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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12065312 No.12065312 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12065318

All pizza

>> No.12065319

Tastes good, eat it.

>> No.12065321

Tastes good, don't eat it.

>> No.12065341

Food makes you fat, don't eat anything.

>> No.12065350

Chicken tendies.

>> No.12065353


>> No.12065357

gay i forget that doesn't wprlk here

>> No.12065396


>> No.12065416

I say vegetables, fruits, and meats

>> No.12065439

2 pieces of toast, butter/margarine, jam/peanut butter
Lunch: 1 or 2 sandwiches, more peanut butter or a can of tuna.
Dinner: 250 grams of chicken breast/thigh or minced beef, 3 midsize chicken drumsticks or a handful of wings. cook in an oven.
add a couple boiled eggs somewhere, maybe a bit of cheese, add potato or rice & vegetables to the dinner to bulk it up.
track everything using myfitness pal.
quit drinking anything but water, stop buying fast food or getting deliveries and cook it all yourself.

>> No.12065443


>> No.12065456

Why doesn't? It's kinda weird.

>> No.12065480

there's nothing to spoil on a cooking board

>> No.12065496

Seafood (see food) diet: when you see food you eat it!

>> No.12065517

<2000 calories a day
<35grams of sugar a day
good to go

>> No.12065579

quality grains, varied vegetables, quality meat, moderate use of sugars and fats, and maybe most importantly to make it all work: a genuine desire to want to cook good, simple, and delicious food.

>> No.12065836
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veggis and cum

>> No.12066199

>Common sense diet
Would be the diet that people who live near you, like your family, neighbours, have been eating for many years and are continue eating today and likely continue to eat into the future.
Your body, and your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents bodies would have had many decades and centuries to get used to this way of eating. From the choice of food, to the way you would consume those food. It's difficult to say whether it's the "best" way of eating, but common sense would say people of the past would've likely tried to experiment with different kinds of diet and settled for this particular one for a reason. We're not exactly sure what it is but unless you want to spend an enormous amount of time, effort, not to mention the risks you could put on your own health to experiment on yourself, I'd say it's easiest just to stick to the ways it's always been done. Also be active, exercise, and play some sports and you're good.

>> No.12066203

McChickens, Spam, Campbells soup, and exercise. Noted.

>> No.12066207

this is absolute fucking nonsense. There's no reason for a contemporary person who is interested in food, not to take in all the world's cuisines, and adapt them for what they have available locally.

>> No.12066211

soup. soup is all you need.

>> No.12066223

Well if you want to be safe, I'd say you shouldn't eat food that only appeared very recently. You want to leave some time to see how those food would affect other people's health before you put it in your own body. Especially when you're not in a position where you have to consume them.
>interested in food
You shouldn't. Food is pretty boring. You eat them. You get full. What else is there to it?

>> No.12066225

>Would be the diet that people who live near you, like your family, neighbours, have been eating for many years and are continue eating today and likely continue to eat into the future.

Breh we're in the post industrial age. Everyone around you eats nothing but processed garbage and has since the 40s

>> No.12066272

60% carbs, 30% fats, 20% protein. Ignore Keto-degenerates, they have brain damage. Do 8:16 Interval fasting

>> No.12066278

>Food is pretty boring. You eat them. You get full. What else is there to it?
/ck/ in a nutshell

>> No.12066299

I’m doing keto but it’s just to get shredded and juicy
The most logical and healthy diet is paleo which avoids processed food

>> No.12066301

You got me mad what nonsense etc.

>> No.12066311

What? Haha
What’s wrong with paleo? It’s a balanced diet with fresh ingredients with limited processing

>> No.12066314

It's not balanced at all. It eschews balance for the false premise that anything available to us today bears a resemblance to the food available to cavemen.

>> No.12066356

Use your brain with it
A good balance of carbs protein and fats from healthy sources and no highly frozen or processed food as a modified paleo is superior
Those that eat cockroaches because our ancestor did are just crazy extremists

>> No.12066364

Don't eat processed junk food with a shit ton of sugar added to it or lots of candy and soda. Don't drink alcohol. Eat more vegetables if you hardly eat them. Eat some of everything else.

>> No.12066527

"common sense" is a myth made up by boomers to keep pushing their retarded habits and beliefs on the general population

>> No.12066627

Egg diet, only eat eggs every meal of the day. I would eat about 12 eggs daily and they are really inexpensive

>> No.12066685

Pescatarian. Maybe add chicken breast to that though.

>> No.12066766



>> No.12066827
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Calories in, calories out dingus.
Use your brain with it too. don't get your calories from mcchickens. if the food looks like normal non fat people food then you should be good if you portion appropriately.
Only drink water and pic related.

>> No.12068070

Nothing wrong with wanting to keep food-related traditions alive, but anyone that denies eating from other cultures is a try-hard traditionalist.
If it tastes good, eat it. No reason to limit yourself.
>shouldn't be interested in food
Just because you're not interested in food doesn't mean others shouldn't be, you autist.

>> No.12069924
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Water only diet

>> No.12070125

100% semen

>> No.12070243

you prepare all your own food and everything you buy has an ingredient list that looks something like
>[Food], Salt.
>Flour, Olive Oil, Salt. May contain pineapple juice.

Lots of clean water and be active.

>> No.12070272
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I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.12070345

I don't get it.

>> No.12070400

whole plant foods :-)

Prioritize nutrient density, that's nutrients per calorie, and you will never be fat.

>> No.12071444

*everything is spoiled in a cooking board. They didn't have a good fridge.

>> No.12071615

Based copy pasta. I read it every time

>> No.12071637

starches (no rice though, fuck rice), vegetables, non fat milk, lean chicken meat, eat very little fat, 1 serving of nuts a day is the most fat you should eat a day.
no snacking and only eat twice a day.

>> No.12071648

Only eat what your grandmother make

>> No.12071689

25% fat 1 gram protein per kg body weight and the rest from carbs eat enough fruit and vegetables to shit normally.