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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 394 KB, 1280x960, mickeys-diner-cliff106TM-flickr-CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12066855 No.12066855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Diner culture dying?

I go to a diner for bfast sometimes and its got the whole shebang; super nice waitresses calling everyone "hon" and asking if people want the regular, old men hitting on them and talking with the other patrons loudly etc.

the only thing is, barely anyone there is under 40. Seems all the zoomers and millenials would prefer getting thier brekky from an unfeeling starcucks drive-thru

>> No.12066860

Feminism destroyed the nuclear family

>> No.12066869

it's more like technology destroyed the social fabric or society. Community is no more and people are become socially retarded

>> No.12066877

millennials and zoomers don't have time to sit down and eat breakfast. most diners also don't have instagram-worthy dishes or a recognizable brandname that they can brag about.

>> No.12066880

God I hate it when people I don’t know call me “hon” or “honey” or “sweetie”. Like, fuck man I don’t even use that type of pet names with girlfriends. I know it’s just how they be polite but it feels super creepy to me. Anyway, I think the decline you precieve is probably not as big as it actually is. I’m 25 and I actually do quite like diner food and eating at a diner, there’s just a few things that keep me from eating it often.
I don’t always have time to drive halfway across town and spend 45 minutes to an hour on one meal. I work a lot so my breakfasts and lunches have to be quick.
I’m a wagecuck who struggles to make rent every month and diner meals ain’t cheap. Hitting up a Waffle House or local diner you’re gonna be paying $9-$14 for just one meal when I could spend that money at the grocery store and get 2-3 meals out of it. Or I could go get fast food for $3-$5. Basically a meal at a diner is splurging for my income level, a situation shared by many people my age.
>health concerns
Eating greasy fried carbs and fatty meats all the time is not great for you and I try to include as many vegetables as I can in my diet. Diner food is a seldom treat, not a staple of diet.

No it didn’t, and families don’t have to fit the traditional definition of “nuclear” to be valid, supportive, and loving.

>> No.12066884
File: 32 KB, 628x504, concerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instagram-worthy dishes

>> No.12066891

>No it didn’t, and families don’t have to fit the traditional definition of “nuclear” to be valid, supportive, and loving.
You and your boilover will never be a family, faggot.

>> No.12066893

>imagine being this obsessed about baseless imaginary bullshit

>> No.12066897

because with the internet people are actually informed about how overpriced and unhealthy shit is
The target audience for diners are probably on some fad /fit/ diet or are dead by now

>> No.12066942

why go to a diner when you can pay twice as much for the same food at a hip brunch place?

>> No.12066945

*bill burr voice* "Why wouldn't i want to pay $45 for eggs? Great idea sweetheart!"

>> No.12066951

Because why the fuck would you go? You can easily grab a quick breakfast sandwhich from a store and be on your way.

>> No.12066972

Unironically move to Brooklyn. Tons of great, thriving diners

>> No.12066977

T..Taco Bell is a store right? Yeah, this.

>> No.12066995

I used to go to a diner every weekend with my mate but it closed down
RIP Golden Angel @Lincoln and Montrose

>> No.12067012

Former Chicagofag here, this is setting off my Chicagofag detector

>> No.12067030

What time do you have to be at work? I need to get there at 7:30 if I want to leave at 4, I'm not waking up earlier just so I can spend more time not cooking my own food

>> No.12067039
File: 268 KB, 556x426, never again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you caught me

>> No.12067043


>> No.12067064


>> No.12067065

Except it was global liberal capitalism

>> No.12067070

I bet you are one of those faggots who calls his dog his baby

>> No.12067080

pretty gay but I appreciate it

>> No.12067092

Jokes on you I don’t have a dog.

>> No.12067105

one day you will be in a bad place and love to hear those pet names

>> No.12067113


>Why is Diner culture dying?

All western culture is dying. Government and corps have the young'uns believing having a culture is racist so they can pump the country full of cheap foreign labour.

>> No.12067120


Capitalists used feminism to double the workforce.

>> No.12067122

thanks /pol/, you can go now

>> No.12067126

This post gave me cancer

>> No.12067128

nah, he can stay

>> No.12067139

People work so much now they don’t really have time to sit down in the morning to eat at a restaurant for 45 minutes or an hour

I used to go to a diner with my sibling but it was when we were teenagers. All the people who would eat there were either retired or around our age, skipping their morning class. In college I barely have time, it’s just wake up, drive, school, drive home, sleep and repeat, work through the weekends

Think about it and everyone probably has a similar story

>> No.12067150

I like diners and shit. I may move to Knoxville for work, and I like to imagine finding a nice diner to frequent there.

No bully, Knoxville people.

>> No.12067165
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Ignoring the problem won't make it go away. What he's talking about is happening.

>> No.12067173

And nothing of value was lost. Good riddance to bad blood.

>> No.12067174

only if he plays nicely