not dogs, the latter have souls and dignity like people
Pigs do not, they wallow in filth and cows like most herbivore are dull and soulless, if you don't consume meat you never develop your own soul

>> No.12070379

Eating meat makes more ethical sense than keeping animals in captivity to harvest their produce. At least slaughtered animals have the release of death.

>> No.12070461

Souls aren't real, friend. Domesticated dogs have mannerisms that appeal to humans because only dogs with mild neurological disorders that randomly caused them to display "cute" behavioral pathologies were selected over many thousands of years. A dog that doesn't have these traits in abundance is considered a "problem animal" and is brutally put down.

I'm not the person you're replying to btw, and also, I've worked on a farm, and the main reason cows are gross is because they're jammed inside a barn which they fill with their own piss and shit, which is not a scenario found in nature because no animal willingly stands in its own shit from birth to death.

>> No.12070598

According to all studies, ovo/lacto vegetarianism and semi vegetarianism are the best overall diets, so this is the ideal way to eat.
Also, anyone who eats dairy, you need to eat some fucking veal. Veal is the biproduct of dairy. If dairy is cruel, then I got you: eat eggs. I had chickens growing up. Lots of them. They just shit out an egg mid-walk and don't so much as turn around to look at them. They really don't give a fuck if you take one. Just find a farm which doesn't treat its hens like shit and doesn't destroy male chicks.

>> No.12070608

vegan is a superior way to leave in terms of ethics and your footprint if you live in the west where you can simply get a vegan option over a meat alternative but i am not because i don't care about animals so that makes me a hypocrite i acknowledge i am wrong but i don't care i care about taste pleasure over animals

>> No.12070631

I know I need my cheat days, and I'm a really strict vegan, but sometimes the headaches get on my nerves

>> No.12070647

Dog people have to be one of the most deluded groups ever. If your dog isn't a guard dog or a hunting dog, then it's only useful as a meal.

>> No.12070656
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>This is your brain on toxoplasmosis

>> No.12070664

Are vegan cheat days a thing? I call for bait and will continue to consider myself as pseudovegetarian.

>> No.12070667

I don't autistically pick the lettuce off my hamburgers and by /ck/ rules that makes me Ingrid Newkirk. I think by the same token if you've ever glanced in the general direction of the meat section of Whole Foods that basically makes you a raging Maddox-tier carnist suffering from gout and other carnism-induced maladies

>> No.12070681

Think there's any truth to my belief that vegetables and fruits should be the largest part of your diet by mass and grains and starch the largest by caloric value? I eat meat, eggs and dairy, but it's all rather sparingly, maybe a pound per week. But I eat roughly 12lbs of vegetables and fruits in the same time frame and 3lbs of grain.

>> No.12070687

Ok, Mohammad ben Schlomo.

>> No.12070692

b-but dogs can't play vidya...

>> No.12070693

Sounds like you're an extremist. Normal people at McDonalds drive-thru meals with a 40 oz HFCS bucket for breakfast lunch and dinner. I haven't even seen a vegetable in over 6 months because I am not a HIV+ college professor marxist.

>> No.12070747

We don't all cheat. Also if you're an ethical vegan and so intent on cheating eat bivalves instead of cows.

>> No.12070821

Why would you say it's better to eat bivalves?

>> No.12070824

No central nervous system

>> No.12070838


>> No.12070860

Did I say anything about cats you dumb mutt? They belong in the same stew as dogs. Are you mad that I say mean thing about you "fur babies"?

>> No.12070865
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shoo shoo stinky chinky

>> No.12070867

Poor quality meat belong in stews and nothing else.

>> No.12070887

looks like heaven is ruined.

>> No.12070892

Nothing superiour about eating a vegan diet fren. Vegetables harvesting steals millions of acres of land from wild animals. Pesticides pours death upon any unlikely survivors. What is "superiour" about perpetual massacre of natural creatures trying to live?


>> No.12070899

Tbh I don't see why post-death-sentence cannibalism isn't allowed either. I need new flavours.

>> No.12070953

imagine posting this cope every time.
If it was possible to get all your food in pills, created in a lab that never harms a single animal, you bet I would. But alas. And your retarded "it kills bugs so you might as well kill cows and bugs" is textbook definition of "idiot".

>> No.12070976

I already know you don't give a fuck about killing animals, because you vegans literally confirm that every time you say anything.


Stay retarded vegan.


>> No.12070982

wait.. it's a bot.
4chan passes were a mistake. If I reply to it with special words then it will probably pick them up, watch.


next time it will post something with that.

>> No.12072295
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>> No.12072523

Hi bot!

>> No.12072539
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, dr dray beautiful vegan portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want any background or deep knowledge that might disprove my starvation diet.