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File: 136 KB, 1300x1001, over-hard-fried-egg-plate-close-up-against-off-white-background-68907044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12055308 No.12055308 [Reply] [Original]

any other crispy egg patricians here?

>> No.12055333

I'm gay btw if that matters

>> No.12055362

The whites are suppsed to be crispy the yolk is still supposed to be runny.

>> No.12055369

yeah i dont care what its "supposed" to be like. runny yolks are gross

>> No.12055375

nice bait
nice trips

>> No.12055378

You're objectively wrong. There's nothing nastier than cooked yolks.

>> No.12055380

My brother, I also like over-done browned eggs. I just prefer the taste and texture. While i'm not adverse to a runny yolk so long as it's hot, it doesn't do anything for me. And I absolutely hate loose/runny whites. Gordon Ramsay can fuck off with his snot bullshit scrambles

>> No.12056076

Crispy fried eggs with runny yolks on sourdough toast are god tier

>> No.12056261

I cook the egg on high in one minute, isnt done unless the bubble browns. Flip it for a few seconds while toasting the bread if I want it cronchier

>> No.12056275

I only like browned eggs for egg foo young or if it's just going to be mashed up into a hash. Just eating them like that or on a sandwich is unpleasant to me because they're chewier.

>> No.12056280

there are honestly so many different ways to cook eggs its unreal

I do it like Gordon and add in a dash of sour cream

>> No.12056351

Nah, thanks though for your incorrect, uncohersed and ignorant opinion though. :-)

>> No.12056469

his way blows without good bread

>> No.12057131
File: 181 KB, 850x1201, 1544594810064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crispy fried eggs cooked and basted in olive oil and dusted with hot paprika with the yolk set but still runny on a piece of toasted crusty bread

food of the gods

>> No.12057588

What is the best way to cook eggs
I'm a brainlet

>> No.12057644

>runny yolk
you'll be the first in the ovens

>> No.12057645

Oil/butter basted eggs are top tier


>> No.12059513

Correct. You baste the tops of the whites with hot oil to get all the whites crispy, top and bottom, without cooking the yolk.

>> No.12059532

Eggs should never, ever, be crispy. You're either a shit cook if your eggs are crispy or are nostalgic for your mom's shitty overcooked eggs because that's what you had to eat growing up.

>> No.12059547

Why even fry them then? Just get some softboiled eggs.

>> No.12059550

I mean, baked goods with fried eggs hardly sounds desirable

>> No.12059653
File: 171 KB, 850x1200, 1544571504522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong? afraid of feeling gay for slurping up some thick runny yolk?

>> No.12059724
File: 1.61 MB, 1080x1920, 1486661119347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should they never, ever, be crispy?
Is that like something you just heard from a friend or some kind of celebrity chef universal rule?

Now that I think about it, one of my old sous-chefs once said: "if your eggs are brown even a little bit, you burnt them."
I just looked at her like she was an idiot, I seriously don't get this meme.

>> No.12059737

It's just preference but browned eggs smell really bad and browned egg white is unpleasantly chewy to a lot of people.

>> No.12059793

Enjoy your heart disease

>> No.12060555
File: 22 KB, 650x465, crispy-fried-egg-2-edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can make crispy eggs without them being overcooked tho

>> No.12060572

how I fry an egg. I flip on the pan and remove from heat for 10 seconds, flip back over on my plate.

>> No.12060577


>> No.12060585

u gotta fry then cover the pan and maybe add sone water to steam to cook the top of the egg so u get the crispy bottom and runny yolk without runny whites

>> No.12060640
File: 147 KB, 700x910, 1546097358321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12061393

Bad example, this egg was clearly not basted during cooking, leaving uncooked whites.

>> No.12061406

that's a different egg, this is a sunnyside up egg. you can cook a sunny side up so that the whites are opaque without basting.

>> No.12061414

Fair enough (though basted is still superior), but those whites do not look opaque. The area to the left of the yolk appears translucent.

>> No.12061424

it's a different egg. there's a million ways to cook a sunnyside/over easy/med/hard..they're just different styles. it's why this entire thread is retarded. "waa... I like my eggs cooked this way"

>> No.12061478

Uncooked whites is incorrect in the "ideal" version of basically every egg style, including over easy/medium/hard, sunny side up, basted sunny side up, poached, soft boiled, and scrambled (runny texture != uncooked whites). Sure, ultimately it is all up to personal preference, but practically no one likes uncooked whites. I challenge you to find a source that says any of the above styles should have uncooked whites (compared to the hundreds you'll easily find that say the whites should be just-cooked or more), or to name a popular egg style traditionally served with uncooked whites.

>> No.12061490

And popular in the west, I'll add. I don't care if Chinese people are slurping egg whites with every meal.

>> No.12061518

undercooked meat also isn't "correct" yet tons of people like it. you obviously are aware that people like like snotty egg whites, so why are you being autistic?

>> No.12061522

The regular consumption of uncooked egg whites can lead to hair loss. It inhibits biotin production.

>> No.12061559
File: 50 KB, 800x450, 15e75029-e7b7-40eb-9e23-a526d174c925[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whites are supposed to be solid, yolks runny.
Sunny-side up master race.

>> No.12061561

All I'm trying to argue is that >>12060555 is a bad example of a sunny side up egg, as I stated in >>12061393. A good example of a steak is anywhere from rare to medium well because people aren't very consistent in how they like their steaks, but a good example of a steak should always have a nice sear because everyone likes the tasty slightly crispy outside. Similarly, a good example of a sunny side up egg has cooked whites, because practically no one likes uncooked whites, but it can be either crispy or soft, because people aren't consistent about which is better.

And I'm honestly not aware of anyone I've met who likes uncooked whites in any egg style. I'm sure I've met someone without knowing it, but you're the first person I've ever talked to who has defended uncooked whites. I'd be very surprised if more than 5% of people like uncooked whites, and I'd expect it to be more like 0.5%.

>> No.12061565

how old are you? this >>12060555 was popular in america a few decades ago. egg styles change, right now a poached egg on avocado toast is popular, but crispy edges and clear whites used to be the popular thing.

tbqh you sound too big for your britches

>> No.12061611

Can you find any source (old recipe, advertisement, scene from popular media, etc) that suggests people used to prefer sunny side up with uncooked whites on top?

I'm in my 30s, so it's certainly possible styles have just changed, but I honestly don't believe it was ever popular for sunny side up eggs to have uncooked whites. In every recipe I can find, and in every photograph with a plated (as opposed to currently-being-cooked) egg on the first page of Google image search results for "sunny side up", the whites appear opaque.

>> No.12061621

crispy sunny side ups were popular in the 50s

>> No.12061623

I believe crispy sunny side up was popular. I don't believe crispy sunny side up with uncooked whites in top was popular.

>> No.12061639
File: 470 KB, 800x600, spiegelei-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk talk to yr parents bro, not sure how else i can tell you that cooking eggs in a style that there's millions of google results for is a "thing"

>> No.12061643

Those whites are opaque. That's a good sunny side up.

These whites are opaque too. Looks good

This one has a bunch of translucent whites. While the crispy bottom and the soft yolk are good, the translucent whites are not.

I don't know how else I can possibly explain myself.

>> No.12061659
File: 1.66 MB, 1192x1420, kr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>runny yolks

>> No.12061798
File: 1.20 MB, 640x360, 1552988499501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12063128
File: 194 KB, 1200x1200, Eggs Cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me. I HATE runny yolks. But i stopped eating eggs entirely cause they cause cancer