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File: 64 KB, 800x533, invisible_braces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12053266 No.12053266 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about getting invisible braces. The only problem is is that I work on the line. I have read you gotta have them on pretty much all day but at least 8-10 hours of my day I cant have that in my mouth because I'll be cooking all night.

So I'm asking anyone who has had any experience in this situation and to let me know what you did. Did you just wear them during service? Did you taking it off during service prolong the straighten process? Did you wear a retainer on the line during the first few weeks or if you didnt then did your teeth begin to grow apart again?


>> No.12053273

take this shit to reddit, no one wants to read your fucking blog

>> No.12053276

Are you retarded?

>> No.12053284

I have a retainer like that but I only wear it when I sleep

>> No.12053288

Do you work in the service industry? I need some tips if you do

>> No.12053310

No but the orthodontist told me to brush my teeth before wearing them or else it will rot your teeth or something. This was like 12 years ago

>> No.12053314

don't have any but friends of mine had to sleep with them in at night but not during the day. depends on your teeth situation though OP.

>> No.12053338

My mother has braces like the ones in your picture.
She only wears them while she sleeps.
It affects her speaking, making her mumble, so it's probably not great to wear them while you're working.

>> No.12053344

what? you don’t wear a retainer for more than a year you dingus

>> No.12053363

Uh yeah you do. I had normal braces as a teenager. After I got them out, my orthodontist said I should wear these extra retainers while I sleep, until I'm about 30 years old.

>> No.12053374

I think I wore it for three years and stopped doing it

>> No.12053587

you should

>> No.12053611

Dentalfag here. You have to wear them consistently. Braces that you get cemented to your teeth keep tension at all times, which slowly shifts your teeth and holds them in a new position long enough for their new positions to be permanent. If you were to take them off and free that tension before they're set in their new positions, the teeth would attempt to backslide to wherever they were before. If you're going to spend the money on retainer braces you have to wear them literally as much as possible. If you go one day on, one day off, you're going to get shit results. They'll just be moving back and forth and will be easier to knock out.

Either do it or don't. You can't half measure with your teeth

>> No.12053652

Well I mean it's just not practical to wear them during a food service. So do you think not wearing them for 8 hours of the day will matter much?

>> No.12053658

This board is about fast food, energy drinks, and knives. Please discuss actual cooking-related topics somewhere else. Thanks.

>> No.12053679

Why? Are you bending down after you finish a dish and breathing all the hot air you can on it? Are you spitting on it? What does your fucking mouth have to do with preparing food other than tasting it which braces would not interfere with

>> No.12053719

Well yeah I'm tasting food all night and I'm not sure if that will fuck up the invisible Braces. Because it says to not wear them when you eat

>> No.12053742

The point of invisible braces is:
1) you can take them off and clean your teeth thoroughly, which helps gum health, which can help you avoid an expensive periodontal laser treatment post-braces, since gums can recede from allergy to metal
2) they arrive on a schedule, so you have to wear them like continously, minus 2 hours while you eat each day, or you're not ready for the next set on the production/lab schedule
3) they are barely noticeable, so you're not with a youthful mouth of metal

I can't imagine why you think you will not be able to wear them at work. Just stop tasting food off and on. If you need to taste a set of things when batches are done, do it all at once, adjust seasoning, brush teeth, put them back in.

>> No.12053744

I had invisalign woke working at a brewery. You're supposed to have then in 22 hours a day and I want going to take them off everyone I had to taste beer, it was unrealistic. Well, my teeth turned pink in a few places from bacteria, but that could be scrapped off at the dentist. And after a year I was able to get them removed and I haven't had any problem since

>> No.12053746

Tasting food won't fuck anything up. The warning about "removing them while you eat" is referring to how they can be damaged if you chew hard foods with them on. You're just going to be doing taste tests, not gnawing on a giant plate of ribs. You'll be fine.

>> No.12053768

as >>12053744 said you will accumulate more bacteria and food residues but at the same time of you wash your teeth and the braces 2-3 timea during your shift and after your shift there shouldnt be a problem

>> No.12054431

Why can't you wear them "because I work on the line"? I don't understand? You're not allowed to cook and have braces or what am I missing?

>> No.12054491

I did this OP. I work in food&hosp (FOH) so I'd never be able to work with them in. Just don't wear it at work - take it out and brush right before your shift, then brush and put it back in right after. It might make the straightening take longer but you've got little choice. Fuck the retards ITT, I totally understand why you don't want to wear them on the line.

For being a "dentalfag" you sure are a stupid shit.

>> No.12054637
File: 164 KB, 1000x667, food-to-eat-with-invisalign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the issue is the invisible braces. It's not advised to be wearing them when you eat

I work at a pretty high end restaurant so I saute and cook to order alot of things which require me to check salt levels and proper seasoning for EVERY dish I send out. I also have to be able to taste things other cooks around me make because I'm the junior sous/lead so I'm constantly putting food in my mouth. It is true that I wouldnt be munching down on things like ribs and I might not even be chewing much at all but still it says its advised not to wear them while you eat.

>> No.12054659
File: 26 KB, 412x523, 1548602621428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you actually went through this process? Everything went fine for you even though you didnt wear them during the service? How much longer did the straightening process take?

I dont have that crazy of a dental problem just a small gap in the front so I figure it shouldn't take long for it to close. I read about around 4-6 months so if I'm not using it all day as recommended then what should I expect double the amount of time for it to fix itself?

>> No.12054703

I just got ceramic braces rather than Invisalign. They’re not bad and don’t pop up out like the metal ones.

>> No.12054729

I didn't have a big dental problem either. My teeth had already been perfectly straight but one of my front bottom teeth was shifting over in front of another one. I wore the plastic retainer/braces only at nights and when I was at home for about six months and then I stopped - did not wear them during work or when out with friends. The tooth isn't entirely back to its original position, but it almost is; best yet, it's been about seven years without the braces now, and the tooth hasn't moved.
Overall I'm happy with the results I got for so little effort, but I would not have put any more work into wearing them more often. They make your mouth feel dirty and spitty and you talk weird.
Good luck anon and good on you for not wanting to sacrifice your job performance. The industry needs more of that.

>> No.12054792

What's the downside of just getting a real permanent brace? Will people give you shit and laughs for just trying to fix your teeth? Fucking yikes if so.

>> No.12054806
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, 20190227_164340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I eat so much because I cook I dont want to deal with how all the food gets stuck in the braces. I had them when I was a kid but I didnt finish because my family was poor. Now that I make my a living on my own I want to finish the job, but because my life is cooking having the metal braces will make it more difficult and it seems like the invisible treatment is the most suitable option. I just wanted to see if anyone else had the same issues.

Thanks man for helping me get perspective on this. I really dont want to sacrifice my performance for the braces so if you experienced results with less recommended use then that's perfect for me.

>> No.12054821

Did you ever ask a real dentist about this? They will give the most proficient answer along with associated risks and expectations of not wearing it at those times you mention.

>> No.12054829
File: 32 KB, 343x343, 1521667000511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope but you are.

>> No.12054836


Classic assistant manager copout well done anon

>> No.12054838

Stop drinking the profits bud

>> No.12054848

>not keeping the gap
Brainwashed much?

>> No.12054923
File: 6 KB, 256x197, 1542547311451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.12054982

Yeah I set up an appointment for next week. I'm just trying to see peoples personal experiences. The dentist is of course going to tell me that if I dont wear it as recommended then it wont work but i was trying to see if someone who works in the service industry may have had a different experience with this